GM CHAT TIME, APPARENTLY:I didn't meant to neglect these comments. Been busy getting the thing started! ><;
Why am I not in this already?
PTW for the time being.
Posting to watch.
I love the art style so far!
It's good to have ya! Hope to see ya posting around, from time to time.
This looks really cool, even after just one update!
Nice art!
Meowsong bestsong 2016.
Thanks for the kind words, y'all. ISGs take time and effort, but they've been a great way to practice creative skills and multimedia design stuff in the past. I'm enjoying making this, and I'm glad you're enjoying it so far, too!
Er, you do know we can't read alt-text on phones, right?
Yeah. I want to keep things accessible on different devices, but I'm fond of the Alt-Text thing. It helps keep the posts from being huge with optional RULES text that bogs down the pacing. I'll do my best to explain the relevant bits, and might make a RULES section in the OP at some point, for reference.
If something doesn't work on your device, or I forget to update reference info like that, please remind me!
Soli where'd you learn all this sorcery with the navigation image links
and where can I learn how that works?
What's that github thing that the song is hosted by?
How long is the drawing taking you on this in general, typically?
I'll tell ya, Gunin, but ya gotta post suggestion(s)! :I
1. BBCode is
pretty well-documented. I just spent an afternoon playing with it until I managed formatting stuff I liked. It varies from site to site, but the tags can generally be nested and combined to do more complex stuff. If you want to see some of the formatting I use, quote one of the game posts.
As for the links, kinda like Egan_BW said at the end. I'm mostly using to make posting links easier, and for the analytics (to see how peeps are using the links, so I know what formatting to bother with). Mostly, it's so I can write the easy-to-remember link in a post beforehand, and add the new post's URL later without editing the old post.
2. Github is space for hosting projects online. Usually it's used for collaborative software projects and code, but you can also use it to host files (like the images) and make webpages. Dropbox used to do this, but they recently discontinued the ability to host HTML, so I'm switching the over to something 100% better, with a small learning curve. Only "downside" is that the backend is public.
3. On the plus side, the public backend means that
you can see how long it takes to do updates! Sorta! It's getting faster as I've got more of the basic poses for sprites down, and more map tiles for the current region done. Generally, it takes a few evenings of work, when it's new-art heavy, or means designing a new area. Otherwise... probably just a few hours for writing and formatting. I've got a block of time, this month, so it makes all this set-up stuff considerably easier!
If I built my own webpage to mirror the ISG on, a lot of this stuff would be easier, and it'd open up some new options for some of the multimedia things I want to do. I might do that, once I find the time to learn the necessary HTML and Javascript stuff. But that's gonna have to wait until next year. Ludum Dare this weekend, and that's gonna keep me pretty booked if I compete.