Name: Try to match it to your government, I guess
Leader's Name: Name here (username here)
Government Type: One of the four available, see 'Nation Traits'
Traits (Points left): Remember, you must have 0 or more points left. Please list your traits in this order: [government][size][development][armies][various other]
Capital Province #: Needs to have at least 2 Provinces adjacent to it (Mountain Passes/Water Crossings count), check the map link below.
National Color: Preferably bright colors, #RRGGBB values written on the side much appreciated
History: Purely for fluff purposes, no need to go verbose if world-building isn't your forte
Game starts at Turn 0 (called 'Pre-1900'). During this turn, players are allowed to:
A) Set up diplomatic ties with other Players and/or NPCs
B) Deploy armies in their provinces; at least one army must remain in Capital, however.
After all Players finish pre-game diplomacy and army deployment, game starts proper with Turn 1 (Year 1900.1).
Each Year has 12 Turns (1900.1 to 1900.12, for example).
The game ends when one of these conditions is fulfilled:
A) Domination: One Nation controls 50% +1 of all Provinces (29 for small-sized map) for at least 6 turns.
B) Stagnation: Turn 240 (Year 1920.12) ends (normal map).
The map is divided into 57 Provinces.
Here is the link to the initial map.6 Provinces are 'Populous' provinces, which net extra army size. These provinces are choosen at random, after Players submit their sheets.
Each Nation has Capital Province, choosen by their owners (Players) or GM (NPC Nations).
Mountains are impassable, except at Mountain Passes (red lines on brown). Water regions can be traversed by Fleets, while Armies can cross short distances via Water Crossings (red lines on blue).
The center of every Nation, housing the seat of the government. It counts as Military HQ, and always starts with Fortifications and Academy already built in there.
When Capital Province is conquered, it reverts into normal Province. The rest, however...
After Capital falls, new Capital is established in random, un-conquered province and then there's 50% for every unconquered province to remain with 'legitimate' government or surrender to the conquerors.
If the 'new' Capital (white roof instead of grey) falls as well, nation ceases to exist and player is eliminated from the game; on other hand, re-capturing the old Capital Province restores the Capital and secures the nation's existence once more.
The max number of Armies you can have is calculated by formula: N+P+C = Max army size
N = Number of normal Provinces you control
P = Number of Populous Provinces you control, x2 (for anything but Monarchy), x3 (for Monarchy)
C = Capital province bonus of +2 (Dictatorship/Democracy), +3 (Monarchy/Republic)
All your Armies are spawned at Capital Province at the speed of one Army per one Turn.
They also spawn at each Military HQ you have built (same speed as at Capital). Capital Province always takes priority for Army spawning purposes (for example, when you're reaching Max Army limit).
When you have more Armies than Max Army size, you lose 1 Army per Turn till the number of your Armies goes down to appropriate limit.
You can move as many Armies as you wish; they move 1 Province per turn.
Railroads allow Armies can move 2 Provinces per turn, provided all three (starting, middle, destination) provinces have Railroads built. 'Improved Railroads' tech increases this to THREE Provinces per turn.
Water Crossings and Mountain Passes require full 1 Turn to cross.
Provinces with a port can create one fleet/turn from an army. Fleets can only move to sea provinces, or friendly provinces with Ports. Unlike armies, fleet from neutral nations can share a sea zone.
Fleets can be used to transport troops. Each fleet can be used to escort one army across one sea province. Multiple fleet can be used to ferry one army across multiple sea zone. The escorting can take place before or after a fleet move. Armies attacking from the sea takes a -1 penalty to their combat rolls.
If a fleet is in a friendly province that is taken, the fleet will flee to one of the neighboring sea zones at random, engaging any enemy fleet on the way. The displaced fleet can still move on its owner's turn.
Fleets get bonus from Explosive Shells; then, they receive combat bonuses from Nautical technologies.
You can dismantle Fleets that are docked in a Port of a Province that you control; you do not regain the Army spent on the navy, though.
When you move your Armies to enemy Province where enemy Armies are stationed, combat follows.
Attacking Armies get Attack bonuses, while Defending Armies get Defense bonuses.
If you attack through Mountain Pass or Water Crossing (or attack from a Fleet), your Armies receive -1 penalty to their rolls.
Each 3 armies more than enemy grants +1 bonus to the more numerous side; this bonus fluctuates as amount of armies changes via combat!
Combat roll itself is a 1d8+bonuses and penalties. Whichever army loses the roll, is destroyed.
In case of a draw, the Attacking army retreats to the last allied/own Province it passed through.
When a Province is captured AFTER combat, one random Improvement is razed to the ground. If Province was captured without fight, nothing is razed.
Each Turn, your Academies produce certain amount of Research Points (RP). Normally, you receive 2 RP per Academy you own, but this can vary:
Monarchies receive only 1 RP from Academies outside Capital Province.
Republic receives 3 RP from the Academy in its Capital Province.
Democracy receives 3 RP from EVERY Academy it has.
'Advanced Theoretical Sciences' Tech increases amount of RPs you get from Academies by 1, no matter the Government type.
After this, you gain (or lose) extra RP based on certain Traits and Technologies:
'Enlightened' trait grants 3 RP, while 'Traditional' trait removes 3 RP.
'Experimental Sciences' Tech grants 3 RP.
Exchange Treaties generate +2 RP per Turn for both nations.
Your Research project finishes as soon as the required amount of RP is reached. All RP that pushed the number 'over' are lost.
You can build 2 of these in the entire nation per turn. Some government types as well as certain research increases the amount of PI's per turn you can build.
You can also dismantle Provincial Improvements, albeit this counts into 'PI/Turn' limit. You never recover armies from a dismantled Military HQ.
Railroad (no requirements):
Armies can move 2 Provinces per turn (3 with 'Improved Railroads' tech), as long as starting, mid- and destination provinces are all connected by Railroad.
Academy (no requirements):
Provides 2 Research Points per turn (this can vary however, check 'RESEARCH' above).
Fortifications (no requirements):
Armies in the province gain +2 bonus to their Defense rolls.
Port (No requirements):
Lets you create one Fleet at the cost of one Army. You can dismantle Fleets docked at Port (you do not receive your Army back, however).
Military HQ (no requirements):
Provides a 'spawn point' for your armies. As an additional construction cost, 2 Armies must be 'disbanded' in the Province to create a Military HQ there.
Airfield (requires Military Aircraft):
All friendly armies in the province and in provinces adjacent to Airfield gain +1 to their Attack and Defense rolls.
AA Batteries (requires Ground-Air Defense):
Has 1 in 4 chance to cancel enemy Bombing Action against the province. Ground armies attacking the province with AA Batteries do not gain bonuses from nearby Airfield(s) (if present).
Factory (No requirements):
Each 4 Factories your control grant +1 to PI/Turn limit.
War - Obviously, the two powers fight each other. Declaring war instantly breaks any treaties you have with target nation.
Non-Aggression Treaty - Borders are mutually respected between the two nations. This allows Exchange Treaties to be conducted.
Exchange Treaty - Borders are open for sharing of trade and research; nations that have Exchange Treaty gain extra +1 to Max.Army bonus and +2 Research Points per Turn.
Military Pact - Nations are helping each other in terms of logistics; Armies can be moved across bordering provinces using Pact partner's Railroads and across water using Pact partner's Fleets.
All treaties are officially recognized at the start of the next turn after
both two powers announce the treaties publicly in Game Thread. Talks can be secret (via PM, for example) but without public announcement from both Players, the treaty is not valid.
For example, Nations X and Y announce Non-Agression and Exchange Treaties at Turn 8; at Turn 9, they can no longer enter each others' territories and start receiving the and RP bonuses.
The only treaty that is instanteous is war declaration.
A nation can have only 2 Exchange treaties.
In current version of the game, you can trade Provinces, and researched Technologies as 'Blueprints'; make sure you make good deals or the trade might bring you defeat in the long run. 'Blueprints' must be researched (check RESEARCH spoiler), and Province(s) will be handed over as soon as they're free of armies of their previous owner.
One Monarchy with up to 15 Provinces and equal amount of Armies (no Provincial Improvements built, except the Capital's defaults) will be played by the GM.