New technologies in gene editing allow huge leaps in science, for a fraction of the time, cost, and expertise required.
We have the technologies to produce genetically modifed humans, within the lifespan of you or I.
We have the technologies to produce cures for many genetic diseases.
We may even develop the technology to extend life near indefinitely.
Genetically modified foods are herbicide and pesiticide resistant.
Genetically modified animals show unheralded characteristics such as flouresence, fast growth, and see through skin.
Children with three genetic parents exist, (replaced mitochondria)
Genetic engineering takes time, money and expertise. However, with the revolutionary new technology known as Crispr-CAS9 we can now effectively edit the majority of bacteria, plants, animals, and humans. Experiments may now only take three months, require one hundred times less the amount of money, and can be run by an intelligent high schooler with a lab. new genetically engineered breed of Mosquitoes has the potential to wipe out the genes of the existing mosquitoes, and as designed, end the spread of Malaria through Mosquitoes.
Gene drive, based on CAS-9 is a gene that writes itself to the opposite chromosome. This process turns the hetero zygotes produced in Mendelian genetics into homo zygotes.
This new gene is not just dominant, but overwrites all children to have the desired trait on both chromosomes.
The takeaway is this: Scientists have the potential to over-write the genes of an entire population of fastbreeding species, like Mosquito, within a year.
We can end the dominance of malaria, but so too do we have the power to genetically modify an entire species for good, or ill.
It took twenty years to engineer a mosquito that doesn't transmit Malaria. It then took only four years to engineer a Mosquito with this gene drive. engineering is scary powerful.
Genetic engineering of babies is largely prohibited.
Genetic engineering could see a major advancement every four years.(my opinion)