The Contents of the Library Thus FarIt is composed of three great oceans, fire, water, and ice, with fire at one end of the world and ice at the other. In the middle, water forms, as well as solid rock. The realm of water is dotted with islands that cover about 30% of its surface, and there are islands formed in the depths as well, though the world eventually descends into the underworld, where the souls of those passed dwell. Above the ocean, there is another great "sea of air," with its own islands made of clouds. Above that, there is another great ocean, this also of Fire, with volcanic islands. Great pillars of stone join these layers.
The Windbag
A baglike race native to Air. Much like the Air Horse, they ride the wind to move from place to place. Though naturally accustomed to air magic and movement through their element, these nomadic, four-limbed people are weak and unintelligent with a short lifespan.
A sentient storm of fire, and a divinely chosen race. They exist solely to consume all and convert it into more flame, roving the landscapes of Fire and occasionally assaulting the pillars that join the world together. They have a somewhat unusual method of reproduction, slamming into one another and breaking off chunks that become new Firestorms.
A divine race of nature spirits taking the form of beautiful females with bark-covered holes in their backs. Along with a natural ability to armor themselves in bark and stone, they have an affinity for all elemental magic, and are quite fire-resistant.
The Ur'kid
A race of traveling spiders, roughly the size of bears. They are somewhat disjointed from the normal structure of time and space, granting them the ability to view the near past and future, and appear in multiple places at once. Despite their nomadic lifestyle, they are quite scholarly, studying the universe itself rather than focusing on more worldly concerns.
A bipedal reptilian race. They are exceedingly dangerous, with long maws full of sharp teeth and great strength and speed despite being around five to six feet tall, and the intelligence to plan and set traps with high efficiency. Their most unique quality is the ability to bond with animals, granting them increasingly deep control over them to the point of being able to develop special abilities from nothing over generations.
The Orden
A cubic race divided into castes, which are somewhat heat resistant. Most of their population is workers, while a fraction is warriors, and the remainder constitutes the nobility of the race. They are known for their devotion and contentedness with their given roles in life.
A race of sentient rock life. Little is known about them, save that they grow by absorbing minerals and nutrients around them.
The Magn
Another race seemingly made of sentient rock. They have a rounded core and can form new specialized limbs through their lives, depending on their experiences and needs, each with a varying numbers of joints and digits. They cannot see, but have acute hearing and senses of touch, and live deep within the rock pillars that connect the layers of the world. In addition to more "normal" food, they eat rock, the properties of which are added to new limbs.
The Charkatan
A race of raiding ice giants, humanoid and covered in short fur which grows longer about their heads and spine. They are herders, hunters, and craftsmen, and excellent seafarers. They are rarely able to tolerate time spent outside the icelands, though a natural affinity for ice magic mitigates this to a degree. They have a love of honor and battle, believing that glory earned in this life results in rewards in the next.
A sentient species composed entirely of undifferentiated fire. Shockingly, they are known for their affinity for fire magic.
Nygae and Guruks
A race of large but beautiful naga-esque women that enjoy persuing the finer arts such as sculpting and literature. They have an affinity for Enchanting magic. Their tails can grow up to five meters long. They are egg-layers, and very protective to their young. They can reproduce with all sapient males, but only Guruks will be able to sire male offspring of their own kind, and Nygae will largely prefer them. Nygae are unable to form loving relationships with their partners, only meeting their spouse(s) in the mating season to reproduce. Guruks are a race of large, warriorlike antropomorphic male crocodiles that can only breed with the Nygae. They have an affinity for universal magic, and can grow up to 2.5 metres high. They are not very smart.
The Air Horse
The Air Horse is a four-legged beast made entirely of air. They travel about the skies naturally, riding along the wind itself in their native Air layer.
Ohel Fish
A schooling fish that finds strength in numbers rather than size. They are the natural predators of oilweed and blacktide algae, utilizing the products of their prey in defense against larger predators. Notably unpleasant to eat, though they may be useful to mortals in other applications.
The Joob
A mysterious species of flying squidlike creatures. They appear to be nonmagical and lack actual flight organs, so the way they stay airborne is unknown.
The Fice
A species of massive feline creatures. The males have an affinity for fire and naturally use it as part of their biology, and live in the firelands. They have coats resembling their homes along with a sunflower-like mane, and eject fire from their paws or mouth. The females are a mirror, living in the icelands and camouflaged for such, and have a trio of tails which can be used together to drill through ice, or fling deadly spears of it at foes. They meet once a year as part of a mass migration.
A magic bee whose honey is made with windchoker pollen. When consumed, it vastly accelerates the speed of thought, and is also quite durable when used to support the structures the bees build. They are known to grumble words and phrases they have heard before.
Bluefeather Spanwings
Massive, sky-colored birds with black beaks. They are omnivorous and prey on whatever they can find as they rove about the lands in small flocks, though like many predators are wary of attempting to prey on sentients. They can enter the dreams of mortals while they themselves sleep, offering riddles. If one solves the riddle, they are blessed with greater intelligence.
A small species of cyan-colored birds that feeds exclusively on grumblebee honey. They are known to be minor nuisances, as they constantly fling insults at passers-by.
Speaking Lions
A large feline species, exactly like a typical lion save for the fact that they are sentient and can speak their minds freely.
Adaptive Finches
An otherwise mundane species of finch that can slowly modify the shape of its beak while it is alive.
Minuscule sky-crabs that feed on water vapor, and the favored food of cloudeaters.
Massive creatures that swim through the skies using organs filled with substances lighter than air and sail-like fins. They feed by filtering crill out of clouds and removing the cloud itself from their bodies via their blowholes. They are good beasts of burden, if one is clever enough to capture one when it comes down to the surface of the world to drink.
Snake-like creatures that can change the color and texture of their bodies, including the flower that seems to grow in place of their heads. They have a tendency to inherit the flower beds of sentients, though they require only sunlight and water to live.
Light, partially ethereal worm-sized serpents. They absorb knowledge from books, and can repeat this knowledge if one asks them. Breathing one will rather painfully grant the inhaler its knowledge.
A seaweed that produces large amounts of flammable oil as a result of its natural processes.
Blacktide Algae
A species of algae that produces flammable oil as a waste product.
A diverse group of plants spread across Fire, whose only uniting characteristic is that they are constantly aflame.
A malevolent tree that feeds on the unwary by strangling them. Their flowers are cyan, and their pollen is known to increase brain activity.
An odd species of grass, that can sense and speak about the desires of those that encounter it. Unlike most brews, whispergrass beer actually increases one's ability to speak coherently and intelligently in a discussion.
Chryxis Flowers
Massive, city-sized lilies that grow on land or the surface of water. Their roots are hollow and naturally form abodes that accomodate all manner of sentients, and sentients living inside them spur further growth. They are veritable natural cities, with the root chambers not only forming dwellings but also roads, parks, and small rivers, as well as providing bountiful fruits and nectars of many varieties, and remaining habitable regardless of the external environment.
The Candle of Creation
An artifact of the Candlemaker. Gazing into the candle reveals all of the events of the world. It originated on the Isle of Time.
The Torch of Everlasting Flame
A test of mettle and cleverness devised by Metis. Stealing the flame of the torch, located on the highest peak of the world, will grant one a boon from its creator.
The Bag of Seeds
This deceptively simply named artifact is filled with endless seeds of the most beautiful flowers in the world. It attaches itself to a windbag for the duration of its life; when that ends, it immediately attaches itself to another. Once a year, it will let a Chryxis seed fall, and that seed is blessed to survive no matter what.
The Magi-Needle
A needle that can weave magic in place of regular thread created by Felicia to safeguard her dryads.
A metal with similar properties to iron, save for its dark blue color and its exceptional lightness, enough that the airborne races can use it without impeding their natural abilities.
A magical, iridescent gem. It is known to cause semics to spontaneously gain magical ability upon consuming enough of it.