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Author Topic: ☼Materketang - Paintedskin - River Monsters☼  (Read 10758 times)

Fleeting Frames

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Re: ☼Materketang - Paintedskin - The Refuge of men on the River☼
« Reply #45 on: December 14, 2016, 12:59:26 pm »

Hm. Regarding ambush parties, checked legends to see what the enemy civ is doing? Convenient, though.

That's substantial undertaking for homes. Children who marry will get to move out, I take it? Did you limit migrant wave sizes, then?

Terrible weapons mod - what an encouraging name. Bone/Wood/stone weaponry, I take it?


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Re: ☼Materketang - Paintedskin - The Refuge of men on the River☼
« Reply #46 on: December 14, 2016, 03:59:42 pm »

Terrible Weapons - As the mod author put it:  "42 terrible, terrible melee weapons, mostly repurposed farming tools and stuff with too many nails in it.

Do you want to play simple, honest, merciless hillbillydwarves? [...] This isn't efficient battlefield weaponry. This isn't sublime duelling weaponry. Most of these shoddy weapons have little penetration capability, are unwieldy and slow and messy and as unbalanced as their stats- but they do rend flesh, break bones and sever limbs from the still living."

In short, it's the sort of stuff you would expect the typical rabble of a hillock to come to battle with. Although I did rename some stuff (huge pestles to work hammers, threshin' flail to grain flail, barbed eel spear to just fishing spear, things like that.) I figure having weapons like that will help reduce the professionalism the average militia exudes. Killing people with sharpened garden trowels, meathook murderings, harvesting heads with lumber axes, fishing for kidneys with fishing spears...

Houses: Yeah, but for dwarves it's more manageable, since it'll be mainly underground. Doing the same here right now, but vastly reduced to one-room houses with windows for most people.

Activity: According to the last two visits from the caravans, ain't nobody done jack shit except Meph replacing the diplomat of the court.


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Re: ☼Materketang - Paintedskin - The Refuge of men on the River☼
« Reply #47 on: December 15, 2016, 01:26:20 am »

25th Limestone, 229

Saw ol' Neb visit the depot with a crapton of junk to sell. Someone said he's trying to buy steel stuff to melt down, which makes me wonder what exactly he's aiming to make with it, since I don't think he's trying to get resources for the militia... Speaking of which, I've been thinking... Maybe we need fancier titles. Buck everyone up some.

7th Sandstone, 229

Alright! So it's official, I've decided on a little system the others agreed with based on merit. Until we get an elf kill under our belts, we're all "Squires," followed by becoming official "Knights," which honestly is just a fancy way of showing others we've taken down at least one leaf-eater, and if we get to the point where people start giving us all these fancy appellations, then one becomes a Paladin.

When Neb found out he wanted to call us Paladins of Amsir in general, and I told that religious freak to stuff it. Seemed to take it well enough, since temple construction's gone smoothly.

10th Sandstone, 229

Bottom floor of the main temple building is done, which is nice I guess. Still needs some floors and Neb and his attendants are trying to figure on what Smir would want for a solid water stand-in, since they can't get any ice here. Hope like hell they leave the rest of us out of that. We'll lay the brick, but this isn't our vanity project.

17th Sandstone, 229

A small group showed up from the south. Mix of Amsirites looking for "His Glorious Prophet" and some average folk who fell in with them since they seemed like they knew where to find safety, with a couple new squires among them: a brawler I commissioned a warhammer for, and a bladesman.

19th Sandstone, 229

Woke up to sawing logs and hauling rocks today. Everyone's working on building proper houses, plus a separate barracks for some of the Amsirites.

Good on'em.

4th Moonstone, 229

Some dwarf named Kubuk petitioned ol' Neb for a long-term residency permit and he actually asked me what I thought about it! I told him to stamp it metaphorically speaking. COnsidering how sloshed half the town is at any given time, I'd say some professional drunkard songs would be pretty good to have on hand.

5th Moonstone, 229

Some performance troupe showed up this morning looking to peddle their services. Marco said he'd love to work with them, so Neb gave'em the green glass to do their thing. And then two of them decided they wanted to go fight a giant fucking cougar. Scared it off by smacking it around some.

10th Moonstone, 229

Can't say I like the idea of a bunch a merrymen setting up shop here though. Now a dwarf soldier? Hell yes. Evidently that burned hillock a half a day's march to the east was her old home. Seems like someone might be looking for some payback... Also took on a mercenary named Kuppo. Hammerman, provided his own weapon and shield; given the material and his accent, seems the fella's from orc country up north.

[Didn't get one of Kuppo's petition, sadly.]

15th Moonstone, 229

Two bards went missing according to the troupe. They went out into the woods looking for something to "inspire" them or some nonsense. Sounded like elf talk to me, but who am I to judge these artsy types. Anyway, something told me that cougar didn't like getting fisted in the forehead by a dwarf. Went out to investigate and... Well, I found what was left of them in the woods.

They acquitted themselves well though, thing was missing most of its teeth and was exhausted. Hardly a challenge, but it's still a noteworthy kill all the same. Maybe we should build a hall of notable kills? Enemy commanders and the like, you know journal?

18th Moonstone, 229

Some drunken fool fell through the well in the tavern into the lake. Amsir's domain claims another I suppose. Looks like we're gonna need more of that white rock.

20th Moonstone, 229

Meph's been acting strangely. Evidently he's acting a lot how I did when I made that fancy hatch. The dwarves seemed especially interested. "Never seen a plainsman act that way," they say. We also found another bard floating up the lake.

21st Moonstone, 229

Osman's gonna try making some raw glass to see if that placates Meph. He's been screaming about rough gems for the past three hours, but the dig crew says they can't find any. Hell, one of them said that he's pretty sure there isn't any to be had in the quarry!

22nd Moonstone, 229

Meph didn't budge, which has me worried. Minkot and Kulet suggested we make a breach into the caverns, which the dig crew objected to. But me and Neb have the final say and I'm not letting my friend go insane over some shiny rocks, and Neb agreed. Minkot said she could do the exploring, since the underground doesn't bother a dwarf, and that we could use my hatch to bar anything from coming up in case she doesn't come back in a timely manner.

I said no to that nonsense and told her if she goes, more of us go. We don't leave our allies out to dry if we can help it.


Well. That was quick. And according to Minkot, she can see cobaltite (which sent Neb into a tizzy demanding we harvest it,) but more importantly, some aquamarines and pinfire opals.

[I uh... Wasn't actually expecting my first dig to poke a hole in the cavern roof. I was just gonna bore a hole down until I hit one of them or the magma sea.
But I didn't have to do that! So... That's good I guess? I hope to fuck there's no FBs or giant spiders down there right now.]


Evidently there was a giant spider down there, and it's only by a raw miracle nobody was killed but the spider. One of the diggers, an Amsirite named Birod, went to get the gems Meph needed whent he thing jumped him. Seems someone else named Oqui went to get webs to weave (that git Kulet mentioning that the caverns are usually lousy with valuable silk in front of that drunk,) and dove in when he saw the thing chewing on Birod's face. Fist was all covered in bug blood and I'm almost positive he had a chunk of its brain in his grasp!

That Oqui fellow sure doesn't fuck around. Still the matter of Birod though. Neb says it was blood loss, which upset Oqui to no end... But one life lost is another saved, and nobody knew Birod very well, so nobody will really miss him. In light of this though, I've promoted Mia to Sergeant. I figure we'll either get more recruits or more mercenaries soon and we'll need a place to put them, and I trust her more than the rest of these fools to lead men into battle.

28th Moonstone, 229

Meph did it! Looks like that Amsirite didn't die in vain.

1st Granite, 230

Winter went pretty quite for the most part after the ruckus with Meph and the spider. Some kind of steam thing Neb called a "Nith Wisp" tried to attack one the Amsirites, a giant rat picked a fight with Minkot and some dogs, but the highlt's gotta be the wolverine man hanging out in the tvern right now with a mace on his hip. Kinda hope he'll decide to stay, if only for the oddity.

3rd Granite, 230

A fucking troll was spotted down in the mines trying to rip up the hatch. Took care of it though.

[It consisted mainly of Brace being stunlocked until she took out its leg.]

15th Granite, 230

There was a report left pinned to my door by one of the diggers. They said "lost souls" were roaming underground. Based on the description Minkot gave me on what they were talking about, we can't leave this on the back oven. It's time for muster, even if it's a mild threat.

26th Granite, 230

More laches. Time to move.

7th Slate, 230

Migrants, and lots of them. We got eh usual bunch of new recruits (including a dwarf who joined up after I dangled some coin in front of him,) but there were two exceptions: A Guild Rep from the smithing guild, along with his wife (a furnace operator,) and two kiddies, along with his apprentice, and... Something I hadn't expected. A squire. Like, a real one.

From a Knighthood Order.

I... Won't lie. My old dream was to join one of those reclusive orders, but I just didn't have the temperment for it. "Too brash," "too crude," things like that. THe fact I'm more willing to set aside morals for money when it doesn't concern my own people probably didn't help much. I wonder, what will this one think of my men?


FINALLY AN UPDATE!!!! Took a while on this one.

Things were quiet for the most part, with the bulk of deaths being a few visitors, though we did lose two of our own: One to drowning after he fell through the well in the tavern like a dumbshit, the other being mauled by literally the first thing to crawl out of the caverns.

We've done a tone of building in the temple, paving over much of the outside inner courtyard space, finishing the watch towers, and preparing Ol' Neb's quarters built on the upper floor, and we've had a bunch of houses built (the bulk of which the militia grabbed up of their own volition - I went with first come first serve this time around.)

We've also, as you saw, hit the caverns, and found several veins of raw copper and cobaltite right beneath our feet! And by chance, three metalsmiths arrived, leading me to choose on what guild to select: The Smithing Guild! Mainly because we need the guild's crucible to smelt the cobalt.We also now have three dwarves in our ranks, two hammerdwarves and a bard. And have had so. Fucking. Many. Bards, try to request residence. Including, i shit you not, two whole entertainment troupes. And a wolverine man maceman is visiting us. Hopefully he's not secretly an elf spy or something.

So yeah! We've done pretty good in so short a time. Also finally got a squire, which I wasn't expecting. Whoever it was that wanted a Squire/Knight? Gotcher covered boss.

So now we need to build a guild hall, a larger ore stockpile, maybe a little seperate castle...


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Re: ☼Materketang - Paintedskin - The Refuge of men on the River☼
« Reply #48 on: December 16, 2016, 09:00:23 am »

I asked for the squire before settling for ol' Neb... Now i'm wandering: will the squire become the leader of the temple guard or will he become the general who will lead us to the final victory on the leaf eaters?
Hell of a update as usual, love the Amsirites and the plans for the temple.
Coming soon: speech for the inauguration of the Temple


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Re: ☼Materketang - Paintedskin - The Refuge of men on the River☼
« Reply #49 on: December 16, 2016, 01:07:09 pm »

Here is the speech that Nebuchadnezzar wrote, quite some years ago, which will be heard on the day of the opening of Amsir's temple.

Children of Amsir Behold!

I stand here today, in front of you, to celebrate the rebirth of the One True Faith!
For years we ran, hunted by the purge and by elves. We crossed roads with people from all over Gashagh Grimb and we left them behind in our crazed run from danger. Today our journey ends. No more shall the hated treehuggers threaten us with their wooden sticks! No more shall we suffer the corruption of Shato! Today we stand! Today we say "no" to all who would rather see us dead! Behold the great House of Amsir!


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Re: ☼Materketang - Paintedskin - The Refuge of men on the River☼
« Reply #50 on: December 16, 2016, 02:21:01 pm »

o Heh. The screenshots are so large, I Ctrl+- in my browser. Makes the text bit more uncomfortable, though.

o Hm, are you planning something larger than workshop-produced statue?

o Do you foresee the temple being sieged? Clergy and military used to go together, admittedly.

o Kubuk's underground house....Dwarves be dwarves.

Though a dwarf might be quite useful as military, with the [TRANCES]. (it's quite the boost when indirectly comparing dwarves to goblins in arena)

o Hm, migrants are not a problem to deny petitioners, I take it? Though usually it'd be other way around, with mercenaries denied and performers approved - after all, performers have military skills too, they just don't have the equipment - which one can liberate from mercaneries - and they can eventually do more than merely bash heads.

I guess their instruments will still serve to hurt, though.

Wolverine men...Hm, not sure about stats, but animal men are oft larger than humans. Could be neat to give them two-handed sword.

o Yeah, humans shouldn't have moods in vanilla. They lack the tag. What's a bandana, anyway? Is it anything like banana?

You're likely to poke cavern roof if you dig down in center of embark squares, while corners of them are likely to miss.

Btw, if you want your miners to attack with their  pick in military on the quick, you need to unassign mining to get them to drop it, then assign it to them as weapon.

Otherwise, it won't be even considered available for their combat use. Though little use when already in combat - in that case, just best to let them pick enemy apart on their own, I think.

o Hm, a troglodyte variant in lech? Doesn't exactly tell how dangerous they are.


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Re: ☼Materketang - Paintedskin - The Refuge of men on the River☼
« Reply #51 on: December 16, 2016, 06:58:15 pm »

Laches: Considerably tougher as they don't feel pain and take way longer to bleed out.

Statue: Not really, no.

Temple: Possibly, depending on if the need to flee there arises or not.

Kubuk has been joined by two mercenaries under there.

Petitioners: Contrary to what you'd expect, unless they request citizenship, they'll only do the job they petitioned to do. For example, if you activate a squad with mercenaries in it and then deactivate it, the mercs won't deactivate (nor activate, as they're always in that state.) Bards likewise can't be assigned to militia squads or to do labors.

Unless this was changed from 43.03 to 05. Cause MW currently uses 43.03 and I haven't played vanilla recently.

Moods: I think it's some quirk in the hard code considering any race you play as in fortress mode to be a "dwarf."

Picks: I only tried it because sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. May be that now they need time to draw the weapon, of which he didn't have any, what with a spider actively gnawing on his face.

Good update though boyos?

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Re: ☼Materketang - Paintedskin - The Refuge of men on the River☼
« Reply #52 on: December 16, 2016, 07:30:08 pm »

Ya, but mercs won't petition a second time, so they'll never become citizens.

As for the jobs things,
Quote from: 43.04
   (*) Allowed new citizens with some previously site-wide occupations to be reassigned
   (*) Allowed some site-wide occupations for dwarves

Ya, fair bit happened on events front. Mostly background-checking only on relationship front, tho.


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Re: ☼Materketang - Paintedskin - The Refuge of men on the River☼
« Reply #53 on: December 16, 2016, 09:03:32 pm »

Well, typically when you hire a mercenary, it's not to make him a citizen :P

And note, it says citizens, not long-term residents, which is what mercenaries and bards/performance troupes are.

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Re: ☼Materketang - Paintedskin - The Refuge of men on the River☼
« Reply #54 on: December 16, 2016, 09:16:31 pm »

Yup. Just pointing out the changes, since you seemed unsure about them.


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Re: ☼Materketang - Paintedskin - A Vampire Among Us☼
« Reply #55 on: December 19, 2016, 05:37:51 am »

17th Slate, 230

Minkot said she saw coati in the area. Or more, coati people. She requested being sent to kill them, because evidently the things think they're all kobolds. No respect for thieves myself, so i gave her the go-ahead and told her to take Kuppo with her to help run them down, which she thought was a dig at her height compared to a human. Get it? Dig? Dwarf? Bah, not like anyone's gonna read this.

23rd Slate, 230

Saw the plans for the smithing guild, which means I guess Neb approved it without consulting me. Also evidently months of working ont he temple have taken their toll. On the local forest imps. Saw one of the builders cast a good old fashioned fist spell on one's neck after a craftsman clotheslined it. I swear, it was like watching Minkot and Mistem spar with Kuppo! Just with less holding back.

I wonder, have they been teaching everyone that "Kisat Dur" stuff to the townsfolk on the side or something?

27th Slate, 230

Took on another dwarf soldier with a big heavy halberd.

28th Felsite, 230

That prick of a guild rep demanded he have a "proper" house befitting his guild standing." I was gonna tell him to stuff it and that he'd get the same house ast he rest of us when Neb told him that'd be fine, provided he paid for the labor himself. Wrote up a bunch of IOUs for it, said he had some friends coming this summer that would foot the bill.

They better, because I've killed parents in front of their kids before, and I'll do it again if he fucks us.

At any rate, quiet goins on, apart from Mia having to kill two giant beetles knocking over headstones in the catacomb, and a giant wolf spider that tried to kill Imsir (thank the gods Ero's a decent bronzesmith, else it would have ripped his head off.) Got saved by a craftsman named Oqui, I think. Leapt on its back and punched its head in. We really need to do something about the underground... I don't have enough dwarves to man an outpost down there fully and law says I can't leave them to thier own devices, meaning Mia or someone else would have to head the squad and practically live down there with them.

3rd Hematite, 230

Talked to the guild rep and asked him who exactly was coming. He said a man with the means to get us any metals we need for the right price, and someone who could get our overabundance of timber to a contact in the carpenter's guild up in dwarf territory. Evidently he's quite impressed with how "dwarven" our policy to trees in town are.

In other news, Meph gave me and Mia a gift: Masterwork chitin armor, made from some of the stuff we traded for last year. Should hold up better than the shoddy suits of leather scale we'd been using. And honestly? It fits wonderfully!  body hugs the figure close, but isn't too tight across the chest, arms have good movement, shoulders are partially protected... Kicked him a coupled sovereigns for the work, gift for a gift in a manner of speaking.

9th Hematite, 230

A hammerwoman approached me today, a member of the old nobility through her husband, who died in the fighting a few years back. Her name's Remsi Grownfaith, and evidently she heard we had need of a few more men for the inevitable. COnsidering her and her husband were at the frontlines fighting and not some namby pamby sort like a lot of nobles are, I slipped a few dozen sovereigns to Jack to have a stone floor put into he house and make sure Nbe doesn't find out we're using "temple resources" for someone who's fought the elves and blendecs before.

17th Hematite, 230

One of our fighting men has been elected mayor for some unfathomable reason. No matter. Neb told him he could move into the second suite of rooms in the upper floor of the temple.

8th Malachite, 230

Saw a fellow in a very fancy smithing guild outfit in the taverns shaking hands and pointing out two dead bards. One evidently dead from alchol poisoning, the other from a brawl, possibly. Looked like his head got cracked open on the edge of the bar so it could have been the drink too.

9th Hematite, Malachite, 230

I fucking hate merchants. "Oh sure, I can get you all the metal you'll need!" the guy says. But does that include steel we need for plate armor? Noooooooo, can't get that. Iron to make it? Oh sure. Shame we don't have any flux to fucking make it with.

15th Malachite, 230

A small non-denominational chapel was finished, more or less, this afternoon. Neb said he'll ensure our gods are all properly represented, though he'd prefer Amsirites worship in the main temple.

27th Galena, 230

Thing's have been pretty quiet since we locked the hatch in the quarry, though that squire's been demanding access so she can test out the greatsword she got on something hardy enough to put up a fight. I told her I'll make sure she gets to lead the charge on any elves that show up, to make it up to her. In other news though, some dwarves got into an argument and fell into the well, so that's two more to fish out. Don't even know what it was over.

24th Limestone, 230

Things have been way to quiet around here. The giant bugs have given us a wide berth, nobody's fallen into the lake yet... I don't like it.

2nd Sandstone, 230

Languar tribe in the area. I remember having to run these damned things off while camped. I rounded up Mia's squad and told them to deal with it.

7th Sandstone, 230

This... isn't good. We either kill her and possibly piss off the Confederacy, or let her eat everyone. And it's a moot point, because that Squire charged out to fight her.


This was it. Her chance to prove herself worthy of being a Knight. The towering brute had come to wreak havok, and would instead meet its end at her blade.

As she approached the beast, it stomped, glaring down upon her as its foot dislodged trees.

"A manling approaches. You dare face the goddess of the Confederacy of Urging alone, manling?" its voice boomed, having quite the baritone to it for a female giant.

"I am no mere man. You face a Squire-at-arms of Paintedskins, cretin." She said as she calmly readied her greatsword. "Stand and deliver your challenge monster! For here you meet your death!" The Giantess merely snarled and threw its fist downward at her, only to bury its hand up to the knuckle in earth. She snarled in fury and pulled her arm back, and was surprised to see the copper-and-bronze covered 'manling' on her forearm, rushing up the length.

With a growl it brought it's hand up to quickly swat the warrior off, when the squire made a mighty leap forward and slashed its right bicep! Though she plummeted through the tree below, she managed to minimize the harm to both self and armor and landed with a roll, stopping on one knee. She looked up at the snarling giant clutching its now slashed-arm, which quickly searched for the human and brought its foot down once spotted.

A tuck and roll managed to narrowly avoid being stamped into the ground, and in a quick flash of wild movement, an upward backslash cut into its leg, sending the giant down with a mighty crash as its tendons were severed! The squire moved quickly, slashing its torso and rushing towards its head, ducking a swung forearm one way before smashing her sword into it's face. Unfortunately, her sword became lodged in the muscle and as she quickly wrenched it free, it grabbed and hurled her away.

Were it not for her armor, as simple as copper and bronze were, the impact would have surely crippled her. She got up, dusted herself off (as the giant surely wasn't able to charge after her at this point,) and ran into the fray again, blocking swipe by disabling the giant's good hand with a well timed sword swing.

It seemed the giant was now in terrible pain as it rolled onto its back the squire croawling up and slashing it twice across the upper body before moving on and grasping the sword firmly in both hands, slammed it into the giant's forehead, silencing the God-Queen of the Confederacy forever.

She slid off with a rattle of metal and saluted the giantess, deeming it a worthy enemy with the words "Good fight brute. You died well."

With this, she decided to sleep in the woods near the body, partly because the brief battle was exhausting, partly to invoke a sense of dramatic foreboding on everyone else.


8th Sandstone, 230

The Squire's back, with a giant fuck-off finger nail in tow. FIgured she killed it when it didn't attack the town, but we were worried she'd died of some injury or another in the process. The cheeky git camped out for the night just to mess with us, and all the while the guild rep's been ranting and raving about gold in Ero's workshop.

I hope it isn't a sword, because a gold sword would be fucking horrible.

10th Sandstone, 230

He made a fucking pike with it. Worthless. Told him so to his face and he threw a drink on me.

4th Timber, 230

We have a problem. I'm starting to wonder if Lurit actually fell into the lake.[/i]

Dun, dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun! We seem to have a vampire in our midst, and they finally fucked up and drained someone who was smaller than everyone else (Cegad was listed as being a bit on the short and scrawny side.) I got suspicious when a miner was almost dead from bloodloss, but had to bide time and wait for him to fuck up to know for sure.

The last ones I saw near him were two soldiers - Minkot, one of the hammerdwarves and who has proven by eating and drinking, to not be one, and a human soldier who I didn't think to check the name of (there were 2 "squires sleeping at the time.) How will we go about this gents? Keep him on hand since he's not killed anyone besides Cegad? Witch hunt?

Additionally, we now have another human civ on our screen, henceforth dubbed simply "The Confederacy" which may come seeking vengeance for our killing their queen. We also apparently had a wererhino on the map, but he bled to death somehow. Fell out of a tree is my bet, cause I didn't know he was there until I made a corpse stockpile and they stuck him there.

We have a guild and two shops built, found out I can't buy steel (I was expecting to be able to but at extortionate rates. Super disappointed.) THe other of course is wood. Because we have about 800+ fucking hunks of timber and can clearcut the whole area regularly if we want to for funds. Cobaltite production will begin soon and the temple can be properly finished, and whether the militia likes it or not, probably get so much blue duct taped to them that everyone will forget what other metals are.


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Re: ☼Materketang - Paintedskin - The Refuge of men on the River☼
« Reply #56 on: December 19, 2016, 07:06:56 am »


Neb will speak. You can count on that! No vile worshipper of Shato may go around unpunished in our Holy Shelter!
(don't kill him yet, i have plans for him)
« Last Edit: December 19, 2016, 07:10:40 am by IlFedaykin »


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Re: ☼Materketang - Paintedskin - The Refuge of men on the River☼
« Reply #57 on: December 19, 2016, 11:28:16 am »

From the journal of Nebuchadnezzar

22nd Slate, 230
I made a deal with a guild representative from the Fallen Kingdom... I don't really like him, as a matter of fact I hate him actually. I spoke briefly with him and he said plain and simple that he doesn't believe in Amsir. It will be quite hard to bear his presence for the time he needs to put up a guild and teach my brothers his arts and crafts... Oh, well, we all have to make sacrifices for the greater glory of Amsir.

28th Felsite, 230
That pagan came to me today making demands. Demands! I should have him hanged by the feet just for that! I was wise enough to contain my wrath but I will not forget this. He'll be the cornerstone of the new House of Amsir when he's done with his job. For all I know he could be a worshipper of Shato and THAT I can not risk. I think Brace will even do the job for me when he finds out no one is going to pay for the house I promised him.

9th Hematite, 230
Today a woman walked in with the intention to stay. At first sight she could look like any other merc Brace has been recruiting in the last few months but I know who she really is... I wonder if Brace does too...
Last night Sekel came to me in a dream. This is not the first time, of course, but I could never feel it so real before... Must be the power of this place... Anyway Sekel told me she is the last Child, the reincarnation of Duka. We finally are all togheter and the new Reign of Amsir can begin.

15th Malachite, 230
The first chapel is complete. I'm quite satisfied of the work done and I guess Jack will be good enough for the main temple too, even tho i would prefere to have guild professionals to do it instead.

8th Sandstone, 230
I can't really understand how I could doubt of her. She really will lead us to glory! When I saw her walking back to the town victorious I could hardly breathe. Beside her, just for a moment, I saw Kadest walking in all Her might. A floating blue cloak was hanging from Her shoulders and Her golden chainmail was covered with a glimmering plate armor. I have to make Arcadia see the truth about her role in the events to come! I have to.

10th Sandstone, 230
Now I see. A gold pike like the legendary one. Sekel is trying to tell me something. I just don't get it yet. Maybe I was wrong in my first judgment about the smith... maybe he IS worthy of forgivness. Time will tell, anyway...

3rd Timber, 230
They are here! I can feel the crawling in the dark! I won't allow their curse to spread! As the Crimson Book foretold Dreamymurk is forging new adepts in the depts of Singechoed! Inu Dalesubmerges must be near!

4th Timber, 230
I was too late. When I found the body it was already drained of blood. We need to find the abomination that did this and purge it!
Only this way his soul will be purified!

I named the squire to make it easier to write about her in the future but if someone actually claims her I'll change the name right away. We'll need a name for the guild representative too I guess.
Nebuchadnezzar condemns the vampire to the Holy Penance

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Re: ☼Materketang - Paintedskin - The Refuge of men on the River☼
« Reply #58 on: December 19, 2016, 04:00:16 pm »

Few have any respect for thieves, but in DF player reaction to them can be downright medieval.

It is odd that kobolds, the actually thieving race, is most well liked of the thieves in game, expect perhaps goblin snatchers.

Heh, I wouldn't mind if my dwarves scratched a little bit more. Seems to be surprisingly effective.

What does the guild rep noble do, anyway? And do you have like two dozen of them, one for each industry?

No wonder the dwarves flood the aboveground with magma. 'tis a scary place.

Hm. Mix of leather and bronze for military? Unexpected, but metal was lacking I suppose.

Unless this is just for citizen's milita. I don't think your viewpoint character was in military, whatever their name was (sorry, can't recall right now).

Snrk. "It's complete, may worship whatever fucked up things..."


"Hey, Neb, some doors would look great here."

Ooh, megabeast rulers. Unexpected bit of modding.

DF combat can be weird. You'd expect water blob the size of houses be utterly invulnerable and absolutely fatal to anything breathing it hits....

*kitten kills the water blob, and then a cyclops to boot*

I mean, with size counting for less I suppose fort mode is easier.

No idea about other civilizations, either. You usually get only one civilization of a given race, after all.

I recall surviving was dependent on toughness attribute. So, one solution is military training for everyone!

Kids might be tougher to train, however. Well, it is 43.03, so earring drop training still works. However, making it acceptable for populace can be an issue.

You could also find the vamp and vamp everyone. No alcohol dependency is an advantage of the humans, after all. It could require little planning while population is growing, though.

Who is Shato? Sounds like one persecuted god with perhaps many martyrs in coming. Their worshippers must have faith in the event of an unprovoked attack by Amsir's drowning-murder cult.

No wonder those fear vampires with that, really.


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Re: ☼Materketang - Paintedskin - The Refuge of men on the River☼
« Reply #59 on: December 19, 2016, 05:59:06 pm »

Guild Rep: Actually the Guild Rep rank is an arbitrary one I'll give to a high-ranking worker when a new guild is opened up. Tolmo (the Smithing Rep,) happened to arrive as a high master weaponsmith, and is now legendary in his art. Otherwise it's only used for your yearly caravan liaison

Beast rulers: As I recall, things with the [POWER] token (and presumably anything denoting sapience and not slow learning) will take over civs if they can fool them, or seize control by force. Theoretically a dog that has the intelligent tag could rule a civilization.

Equipment: I decided to go for the glass cannon approach until we get cobalt production in full swing, though we can gradually replace it for our secular forces with steel via bonemeal and buying plenty of iron (selling off our copper and excess timber to pay for it.) As we have several Amsirites in the militia, they may end up with cobalt plate armor instead of steel.

Brace and Mia were originally mercenaries and equipped in typical middling fashion with very basic armor, and this same basic armor has been passed on to thier now 19 strong militia.

Civs: This may mean we could receive two caravans each summer now, or have war declared on us for murdering not just thier queen, but murdering thier fuckin' god.

Kids: Working age is 6 in the mod for playable races. Highly ill-advised you assign them to the military until they turn 12 though because they're still children physically.

Vampire: I found out who it is by going through the whole militia and reviewing thier thoughts. Seems we got someone who isn't who they say they are in our ranks. It seems Neb's assertion the culprit is a creation of Shato is correct... His worry over Tolmo worshipping Shato however is not (he worships Ceccast and Slupi)

I've also found out thanks to the drownings and me autodumping the corpses up for disposal/burial that virtually the entire population is basically fearless now. Craftsmen caught alone do not flee wild beasts, but try to choke the life out of them. Woodcutters take thier axes to bobcat men when ambushed. Masons beat forest imps to death that spring from the shrubbery with murderous intent. Other craftsmen rip out spider brains as opposed to flee from the spiders in terror.

It'll probably take seeing people actually die in front of them to spook them anymore.

Fun fact: Amsir isn't our most popular god.  He has 15 followers, while Caccast, the god of Jealousy, has 19, and Amsir is very closely followed by Ikki, god of Thralldom, and Slupi, the nurgle expy who have 14 each.

Shato, the goddess of darkness, has 9 followers in the settlement, and is generally seen depicted as an engineer. We also have a god named Tillesh, the god of misery and torture. Cegad was a follower of Shato.
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