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Author Topic: Heroes of Tenath [8/8]  (Read 19961 times)

Dark One

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Re: Heroes of Tenath (Previously: Conspiracy RTD) [5/8]
« Reply #105 on: February 05, 2017, 06:54:22 am »

((Sorry it's been so long, I was really busy and only today found time for an update.))

11th Fourth Quarter 998

Sapphire and Jack

Still 10th Fourth Quarter 998

After getting to their room, siblings left their stuff in chests then locked them. Sapphire took other reports and broke the seal, then checked their contents. The fourth report was about two Larramsirian spies operating in Erdhen district. The order is simple - find and kill them. This could be done on the way to Isethian camp by the border, their current destination. Fifth report was about several attacked caravans along the Wolf's road, outlaws hired by Gretanar Empire are probably the cause. Their camp should be somewhat close to the trade route, so this can be dealt with on the way too. The sixth report was quite curious, as it only gave vague directions and mentioned only a cavern by the Inner Sea's shore.

[4] As Sapphire checked reports, Jack trained punching on a bag filled with sand that was just lying in the room for some unknown reason. He hanged it up on one of wooden beams and punched, his hand to hand technique getting better with some training.

[6] After checking all the reports, Sapphire, inspired by Jack, decided to train her swordfighting. When he was finished with the bag, she made a few slashes and whole the sand spilled out of it. There was something contained within the sand, it was a purple, half-transparent crystal the size of Jack's fist.

[5] Siblings quickly hidden it with their stuff and rested well after cleaning up the sand.

Present day

Sapphire and Jack took their stuff from chests and went down to the tavern proper for a breakfast. After that, they decided to move on with their journey. They took their horses from stables and set off. It was cold, the winter has come.

[2] Travelling was quite slow due to cold and routes covered with snowdrifts. At least nobody bothered them on the way, even the nature felt dead that day, still recovering from the surprise blizzard of yesterday.

[2] By the evening siblings only got through quarter of the way they had from tavern to Erdhen. They had to stop somewhere for the night, luckily there was a village nearby.

[6] As they reached the village, Sapphire and Jack saw people gathered around a small pile of rocks, making offerings to the gods of frost so the winter won't be harsh. It was a pagan village, ventures to such places can end badly. The villagers spotted them, after sacrificing the offerings, the sorcerer approached them. What do you seek in our village? - the man in a long, black coat asked. We seek shelter for the night. Can you help us? - Sapphire replied politely.

[1] I'm afraid we have hardly enough supplies and space for us. Besides, you two seem suspicious... - he said after a while called other villagers. Leave us travellers! There is a tavern further along the route! - someone shouted from the cowd.

[1] After the unwelcome greetings in pagan village, siblings continued on the way in search of some shelter. It was getting darker and it seemed that another blizzard was coming.

[1] Sapphire and Jack traversed a bridge over an ice cold river and then the blizzard hit! The coldness was unbearable and they couldn't see a thing on the route!

[3] Then siblings saw light, the tavern was close! With their whole strenghts they managed to get there and pay 30 Florins to stay for the night and to keep horses in stables.

Siblings: Lost 30 Florins (15 each), found a purple crystal

Tyr Loknar

After resting in old alchemist's house and preparing for the journey, Tyr moved on in search of Llathandrill.

[3] He spotted traces of horses and a wagon in snow, this gave him a vague clue where he could be now.

[5] He followed the traces through nearby forests and along the Wolf's route until he reached border of Erdhen. There was a roadsign with name of nearby village - White Fell. Tyr drove closer to it and spotted a dismantled wagon in forest. This is it! - he thought, and entered the village.

[6] It was a day of offerings to gods of frost. Someone stood out from the crowd, a tall man with tapered physique. Not ugly, but strangely somewhat unpleasant to look at nonetheless. Tyr left his horse and approached the crowd, and after greeting people, he approached the sorcerer. Welcome pagan brother! I seek an alchemist known as Llathandrill. Do you know where he could be now? - Tyr asked, after a while of consideration, the sorcerer replied: Leave an offering for gods of frost first, and then we'll speak.

[4] He searched his equipment to find something suitable, and took one of sapphires, then left it at the base of rock pile. Ah! A sapphire! The most noble and symbolic offering one could give to gods of frost! We'll speak after the ceremony.

[1] Sorcerer continued with the ceremony, leading pagan prayers. Suddenly the altar started glowing, red envelope forming around it. Then the pile exploded!

[Tyr: 2, Sorcerer: 1, Crowd: 4] Tyr managed to jump out and only got hit by several pebbles that gave him some bruises. The sorcerer had much less luck, his head mangled by one of heavier rocks! People from the crowd escaped unscathed. Damn! Guess I won't find out where the alchemist went.

[3] Loknar got up, and Looking at the pile he saw his sapphire. It wasn't even flawed by the explosion! Tyr took it seeing that gods of frost didn't wanted to claim them and went up to Nayrik, the same man that sent a group of boars at him when his hunting went wrong. Greetings Nayrik! Too bad we meet in such situation... Have you seen an alchemist here?

[3] Sorry, haven't seen anyone. - he replied. Ah, I see. Can I stay here for the night? The winter has come and I don't want to be caught in a blizzard on the way. - Tyr asked. Sure. - Nayrik agreed and they both rested in his cottage.

Tyr: Bruised


Vril woke up and readied for next day. He wanted to set off and continue on the road.

[6] The weather wasn't suitable for that however, there was a strong blizzard coming and it was better to stay in Trastarim. Especially that the tavern was bustling with people and they tripled the salary on his job!

[1] Vrillith wanted to go anyway, but the blizzard have come much quicker than expected and surprised everyone that morning!

[5] He had to stay in the tavern and worked through the day. At least he got some Florins and free supplies for next day, when he'll move on.

Vrillith: Received 15 Florins, 3 days food and water


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Re: Heroes of Tenath (Previously: Conspiracy RTD) [5/8]
« Reply #106 on: February 05, 2017, 09:32:00 am »

Continue adventuring, once again marking any places of intrest down on our map and if we ever get a chance to do reports 4-6 then do them, also train alot.
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.


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Re: Heroes of Tenath (Previously: Conspiracy RTD) [5/8]
« Reply #107 on: February 05, 2017, 11:39:16 am »

Wait for blizzard to pass, then get going
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Ravioli Ravioli, the old broad died so now I play a Demon Loli.


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Re: Heroes of Tenath (Previously: Conspiracy RTD) [5/8]
« Reply #108 on: February 06, 2017, 09:04:06 am »

Tyr continues to search for the alchemist, while chatting with Nayrik.
As always, life is brief and transient, your posting history lasts forever, so always prioritise forum games.

Glory to United Forenia!

Dark One

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Re: Heroes of Tenath: Blizzards everywhere [5/8]
« Reply #109 on: February 12, 2017, 08:35:30 am »

12th Fourth Quarter 998

Sapphire and Jack

With coming of dawn, the blizzard passed and allowed for more or less safe journey. After all the preparations, siblings took their horses from stables and set off.

[4] Despite the path being horrible to travel due to cold, snow and ice, Sapphire and Jack kept up quite good speed, reaching Erdhen border at noon. They could even see some caravan in front of them.

[6] Something must be terribly wrong with the weather, as another sudden blizzard gathered! It feels like someone or something tries to stop siblings on their path, as if it wanted Gretanars' to use their newly built advanced mortars in battle.

[5] Luckily, a garrison of Bleakrock Keep is located just by the path! Though rumored to be accursed, there's no better place to hide than in fortress run by king's soldiers. Both siblings and the caravan reached gate before the blizzard gathered in strenght. And thanks to their current rank of Agents in Mercenaries Guild, they could receive supplies and accomodation for free.

[6] A soldier on the battlements above leaned from behind fortifications and shouted: In the name of King, Halt! The Bleakrock Keep is closed! It's a matter of national safety! - looking at the battlements siblings saw that the keep was really on alert. But a blizzard is coming! You must let us inside! - merchant from the caravan responded.

[2] There is a small shed somewhere along the path. It won't fully shelter you for the blizzard, but it's the best you can have right now! - said the soldier. Since Sapphire and Jack were agents of the king, they still could request entry and deal with the threat accordingly. We are agents of the king on the way to Anxrean border. Let us and the caravan inside and we can help you with the threat. - Sapphire requested.

[6] Agents of the king? - the soldier was surprised. Open the gates! - he shouted to another soldier.

[Siblings: 5, Spies: 1] Just as the gates were opened, two armed people in light armor ran out from a recess in the wall, straight at siblings! Sapphire and Jack took their weapons and mopped the ground with them! Several wild slashes and then a strike with hilts of their swords were enough to knock them out! These probably were the spies mentioned in the fourth report!

[6] Sapphire and Jack searched unconscious spies and found their letters and maps!

[1] They were writen in Larramsirian dialect with some kind of code, thus it was hard to decipher anything on those letters!

[6] Searching further, they found documents signed by lord of Erdhen district, Miles Backhorst.

[1] They don't seem to be forgeries. Quickly reading through them siblings noticed that these papers were of utmost importance for Iseth's chances in the incoming war. Castle Erdhen is too far away from the Wolf's Road, and all these sudden blizzards make all travels hard. They could send a messanger to deliver these documents, or go there on their own.

[3] Later on in the keep's tavern, siblings were resting after a busy day. A messanger from the Anxreah borderline camp was in the keep, they sent him to find siblings. He approached them. Finally found you two! You should hurry up on the road, Gretanar army is growing quite big by the border. We expect them to attack in next few days! - the messanger said. We'll do our best. Where are you heading now? Could you deliver these documents to Erdhen castle? - Sapphire said, handing the documents to messanger. Sure, I was heading there anyway. Good luck on the way!

After a dinner, siblings went for their well deserved sleep.

Received: Larramsirian letters and maps
Lost: Erdhen  documents (given to messanger)
Fulfilled: Fourth Report

Tyr Loknar

Next day Tyr decided to search for the alchemist. He prepared himself and then spoke with Nayrik. Are your tracking skills good? - he asked. Well, I'm the best hunter in these woods. Why? - Nayrik inquired. I need you to find someone for me. There's a disassembled wagon in the forest, just nearby the village. We should check it for any traces. - Tyr said and waited a while for Nayrik's reaction. Alright, let's go.

[4] They quickly reached abandoned wagon and after removing snow from the wagon, they started inspecting it. An axle broke... - Tyr said after reaching for wheel with part of an axle. It must've been heavily loaded. Someone drove that way recently. - Nayrik pointed at traces of a carriage. Let's check it out.

[3] They followed traces of the carriage until they reached some cavern hideout. That's the hideout of our sorcerer. You saw him die yesterday, guess that his friend dwells inside. - Nayrik quickly pointed. We should ask him about the alchemist. - Loknar said.

[2] That's not a best idea. He's a person you'd not want to cross with. Especially after his friend died. There are rumors that he'll be our new sorcerer. - he replied. Asking him won't hurt. - Tyr insisted.

[1] I strongly advise against it! People are well afraid of him, and for a good reason. Once he screwed up with some alchemical components and got half of his face blown off. They say he passed Trials of Zyugewolg, and it completely healed him! If you really want to talk with him, do it alone. I'm not going inside! - Nayrik went away, but still waited for Tyr under nearby tree.

[2] Tyr entered the hideout. It was quiet and a bit dark.

[1] Leave. - an unpleasant voice came from deeper chambers. I just want to ask bout the alchemist... - Tyr couldn't even finish.

[6] The man he saw in the crowd yesterday approached him. Llathandrill? He left, don't know where he is now. - he said somewhat angrily. Any idea where I might meet him? - Tyr asked.

[2] Can't help you. Leave now. - the man said, Tyr left his house and joined Nayrik. You were right, that guy is some creep. Let's check for more traces.

[1] Suddenly a blizzard started gathering. We should get back to village. - the hunter warned. Alright, let's go.

[5] They quickly returned to Nayrik's house and waited out. The blizzard thrived until late evening.


Vrillith packed all his stuff and decided to move on. The blizzard has passed and finally he could go.

[2] Vril left Trastarim village. Travelling on foot through the snowdrifts and ice was quite slow.

[4] At least it seemed that the weather would get better soon in this part of Skraelan. Winters in Tenath always were chaotic and short-lived. Especially at times of big changes in the world.

[3] Moving onward Vrillith passed two villages pillaged by bandits. Despite the claims that Gretanar empire has a firm standing in the region and strong military presence, they never actually cared for people living there. That's why bandits and outlaws are a common problem.

[6] Just as he passed through one of pillaged villages, a group of civillian militia approached! Stop! Who are you and what are you doing here!? - a peasant armed with sledghehammer shouted. Vrillith. Just passing by, moving onward aimlessly. - he replied.

[5] Wait, you're the guy thrown out of Ravecloft? You are extremely lucky, the village has been raided and plundered, no one survived! They say that you're quite skilled fighter, perhaps you can help us here? - the man asked. What's in it for me? - Vril asked.

[4] We'll fully equip you for your journeys if you help us out. - peasant replied. Vril considered it for a while and said: We'll see yes we will!, take me to your village and after some resting, I may try to help you.

[3] They reached the village quite quickly, it was the only one that still held on despite bandit attacks. They gave Vrillith a cottage and all equipment needed. Then he rested.

Received: Skraelan militia light armor [p: 2, s: 3, b: 2], Skraelan militia shortsword [p: 3, s: 3, b: 1], 7 days food and water


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Re: Heroes of Tenath: Blizzards everywhere [5/8]
« Reply #110 on: February 12, 2017, 08:45:21 am »

Same as previous action.
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.


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Re: Heroes of Tenath: Blizzards everywhere [5/8]
« Reply #111 on: February 12, 2017, 11:22:47 am »

Follow the men and figure out what I need to do
"So any ideal who attacled your place or just the common scum?"
« Last Edit: February 12, 2017, 11:33:01 am by spazyak »
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Ravioli Ravioli, the old broad died so now I play a Demon Loli.


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Re: Heroes of Tenath: Blizzards everywhere [5/8]
« Reply #112 on: February 12, 2017, 11:31:53 am »

Ask around town if they've seen or heard about an alchemist traveling nearby.
As always, life is brief and transient, your posting history lasts forever, so always prioritise forum games.

Glory to United Forenia!

Dark One

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Re: Heroes of Tenath: Blizzards everywhere [5/8]
« Reply #113 on: February 18, 2017, 06:30:05 pm »

13th Fourth Quarter 998

Sapphire and Jack

Siblings left Bleakrock Keep as soon as first rays of sunlight appeared. They had to hurry up, as messanger warned them of Gretanars preparing an assault in a few days. They sent the man with documents to Erdhen castle and then set off along the Wolf's Road.

[4] The road was clear and the weather promised a good day to travel.

[6] On the road siblings marked places of interest on their map. A trading post of Mercantile Triangle with note on a signpost "Next Open 27th Fourth Quarter 998 - Imported weapons and armor". This might be a good opportunity to get some more exotic weapons or buy firearms cheaply, as when such trading posts are open, they have previously advertised stuff in excess. Next they drove past a construction site protected by knights with symbols of three gods and sunlight on their plate mails - Order of the Rising Sun is building a fortress... right next to a pagan coven! Things will get interesting once they find out about each other.

[4] Continuing their journey, Sapphire and Jack traversed most of the trade route and are just about to reach the Isethian camp. It was getting dark however, and they decided to not risk it after getting tired.

[4] They found a safe spot close to a roadsign and set up a campfire. Next morning they'll finally reach the camp.

Lost: 1 day food and horse food ration
Marked: Mercantile Triangle trade post, Order's of the Rising Sun Fortress, Pagan Coven

Tyr Loknar

When Tyr woke up and prepared himself, Nayrik already was absent. An early hunting probably. Loknar left the cottage with intent of asking people about the alchemist.

[4] Inquiring about Llathandrill in White Fell gave him a lead. Some townsfolk seen a fully loaded carriage, described driver looking similar to him. The trade route splits between Erdhen and New Larramsir cities, with several villages on the way. Something told Tyr that he should search to the south.

[3] He quickly took his horse and left White Fell. Assuming that there's about two days between him and the alchemist, he still might catch him.

[1] Driving through forest shortcut that one of villagers told when telling about alchemist, Tyr took wrong turn and crossed Anxrean border, getting right into the Gretanar army camp!

[6] Curiously, nobody noticed or seemed to care. He turned back and drover back to the forest, when suddenly he heard a blast in the distance.

[3] The ballista arrow flewn right past Loknar and hit the ground, tearing a hole and lodging in the earth!

[6] Without thinking too much, he speeded up and drove away to the forest.

[Ballista: 1, Tyr: 5] Another blast and the missile flied through treetops! The siege operator wasn't properly skilled it seems and decided to train on Tyr.

[5] After a while he was out of ballista's effective range and could safely travel onward. Conditions to travel were so good that by evening he reached the city of Erdhen and payed a night's stay at local tavern cheaply, only 10 Florins!

Lost: 10 Florins


Next day Vril met at the village's main square with peasants that asked him for help. He wanted to know as much as he can about his enemy and asked: So any idea who attacked your place or just the common scum?

[3] They quickly responded: Local group of outlaws, about twenty of them or more. Vrillith thought for a moment then asked: You know anything about their equipment? How well equipped is this village?

[5] Most of them have light skraelan armors and use eiter long or short bladed weapons. Their leader wears a plate mail and weilds a flail however. - said one of them. The second peasant went away for a while to ask people about anything useful against bandits they had.

[6] After a while he was back. Well, we have some old weaponry from times of civil wars. There's also an abundance of tools that may be turned into weapons and used against them. - the man said. So let's not waste time there's not much of it for you anyway and start making weapons. At the same time I'll train a group of people. - Vril said.

[2] The blacksmith was't working this day as he felt ill, so nobody worked on weapons.

[5] At least Vrillith's training was successfull! In one day he managed to teach fifteen people basics of combat and tactics useful for civillian militia. If another training session would be such a success, people here would be able to defend the village on their own!

After a long day people went back to their houses and rested.

GM's notes

I'm considering starting an RTD in smaller scope and focused on single actions alongside this one. It'll probably have more frequent updates and less complexity, and I think that I might be able to run both of games. If anyone's interested, let me know in a PM.


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Re: Heroes of Tenath: Blizzards everywhere [5/8]
« Reply #114 on: February 18, 2017, 07:17:09 pm »

Train people then start leading people out to hutn for them once they are equiped
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Ravioli Ravioli, the old broad died so now I play a Demon Loli.


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Re: Heroes of Tenath: Blizzards everywhere [5/8]
« Reply #115 on: February 18, 2017, 08:18:50 pm »

((I'm back, sorry for my somewhat brief absence.))

"Llathandrill- you possess much knowledge in alchemy, no doubt. But to what extent? It may be daft of an apprentice to philosophize so boldly, but I think that the greatest mistake an alchemist- or anyone can make, for that matter- is to withhold knowledge. It would be a great benefit if our community would share more, it would benefit us all. Don't you agree? I understand your conviction in withholding this man's identity from us, but surely he is a wise and knowledgeable man, he would forgive you for sharing his identity with us. We need these components right now so that we can pursue our scholarly pursuits in alchemy. To gain knowledge, to become more intelligent." Euzaruoch maintains a stern and serious face, so that Llathandrill knows he means what he says. "What is his name, where is he? Tell us so that we may enlighten ourselves and others."

Attempt persuasion of Llathandrill. Even if he persists in his answer, respect his decision and help him further along like we promised.
Gone. Departed. Headed off toward greener pastures.


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Re: Heroes of Tenath: Blizzards everywhere [5/8]
« Reply #116 on: February 19, 2017, 09:01:06 am »

Continue doing what I was doing before.
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.


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Re: Heroes of Tenath: Blizzards everywhere [5/8]
« Reply #117 on: February 19, 2017, 11:06:59 am »

Continue the search.
As always, life is brief and transient, your posting history lasts forever, so always prioritise forum games.

Glory to United Forenia!

Dark One

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Re: Heroes of Tenath: Battle at the borderland [4/8]
« Reply #118 on: February 25, 2017, 09:07:26 am »

14th Fourth Quarter 998

Sapphire and Jack

With the morning siblings prepared and left their long extinguished campfire. Getting through whole Iseth was long and tedious, but they are finally close to their destination.

[4] Following the Wolf's Road to Anxrean border they got to Isethian campsite in no time! They were stopped by two soldiers upon reaching it's entrance: Stop! Identify yourself! - one of them hastily shouted. Sapphire and Jack, we are agents sent by king to infiltrate enemy camp and destroy their weapons. - Sapphire replied. Any evidence of this? - second soldier inquired readying his weapon. Looks like there's quite a big tension and distrust in the camp. Yeah, these papers. - Jack showed soldiers reports.

[4] One of them read it aloud, then handed them back to Jack. Alright, you're granted entry to the camp. You may want to speak with a few people before you leave to complete your duty. Start with Andes Unraill, he is a leader of our military forces. He'll tell you the rest. - the man pointed the leader's tent. Sapphire and Jack led their horses to camp's makeshift stables and entered the tent. There already were some people inside, arguing about something. As siblings approached, their discussion stopped. Greetings! We are the agents sent by king to aid you. I'm Sapphire and this is my brother Jack. - Sapphire greeted everyone.

[5] Excellent! This is the most opportunate moment you could arrive! Gretanars are busy with barbaric horde's assault! - a scout in light Isethian aketon exclaimed. Firewater flasks have just been readied. - said a tall, llaramsirian man. We should attack immediately! - a heavy armored soldier said, this probably was Andes. Jack quickly asked: Maybe we should talk about a plan or something? - waiting for a reply.

A big horde of barbarians is attacking from north-east. We have two options - surprise Gretanars from south or west. Joining the assault would put us in ballistae and mortar focus, which we should avoid at all costs. - the scout started. Once at the foot of their walls we should find a way inside and then rush to battlements. Most of the soldiers should be busy with barbarians, but they won't leave their fortress unprotected. - Andes added. Once you get to mortars, pour firewater inside. The effect won't be instant or rapid at all, they'll explode when used by Gretanar soldiers. - alchemist explained. Once you're done with mortars, you can either run back to camp or elliminate ballistae. If you do the latter, we'll join barbarians in their assault and help you get out of Gretanar campsite. - the scout ended.

It seemed that they carefully planned it all, and improved it to use opportunity given by anxrean hordes. What are we waiting for then?! Let's move! - Jack shouted, raising his claymore. After some further preparations, siblings with a squad of twelve men moved out while the rest was waiting for a signal to join them.

[Squad: 3, Barbarians: 2, Gretanars: 6] Sapphire and Jack led their men from south. Most battlement guards were positioned to the north, so they moved undetected. The anxrean horde was shot with mortars and ballistae, getting quie big losses before soldiers moved out to give them proper beating.

[Squad: 5, Barbarians: 4, Gretanars: 3] As siblings and their men reached foot of the fortress' walls, they found a damaged and rotten out element. Jack gave it a strong kick and opened up a way inside for the squad! When ballistae and mortars were reloading, barbarians defended quite well against soldiers, even wounding some of them!

[Squad: 2, Barbarians: 5, Gretanars: 5] Intruders! - someone from the battlements shouted, the squad was detected! The horde and soldiers were fighting on par.

[Squad: 1, Barbarians: 6, Gretanars: 2] Soldiers quickly left fortifications and surrounded siblings and their soldiers. They were heavily outnumbered! Lack of artillery support was a huge disadvantage for Gretanar soldiers. Barbarians in battle trance mowed through them, getting some losses in their berserk fury though.

[Squad: 5, Barbarians: 1, Gretanars: 4] Jack immediately rushed into battle with a powerful whirlwind, backed up by Sapphire and soldiers. It is truly rare to see someone with such offensive power - he heavily wounded most of soldiers while the rest finished them off. Sudden and strong counterattack from Gretanar squads forced the horde to retreat, getting some more losses. The battle started leaning more towards the Empire's side.

[Squad: 6, Barbarians: 5, Gretanars: 1] A call to arms sounded from the distance - barbaric reinforcements arrived! The horde started fighting with doubled fury, once again slaughtering Gretanar forces. At the same time, squad led by Sapphire and Jack reached mortars and ballistae. But before they used firewater to destroy them, one of soldiers asked: Why don't we just use them against empire's soldiers? - and after some pondering, they stopped themselves from destroying them. We'll defend you from incoming soldiers while you'll shoot! - Jack shouted, moving with Sapphire and three more man to their position.

[Squad defense: 1, Squad: 1, Barbarians: 3, Gretanars: 4, Fortress guards: 2] Soldiers that ought to protect the fortress moved out from barracks and charged. Siblings and their men couldn't quite protect mortar operators and got a slight beating which forced them to retreat towards artillery. The operators were highly unskilled and all mortars and ballistae missed! Counterattack from empire's forces wasn't so severe this time, however some slight losses appeared in barbarian forces.

[Squad defense: 2, Squad: 3, Barbarians: 3, Gretanars: 2, Fortress guards: 1, Isethian soldiers: 6] Siblings managed to push back fortress guard and get back to their previous positions. Artillery operators finally got hold of mortars and ballistae, releasing several shots at Gretanar soldiers, severely wounding some of them! What the hell they're doing up there! They had to destroy these cannons, blowing whole fortress up! They don't have any chances against soldiers inside, let's move! - Andes said angrily and ordered everyone to attack. Isethian soldiers rushed blindly, some of them joining barbarians and some of them getting inside fortress.

[Squad defense: 1, Squad: 3, Barbarians: 2, Gretanars: 6, Fortress guards: 5, Isethian soldiers: 1] It was nearing a noon. With a wrong move siblings got disarmed by fortress guards! Rest of the squad tried to defend themselves, getting slightly hurt. Imperial soldiers churged with a mighty counterattack, dwindling down the horde while getting some small losses. Isethian soldiers still couldn't find their way within whole that mess!

[Squad defense: 6, Squad: 3, Barbarians: 3, Gretanars: 2, Fortress guards: 4, Isethian soldiers: 4] Jack willingly snapped into a berserk fury and with bare hands charged at fortress guards. This only made a distraction, but others were able to get their weapons back and squad could give more shots! Missiles hit Gretanars and instantly killed some of them! Barbarians used this chaos to deal some more damage while Isethians finally got inside the fortress!

[Squad defense: 4, Squad: 1, Barbarians: 2, Gretanars: 4, Fortress guards: 5, Isethians soldiers: 5] Sapphire and Jack bravely defended themselves from strikes and slashes when soldiers finally moved in to aid them. The anxrean horde was starting to lose this battle after another successfull counterattack from the empire! Artillery operators found themselves without ammo!

[Isethian forces: 3, Barbarians: 4, Gretanar forces: 4] Isethians defended their positions inside the fortress, they wouldn't last there if barbarians fail and soldiers from the battlefield return though. Despite great losses, anxrean hordes were still fighting on par with imperial soldiers.

[Isethian forces: 3, Barbarians: 1, Gretanar forces: 3] By the evening, barbaric forces were elliminated by Gretanars. Some soldiers were wandering the battlefield to finish off wounded men - empire takes no captives. Isethians with siblings managed to secure whole fortress during that time and prepared a trap. They used mortars, firewater and some ammo. Then they left unnoticed while they still could.

[Isethian forces: 5, Gretanar forces: 2, Unexpected roll: 6] Isethians waited until all the soldiers enter the fortress and then ignited a trail of black powder. It burnt rapidly and after quite a while whole Gretanar camp exploded in a blazing inferno! Strange, unnatural markings appeared on the sky upon explosion and a lightning stroke at a lone mountain nearby. Some soldiers survived the explosion, but they had little chances of survival without all supplies and wounded after the battle.

Siblings with Isethian forces returned to their camp victorious, to rest before moving on to other important matters.

Siblings: Bruised up, slightly wounded

Tyr Loknar

Tyr left the tavern and continued searching for Llathandrill. First, he checked the area neighboring the inn. Erdhen was somewhat clean and tidy city, it seemed that all of it's streets were carefully and orderly planned, so moving through it wasn't a big problem.

[1] After searching around the tavern yielded no results, Tyr moved on to cathedral square. The Cathedral of Three Gods dominated over smaller churches and truly looked like an architectural wonder. From withing beggars and monks praying on the streets someone got up, and upon noticing Tyr taking a shortcut to market shouted: Hey! You over there! Loknar immediately stopped and hastily approached the man in hope that it was Llathandrill. An ugly, old man in torn rags certainly wasn't him. Before Tyr could say a thing, the man spoke: Do you seek a blessing of three gods wanderer? - with an intense reek coming out from his mouth. You can receive a holy symbol for mere fifty Florins! What a bargain! - he took a dirty, small figurine of three gods from a pocket. No thanks, I already have one with me. - Loknar lied. Care to show it? - the man asked.

[5] Away with you, you dirty beggar! - a knight in full plate mail with symbol of the rising sun on chest appeared and hastily kicked the man, then grabbed him and thrown away from the cathedral, then returned to Tyr. I thought that Order of the Rising Sun was supposed to help poor... - Loknar said. We help poor, not liars. This wasn't the first time that I've thrown that bastard away. - cathedral knight explained. Thanks for help. I must go now, I'm looking for a travelling alchemist and I can't waste any moment! - he said and when he was just about to go, the knight asked: Is his name Llathandrill by any chance? - Tyr immediatey stopped and turned towards knigt. Yes! That's him!

[1] He was locked up in Erdhen dungeon for burning half of market with some unusuall brews. They say that it was a result of an argument he had with another alchemist. You should go to the castle and ask for permission if you want to see him. - the knight said.

[6] Loknar left the cathedral square and quickly reached castle gates. Some messanger appeared there at the same time. After a while an archer from the battlement appeared and shouted: What brings you here? The messanger took out the papers given to him by king's agents and said: I'm a messanger sent here by king's agents. I bring back documents stolen by spies. The archer then asked Tyr: And you? Without any forethought, he replied: I'm with him, I have a package for one of jailers. - taking the package to Llathandrill out.

[6] The messanger looked at Loknar but haven't said anything. The archer opened the gate and they both entered the castle. Some soldier took messanger with documents while another showed Tyr the way to dungeon. They quickly reached jailer's room, the man in chainmall was surprised with the package and quickly found a note with "To Llathandrill" on the parcel. You said that the package is for me?! Explain yourself! - the jailer insisted. Damn it! They gave ma a wrong package again! It's fourth time already that I drive through whole Iseth, only to find out that it's a mistake! - Loknar said angrily, then added: Do you know where I can meet this Llathandrill dude?

[5] In one of our cells. - he said. Quite a coincidence, don't you think? He's leaving today, someone payed a big amount of Florins to royal treasury to buy him out. You can wait here. - Tyr sat beside the jailer, the man left him shortly after to deal with prisoners.

[4] It didn't took long until the jailer brought Llathandrill. You'll deal with that whole package-thingy after you're out of here. - the jailer said and took both Loknar and the alchemist to the exit, then ordered soldiers to lead them out of castle. I don't know how you got me out, but I'm really grateful! - Llathandrill thanked Tyr, happy that he finally left the dungeon. I didn't, someone payed for your leave. Anyways, I've brought a package from Ivette to you! - he said giving him the package. Ah wonderfull! I'm afraid I don't have much to pay you for the trouble. Perhaps my friends here can reward you. Let's go to meet with them.

[4] After getting through whole city they got to a small manor where several people were already waiting. You've finally arrived! It seems that our plan worked just as intended. - a vottian woman said. And who is this man? - asked someone else. It's my friend, he brought me a package from Ivette Jeannis. He helped me deliver her components before too. - Llathandrill explained. Guess that he deserves a reward. We'll think about it later, you should stay with us for some times.

Tyr accepted alchemist's proposition and stayed with them for the night.

Tyr: Lost package to Llathandrill


Retrospection, 10th Fourht Quarter 998

Llathandrill- you possess much knowledge in alchemy, no doubt. But to what extent? It may be daft of an apprentice to philosophize so boldly, but I think that the greatest mistake an alchemist- or anyone can make, for that matter- is to withhold knowledge. It would be a great benefit if our community would share more, it would benefit us all. Don't you agree? I understand your conviction in withholding this man's identity from us, but surely he is a wise and knowledgeable man, he would forgive you for sharing his identity with us. We need these components right now so that we can pursue our scholarly pursuits in alchemy. To gain knowledge, to become more intelligent. - Euzaruoch maintains a stern and serious face, so that Llathandrill knows he means what he says. What is his name, where is he? Tell us so that we may enlighten ourselves and others.

[1] I really can't tell you anything about my friend or give you any of these components. I'm bound by a wov, and breaking it will have most dire consequences. You may know this very well, since you serve the dark lord. - the alchemist said.

[2] We understand it, and will give you help just as we promised. There's not much we can give you, but we'll help anyway. - Kallun replied.

14th Fourth Quarter 998

Staring at the lifeless sorcerer's corpse lying on a table, Euzaroch thought about a way to bring Kallun back to life.

[2] All the alchemical recipes won't help, as he doesn't have components or knowledge on how to prepare the brews properly. There was only one way to bring him back left - request Zyugewolg's aid.

[4] Euzaorch hastily set up altar upon his friends corpse and focused. After a while he received a vision of dark lord! Why doest thou call me?! - the diety said angrily. Master! I hold no doubt in thy powers and might! A friend of mine died during a ceremony to please winter's gods. He shall return to serve you! I ask you to ressurct Kallun, the sorcerer! - Euzaroch begged the dark lord.

[4] Thy request is granted! In a place where arrows fly and swords clash, wait for a sign and seek the path led by dark sigils. The sword that thou bear should gather power of the sigil and resurrect the alchemist, so that he shall be born from the darkness! - Zyugewolg then abruptly ended the vision, giving Euzaroch a splitting headache.

[2] Dealing with dark god always comes at a cost. Blood started dripping out of Euaroch's eyes and after a moment it stopped - this time dark lord claimed part of his life energy.

[5] Thinking about words of Zyugewolg, Euzaroch recalled that Llathandrill spoke of war getting close! He immediately left the hideout and locked it, then after making sure that he has the Life Leech with him, he took a horse from village and drove. Towards Anxrean border. Just as he reached part of Wolf's Road tract leading to the border, he heard explosions in the distance. Mortars! The battle has began!

[5] He speeded up and avoiding Isethian camp he reached a hill in Anxreah that gave him a nice view of the battle field. There he witnessed not only the mighty battle between Imperial soldiers and Barbarian hordes, but also Isethians sneaking inside the fortress and using mortars against their owners. Then after barbarians fell and the fortress exploded, the sign of his master appeared on the sky and lightning showed him where he should look for dark sigils.

[2] Without hesitation he got on horse again and hastily drove to the mountain, several soldiers that survived explosion spotted him however!

[Soldier survivor: 1, Euzaroch: 4] One of the soldiers that survived was an archer. He took last arrow from his quiver and shot it at speeding up Euzaroch. He missed however and the arrow just flied past the sorcerer's apprentice. Then a burning battlement fell on that soldier!

[2] Euzaroch reached the mountain where lightning pointed him, but suddenly corpses of barbarians and gretanars that died during battle started getting back to life!

[Euzaroch: 5, Revenants: 6] Some of them instantly charged at him, while the rest tried to get away. Curiously those that got out of mountain's vicinity turned into ashes! Euzaroch defended bravely with his sword! Slash after slash, he cut through to the mountain.

[Euzaroch: 2, Revenants: 4] Then the undead swarmed him! A big group of them rushed towards the mountain top, trying to kill him on their way!

[Euzaroch: 3, Revenants: 2] Euzaroch held on and slashed some more until he got rid of the swarm, then proceeded to higher part of the mountain.

[Euzaroch: 5, Revenants: 4] With his trusty sword sorcerer's apprentice kept undead at bay while slowly climbing higher. He noticed that the path here was shown by pebbles and rocks illuminated from withing by unusual purple glow.

[Euzaroch: 2, Revenants: 2] Just before reaching the mountain top, undead soldiers once again tried to fight their way up. It was a hard combat, one wrong move could make you fall down to your death, and join the undead in their desperate race again. Nobody could go on further.

[Euzaroch: 4, Revenants: 5] While trying to push the undead down, another barbarian revenant approached Euzaroch from behind and pushed him! He quickly grabbed one of rocks and tried to climb back up, otherwise he'd fall down and die.

[Euzaroch: 5, Revenants: 1] Suddenly a powerfull lightning stroke at the mountain top, killing all the undead that was there! Curiously Euzaroch wasn't hurt by it. He managed to climb up to the mountiain top and noticed a big rock with strange, glowing marking on it. They looked like two swords with their blades disappearing within a triangle.

[3] He touched the symbol with blade of his sword and it instantly drained the power from dark sigil! The symbol faded out and all the undead that still tried to climb up the mountain turned to ashes.

[4] With that done, Euzaroch tried to descend down. It was harder since all the rocks and pebbles stopped glowing, so he had to climb down in darkness. He managed to do it quite quickly with it being a small mountain and got to his horse.

[6] Time to return to the hideout. I can't wait any moment! - he thought and set off. Raging through forests and along the trade route, he almost led his horse to exhaustion, not mentioning drowsiness getting in his way too. Finally he reached White Fell and left the horse at stable, then ran to the hideout and opened it. All the time he had a strange feeling that something is watching him.

[5] Euzaroch entered the hideout and approached Kallun's corpse. In silence he took the Life Leech that absorbed dark sigil within it, and embedded it in his chest. The power accumulated inside sorcerer's body and burnt a symbol on his chest just as the one that he seen on the mountain sigil. He took the sword out and waited.

[4] After a while the lifeless body gasped for air and Euzaroch resurrected! Born from the darkness, to bring chaos, sorrow, torment and death.... - he muttered out.

[1] Sudenly something started banging to hideout's doors! An aura of immense danger, coldness and death surrounded them. Bonelord!


Next day Vrillith gathered people in the villages main square. It was time for training.

[1] The training was a complete disaster! While previously villagers done really good at their sessions, this time it was hard to keep them from hurting themselves! It would take some more time to fully train them.

[3] Blacksmith did a better job, preparing some war scythes and voulges. Vril equipped people with them and took some of people for hunting.

[3] Vrillith and fifteen previously trained people entered nearby forests and searched for prey. They quickly spotted a deer.

[Villagers: 2, Deer: 1] While the animal was trapped and surrounded by them, they couldn't even hit it with their scythes and voulges!

[Villagers: 3, Deer: 5] Suddenly it spotted a weak spot in a circle surrounding it and escaped!

[2] Searching further they couldn't find any easy prey.

[5] Suddenly they managed to spot two bandits moving with pillaged goods. Vril ordered them to attack and claim their stuff.

[Villagers: 6, Bandits: 6] Stop right there you criminal scum! We are the militia of neighboring villages! - one of villagers shouted when charging at bandits. Then the two men dropped their cloaks and revealed themselves. What?! We are the militia of neighboring villages! It was a trap for bandits! - one of them said angrily.

[1] And we are the real bandits here! - a group of five armed criminals approached the villagers squad!

[Vril: 5, Villagers: 4, Bandits: 6] Vril assisted by villagers beaten bandits black and blue, while rest of them that was hidden in bushes escaped!

[4] After the battle ended, villagers took bandits captive and took their stuff to use in other battles against them. Militias from other villages united after this battle, assigning Vrillith as their commander!

[2] After they returned to village and dealt with bandits and their stuff, Vril tried to start another training session. Villagers still weren't in good shape for it however, so they ended for today and returned homes to rest.

GM Notes

Moved killerhellhound's Julia Dragonblood to Cold Storage for long lack of activity.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2017, 09:11:33 am by Dark One »


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Re: Heroes of Tenath: Battle at the borderland [4/8]
« Reply #119 on: February 25, 2017, 10:23:07 am »

When it comes time to start the next meeting, Jack is in very high moods because of yesterday, and Sapphire, being the smarter of the two, gets straight to business talking about what they're to do next, and once they are told what to do they will bother get straight to doing it as soon as possible, however if they have plenty of time they will go back to their tents and train a little bit.
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.
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