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Author Topic: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure (Ended)  (Read 186075 times)


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #1020 on: October 01, 2017, 04:51:15 pm »

Hrmm, people are pretty distracted, we could take a closer look at how that totem works, but it is probably incompatible magic, or at least tangled up with ritual like some sort of Gordian Knot. Besides, we can look at Goodie's notes later...

Oh, that one guy looks likethey were poisoned, a lot, repeatedly, the effect of obscure poisons on living flesh is always good for a gander. Really, she seems to try not to use her abilities on living subjects. Can't be blamed, really, she is very distinctive, it would make it difficult to be discreet. Best to get what samples we can while we are here.

Oh, just remembered! Was she screaming somethign about some sort of paint earlier? Perhaps that is something...
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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #1021 on: October 01, 2017, 05:14:59 pm »

Get samples. Why, drider venom is very interesting indeed, and it would be a crime to leave it to rot in all of these corpses hereabouts.
Does that make scientific sense? No? Well it's Earth IV and he's a giant crocodile-man. Use your imagination.
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Liquefied Spleens

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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #1022 on: October 02, 2017, 02:30:51 pm »

Well, you WERE running low on drider venom. Best to get the stuff you can, although you suspect that it’ll be hard to even find the desired victims among the piles of rot. You’ve got more than enough artificial rot that you can make all manner of fun stuff later, although you’ll keep one vial of the stuff around for research purposes. Dedicating all your resources towards poisoning and killing your opponents is fun for a while, but soon that becomes boring. Especially when the amount of research subjects dry up. It’s better to look into the different types of poison, rot and diseases. It occurs to you that you should probably grab some leather gloves soon, considering that artificial rot harkens back to diseases rather than the known flora and fauna poisons you spent the last four years on. You look from corpse to corpse, trying to find something unusual about the wounds. Any type of extensive slashing is ignored outright. At one point, you see a survivor, doing her best to close the wound on her stomach. It’s a valiant effort, you admit. Gut wounds take a while to kill their victims, and with some proper care this lady could probably be saved.
The orcs would likely do so, to try and talk her out of going with the cult, assuming she even speaks the language. She’s trying to crawl away now that you came close, of course. Your half-lidded eyes and pale complexion hardly inspire confidence in survival, but usually she’d be in good hands indeed. Eveline would probably save her, even if it was just to interrogate her. The tin woman would interrogate her, and let her crawl away. Goodie two-shoes would fix her up and help the orcs in talking her out. The drider- Sydney, you mentally correct yourself, would… It’s hard to tell, really. She has a VERY strong dislike towards all cultists, but when they’re crawling so pitifully, leaving a little trail of blood like this? She may show mercy. That uncertainty is what makes her so intoxicating to you.

You pull out your little scalpel from your boot. It’s not a big blade, but unbelievably sharp. You’ve done your fair share of autopsies at the tower, and the Order of the Blighted Beak was glad to see you coming. You may not be a necromancer, but your knowledge of what makes a body tick made you rather popular. Well, it’s more accurate to say you knew what made it STOP ticking. A little grin appears on your face as the cultist keeps pleading something… You can’t understand her weird little language. On a whim, however, you decide to take her mask off. The second the mask is off, her guttural black speech is transformed into a weaksounding common tongue. She’s speaking orcish right now, the modern type in the cities. She’s pleading for her life, promising that she understands her mistake. She’ll go back to her mother, help out the farm, bla bla bla…

A quick strike to her jugular. You don’t need to cut too deep to reach it. You cut her windpipe open while you’re at it, to prevent the screaming. You had your hand on her mouth of course, to stop her from yelling. You don’t need the extra attention. You keep the mask, though. The metal looks rough and simple, but you’ve never seen anything quite like it. It reminds you of bronze, in a way, but it looks discoloured. It’s a dull, ugly thing, though. It uses simple straps to keep it attached to the face. It looks like a human skull, with a circular crown over it. At set distances, you can see some kind of ray head towards the head. You don’t fully understand what it represents, but it should prove interesting to melt. You’ll need a lot of time to get that stuff to melt, but your little burner should be able to handle it. You click your tongue in annoyance when you notice the little cultist bled on your boots. While you are fairly prepared for that, you only have so much of that cleaning product, and you need to get that done soon before the blood dries entirely. You’ll get it done later. It’s a little bit of a shame, though, she was a pretty girl. The textbook example of a pretty farmgirl, fairly toned and built big. It’s no wonder she thought she could make it in a violent cult. But strength does not make a warrior. Besides, women need to work far harder for the strength a man can just about expect. Far better to invest in brains.

You look around a little more, to see if you can’t find some sort of stabbed corpse. You saw Sydney’s new stinger, it should be rather deep stings. You suspect that it’s less for poison and more for stabbing, but she is most certainly a black widow type drider. Fairly common, all things considered, but the poison varies from “horribly lethal” to “cooking ingredient”. You hope it’s worth the time it will take to extract some of the stuff. You’ll need to grab one of your biggest syringes and drain a ton of blood. Usually, blood takes on a more black hue when exposed to poison, but even that’s not sure… Considering her experience, you already know the commercially available drider venom (from the Sydney-esque driders, most certainly) will differ from hers. You lick your teeth as you stick the massive needle inside the most promising corpse thus far. He died in the middle of a pile-up, from what you can tell, and he bears MANY different stab wounds. The syringe fills up with all sorts of fluids, and it takes three tries before you get a clean shot without unneeded bits. The blood looks discoloured. Then again, he has been dead for a while. Most likely long enough for some discoloration to happen naturally. Although… The colour is off even for rot, so you suspect you have at least some of the stuff in there. You’ll have to split the stuff, and hope it doesn’t bind too tightly to the blood itself. But, those are issues for later. Two more vials filled with potential fun, and you’re done with these corpses. There are no other survivors around, so you don’t need to worry about any other loose ends.

The rest of the group seems to have decided on what to do with Sydney. The shaman is bellowing something in tribal orcish, and all the other orcs come crawling out of the woodwork to carry the drider away. You walk up to Eveline, and tap her on the shoulder before asking what’s going to happen. She explains in a concise manner that the group will stay the night so Sydney can return to normal. Since the vampirism, it takes a bit longer for her to get out of this kind of thing. You talk to Evi about what other experiments were done with your new favourite drider, and you regret that you never looked into her more at the tower. The fact that she actually was a test subject for a living means you could have done a LOT her, but alas, you only saw her as a way to manipulate Eveline helping out for some pranks. You never suspected you could turn people into so many different varieties of barn animals, although the common Llama was the most popular. You laugh to yourself again, your teeth visible and managing to scare some orc child that was staring at you. You were born with these teeth, and by golly, do you love them. They’re sturdy, and you can bite your lip for some blood on demand. Most other alchemists need to use a knife, and those wounds leave more noticeable scars if they’re not careful. And the intimidation potential is great.
And, deep down, you think they look cute.

You’ve got a long amount of time to kill. They put Sydney is a cage, reinforced with all sorts of vines and fetishes from the shaman. You suspect it will be more than sufficient to keep her in there.
Oh! You took a look at that totem as well, but the plant things are far beyond your level. You may have the talent, but you never even bothered to train the stuff. Alchemy seemed far more interesting, and you knew enough floramancy to make that work. But, you could always ask Goodie Two-Shoes. You don’t hate her or anything, but you do think she is almost sickeningly naïve about the world. “Proper morals” don’t last that long.
You should decide on who to talk to, or the night will be long and boring

Tin Woman
You don't even know what to talk about with that lady.
You should pick something to talk about, or she'll just talk about Sydney all the time.
Goodie Two-shoes
You could ask about the totem, probably. Although you really should think of something beside that, it may not take as long as you hope
She's a little nuts right now, but...
Experiment with your stuff instead of talking to somebody.
Social activity is for scrubs.

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EDIT: Fixed the stats and some of the text.
I will now return to the shame cube and wail like a goblin.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2017, 12:31:24 am by Liquefied Spleens »
Neat stuff I do:
A suggestion game about a drider that does a lot of stuff. I think it's kinda neat.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #1023 on: October 02, 2017, 03:16:53 pm »

Sydney is the obvious choice, there aren't many opportunities to talk to this side of her. ((Or we could try to derail the Sucy-train by talking to tin-woman. The power to break character shouldn't always be squandered...)) Of course, that could be tricky... She is likely to want to be released, and judging from her previous talk with us her efforts to persuade might make Eveline difficult. Probably best to make it clear that we won't risk our reputation by letting her out now, but would be willing to discuss long-term plans? Maybe try to get her to comment on her usual self? A comparison from their own perspective could be interesting...

She has a VERY strong dislike towards all cultists, but when they’re crawling so pitifully, leaving a little trial of blood like this? She may show mercy.
Trial instead of trail. But it could be likened to a trial.

It probably would have helped to mention that the cultist was wearing a the mask. It has been mentioned in previous updates, but the first time it was mentioned in this one it was ambiguous as to who the mask was taken from.

The sample collection and number of empty vials doesn't seem to have been updated in the stats.
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Liquefied Spleens

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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #1024 on: October 04, 2017, 12:28:44 pm »

Well, it should be obvious who to have a talk with, isn’t it? The most interesting one of all…
You’re brimming with questions to ask to a real, live split personality. You don’t know that much about psychology, but you do know that the idea of outright split personalities was mostly disputed, or at least lacked clear evidence. One of the upperclassmen never seemed to shut up about it, at least. Of course, it’s a bit of a risk to even associate with this figure, and not just because she eviscerated a small army of cultists with nothing but her bare hands and a nasty disposition. Not to mention, she’s currently flanked by two orc guards, who seem intent on not letting anybody get close to the still sleeping figure. You can’t exactly blame them, but you can’t help but roll your eyes at the idea that they’d be able to contain her if she were to escape the cage. Their stone spears don’t inspire much confidence.
As you walk closer, however, it seems that you were mistaken about their intent. They weren’t planning on keeping her in, but more keeping other people out. They point their spears at you, a quaint gesture. You don’t have a good grasp on tribal orcish, so explaining yourself is sure to prove difficult… However, a sudden groan from the drider distracts the guards, and they all point their spears at the awakening figure, poorly illuminated by the simple torches. The groans quickly turn a growling before the drider begins to flail and bash against the sides of the seemingly simple wooden cage. It looks like the magic vines and other reinforcements are going to hold up, though…
“I think you mean “or” I’ll rip your head off”
“You know my name?”
“GRAAAGHAAAR” She answers. She doesn’t seem too interested in asking questions for now, which is a gross waste of your time and patience. Terrifying she may be, but nobody wastes your time.
“You’re not getting out of this cage without help.”
“I can’t risk my reputation, not to mention the guards here are likely to stab me to death.”
They wouldn’t be able to with the element of surprise. You can gas the whole town if you so desired.
“Hrnnngg… FINE! Fine…” She seems to calm down, having given up on struggling. The orcs lower their spears, and gesture for you to come closer. They seem to think you’re going to keep her calm from now on, which works for you. It’s one way to get a conversation going.

“I have a few questions.”
“hm… It’s a good thing to want to learn. One’s betters can often be indisposed.”
“How long have you been like this?”
“You mean how long I’ve been with Sydney? Hm. I was there since birth, but I only truly awakened during the raid.”
“The raid?”
“Sydney had chosen to join up with some bandits, to get stronger, I believe. I like to think I had a hand in that choice. Of course, this also saved her little village, but the people were already gone… What a pointless sacrifice, ultimately.”
“How did you awaken?”
“Sydney wasn’t taking it too well that she was about to attack and murder civilians, so I took over. My little darling isn’t a killer, you know. At least, not unless she thinks they deserve it.”
“You don’t have such scruples? “
“If they fall to me, they also deserved it. Especially with little Sydney affecting me more. I honestly think she’s scared of me now, though, ever since the curse.”
“The vampirism, I assume?”
“Right on the money… You’ll make for a very intelligent servant. Perhaps I will even call you an equal, in time. “
“I’m flattered. Really.” It takes every bit of willpower not to roll your eyes.
“As you should be.”
“Tell me, what do you think of Sydney?”
“Oh… What does a mother think of her child? I am something far older than her idea of self. I was there since the day she crawled out of her egg. I’m her instincs, her heritage… I’m disappointed that she follows these ideas of humans, but I can respect that. She at least believes in something. I see everything she does, I feel every twinge of pain… But how I choose to look at it differs. She thinks her scars are ugly, for instance, but for me they are more beautiful than any painting by a sentient. It tells more stories than even a thousand books. We are sisters, mother and daughter, one and the same and yet so apart…”
“I didn’t think of you as a poet.”
“Sydney can be a magnificent poet, if she were to put her mind to it. Such a talented girl."
"I wonder if this counts as narcissism..."
It doesn't. Now, any other questions?
What are your long-term plans?
Gather followers, start a religion, and make Sydney and me exponentially stronger.
...That's not a plan, that's a goal!
I'll let Sydney figure out the rest of the way. She's smarter than I am.

Any further questions? If not, you will join the evening meal and sleep until morning. Unless you want to snoop. Can't prevent a good snoop.

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Neat stuff I do:
A suggestion game about a drider that does a lot of stuff. I think it's kinda neat.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #1025 on: October 05, 2017, 01:10:16 am »

Umm, we could ask about mutterstew? That has got to be borderline alchemy, but Sydney would likely be the better one to ask. Someone this arrogant calling Sydney smarter, but complimenting Sydney is not narcissism? There could be a story there but our time is valuable... We could consider offering some sort of collusion while Sydney is dominant? It does seem somewhat frustrated and could be fun... But if its plans don't go beyond "gather followers" then we would likely need to suggest something more interesting. Gathering simpletons would no doubt be a most dull exercise. It might be better to broach the topic with Sydney herself. At least discerning the particulars of her aversion to this state might be a way to pass the time spent walking.

We'd best make an appearance at dinner, our absence might be noticed. We could do some snooping though. Not many backwards communities like this to explore, fewer still to be explored peacefully. Who knows, that priest might have had some interesting toys? or we could ask the shaman about local herbs? Also rather odd how those cultists crept up upon us. could there be some secret tunnel or underground barracks they were hiding in?
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I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #1026 on: October 05, 2017, 11:15:31 am »

Sidney asked us (sucy now) what we could do to work better as a team, do the same to the queen, what her differ from sydney, venom, claws, magic, whatever, say that it is because although we were caught by surprise this time later we would like to fight alongside, but hmm, we don't wanna to be a stone, or a corpse, on her way. (Sucy didn't watched the queen fighting after all)

Sucy would like to loot the priest's belongings, might have something useful, !!fun!! or hidden there.

If we have time before dinner we could go to the shaman as well, although i am sure Eveline will already have done this, keep an eye for potential herbs on the way is nice.

Sure that we will eat with everybody else

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He likes wood, spears, ducks for their nobility, and rabbits for their weak hearts and funny reproduction rate.
he has a hard time to focus, and values, err almost everything, he dreams of mastering a skill.

Liquefied Spleens

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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #1027 on: October 05, 2017, 03:57:57 pm »

There will not be an update tonight.
I know this would make for twice in a row in one week, but I'm still getting used to the new sleep schedule, and I had some other things to do during the usual time I write these up.
I'm going to try and get an update earlier than normal, tomorrow, but I really can't make too many promises.

I'm not losing interest in the slightest, but time still has a tendency to sneak up on me for the moment.
Neat stuff I do:
A suggestion game about a drider that does a lot of stuff. I think it's kinda neat.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #1028 on: October 05, 2017, 09:56:12 pm »

That's okay ^^

I will use this chance to suggest more things hehehe

Ask if Sydney sees everything when the queen is in control,

If the venom is more powerful give the tip to fill the poison-box with her venom (and use this chance later to ask Sydney a bit of poison) help her if necessary, i don't think the needs to move to pour venom. But this tip shall sink to the next time we go into the queen mode, so she can make sure that her lovely child is better protected.

(If Sidney worship the queen would that be narcisism or what? hehehe)

I also have a doubt of what exactly the drider gains with a cult. Power? Faster mutations? Ego inflated I don't know if sucy shall ask it or remain quiet, blah, she WILL ask because she don't give a fuck, and if the queen get's angry say some bullshit that she needs this info so she can convince Sidney, unless the queen don't want help or be worshiped she should help cough

Is sucy a sociopath? She is like that trope of the sociopath being fucking smart? She might wanna try to enter in good terms with the queen, to convince her to act in a way that is more "Acceptable" that people would accept walking freely and not caged like a beast, she would probably do it in her own benefit, making the queen listen to her can save her ass one day. And help Sydney deal with the queen better that will make everyone love little Sucy.
Competent reader (any know lenguage)
Novice english wordsmith
Dabbling english speaker (rusty)
He is short, with a small and failed beard
He likes wood, spears, ducks for their nobility, and rabbits for their weak hearts and funny reproduction rate.
he has a hard time to focus, and values, err almost everything, he dreams of mastering a skill.

Liquefied Spleens

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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #1029 on: October 06, 2017, 09:25:19 am »

What does Sydney see while you’re in control?
Nothing, sadly. At best, some flashes or vague memories… If only she could see the potential her body carries, we could do greater things already. But, that’s the way it is, I suppose.
I wanted to ask about that, as well. You’re rather different from how Sydney is. The claws and stinger are clear, and I don’t think Sydney can rip out spines with her bare hands like that.
True, I am the FULL potential of a drider, one that wasn’t affected by the ramblings of some old man that took Sydney in. I appreciate that the man gave her martial training, but he couldn’t understand me. It’s insulting…
That’s wonderful and all, but could you please tell me all the things that are different?
You little…. Hmf, I suppose I’m not in a position to demand respect, am I?
I’m sorry, I’m just a bit nervous in your presence You show off your best bit of acting, throwing up your hands and putting the slightest shake in your otherwise monotone voice. She’s completely correct, of course, something held by a wooden cage hardly inspires fear, but you need some more answers. She seems satisfied.
As you should be. Now, as for what I unleash, You already noted the claws, but I have a thicker, stronger carapace. With Sydney’s armor on, most foes are in for a surprise when they attack me. My beautiful arms are as strong as her muscles allow, and that goes beyond what she is willing to do. She cares not for pain, even if so much can be found in it. Not to mention, the difference in philosophy
Are we about to get deep?
Save your sass, girl.” She says. You decide not to point out that you’re two years older than Sydney is. “What I mean is the way I fight differs in more than just the weapons. I hit to KILL. To feel their blood on my face, to see them kneeling… She has a rather discerning grin as she describes the rush she gets on a kill. The orc guards take notice, shuffling awkwardly as they see her teeth glint in the torchlight. They're pretty sharp as well...
In short. Every hit you do is to kill. Whereas Sydney aims to wound.
Precisely! I  don’t blame her, of course, many useful things can be gained from a prisoner, but I just have better things to do than keep an eye on something like that.
…Right. We got off topic, are there other things? Your stinger being larger is new, according to Eveline.
The kobolt, right? Disrespectful little thing, but she knows that Sydney is her better, at least.
Yes, Evi’s quite attached to Sydney. Honestly, it’s kind of desperate. You can't help but roll your eyes, more at the waste of time in talking about her than Eveline herself.
Hah! Anyway, the most recent mutation has neutered our poison to the point that I can’t WORK with it anymore. Instead, I just use my stinger as a stabbing implement. Whatever poison is injected is hardly relevant…. If I could only get our digestives instead of the poison, we would be better off…
Learn about driders, girl, it will keep you alive. We have a second poison, one shared by most driders, that allows us to melt down our meals. It’s a holdover from when we could make webs comfortably, but sadly we grew a little too big and a little too attached to the civilizations that many lost the ability.

Right… Here’s something just between the two of us.
The three of us, you mean?
I think it would be best if Sydney wouldn’t necessarily know of it, either, considering her opinion on you.
I’ll consider my silence. Talk.
I think you need to calm down to the point that people don’t have to cage you. Perhaps even act that you’re Sydney?
IMPERSONATE HER?! THAT’S JUST… I… Hm… She takes on a look of befuddlement, as she thinks harder than she ever did before, if you had to guess. After almost a full minute, she says
I can’t do it. Sydney’s so much smarter!
Then I’ll help you.
I… yes. Yes, we can try that. Of course, my time will soon be up, but for next time…
I have another thing thing to say. Gathering idiots to gain a cult… Why?
You don’t know the first thing about driders, do you? She laughs in a mocking sort of way. It lights a little flare in your chest, a mix of rage and shame. You HATE getting patronized. Or matronized, in this case.
We grow more powerful the most people pray to us! Mutations are the first step that comes faster, but even just in general we gain strength. We grow as powerful as those people believe we are, and magic turns from easy to second nature! We could become gods!
Seems strange that Sydney’s averse to it, then.
She’s afraid of her own instincts. She WANTS it, alright. She loves power even more than I do. I can only appreciate it in myself,but she… Goodness. That’s why Eveline stands almost no chance, you know… Kobolts can’t be strong.
Evi’s really good at alchemy, though. Isn’t that something impressive?
It’s silly. What will the two of you do if you run out of bottles?
Make more.
Hah! And you think of me as shortsighted!
Well, back to my point. I could try to… push her in the right direction.
You would do that for me? She looks at you with a look of wonder. For the first time, you think you see a hint of respect from her. Suddenly, though, her expression darkens.
And what would YOU gain from that?
I don't know, it'd be funny? Also, I want to stay on your good side.

After that, you make your leave. She seems content to just go to sleep after you leave, which makes the guards quite happy.
You sit down around the campfire, and take your fair share of fruit and vegetables. You don't like eating meat, so the meal does not warm you. You sniff a little bit of your personal stash to warm yourself, and then begin the snooping under the pretense of going to bed early. The others are busy talking or amusing themselves in some other way. You need to see if that priest had anything interesting on him.
When you arrive at the big house, you see that you're in luck. The corpses in here haven't been moved yet, most likely because nobody wants to enter this house of ruin quite yet. These corpses aren't in clear view, so they're lower on the priorities list. Lazy greenskins...
The priest is still laying there, sword thrown in his chest. It's surprising how deep it went, and the the sword hasn't bent at all. You decide to remove it, planing a foot on the priests' chest and pulling with all your might. It takes a few tries, but eventually the blade comes loose. You tumble backwards, dropping the sword to prevent hurting yourself before you land on your bottom. Lifting the blade up, you note that it's actually fairly heavy. You'd need two hands to use it comfortably, but you aren't exactly strong in the physical sense. People have described you as a skeleton quite often, and you can't really deny the claims. You ARE bit underweight.
Now, the sword can wait. You don't have any place to put it, anyway.

You draw away the curtain, and see a pot filled to the brim with some kind of paint. You take a few steps closer, and take a closer look. It really does just look like normal paint, but... the smell is off, and it looks a bit too thick to be normal. You kind of want to put your hand in there, but as an alchemist you know better. Still...
You take out one of your syringes, and are about to take a sample when you hear a cough behind you.
I wouldn't touch that if I were you. You hear the tin woman say. You don't even need to turn around to know she's leaning in the doorframe.
Should have predicted it.

"Why not?"
What does she know?

Take the sample anyway.

What are YOU doing here?
Was she following you?!

Kill her.
Well, try to.


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Neat stuff I do:
A suggestion game about a drider that does a lot of stuff. I think it's kinda neat.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #1030 on: October 06, 2017, 04:05:39 pm »

Perhaps this is an opportunity to garner some respect? This one doesn't seem the type to fawn over the meek, she fell out with her "protect the innocent" order after-all's-said-and-done... Perhaps we can cow her over her lack of alchemical knowledge. We probably know more about strange concoctions than she does about swords. Let's see how far we can push her back just by asking for answers she doesn't have...
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
Read the First Post!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #1031 on: October 06, 2017, 09:19:31 pm »

"Gezz, don't sneak behind the people, i thought for a second that there was an cultist behind me going to drown me in this paint"
"First, what your name?"
"Now.Why not?"
"What else you know?"
"What if there is a way to purify this shit or change its properties?"
"Gestating god? Knowing how her non-understandable powers work on this world is key to making her feel pain"
Competent reader (any know lenguage)
Novice english wordsmith
Dabbling english speaker (rusty)
He is short, with a small and failed beard
He likes wood, spears, ducks for their nobility, and rabbits for their weak hearts and funny reproduction rate.
he has a hard time to focus, and values, err almost everything, he dreams of mastering a skill.

Liquefied Spleens

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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #1032 on: October 07, 2017, 04:18:55 pm »

Don't sneak up on me like that.
Fine day to you too. You're the one doing the sneaking, from what I can tell... This doesn't look like the place we were going to sleep in.
I came to get Sydney's sword.
The woman tilts her head, but her expression remains fairly even. She then shrugs her shoulders before saying: Fair enough. Step away from that stuff, though.
What do you know about it, Tin?
Yunikki. And the last person that played around with that stuff ended up sacrificing around a couple thousand people to an eldritch god, so I'd like you to step away from it.
I don't know the details. Vvulf, the guy me and Sydney worked under, played around with that stuff. From what I can tell, those marks on Sydney's back are because of that paint.
So it's acidic?
I don't think so, it only happened during the ritual.
Which is?
Something for me to know and for you to wonder. Point is, it's a big thing for the gestating god, which is the thing these heretics were working for.
She kicks the corpse of the priest to accentuate her point.

All the more reason to take a sample, then.
WHAT? She takes a few steps closer. There's a misunderstanding here.
Do you know how they make antivenom, Madotsu?
She stops in her steady walk towards you. She tilts her head and squints a bit. If nothing else, you've got her attention.
You take a poison with you, and with it you can create a counter-agent. If this is so instrumental to this god, then I may be able to discover how it works. And so, how to kill it.
She's right up to you, showing her full height in comparison to you. She stands a full head taller than you, and is about twice as wide as you are as well. You're glad you didn't try to kill her, you would never have stood a chance.
...I get what you're saying, but I want Eveline's opinion on this. I don't know anything about alchemy, but I know that stuff's bad news. In the morning, you talk with Eveline about it. If she says it's fine, you take a sample before I burn this shit.
You intend to burn it!?
Or whatever's needed to make it disappear! If there happens to be a toxic waste dump for this crap i'd use it! And I won't give it to the tower, those idiot's will get themselves killed with this!
This is idiotic! You don't know what this stuff will do!
It will burn.
This will clearly leave smoke and particles. You'll just spread it all around!
Heresy doesn't hold up under fire.
You illiterati! You can't just burn anything you think is dangerous!
I KNOW this is dangerous. That's the end of this discussion. Now follow me, we're going to bed. And one more thing. IF, and I mean IF, you get Eveline to agree, not a word of it to Sydney. She won't take it well, and I won't take your side in that shitstorm.

Nothing can be done about it. You know you won't win this fight, so you'll just need to convince Eveline...
Let's hope she's smart enough. And if you happen to take a personal sample...

We are switching back to Sydney next update. Make a final choice for Sucy's course of action.

Try to convince Eveline
She may be open to it, but...

Convince Yunikki that you convinced Eveline
DOUBLE RUSE POWERS, YEAAAAA (Sucy's not excited about this)

Just leave it.

Neat stuff I do:
A suggestion game about a drider that does a lot of stuff. I think it's kinda neat.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #1033 on: October 07, 2017, 05:02:22 pm »

Convince Yunikki that you convinced Eveline


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #1034 on: October 07, 2017, 05:04:59 pm »

Convince Eveline
Does that make scientific sense? No? Well it's Earth IV and he's a giant crocodile-man. Use your imagination.
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