Heya Nuke! Good to see an old face around!
Quick Holiday Announcement: I tend to be pretty busy over the holidays, and this year is no exception; I'm hosting family this weekend, and was charged with cooking the holiday meal at the last minute. On top of that, with family and friends in town, I'll likely be out and about for most of the time until after New Years. Don't despair though: I'll try to get us to a good break-point first, and I'll update whenever I can in the meantime. Semi-regular updoots will resume after January!
I'm really excited we're starting to get this adventure underway. Thanks to all y'all who are doing clever investigative things; feel free to get creative, and even ask questions!
Unfortunately, I'm still having problems with formatting; now random Quotes and Image Tags are eating my posts, for reasons I don't understand, forcing me to go through every BBCode Tag and test which ones are causing problems. I really hope the issues get resolved, or we roll-back to old SimpleMachines soon. ._.;
Aw man I love that representation of sweeping the flashlight around.
Thanks! It sorta came out at the last minute as a thing of convenience, but I liked it too! Sorry to Tiruin, and anyone else confused by it; I'll work on making these sorta effects more clear in the future.
Stick hand into mysterious wall-hole. What could possibly go wrong?
I want this so bad. Don't give up! You'll convince the rest of 'em to give you their +1's!