burrows -> unable to path & one guy *is* hauling
Burrows have absolutely nothing to do with pathing, and perhaps the one guy hauling took the only item in the burrow, or claimed the only stockpile tile in the burrow
standing orders -> dwarves just stand around with the "No Job" message
If you disable wood hauling in the standing orders menu, dwarves indeed stand around with "No Job" instead of "unable to haul wood due to standing orders"
scary wildlife -> dwarves just stand around with the "No Job" message
Dwarves who cancel their job for *any* reason stand around with "No Job" until the next job assignment cycle.
buggy higher-priority jobs -> dwarves just stand around with the "No Job" message
Dwarves who cancel their job for *any* reason stand around with "No Job" until the next job assignment cycle.
from-links-only stockpile -> one guy *is* hauling
Perhaps from the only linked stockpile
incompatible stockpile settings -> one guy *is* hauling
Perhaps the only item compatible with the settings
attempting to "enlarge" the stockpile -> what?
Drawing a second stockpile over an existing stockpile does not replace the existing stockpile; then modifying the "new" stockpile to accept "everything" only modifies the non-overlapping tiles.
military orders -> dwarves just stand around with the "No Job" message
You got one. Congratulations.
hidden items filling the stockpile -> one guy *is* hauling
Perhaps to the only tile that doesn't have a hidden item.
excessive distance to stockpile -> one guy *is* hauling
Perhaps the only item that was close enough to the stockpile.
already-encumbered dwarves -> dwarves just stand around with the "No Job" message
Dwarves who cannot perform a task will indeed stand around with "No Job" instead of attempting to perform that task.
dwarves incapacitated by a syndrome, etc. -> dwarves just stand around with the "No Job" message
Dwarves who cannot perform a task will indeed stand around with "No Job" instead of attempting to perform that task.