If i may ask a silly question, how are you extracting the additional reasoning? or is it speculation/observation based off *potential* conflicts from differing values (I haven't run my own through a legends viewer yet)
Reloading shows the other causes/reasons if there is more than one.
I've had my dragons with [POWER] lead wars against civs "due to dragonname the blahblah's natural aversion to the worship of water" type stuff.
Thats interesting to know, it works like kobold names then. Noted.
I cannot see how.
Kobolds also reload names because of [UTTERANCES]
from what i've heard, though that might only apply to the actual in fortress mode civilisation screen rather than legends, as i have tried to reload to alter the result but not to much success.
(unless the names change every time a player enters fortress mode and then if you retire & back out they would change.)
Im not personally sure, but reloading behaviour seems to be a lot more common for showing alternative details (like multiple war causes)
EDIT - OR its the personal name of the kobold. Really its not a really important feature to look into, so i wouldn't be devastated if i was mis-informed about it.
Back on topic, would you agree we have sufficient superficial evidence we can actually interact with to brief the mantis with properly? I can't personally see how much more testing of visitors, sentient pets or sentients we can do unless anybody has any specific ideas on how to take further investigation forward.
The rest of the behind the scenes stuff will probably end up being up to Toady to fix unless we could get a bin-patch or some kind of function to just disable graveyard stockpile queues for a bit and then seperate the vistor intelligents issues (with long term residents/petitioners code seemingly overlapping with everything) away from the graveyard material protectionism (which i profess repeatedly is not a issue with ethics, relevant materials that are unethical go to the refuse stockpile properly with dead_dwarf=true disable like it should)
A interesting bug report
0010124: Full citizen petitioning for citizenship just came through. This would be relevant to the visitor bugs & also the bugs surrounding retiring & resettling.
It suggests that the conditions for citizenship might be shaky.
There have also been other bugs mentioned where retiring & then resettling then retiring again to resettle the twice retired site will add the previously hostile members (whether they were on your side or not) to become full members of your fortress again or for the very first time force them to join your civilians/livestock
EDIT - Plus a new bug with intelligent pets is that kidnapper civilisations (like kobolds item thief traders) will incorrectly say that [PET] full intelligents have been 'kidnapped' when the traders arrive & leave with them.
This would be obstructive to any future function of selling away enemy units into the hands of ethic correct traders, and also for the artifact release sending out groups to reclaim the 'kidnapped'. Whether they are actual imprisoned later is unknown. This also shows off the bugged behaviour i was telling you about with merchants bringing (and trolls having professions) pets with jobs.
The pets wouldn't be able to stop working at that job like gremlin hunters, and snakemen as full intelligents cannot be set as occupational scholars (while trolls are there because the [EVIL] & [SLOW_LEARNER] obliges [USE_EVIL_ANIMALS] civs to domesticate them) to practice, despite trolls having a inaccessible labour screen.
0005021: "Masterwork has been lost" when merchants leave with traded items same brand of merchant bug, also for kobold traders 'stealing' objects off the map too.
I further rest my case on graveyard protectionism, because in this puush screenshot i have successfully given a tomb to a live slaughtered snake person, identified who they were while i store the parts in the graveyard stockpile next door. Then after a short delay, the goblins begin to put the individual pieces of the snakeperson (a intelligent pet) into the coffin.
Burial preparation is the only time they will ever deem to handle sentient parts or haul them (besides taking them to the graveyard stockpile)