Disc with a water cycle
+8 from Iram, Ne'tharil, Khava Baras, Pisces, Vimbr, Panzer, Ruusukaija, Gowler
0 from Muda
-1 from Organech
Four cog islands in a pyramid with a black hole and a white hole and oceans or an adamantium orb
+1 from Organech
-8 from Muda, Pisces, Ne'tharil, Vimbr, Panzer, Ruusukaija, Khava Baras, Gowler
Oceans and seas
+3 from Pisces, Panzer, Ruusukaija
0 from Ne'tharil
GodSea +8 from Pharact, Panzer, Ne'tharil, Khava Baras, Iram, Ruusukaija, Vimbr, Gowler
-1 from Organech
Disc-shaped GodSea with water oceans
+8 from Iram, Panzer, Ne'tharil, Vimbr, Lazan, Pisces, Khava Baras, Gowler
0 from Ruusukaija
-1 from Organech
Disc-world with a Gear-amid landmass
+3 from Lazan, Pisces, Organech
0 from Ruusukaija
-6 from Ne'tharil, Vimbr, Pharact, Panzer, Khava Baras, Gowler
Has rain/weather
+6 from Khava Baras, Muda, Pharact, Panzer, Ruusukaija, Ne'tharil
Have Lazan be the sun
+1 from Cliche
0 from Khava Baras
-3 from Panzer, Ruusukaija, Ne'tharil
Disc turtles
+2 from Pisces, Cliche
-4 from Muda, Vimbr, Pharact, Gowler
Turtle islands
+1 from Pharact
-2 from Vimbr, Gowler
Giant statue of Muda and gods. Muda is crushing the other gods. Muda is laughing heartily.
+1 from Muda
-2 from Vimbr, Gowler
Giant statue of Muda and gods. Muda is crushing the other gods. Muda is laughing heartily. This will effectively permakill Muda.
+2 from Muda, Pisces
-2 from Vimbr, Gowler
Giant statue of Muda and gods. Muda is crushing the other gods. Muda is laughing heartily. Inscribed is "My name is Muda, God of Gods: Look on my works ye Mighty and despair!"
+2 from Muda, Pharact
-2 from Vimbr, Gowler
Sun orbiting the world
+2 from Vimbr, Gowler
Celestial souls: Mortals show up as stars regardless of where they go
+5 from Pharact, Ruusukaija, Ne'tharil, Vimbr, Gowler
-2 from Muda, Cliche
Celestial souls: Mortals show up as stars regardless of where they go unless their god forbids it
+6 from Pharact, Khava Baras, Ruusukaija, Ne'tharil, Vimbr, Gowler
-2 from Muda, Cliche
Gowler as the sandbed of the oceans
+1 from Gowler
Disc continents (3-5)
+1? from Pisces?
Turn Muda into a world
+1 from Organech
Seas of red water
+4 from Iram, Lazan, Vimbr, Gowler
Seas of color changing water
+3 from Iram, Vimbr, Gowler