So that trailed off into skepticism pretty quick, but the context was that I was scared and hoping that, you know, I *won't* be damned if I'm wrong. I've spent more time trying to learn about religion than most people, and I try to keep an open mind about it. If I'm wrong, am I going to burn despite all that effort?
If it helps, you have literally *no way* of knowing which of the many myriad religions (if any) are actually true! And a great many of them, especially weighted by popularity, will damn you for even marginal non-orthodox thought, let alone full blown disbelief! Aaaand since you literally cannot believe in every single one of them and follow all their strictures. Like. Physically impossible to do this. Then you're pretty much guaranteed to be damned by whichever (again, if any) religion is *actually true.*
Like, you were probably raised in a Christian house, or at least Christian culture, so the Christian "do this or be damned!" is fairly prominent for you; but Islam has pretty much the same punishment for disbelief, is also a "We are the only true ones!" so you can't believe in both or else they'd both damn you for the same heresy, AND even without that, it has contradictions between it and Christianity so trying to fulfil one will almost certainly break the other. And that's just two religions! Imagine trying to do the same with all the rest!
And since pretty much every single religion on Earth has about the same amount of proof (observational, logical, experimental, or whatever way you want to look at it) going for it, you basically have three choices. All, none, or random guessing. All of which pretty much guarantee you being damned by one or another of them.
So personally I don't see the point in bothering with any of them in the first place. I mean, first of all, that's wasted effort. Second, Hell, for me, it's a logical statement to say that any entity that would damn you for disbelief is not something worthy of worship or belief in the first place, it's a complete non sequitor of a punishment. Only a malevolent sadist would do that. Even if I somehow knew without a shadow of a doubt that it existed, I could not bring myself to worship it, any more than I could bring myself to want to, I dunno, shag Hitler or something else equally barbaric.
though granted, looking at the world and the kinds of things in it, let alone the universe in general, "sadist" would be a very apt description of any intelligence that had any hand in it's creation. It's much more comforting to think it was all unthinking natural processes than that, for example, worms that burrow into your eyes for sustenance and water are the product of an actual entity with desires and agency.
Final point: any creator being worthy of worship would have to be one that, having created you and your faculties of thought and consideration, would not punish you for using those faculties and arriving at the "wrong" conclusion, based on the facts of the universe as understood at the time you were alive. After all, not only did this being create the facts, they also created the you that looks at the facts and they created how you would piece them together. To damn you for that would make no more sense than if you got angry at a ball you dropped for hitting the ground. It could not help BUT hit the ground, and the hitting or non-hitting of the ground is pretty much entirely within your control. Same for us and belief or disbelief.
e: clarify: if i somehow KNEW a deity existed, even if I didn't worship it or have 'belief' in it, I would at least acknowledge the reality of it's existence. just realized that my sloppy wording there was. uh. sloppy.