DFHack is good for moving all the necro towers near your desired embark site, too.
it can do that? how?
i know that it can spawn a siege on command, but ive never heard that it can spawn a tower
I've never tried to create them, but you can move existing sites around without harming fortress mode. I bet it'd be bad news for adventure mode, though.
Tweaking various stuff about the world is something best done after generating the world, just prior to embarking, while viewing the world looking for an embark location.
Once you find the site ID of a tower, you can move it to a specified X/Y on the map using lua. Here's a function I used.
function move_tower(id, x, y)
curr_x = df.global.world.world_data.sites[id].pos.x
curr_y = df.global.world.world_data.sites[id].pos.y
df.global.world.world_data.sites[id].global_min_x = df.global.world.world_data.sites[id].global_min_x + (x - curr_x) * 16
df.global.world.world_data.sites[id].global_min_y = df.global.world.world_data.sites[id].global_min_y + (y - curr_y) * 16
df.global.world.world_data.sites[id].global_max_x = df.global.world.world_data.sites[id].global_max_x + (x - curr_x) * 16
df.global.world.world_data.sites[id].global_max_y = df.global.world.world_data.sites[id].global_max_y + (x - curr_y) * 16
df.global.world.world_data.sites[id].pos.x = x
df.global.world.world_data.sites[id].pos.y = y
Ummmm, how did I find the site ID for towers? Umm, I don't remember 100% (and I'm procrastinating a long writeup on topics like this, but my excuse of no dfhack for 43.05 is rapidly vanishing.)
I think one way is to look up the names of the towers by exporting all the sites and pops, (which is also a nice quick way to check how many towers are in a world without scrolling around.) Once you have the names of each tower, you can search for their site ID with something like: (for a tower named "Cobalthailed")
for ii = 0,#df.global.world.world_data.sites -1 do
if(dfhack.TranslateName(df.global.world.world_data.sites[ii].name, true) == "Cobalthailed") then
There's probably smarter ways.
So, some comfort with lua is required, but once you're there, proximity towers are one thing you can scratch off your "to find" list when looking for an embark. Moved towers should appear in their new position in the site finder, show up as neighbors, and send invaders to fortresses in range of their new position.