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Author Topic: Heroes of Tenath [8/8]  (Read 19940 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Conspiracy RTD [Con: 3/6] [Adv: 4/4] Session 1
« Reply #30 on: November 11, 2016, 03:27:14 am »

Sorry it's taking so long, but I've been both ill, tired, distracted and kinda felt drained at the same time during this week. I'll try to write a proper starting turn with player placement and stuff in a few days. Also I'm considering changing the time that passes each turn to whole day.
If you change it to that wouldn't it mean that small actions, like fighting a weak bandit, would take an entire day when it would probabaly only take an hour or so?
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.

Dark One

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Re: Conspiracy RTD [Con: 3/3] [Adv: 4/4] Session 1 Turn 1
« Reply #31 on: November 11, 2016, 06:45:13 am »

27th Third Quarter 998



Journey to your palace took weeks, but you finally arrive in Cair Taenaron, east of Wickbreach. After a whole day of resting you call your advisors and take ledgers prepared by your scribes, then take a look at current standing of your province.

[Cities: 1, Villages: 1] It seems that in whole province there are no citites other than Cair Taenaron. Villages are also scarce, small and remote from each other. Population of your province is extremely low.

[Garrisons: 2, Keeps: 2] Trade routes and roads aren't protected really well, number of keeps where soldiers could station and which you can use for jailing and storage is also quite small.

[Industries: 5, Farming: 4] Despite problems with lack of workers and rather small population of province, it is bustling with activity. All resources needed to prosper and build up your province further are gained, and farming seems to produce enough food to cover needs of whole province.

[Morale: 3, Religion: 6] While not quite happy with change of ruler and belonging to new province, people of this province are generally content. Census revealled that majority of the province are believers of Three Gods religion and that Order of the Rising Sun hass good standing here. You should be careful with telling anyone your pagan beliefs.

[Army: 4, Resources: 5] While due to low population you don't have a regular army, a contract signed with mercenaries guilds allow you to quickly call well equipped and trained soldiers as long as the payment is good. Your storages are full of resources.

Gaspare Pavoni

Travel from Wickbreach was long and uneventful and you safely arrived at your palace in New Larramsir, north Iseth. After some rest you decided to check your province's status.

[Cities: 5, Villages: 6] New Larramsir is densely populated with abundance of smaller and bigger cities. Trade routes between them are well established. Numerous villages sprouted all around bigger settlements and they're still growing.

[Garrisons: 3, Keeps: 3] Trade routes and roads are slightly protected, but there's still not enough of garrisons to defend them. There are some keeps, but still small number of them.

[Industries: 4, Farming: 6] Your province gathers almost all of important resources. Farming is so efficient that you don't have enough storage space for food.

[Morale: 6, Religion: 6] Majority of New Larramsir's inhabitants see your election as unnecessary, as it prospered great when it belonged to Erdhen. Mercantilia seems to be gaining popularity extremely fast, Three Gods religion is still holding on though.

[Army: 5, Resources: 6] In addition to having a strong, well trained and equipped regular army, you can count on aid of mercenaries. You have slightly more resources than you'll need right now.

Guy Cahill

After weeks you finally reached Greenhaven City, south Iseth. Current standing of your province:

[Cities: 4, Villages: 5] There are numerous bigger settlements and a lot of villages scattered all around. Greenhaven is quite populated province.

[Garrisons: 3, Keeps: 1] Trade routes and roads are protected really well, but protection of villages and other smaller settlements are weak.

[Industries: 6, Farming: 1] Resource gathering and industries are going extremely strong in your province. However, soil of southern Iseth seems completely barren and you are completely dependent on importing food.

[Morale: 5, Religion: 6] Population of Greenhaven seems to be happy due to your election and they seem completely supportive to all your decisions. Influences of Three Gods religion and Order of the Rising Sun are weak, with majority of people reverted to paganism.

[Army: 4, Resources: 1] Greenhaven's regular army is well trained and equipped. You don't have any stored resources - all of them are used on the fly, but it's not a problem with their regular income.


Sapphire and Jack

[5] Sapphire and Jack were travelling together since their family house was attacked. Their adventures led them to Iseth, right to it's capital - Wickbreach city. They have many possibilities for future adventures here: guildhalls of each guild are placed there and there surely are lots of work craftsmen, merchants and nobles can offer.

Tyr Loknar

[2] Sticking to shadows and avoiding attention, Tyr Loknar was following side route from north-western border of Iseth to New Larramsir: The Wolf's Road. The journey was quite uneventful for a long time, until he spotted an encampment in wilderness.


[4] Reaching north-western border of Erdhen province, Iseth, Euzaroch found his way into an unknown village. Various ornaments on cottages suggested that it was pagan village.

Julia DragonBlood

[5] After losing everything in Skraelan civil wars of 989 after Gretanar Empire claimed it's lands, Julia DragonBlood was wandering around whole Tenath. Long and harsh trek led her to Greenhaven City. It seems that people are celebrating arrival of their new ruler - Guy Cahill. This might be a good opportunity to search around for some work.

GM Notes

Removed Traitor's Reach and character slots - current conspiracy session would have only three players. Changed borders of provinces, I'll update the map and post it in glossary.

Sorry it's taking so long, but I've been both ill, tired, distracted and kinda felt drained at the same time during this week. I'll try to write a proper starting turn with player placement and stuff in a few days. Also I'm considering changing the time that passes each turn to whole day.
If you change it to that wouldn't it mean that small actions, like fighting a weak bandit, would take an entire day when it would probabaly only take an hour or so?

It would mean that after the action is finished, another planned action would take place or I'd apply an auto-rest if you don't plan any other actions. That's why planning ahead is required - you post actions your character plans to take during whole day.

Conspirator mode is a turn based strategy. When in a duel, battle, feast, travel or tournament valid actions are like in adventure mode. Otherwise any actions from strategy game in which you rule a kingdom are valid - you must take care of gaining resources and using them to build, create equipment, gather army, keep people's morale up and so on.

You can't openly attack other player or lord as you all belong to one kingdom. You can win either by economical domination or conspiring in a way that'd make you gain more and more power.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2016, 07:30:54 am by Dark One »

Dark One

  • Bay Watcher
  • 'What do I care for your suffering?'
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Re: Conspiracy RTD [Con: 3/3] [Adv: 4/4] Session 1 Turn 2
« Reply #32 on: November 12, 2016, 05:46:48 pm »

28th Third Quarter 998


Guy Cahill

You write down orders and send messages to a few places.

[2] Looking into ledgers and maps you find out that western part of Greenhaven province is unsuitable for your plans, north seems better though.

[3] Closer to resource gathering zones, constructions should start shortly and be fully completed in a few weeks.

[5] Searching through maps with a project important for safety of Greenhaven in mind, you discover ruins placed in favorable areas. Restoring them to usefulnes won't take as much time and resources as building new objects, and their placement is of great strategic importance.

[4] Town criers and lecturers should be mostly enough to deal with the matter in cities. Wandering priests and monks would do the trick in villages. There should be some spare resources to build up churches too.

Sapphire and Jack

[1] Sapphire and Jack roamed the crowded, dirty streets of Wickbreach in search of a job. They tried at the Great Market, where most merchants have their stands and where The Mercantile Triangle's guildhall is placed, but their efforts were futile. On the way to side alleys where craftsmen and Mercenaries guild reside, they were attacked by a group of thugs!

[S&J: 2, Thugs: 6] While having better equipment and some fighting skills, the siblings were outnumbered! They were against a group of eight, dirty and desperate bandits! They were approaching slowly as Sapphire and Jack drawn their weapons and started backing off.

[S&J: 1, Thugs: 6] Jack quickly lost his temper and charged at closest thug with a wild slash. The man barely parried the attack with his rusty iron cudgel and wasn't wounded. Before Sapphire could react, the group completely surrounded Jack and started beating him with bare fists, cudgels and knives! He got some bruisings and his armor got damaged!

[S&J: 3, Thugs: 1] Sapphire quickly joined in to make a distraction so Jack could have a chance to fight back. Using sister's help, Jack instantly focused on one of enemies and when he had a good opportunity, slashed him in face and broke out of circle surrounding him.

[S&J: 6, Guards: 3, Thugs: 1] Siblings tried to back off once again and this time wait for enemies to attack, then city guards finally arrived - three men in chainmals. Seeing guards bandits made a run for it and started escaping towards the eastern bridge. The thug slashed by Jack was left behind by his comrades and guards caught him.

[3] Everything alright citizens? - one of guards asked while others grabbed the thug. We're fine, thanks to your timely reaction. - Sapphire responded politely, but Jack was still angry after the encounter and barked out: I wouldn't call it timely! These dirty scumbags managed to land a few hits at me! pointing at his damaged armor. Just a few minor injuries won't kill you. I swear that criminals are getting more and more audacious these days, they attack in bright daylight! Be cautious roaming the city next time! - guards were just about to leave when Sapphire asked: Excuse me, but do you know where we can find any work? The guards stopped and turned to siblings, then after a while of consideration said: Were you headed towards Mercenaries guild's guildhall by any chance? The Wickbreach City Guard is looking for someone willing to take a contract and aid us in fighting banditry in local area. If you're interested, go to the guildhall - it's on the other side of this alley. - Guard said pointing at the building Then after you sign in, come to our barracks with signed contracts so we could give you some equipment. We must leave now. - With that the guards left, dragging the caught bandit with them.

[2] After calming down a little Sapphire and Jack headed towards the mentioned earlier guildhall, but the doors were closed. There was a note left on them with Closed until 29th Third Quarter. written on it. Looks like they'd have to go there next day.

[6] Then the two wandered around crafts alleys looking for any work, but there was nothing worthwhile. Running on minor errands for whole days would be enough only to spend a night in a tavern with some modest meals.

[3] And speaking of taverns, siblings were quite tired after such eventful day and went to closest one "The Striking Hammer". It clearly was a place where craftsmen could rest after spending their whole days in work. People were sitting by tables, drinking, eating and talking. Some were gambling, throwing dice. A few troubadours were playing a lively tune. Sapphire and Jack ordered a meal and rented a modest room on second floor of the tavern. They payed 8 Florins for whole service.

Tyr Loknar

[3] Noticing the encampment Tyr sneaked closer and took a look at the place. There were two small tents and one bigger, someone was patrolling around them - it was a man armed with a small hatchet and wearing a light padded armor. Another man dragging a deer appeared after a while. It looked like a bandit or mercenary camp.

[1] Suddenly someone spotted Loknar and shouted Hey! What you're doing there!? - more people ran out of tents with their hatchets drawn, each with light padded armor. They might be deserted footmen from Anxrean or Gretanar armies, plaguing the borders of Iseth.

[Tyr: 2, Deserters: 6, Soldiers: 4] Tyr tried to escape into denser vegetation and sneak away, but bandits still heard him going. Suddenly more screams came from direction of the Wolf's Road, followed by sounds of battle. After a while of sneaking Tyr could see what's going on - squad of soldiers from Gretanar Empire was sent after a group of deserters. It was a group of heavy footmen with longswords and some polearms.

[Tyr: 3, Deserters: 3, Soldiers: 5] Someone stayed inside one of tents, using the situation Tyr managed to sneak inside it while soldiers were busy with slaughtering bandits. It was an imperial massanger! The short man was wearing only clothing and was armed with a steel dagger. He instantly charged at Loknar!

[Tyr: 2, Messanger: 4, Deserters: 4, Soldiers: 5] Tyr managed to just barely dodge a slash aimed at his throat, but lost balance in the process and fallen out of the tent, on the ground. By this time soldiers have defeated all of deserters outside and some of them entered the tent while two other got Tyr from the ground and interrogated him.

Who're you, and what are you doing here? - The soldier asked. Tyr thought that revealing his identity isn't too wise idea, but he could tell why he was there, and responded: Lor Taynkr. I was headed towards New Larramsir and these bandits tried to attack me. I ran into the forest and then you arrived, so I thought that I could as well sneak back inside and see what's going on. I got into the tent and another of them charged at me, I dodged but lost balance and fallen out of tent. You know the rest. Soldiers looked at each other, then one of them said: Stay here and watch him. If he tries anything tricky, kill. - soldier nodded his head then the second one left him. After a good while he was back.

[1] He saw too much. Should we let him go, someone in Iseth would sooner or later know that we've been here. Elliminate the threat. - soldiers drawn their longswords and leaped at Tyr!

[Tyr: 2, Soldiers: 1] Loknar instantly backed off and dodged incoming charge, soldiers hit each other and tumbled on the ground!

[5] It was Tyr's chance - he made a mad run to the forest, crossed the road and ran until he reached a small lake. He sat on a rock on it's shore and rested after a long and exhausting run. He easily outran soldiers chasing him. It was getting dark, so he looked for some shelter before the night. There was a small cottage by the lake.

[6] After entering it he met an old man in torn rags. The place was an utter mess, reeking with excretes, broken furniture scattered all around. He grumbled out something incomprehensible and pushed Tyr out, closing his doors shut behind him. There was a small shed on the other side of lake.

[4] After getting there Tyr found that it was empty, with only some hay lying loosely on the ground. Not a best place to rest, but better that getting killed.


[3] Euzaroch without hesitation entered the village and wandered around the houses. The place was empty, all the people were gathered inside the biggest cottage in whole village. He entered it and saw peasants surrounding a sorcerer - a peasant in red robe with skull of a moose as a mask. It was a ritual, villages were preparing so Zyugewolg would avoid their village.

[6] As Euzaroch entered the building, everyone turned to him. The sorcerer hastily shouted out: Here is the sacrifice we've all been searching for! Zyugewolg thrown him into our humble village and awaits for our move - a ritual slaughter to satisfy his bloodthirst!

[Euzaroch: 6, Villagers: 2] As Euzaroch ran out of the cottage, paesantry grabbed anything that was close to them and ran after him. They chased him into nearby forest and almost got him, when suddenly a bone chilling laughter eerily mixed in with roaring of a moose. Everyone dropped their weapons and ran in panic!

[Euzaroch: 6, Villagers: 5] Euzaroch decided to run deeper into the forest and ran into herd of moose. Villagers managed to overcome their fear and ran back for their weapons, then ran after Euzaroch. Just when he thought that it was over, an aggressive bull attacked him!

[Euzaroch: 2, Moose bull: 3, Villagers: 3] A strong kick sent Euzaroch to the ground, his armor absorbing some of damage so he got only bruised up. Villagers led by their sorcerer finally arrived, the man shouted: We failed, and Zyugewolg decided to take the sacrifice by himself by sending his minion into battle!

[Euzaroch: 5, Moose bull: 1, Villagers: 6]  Euzaroch quickly got his shortsword and stabbed the moose through it's neck! He got it out of the wound and made some pagan gestures that meant a sacrifice after killing. Sorcerer seeing these gestures decided to invite Euzaroch to their village and shouted that their ritual and sacrifice was completed by him - a long awaited prophet of dark god. They went back to village and made a small feast to celebrate Euzaroch's arrival and sacrifice he made.

GM Notes

I think that adventure mode players can post their actions in the thread. Posting in PM is much more important for conspirators.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Conspiracy RTD [Con: 3/3] [Adv: 4/4] Session 1 Turn 1
« Reply #33 on: November 12, 2016, 07:38:28 pm »

Enjoy the feast with the villagers. Converse in particular with the sorceror, asking for an introduction and speak in silver-tongued pleasantries backed by our common ground as Pagan brothers.
Gone. Departed. Headed off toward greener pastures.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Conspiracy RTD [Con: 3/3] [Adv: 4/4] Session 1 Turn 1
« Reply #34 on: November 12, 2016, 07:48:21 pm »

Head to the local message board and look around for any jobs or mercs seeking employment. Make sure to write down rewards/costs. Then head to the shops and see about getting a halberd and check the prices of adventuring gear. (Ropes, touches, food, traps, bedrolls.)
My Sig
Fluttershy jumps onto TCM, giving him a hug. "~Yay~"*Player TCM has left the server. Reason: HHHHNNNNNGGGG-

We Madmen are very ingenious.  Sometimes it just takes just a little less sanity to pull off something completely awesome.


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Re: Conspiracy RTD [Con: 3/3] [Adv: 4/4] Session 1 Turn 1
« Reply #35 on: November 12, 2016, 08:26:58 pm »

After sleeping the night away in the shed, Tyr will go back to the cottage and attempt to talk to the old man. If he is let in, he will talk to him and ask for food. If he is refused entry, he will either forage in the forest, hunting if possible. 
As always, life is brief and transient, your posting history lasts forever, so always prioritise forum games.

Glory to United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Conspiracy RTD [Con: 3/3] [Adv: 4/4] Session 1 Turn 1
« Reply #36 on: November 13, 2016, 12:02:42 am »

Exactly how many actions should we send? I'm currently sending 4 every time, but what is the maximum (for Adventurers and Conspirators)?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Conspiracy RTD [Con: 3/3] [Adv: 4/4] Session 1 Turn 1
« Reply #37 on: November 13, 2016, 04:13:26 am »

"Well, that was iFUN!" Sapphire sais jokingly, before resting the night. When morning comes, go to the Mercanary Guildhall, keeping a watchfull eye out for any more bandits that might attack them or are following them. When we get the contract go to the barracks and show the contract. Sapphire obviously does all the talking, a Jack does all the gaurding.
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.

Dark One

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Conspiracy RTD [Con: 3/3] [Adv: 4/4] Session 1 Turn 2
« Reply #38 on: November 13, 2016, 05:34:58 am »

Exactly how many actions should we send? I'm currently sending 4 every time, but what is the maximum (for Adventurers and Conspirators)?

You can post as many actions as you want, if something won't get done during one turn it'd pass to next one.

Dark One

  • Bay Watcher
  • 'What do I care for your suffering?'
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Re: Conspiracy RTD [Con: 3/3] [Adv: 4/4] Session 1 Turn 3
« Reply #39 on: November 13, 2016, 04:32:58 pm »

29th Third Quarter 998


Guy Cahill

[4] Just how maps and your intuition showed, northern reaches of Greenhaven province were good areas for starting base constructions. Within next Quarter it's efficiency should raise.

[2] You send an order to begin printing of leaflets that's promote Order of the Rising Sun within Greenhaven. It might not be enough to increase it's influence, but it won't anger people.

[5] You quickly make a plan of renovation of ruins, including people & resources needed and time. If everything goes as planned, all of them would be restored by the end of next Quarter!

[1] You send letters to priests from other provinces in which you mention building churches in your province. This might anger people, as most of them are pagan.


Sapphire and Jack

Well, that was !FUN! - Sapphire said jokingly before going into bed. Damned bandits! As soon as we get that contract, I'll wipe all of them out of city's streets! - Jack didn't caught the joke and responded with a half-shout, then fallen asleep after relaxing a little.

[4] When the morning came they both woke up and got their stuff, then went downstairs and left the tavern. The sun was slowly raising on the eastern sky, it was a little cold. Alley outside "The Striking Hammer" wasn't crowded yet. Sapphire and Jack followed it straight and then turned to other alleys until they got to the entrance of Mercenaries guildhall.

[4] The doors were already open, some people entering the guildhall. Siblings followed them and entered the building. On first impression the place looked just like a tavern, with people sitting by tables and talking, drinking or gambling. Some troubadours played a calm and relaxing tune. Sapphire asked some woman where they can sign up, and she pointed them to a clerk.

[3] They approached a tall, dark haired man in his late thirties. Before saying anything Sapphire gave Jack a look so he could know that she'll do all the talking. Then she said: Good day sir, my name is Sapphire and this is my brother Jack. Is it the right place to sign up to Mercenaries guild?

[2] The man looked at them, he seemed kinda irritated for some reason. He said: Yes, this is mercenaries guild, I'm Aze Longspan, Wickbreach's recruiter. And yes, we're currently recruiting new members. Are you sure that you want to sign up? - they could easily hear irritation in his voice. Sapphire responded: Yes, we certainly want to join in. Can you tell us more about the guild and duties we're bound to after joining it? Jack slowly started losing his patience.

[3] The man have calmed down a little seeing that Sapphire was serious about their joining. It's pretty simple - after joining you can use the guildhall as a place to rest or train, just be sure to get keys to the building in a city you're inm so you could enter at night. You also receive a small discount on equipment prices from merchants that cooperate with us. However, after joining you're bound to once a quarter pay a ransom dependent on contract. If you don't take any contract for that quarter, you have to pay sixty Florins. When joining in you must pay a sign up fee of forty Florins. Do you want to join? Before Sapphire could reply, Jack cut in. Sixty Florins each quarter!? That's damn a lot! For this price I could spend eight days in a luxurious tavern partying like there'd be no tomorrow!. Sapphire apologized for her brother and said that they're ready to join. The man took two unsigned contracts from chest of drawers and gave it them so they could sign them - originals and a copy. He gave them copies so they could show them to future employers. They payed the sign up fee and received keys to guildhall.

[2] They bid goodbye to the man and left guildhall, then wandered around dirty alleys in search of city guard's barracks. They couldn't find the place and had to ask a few times to know where they actually are. Wickbreach is a huge city after all, and they were wandering around it as if it was a maze of some kind. It turned out that these barracks are on the other side of eastern bridge, across Waythee river.

[3] Afternoon came before they got through all the crowded streets and alleys, but Sapphire and Jack finally reached barracks of city guard. They entered the place and asked about Captain of the Guard. One of officers showed them way to a short, bulky Larramsirian man. Captain Ingrelius, he served Wickbreach for years. Siblings showed him their contracts with mercenaries guild and they spoke about an assignment.

[2] Despite Sapphire's seductive skills and Jack's mercantile knowledge, they couldn't haggle a better reward for this assignment. It also looked like guards haven't had any spare equipment for them. Reward still kept at 300 Florins for clearing streets out of bandits until end of next Quarter, which considering the ransom would grant them 240 Florins. A great deal, and not as dangerous as joining a war battalion. Siblings agreed to take the assignment, took a contract from Captain and left.

[6] They quickly got back to guildhall and gave Aze contract from Ingrelius. The man was surprised that they got an assignment so quickly and mentioned giving them a bonus after the contract is finished. Sapphire and Jack spent rest of the day resting and preparing for the night, and when it got dark, they took torches and went for the streets.

Tyr Loknar

[4] After waking up Tyr scrambled out of hay and left the shed. He decided to take another visit at the madman's cottage. At the doors he met another man, younger than the madman and wearing better clothing. Who are you? And what do you want from the old Llathandril? - he asked. Tyr replied: Lor Tayknr. I was heading to New Larramsir when I sidetracked and lost my way in the forest. I saw that cottage and wanted to ask for food. The man laughed and said: Asking the old weirdo for food? Ha ha ha! Hell, you wouldn't even understand him, bastard keeps mumbling something incomprehensible! But there is a trick to make him talking - bring him food or any other gift and all of a sudden he's able to speak again! Out of curiosity, Tyr asked: And why would you want to speak with him anyway? The man hesitated at first, but he told Tyr that Llathandril is an alchemist. And not any charlatan - a master alchemist! He was bringing him supplies in exchange for alchemical knowledge for years.

[4] They entered the stinking cottage. This time it reeked with suplhur, some strange gas in the air slightly burning to their eyes. As soon as the old man saw his student, he poured some liquid on the floor from a small vial. It instantly started bulging and solidified into sulphur. The stench and burning sensations were gone. Ah, Marius! You've finally arrived! And I see that you brought the uninvited guest I met last night. - Llathandril said looking at Tyr, then kneeled and started picking up sulphur from the floor. I'd like apologize for that. I was... - before Loknar could end, the alchemist said: I understand you. If I was chased by a heavy armored squad of imperial soldiers in these forests, then I'd be desperate to find some hideout. They came here an hour after you, my role of mad hermit was convincing enough for them and they left. I'm really sorry for the trouble. Just wanted to stay for the night and ask for some food, then be on my way. - Tyr apologized again and revealed his intentions.

[5] Well, we can give you just that. And you said that you were headed to New Larramsir, yes? - Marius took a bundle with bread and a waterskin from his backpack. Tyr said That's right. Why? while taking the bundle and waterskin. I have a package that must be delivered to Ivette Jeannis in New Larramsir's great market. Would you be so kind and bring it to them on your way? I'm sure she'll reward you well. After a while of consideration Tyr agreed and took the package. They bid goodbye and when he was just about to leave, Llathandril shouted to him: Oh, and don't forget that under any circumstances you can't open the package! Ingredients inside are highly unstable in contact with air, which most likely will end up with explosion!

[3] Tyr Loknar found his way back to the Wolf's Road and followed it until it got darker, then he slightly moved into forest and set up a campfire.


[2] Euzaroch quite liked the modes and small feast villagers made to celebrate his arrival. Meat of the moose he killed made it better for most of paesants. What interested him more was the sorcerer however, and any knowledge he could possess.

[4] He walked up to sorcerer for a little conversation. I'm Euzaroch. Despite rather harsh first meeting, I greet you as my pagan brother. The sorcerer took off his moose skull mask, revealling a face covered in scars. The man had one empty eyesocket and noticed Euzaroch staring at it. Lost it in wilderness... Welcome in White Fell brother. What brings you here? - that wilderness bit seemed eerie, but Euzaroch didn't wanted to ask. Instead he said: Just wandering. It's... a family matter... - he stopped in the middle of sentence though, memories of his family flashing in his mind. I see. I apologize for that greeting. People here seem unnerved for some reason. I wanted to deal with their bloodthirst in different way. Like, killing a rabbit and pouring both his blood and firewater into bowl at the same time. - he said about the firewater while checking if nobody listened to them talking. So you use alchemy in rituals? What people say about this? - Euzaroch asked curiously. They simply don't know about it. They don't even know the rituals! You see, people claim they are pagan mostly out of fear. Outlaws and beasts plague the wilderness, soil becomes infertile and rumors of Gretanar invasion are really getting on their nerves. I use alchemy to show them that there is a real power watching their safety. Without it, they'd just crumble. Euzaroch asked: So they don't even know about Zyugewolg? It's existence pre and post Reckoning? Trials of Zyugewolg? Gods of elements, legend of the Galthanauvar? Sorcerer seemed surprised that Euzaroch possessed knowledge of pagan mythos. They are completely ignorant, and there's nothing I could do about it. All they want is some flashy liquid magic and a pompous show... Looks like I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Kallun. I live here since 987. - Kallun was probably right about people and paganism, but it wasn't only a problem of this village. In his previous travels he have seen that most people are completely ignorant about the truth.

The feast went on. Euzaroch asked if Kallun could tell him who really matters in this village. First he pointed him a chubby dark haired woman in mid-twenties. It was Lyira, village's healer and herbalist. She was dancing with a tall, ugly man. It was Nayrik, local huntsman. There was also a short, muscular man in early forties with dense, black beard - Olndirk, blacksmith. He was sitting by a table and talking with Allayah, eldest man in the village. Euzaroch and Kallun were talking until the feast was over, conversing about mythos and politics. Sorcerer invited him to stay for the night, and Euzaroch took the invitation.

Julia DragonBlood

[3] Julia left tavern and moved on to streets of Greenhaven. They were crowded, but unlike what can be seen in many other cities, they were kept clean. Passing by merchants yelling about quality of their merchandise on main square, Julia got to a message board in search of information about work.

[3] There were four notes pinned to the board that caught Julia's interest. First one was left by Lurch Onello, a local equipment trader. He wanted to hire some mercenaries to search for a caravan lost in nearby forest that was supposed to bring him merchandise a week ago. The reward were 30 Florins and abillity to take three objects from the caravan if it's found. Second note was left by Greenhaven's Royal Huntsman, Terronius Bog. It was a warning about wolves getting closer to villages just east of Greenhaven city. There was a salary of 20 florins a day for securing villages and bringing skins of wolves to Terronius. Third note was most beneficial, but it involved far travel. A caravan looked for a guard on a route to Cair Taenaron, with reward of 250 Florins. Fourth note was left by Mercantile triangle, they needed to hire a guardian for their guildhall, paying 50 Florins a day.

[3] Julia written down notes and decided to find a weaponsmith and get a halberd. She asked someone on the street and she was told that there's a weaponsmith in craftsmen alley. She got there after a while.

[4] The weaponosmith's shop was well equipped and there were many good weapons for purchase. The prices were good too - Julia bought a Fine Steel Halberd for 40 Florins and strapped it to her back. She asked the weaponsmith if he knows where she can find adventuring gear, and he told her there is a stand where she can buy anything in main square's market.

[1] She left the shop and headed towards market. On the way there she noticed that she's followed by someone. She turned back, but there was no one to be seen.

[Julia: 2, Thug: 4] Suddenly someone charged at her from a small alley to her right! She tried to dodge the charge, but she was a little bit too slow and the thug slammed at her right arm! She started fighting to keep balance and managed to do it, then drawn her halberd as thug recovered from the attack.

Throw your coin purse on the ground and I won't hurt you... too much! - he said, smirking.

[Julia: 3, Thug: 2] Julia hastily attacked the thug, stabbing with spike of her halberd's head. He barely dodged, Julia only scratched his arm.

[Julia: 1, Thug: 6, Guards: 4] The thug slightly backed off then leaped at Julia. She tried to parry attack, but bandit's strike with iron mace was so strong that it knocked her off her legs! She fallen to the ground. Luckily a city guard appeared and drove the thug out. He helped Julia get up from the ground, she picked up her halberd and strapped it to her back.Everything fine lady? - the guard asked with concern. I could've dealt with him on my own! But nevertheless, thank you for help. - Julia said as if she lost a challenge. We're trying to catch that particular outlaw for weeks! Be careful next time. - Guard said with irritated voice. Julia responded: I will, thank you. - and left to the market.

[6] She got to the stand where she was supposed to get everything necessary, but traders were leaving the market and heading towards their home. That stand was already closed.

[2] Slightly disappointed, Julia wandered around the market trying to find a tavern. "The Trader's Lounge", "Watchful Guardian" and "Lucky Fisherman" had no vacancies, but she found a room in a "Threeway Inn". They could offer her only a bed, so she took a meal from food she had packed and fallen asleep.

GM notes

I'm changing updating schedule from everyday to when it's done, it's taking really long to write it all...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Conspiracy RTD [Con: 3/3] [Adv: 4/4] Session 1 Turn 2
« Reply #40 on: November 13, 2016, 05:02:22 pm »

Sapphire whispers "Keep an eye out, it's hunting time..." Go to the same place they were attacked last time, and prepare an ambush using the surrounding enviroment, maybe even a few traps if possible. If any bandits come around, wait for them to activate traps if they managed to make any, then use the element of surprise to epicly leap out of the darkness at the enemy. In the fighting, Sapphire makes sure to say some entertaining and sarcastic things, (seperatly, and together.) while Jack yells about getting revenge (because Jack hates losing).
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Conspiracy RTD [Con: 3/3] [Adv: 4/4] Session 1 Turn 2
« Reply #41 on: November 13, 2016, 06:37:54 pm »

Tyr will walk to New Larramsir, and upon reaching it, he will first deliver the package. After payment, he will buy a small meal to satisfy his hunger. 
As always, life is brief and transient, your posting history lasts forever, so always prioritise forum games.

Glory to United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Conspiracy RTD [Con: 3/3] [Adv: 4/4] Session 1 Turn 2
« Reply #42 on: November 14, 2016, 03:03:51 am »

Go ask for the job at the mercantile triangle. After work ask around the guard house about the guy who mugged me.

If I have time head to an armorer and get some light armor

My Sig
Fluttershy jumps onto TCM, giving him a hug. "~Yay~"*Player TCM has left the server. Reason: HHHHNNNNNGGGG-

We Madmen are very ingenious.  Sometimes it just takes just a little less sanity to pull off something completely awesome.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Conspiracy RTD [Con: 3/3] [Adv: 4/4] Session 1 Turn 2
« Reply #43 on: November 14, 2016, 03:54:55 pm »

Ask Kallun (and others, if he doesnt know of anything in particular) if there are any troubles the village has that I could help solve.
Gone. Departed. Headed off toward greener pastures.

Dark One

  • Bay Watcher
  • 'What do I care for your suffering?'
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Re: Conspiracy RTD [Con: 3/3] [Adv: 4/4] Session 1
« Reply #44 on: November 16, 2016, 12:25:34 pm »

30th Third Quarter 998


Guy Cahill

[3] You call Greenhaven architects and order them to plan the structure and resources needed to build it. It's their first endeavor in planning structure of this type, so it might take them some time.

[3] Since you've had the architects in your palace already, you also gave them task to plan an overhaul one of existing settlements. They began the work in-between planing previous structure.

[4] You send an envoy with information that should be interesting for it's receiver. Now it's only a matter of time to receive the reply.

[6] You don't have enough structures built/renovated for that, but it might work if you use space left in villages.


Sapphire and Jack

After resting and preparing Sapphire and Jack left their guidhall and closed doors shut behind them. Keep an eye out, it's hunting time... - Sapphire whispered to her brother with a smile on her face. They didn't lit up their torches to avoid drawing attention.

[4] Wandering Wickbreach's streets in the moonlight they were searching for the place where they got ambushed. They quickly found it and tried to set up a trap. The nearby building was a storage of some kind, with few crates left outside. They pried them open and found tool components, which they used to trap the surrounding area. First they ensured that they'd be warned of anyone approaching with simple noisemaker traps. Then they moved some barrels with water standing nearby and put them at an angle against a wooden beam - activating the trap would send barrels at thugs, making them wet at the same time. Then siblings hidden in shadows, awaiting.

[3] Sapphire was watching the way that they came from guildhall while Jack observed route that they first used when wandering alleys. After a while Jack saw someone in the distance. In a few minutes they came closer, chainmalls gleaming in torchlight. Three city guards were approaching. Sapphire alarmed Jack. She could make out a group of people approaching them, moving in darkness.

Time to beat these bastards! - Jack whispered to Sapphire, waiting in anticipation to get his revenge.

[5] Both thugs and city guards were getting closer to Sapphire and Jack, just about to meet each other. Siblings remained silent, waiting for the right moment to ambush thugs. Bandits hidden between two buildings when guards passed by, then tried to sneak further but one of them stepped into a noisemaker. Ambush! - he shouted to alarm others. City guards immediately drawn their weapons and ran back to check what's going on. Sapphire and Jack jumped out of their hideouts to block one way of escape. You've almost woke up half of Wickbreach. You call that stealth? - Sapphire said mockingly. Rest of bandits charged to help their comrade, and guards were closing another escape route.

[S&J: 5, thugs: 4, guards: 3] It's time of reckoning! - Jack shouted while charging into battle. With combination of parrying and counterattacks siblings held their ground and managed to keep thugs from escaping. Guards were slower than bandits and they got a few hits from thugs.

[S&J:4, thugs: 4, guards: 2] Three men charged at Sapphire but she jumped back, then Jack pushed them back at their comrades, who easily caught them. Then the group attacked guards, three against one while two others were trying to prevent Jack and Sapphire from getting any closer. Guards were outnumbered. One of them when parrying an attack got hit at te back of his head by a thug behind him. Another hit the ground while two bandits slammed at him with brutal force. And the third one mistakenly activated the barrel trap!

[S&J: 2, thugs: 5, guards: 6] The barrels instantly sprung towards Sapphire and Jack! The two managed to jump away, while guards on the ground had less luck and they were hit! Muggers quickly escaped into darkness.

[6] Sapphire and Jack helped guards get up from the ground, then they decided to take them back to nearest barracks. It was a short walk, as barracks were only two alleys away. The watchmen didn't had keys for that building though. They knocked to doors of barracks but nobody opened. There was a small window on the upper floor of the building, open. Sapphire climbed up and got inside barracks. She wasn't sure if someone was inside so she tried to stealthily find keys and open doors, but then she mistakenly kicked a chair! Suddenly she heard some footsteps coming from behind!

[1] Sapphire tried to evade and hide in another room, but she stumbled upon someone! Thief! Raise the alarm! - guard pushed Sapphire, knocking her off her feet and drawn a sword. Wait! I'm not a thief! I can explain it all! - Sapphire quickly shouted.

[5] Explain? Alright, try your luck. - the man looked at her with disbelief. Sapphire quickly showed him a contract she signed with Mercenaries and City Guard. Then she told him about ambush she set with Jack, which didn't quite worked well. Eventually the man believed her and help her get up as other guards rushed upstairs. He quickly told them that it's false alarm.

[6] Hearing all the commotion Jack decided to help his sister. With a strong kick he smashed doors open and charged into the building. Someone broke in! - one of guards shouted, and they all charged at Jack!

[Jack: 1, Guards: 4] They quickly got to him and before he could even react, grabbed him by limbs and thrown at the ground. Sapphire and the officer quickly ran down to see what's going on. Oh, it's my brother, Jack. All the noise must've alarmed him and he charged into the building to aid me. - she tried to explain him. Guards insisted that he should pay for smashed doors, so he lost 30 Florins. Siblings left barracks and returned to guildhall, to rest after the night.

Tyr Loknar

[4] Tyr continued his journey along the Wolf's Road. There was no sight of soldiers he encountered before, outlaws or wild animals. There was litterally nothing stopping his trek through this mid-forest route. The journey on foot was slow and boring, but he managed to get considerably closer to New Larramsir. By the evening he set up a campfire, ate a bit of stale bread he got from alchemists and drank some water, then fallen asleep.


After waking up in Kallun's hut and eating some bread and sausages that were left for breakfast, Euzaroch decided to find out if this village as any problems he could solve. He wanted to ask Kallun first, but he wasn't anywhere around his house. Euzaroch went to the village and asked one of peasants: Have you seen the sorcerer today?

[1] The man stared at him blankly for a while, then said Can't help you with that, our village sorcerer always goes to his forest hideout and comes back for night. Before Euzaroch could ask him about the hideout or problems of the village, the man said: Now begone, I have a lot of work to do!

[1] There was no one else around to ask, so Euzaroch decided to find Kallun's hideout on his own. Roaming around dense forests, he was attacked by a pack of eight hungry wolves! He wanted to escape back to village, but it seems that he forgot the way and only got deeper into forests, chased by wolves.

[Euzaroch: 1, Wolves: 2] Euzaroch tried to frighten wolves, first by barking and showing his teeth, then by trying to make himself appear as bigger than he is. But this didn't worked, in fact, the barking attracted something else! There were noises coming from bushes to his right! Wolves were slowly approaching.

[Euzaroch: 4, Wolves: 1, Kallun: 3] In a desperate attempt, Euzaroch drawn his shortsword and charged at the pack. Wolves were surprised by ths sudden attack and couldn't counterattack! With a few swift slashes, he heavilly wounded three of the wolves. Rest of the pack was about to attack, but then Kallun came from same direction as previous noises. He quickly grabbed a spiked mace and helped Euzaroch. He crushed skull of one of wolves and ripped flesh from torso of another. There were still five wolves left.

[Euzaroch: 5, Wolves: 6, Kallun: 2] Dodging claw attack and bites, then slashing back Euzaroch cut badly three another wolves. The two that were left panicked and tried to run for their lives, but Kallun tried to stop them. He quickly jumped on them and managed to catch them by their tails, but the clawed at his hand to get free.

[Euzaroch: 2, Wolves: 2, Kallun: 5] Euzaroch tried to help Kallun hold these wolves and grabbed them by heads, but he couldn't hold them for too long. However, it was long enough for Kallun to smash their skulls. They killed the pack of wolves. What were you doing here? - Kallun asked. Someone in the village told me that I can find you in this forest. I wanted to ask you about problems of this village, but it seems that I've already encountered one. - Euzaroch replied, explaining why he came to the forest. Beasts are the biggest problem of White Fell, especially wolves and wild dogs. You can easily run into a pack of hungry beasts. And I'm trying to solve it for long... too long. - he said the last sentence with irritation in his voice. So you're hunting wolves each day? - Euzaroch asked. Each day, for almost six quarters. And I'm nowhere near dealing with them for some strange reason. Let's skin those wolves and go to my hideout, I'll lead the way.

[5] Kallun took a dagger he had and started skinning the wolves, getting pelts of fur. He also took some fat. Then together they went to Kallun's hideout - it was a small cave with entrance made using pine beams and some old wooden doors. He had everything one needed inside - a bed, shelves with many small bowls and jars with dried herbs, some rusted alchemical apparatus and a chest of drawers. They rested and talked, sorcerer even showed Euzaroch how to prepare firewater. When the night came, they fallen asleep.

Julia DragonBlood

[3] Julia left the "Threeway Inn" and went to Greenhaven's guildhall of Mercantile Triangle. It was a tall, richly ornamented building in Larramsirian architectural style. It looked exotic within rather plain Isethian structures. She entered the guildhall - it's interior was even richer and more ornamented than extrior. Immediately a clerk approached her. Good day lady, how may I help you? - he asked. Good day sir, I'm here for the guardian job mentioned on a message board. - she replied. Ah, yes. We need someone to guard the guildhall's east wing during day. Our previous guard went on retirement when he lost a leg. The salary of fifty Florins is satisfying for you? - after a moment of consideration, Julia agreed and signed a contract. She begins her first shift tomorrow.

[1] After leaving Triangle's guildhall, she was about to head to an armorer and check an assortment of light armors, but then she was attacked by the thug that attacked her yesterday!

Good to see you again! Do you fancy giving me your coin purse? Not that you have a choice, haha! - the bandit said mockingly and charged!

[Julia: 5, Thug: 1] Julia quickly grabbed her halberd and pointed it with it's spike at the thug. The man was running too quick to slow down in time and the spike punctured into his body, puncturing the lung! Julia quickly got her halberd out of his body and the thug fell on the ground, struggling to catch a breath. After a while he suffocated.

[6] Julia searched his body and found a small key. There was also an empty sack, and since the guard mentioned that they're trying to get him dead for a long time, she cut his head off with halberd's blade and put it into the bag. Then she moved away, leaving a headless bloodied corpse in front of guildhall. She approached one of guardians and showed him head of the thug, asking if there was any bounty on his head. There wasn't, and he advised her to not tell anyone about his death - he was a son of captain of the guard! On nearest opportunity, Julia thrown the sack with head away.

[6] Then she found an armorer and asked about light armors, but the man told her that he only works on contracts, at least five breastplates minimum. He advised her to go to Greenhaven's market, stand with adventuring gear sometimes has armors suited for wanderers and adventurers.

[2] Julia moved onwards to the market, but when she reached it, all the stands were closed. She had to return to "Threeway Inn" as it was getting quite dark.
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