Go somewhere?
You sway out the door labelled South, and find yourself in a wooden bar, frontier-types scattered about the place. There's a blizzard outside and you can't see much, but you seem to be in one of the Northern bits of the fabled Wild West.
"You here to drink, or just came in for a laugh?"
The barman is staring at you. You can vaguely sense four portals other than the one you came in through.
"Neither, less'n you've got some hangover cures..."
"Oh we got plenty, if they ain't too crude for a foreigner like yourself," the barman replies with ill-concealed hostility. Several of the nearby swarthy men in furs have started watching the exchange.
"There's a pot of fresh rabbit tea, or for the dis-cern-ing drunkard, a nice cool drink from the barrel of fresh river water out back. Pure as a nun and clear as a ruby."
Watch the match and see if I can buy some new clothes.
Both combatants are liberally sprinkled with blood oozing from dozens of gashes in the massive person's body. The shotels guy is nursing an injured shoulder, but is still running rings round the ponderous grabs of the huge guy and slashing wildly at his midsection. You ask the mercenary with the buzzcut where new clothes could be found, but apparently the music is too loud for her to hear. Eventually you make do with sign language.
"Clothes? No shops open at this hour. You could get a pretty neat set of techy combat armour though... coming up as a prize in one of the next duels. Useful thing, even for someone like... yourself. Good for barter, anyhow. One win can't be a big ask for a professional like you, can it?"
Head through the same door that apeman just exited through.
You come out in a room with several more apemen wearing dark fabrics and what seem to be metal cutting tools. Rather disturbingly, even your nine overwhlemingly superior slime senses miss a few of them at first. There is a bar stocked with alcohols in the centre of the room and two portals leading North and South aside from the one you just went through.
For some reason, everyone is looking at you.
Now where would I Find booze...
You walk up to the bar and ask for whiskey. The barman stares at you incredulously, and proffers a cup full of sake just as the massive amoeba thing undulates in through the portal and every head turns. The men in black cloth look jumpy as hell, but seem to spend as much time checking behind them as they do looking at the space-creature. You take the opportunity to drain the cup of sake and place it back under the bar without paying.
(Inebriation +1)
Let mercury stream peaceably through the air as I begin the Dance of Metal.
You begin to spin slowly, and swing the sleeves of your grubby yet voluminous robe wide open. From the dark spaces inside comes, first in floating dribbles and droplets, then long streams and gushes, the wondrous chymical substance known as mercury. The liquid floats sultry and elegant in ring and spirals about you and other dancers, and more of the silver stuff seeps from the walls to join your wonderfully choreographed rotations. By this time, everyone dancing has slowed to match your leisurely pace, and musical splashes and chimes come from the flowing metal. Your steps are slow and dignified, your body loose yet upright.
How did the next bit of the dance of metal go? You can't recall doing it this well before.
Prometheus the Destroyer Inebriation: 2
Sodden pages
Wood chips
Mammal endoskeleton chunks
Mammal fibres
Mammal horn
Shelly Ton
8 red casino chips
Name:Jerry the Puuuur-fect HUNGOVER
Zhao Zheng Inebriation:2
Erotic Novel
Norse Drinking Horn
Suspiscious foreign muck (green fish-based iced cocktail)
Graceful dancing and admirable poise
Alexander Kovacof Inebriation:2
Erotic novel
Flagon of scotch
Waoao Flobibble HUNGOVER