You procure the foodstuffs for the starving people from neighbouring states, paying with the money from the royal coffers.
1 Mai Year, Autumn
The Great River have flooded this year, its volume increased by the heavy rainfall upstream and in the Western Mountains. Your own people suffer as the flooding river washed away their homes, their belongings and their children. You hear that the state of Dang in the west suffers as well. The royal officials all flock in front of your throne and bow to the ground, willing to hear how their heavenly King is going to solve this dilemma.
As for the suffering of your subjects...
A) Spend money from royal Treasury to rebuild houses and buy rations for the suffering people.
B) Cry publicly about their fate to show how much you are heartbroken to see their suffering.
As for the suffering of the Dang people...
A) Do nothing; they're not your subjects aka they're not your problem.
B) Dig in your Treasury to procure supplies for distant Dang to win their sympathies.
As for the flood itself...
A) Do nothing as nothing can be done about wrath of the River God.
B) Procure expensive jade and ceramic objects to sacrifice them to the Temple of River King, in hopes of soothing his anger with valuables.
C) Sacrifice your wife to the Temple of River King, so that she might try to soothe his fury with her service and singing.
//Remember, no split/incomplete votes!