Like the name said, im hoping to make an object that are primarily used in Adventure mode that will cause AOE damage when thrown/on impact...i might have difficulties implementing it in fort mode as the dorfs-while not impossible, rarely throws objects as a means of offense or defense, thus a probable workaround is exploding arrows...
So the question is:
1. Is it possible with current utilities, framework, tools, and technology?
2. Is it worth the time and effort?
3. Where can i gather the info on this ex. Token list in DF wiki? DFhack command list? (im reading it bit by bit everyday, but you pointing it out if you know where it is will help me alot
4. If everything is a go, please give me ideas, ex. Poison Bombs, paralytic agents, (bombs that spawn ko/cutebolds when detonated?), etc
Back then i was planning to make a mod that adds interaction list in the image creation page (when you design image/banner for your fort, or making figurines shape (which in reality really, we call them action figures), engraving on smoothed walls, etc) but the veteran modders told me it wasn't worth it and/or nigh impossible since it was deep within the executable and gave me the advice to start something easier. Ive seen explody stuff in DF, but im aware that there are tokens that are added and removed throughout the ages, like that exploding cat with [dismemberondeath] token, is that right? thus causing chain explosion...