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Author Topic: Snarlpaints: The Murky Mountain - Community Fortress {Finished}  (Read 1433 times)


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Snarlpaints: The Murky Mountain - Community Fortress {Finished}
« on: October 27, 2016, 05:29:55 pm »

Almost two seasons ago, the Council of The Corridor of Enchanting dispatched seven dwarves to the Obscene Horns, a mountain located in a range that many tend to avoid, and for a good reason. This was mostly because it happens to be located in an area deemed “undesirable and questionable” by the Council’s finest land surveyors.

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The leader of this expedition was a humble dwarf by the name of Zan Tekkudsashas, a subject of the Council who was not good at anything in particular, despite having an appealing personality. Being quite unimportant was one of the reasons she was chosen to lead the expedition. That and the fact that nobody else was willing to take on this project. Zan would soon find out just how “complicated” the task she was assigned to was, but not before it became her responsibility and she had no way out of the situation.

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A caravan passed through the area to make sure that the colony hadn’t failed already. By this time, Zan and her fellow settlers were almost fully aware of the surroundings in which their new mountainhome was located in. The caravan arrived back at the Council’s lands on the 5th of Obsidian of the year 62 and recounted Zan’s summary of the Autumn months:

“One of the first things that our brave settlers noticed was that the native wildlife were for the most part of the undead variety. Rotting falcons assaulted the dwarves, but were quickly dispatched. A large stone hatch was placed over the main stairway’s connection to the entrance tunnel. At the command of Zan, it was engineered to raise and lower at the flick of a lever. Our migrants seem to have made it safely to Snarlpaints as well. Some travelling humans are taking shelter in the dining room too.”

By the time this report was delivered to the Council, things at Snarlpaints had steadily declined from “bad” to “pretty darn horrifying”. On the 5th of Granite, 63, two whole seasons since her arrival, Zan found the least dusty spot on the floor of the still rubble-ridden dining room and wrote down her experiences so far:

Chapter 1, Part 1: The Murky Mountain

Hidden behind layers of fog, the Murky Mountain, as I call it, contains glistening gems and shining metals. However, we have already witnessed that good things don’t come free of charge. The mountains want their minerals to remain untouched and their caverns to remain unearthed. They bring great misfortune upon those who seek wealth too greedily. I say that we can’t expect these mountains to take mercy on us either.

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I can see why this isn’t the most popular place to live. Not only is it foggy and gloomy all the time, but it constantly rains feverish muck. Everyone is still on edge after the incident we had a while ago in the dining room. It happened after we kept the yaks from grazing too long and both of them died of starvation. What was I going to do, let them eat out in the fever slush? However, that’s not what I’m trying to say here. One of the yak cows twitched and Erib our cook refused to butcher it. Soon the corpse groaned and huffed as it stood up, reanimated. Our dwarves took notice and assaulted the shuffling crime against nature. Several hits and all of the creature’s teeth fell out of its mouth, as if nothing was holding them in place at all. Etur’s child Stinthad was wounded badly and Rith received a hand injury. Stinthad died of his injuries, but Etur’s torment did not end. His own son stood up as a corpse and attacked him one last time. The corpse was mutilated in a fight and sealed in a coffin shortly afterwards. I talked to Etur about it a while later. He seemed like he was totally numb. “I could do without all of those creatures…”, he told me. Armok bless his stoic heart. Kol, a participant in the fight, appears to dispatch reanimated corpses with no fear at all.

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The strength of my fellow dwarves gives me hope for our settlement. I think calmer days will come upon us soon.


Author's note: I started to write the story down after I already played for a while. This started out as a personal fort but I decided to try something new and do a community fort. I'm expecting a ton of !!FUN!! Also, since 43.05, the version that I insist on using, has no compatible Dwarf Therapist version, I'll manage my dorfs the old fashioned way, with a spreadsheet:

Oh yeah, almost forgot! Get dorfed if you want! Tell me what dwarf you want and I'll try to match that dwarf to the best of my ability. They are in short supply, so get them while they are available and not dead.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2016, 03:53:29 pm by SneakyProgrammer »


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Chapter 1, Part 2: Our Numbers Dwindle

Zan’s Report: Granite 26

On the Granite 26, one of our dwarves, Erib, dropped dead in the kitchen hallway. His cause of death was unknown and it was quite strange.

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Remembering past experiences, I ordered a coffin to be carved for him hastily. However, we were too late. Erib stood up again and fought a nearby human pikeman who had been taking shelter in our dining room.

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The pikeman’s armor protected him from many of the cursed corpse’s blows, and nearby dwarves took notice. They formed a ring around the assailant as they tried to make sure it never stood up again. Unfortunately many were not as well armored as the pikeman, and Tekkud, another one of our kinspeople, was swiftly killed. This time I don’t waste time making coffins. They are going straight down into the corpse pit.

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« Last Edit: October 28, 2016, 05:24:10 pm by SneakyProgrammer »


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Reyn, a male dwarf of any role.
I am currently trying to comprehend what sick, mad, dwarven mind came up with the fortress name "Lancefondled", because it wasn't me.


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Zan’s Report: Granite 13

Today we had the biggest migrant wave yet. 22 dwarves arrived today and the dining room is starting to get crowded. My whole day was spent reassigning dwarves and tallying who should do what labour, what kind of craftsdwarves we have, and which positions we still need to fill.

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A while ago I assigned our veteran carpenter, Reyn, as militia commander. Hopefully he will be able to shape some of the less skilled dwarves into worthy soldiers. A militia will be essential to us, seeing as our humble mountainhome is located on a cursed mountain on the frontier of our kingdom’s lands.

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It’s going to be a hectic week, since most of our workshops are built and the stockpiles are up and running. I expect the hallways to be crowded and the staircases to be bustling with activity now that production is starting up.

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Another mundane but still pressing matter is that we need to start extracting more seeds from our crops. Sweet pod seeds are running low, and rock nuts have disappeared altogether. I’m going to need to have a talk with the numbskull who decided it was a good idea to eat unprocessed rock nuts. We’re probably going to cut a deal with the elves or the humans the next time they pass through, and I pray that the humans come first. Those crooked elves will probably lecture us on our tree cutting activity for an hour and then die to the giant hoary marmot reanimated corpses on their way out.


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Zan’s Report: Granite 24

Early in the morning, an ungodly screech notified us that everything was not all right. Several fisherdwarves sprinted back to our fort’s entrance from the north-west. They said they were fleeing some sort of zebra demon. One saw the demon attack fishery worker Shorast and stand over his corpse after swiftly biting through his skull. The demon left soon after, and I can only assume its bloodlust was satisfied for another season or two. I order someone to take Shorast’s corpse to the corpse pit, but it seems nobody really wanted to do that, and his corpse is still sitting out there. Not literally sitting, though, since he hasn’t reanimated yet.

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A note to the council: Please stop sending us fisherdwarves and fishery workers. We don’t want or need them and you should probably send them to a colony with an actual river, perhaps? If you continue to send us fisherdwarves, this will happen:

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In other news, our cooks are cooking up something delicious in the kitchen.

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Zan’s Report: Hematite 8

A while ago Dodok the planter got inspired to create a piece of art one day while strolling through the forest. Today, he finished it and was yelling for everyone to come see it in the dining room. He made a pretty good spear out of fox bone, and now he’s very experienced at bone carving. I am pleased, and he is now our fort’s legendary bone carver.

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Meanwhile, I conduct a meeting with Rith, the miner, about our new excavation project.

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Zan’s Report: Limestone 5

In the month of Malachite, we saw migrants coming over the hill to the east once again. I sigh, since more migrants means more people in need of organization, which is unpleasant in any situation. I estimate we need workers to fill some of the craftsdwarf positions such as stonecrafting, so the migrants are useful after all. As we stand at the entrance, some of the fisherdwarves recognize some animated giant hoary marmot corpses right in front of the migrants.

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By now I can see there are only four migrants and a small brown thing, which is a relief for me since I was expecting many more migrants to manage. However, the migrants are far from safety, and they have just wandered into undead giant hoary marmot territory. Three giant hoary marmot corpses attack the migrants, and one by one, three of the dwarves fall. We watch as one fights and falls to the attacks.

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There is only one dwarf left, and while there’s some space between it and the ravenous rodent corpses, it’s not hard for me to guess what will happen next. The rodents continue to attack what seems to be a heavily injured dwarf, which diverts their attention from the other dwarf. Soon, more dwarves appear and foolishly decide to fight the rodent corpses, not even their superior numbers can help them now.

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Many more dwarves fall in the fight but I am amazed when one of our dwarves manages to rescue Ral, the only surviving dwarf of the marmot attack. How he managed to get to safety, I have no idea.

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Since the cliffside to our east was occupied by marmot corpses and potential undead dwarves, Reyn, Chief Medical Dwarf Deler, and I agree that a lockdown is a good idea right now. We should move our source of water inside so that our citizens won’t need to leave the fort to get water as well.

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Two corpses have risen and are now attacking dwarves when they try to pasture our animals. I’m going to send Reyn out with a weapon. I encounter one of the corpses and am forced to fight it. I’m lucky to have two dwarves to help me. Reyn successfully protects Etur the fishery worker from the corpse of a fallen dwarf. The two other dwarves and I manage to kill the corpse we’re dealing with, but Etur the cook, our valiant companion dies right next to me.

While I am carried to the hospital, Reyn rushes to save our trapper but fails to prevent the eventual death of him. The circle of death continues. The only way to stop this is to lock down the front gate. I make sure that Reyn gets all wounded and animals to our dining hall, and we lock down for a while I make Rith the Miner start to carve out our water source. Sodel and Fikod both get themselves killed by undead giant chinchillas. Once again, I lock down the fort and Rith walks into the gate while it closes, crushing him along with his pickaxe. Reyn dies alone on the mountain from wounds inflicted by an undead corpse. I have recovered from my wounds but we still have many being treated in the hospital. I feel like I could've prevented so many deaths just by thinking ahead.

After all we have gone through, I hope and pray the mountains forgive us for our sins, and the sins I will be forced to commit in order to continue living.


Fleeting Frames

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Quite the twisting layout. Seems like you have your troubles, fully-reanimating embarks are always bit tenser. Already having your migrants waves deteriorate into tiny ones. However, the conifer forest looks safe from the wicked magic of mountains, so can always butcher there.

Though, you might want to know: For 43.05, There is out alpha for dfhack with dwarf manipulator and autolabour, as well as Dwarf therapist memory layouts for win 32-bit, as well as mac both versions.

Using this, you can check deathcause on Erib - I can think of seven possible reasons for dwarves to suddenly die in hallway - old age(should only happen on 1st Granite, however),
being fed alcohol by tavern keepers/performers till they drown (In the hallway?!),
infection (which should take months, not less than two weeks),
werebeast legendary ambushers (can remain invisible if they kill before being spotted, but incredibly unlikely),
ghosts (would leave a message in announcements log, of course),
too hot/cold temperatures making them bleed to death from lack of fat (fat chance to happen in underground without magma in a world not specifically tweaked for this)
and going unresponsive staring in spot for unknown reason and dehydrating to death.

It looks like your tavern is in igneous layer, maybe go dig in other 2 biomes for sedimentary resources for steel-making? Your latest series of screenshots has magnetite and limonite, after all. Perhaps there's also coal, jet or kaolinite.

Though, might want to head deeper anyway, to assure undeadsplosion in caverns doesn't kill the fort via fps and to get magma.

« Last Edit: October 29, 2016, 10:26:13 pm by Fleeting Frames »


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Dorf me ad Imic, a hammerdorf and hammerer when the time comes. Male please.
Imic's no longer allowed to vote.
Quote from: smyttysmyth
Well aren't you cheery
Quote cabinet
Regrets every choice he made and makes, including writing this here.


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However, the conifer forest looks safe from the wicked magic of mountains, so can always butcher there.

Ya know, I probably should have figured this out already, after all, they're called reanimating BIOMES, not reanimating EMBARKS. I'll make sure to remember this, and I will actually be able to butcher things in the dining hall since one fourth of it is considered the forest.

There is out alpha for dfhack with dwarf manipulator and autolabour

I'm going to check this out, it might help a lot.

Though, might want to head deeper anyway, to assure undeadsplosion in caverns doesn't kill the fort via fps and to get magma.

This is certainly one of my goals, but in addition to these reasons I have another reason. Once I get a miner, I'm going to breach the caverns in order to start growing cave fungus and various other plants on my soil floors. Since I'm going for an indoor animal pasture, we need a way to feed the grazing animals with floor fungus and all that stuff.


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Re: Snarlpaints: The Murky Mountain - Community Fortress {Dorfings Available}
« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2016, 12:16:29 pm »

Chapter 2: Recovery

Zan’s Journal:

I started taking inventory of our stuff as soon as my study was finished. Our three engravers are now miners, as we had some spare pickaxes. Atis, who was recovering from some nasty wounds, got hit with a mood and dragged himself to the Jeweler’s workshop to begin a project.

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Meanwhile, several giant undead chinchilla corpses start to descend the mountain.

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Seeing a disaster waiting to happen, I send everyone to the burrow. If all goes well the undead rodents will pass right over us with no trouble. This will also give us some time to work on my new project.

Oh, look at that! Atis finished his project. He’s now an expert Gem Cutter. Now, Atis… go back to bed before you die of your wounds.

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Somebody tries to haul Reyn’s corpse to the dump, but it reanimates and many dwarves are forced to fight it. Unfortunately Iton the child dies because of this.

We have succesfully channeled a nearby pond into a cistern of ours. Now our doctors will be able to clean the patients without leaving the fort. The cistern room becomes our pasture since it has some soil that we can grow grass for the grazers on.

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We accept two poets into our fort, and it’s about time we start furnishing the tavern and dining hall.

A fight breaks out in the cistern! An undead human is fighting a living human. Atir, our doctor, is a competent swordsdwarf and it’s his time to show us his combat prowess. He handles the situation very well.

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In another mysterious occurrence, fishery worker Etur dies in the farm. I’m starting to get worried about this, so I conduct a meeting in my study.

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A soldier joins the fort. Very convenient, since we are in need of a stronger military.

Unfortunately Deler, past chief medical dwarf, dies of wounds inflicted in the old undead fight from long ago.

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Migrants! This time there are few, and they travel the safe path around the undead chinchillas.

This brings our numbers to 35. After a bit of organization, we will have a functioning fort once more.


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Re: Snarlpaints: The Murky Mountain - Community Fortress {Dorfings Available}
« Reply #11 on: October 30, 2016, 02:12:28 pm »

Dorf me as Ryukan, Bookkeeper - Male

(if applicable )
The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Snarlpaints: The Murky Mountain - Community Fortress {Dorfings Available}
« Reply #12 on: October 30, 2016, 02:21:42 pm »

I'd like to be dorfed as one Quinn Learner. Engraver, please (or whatever else is most useful; if military, please marksdwarf).
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.

Fleeting Frames

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Re: Snarlpaints: The Murky Mountain - Community Fortress {Dorfings Available}
« Reply #13 on: October 30, 2016, 11:11:44 pm »

 - Huh. So confirmation that rust applies post-mood as well. That should be legendary, not expert. Oh well, easy to slough off.

But the true treasure is the pink artifact table, excellent addition to fortress defences.

 - How did the undead human get in? For that matter, how did the living human? Am I to understand correctly that your gates are open?

 - mysterious death in the farm. Very mysterious, wonder what's the cause.


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Re: Snarlpaints: The Murky Mountain - Community Fortress {Dorfings Available}
« Reply #14 on: October 31, 2016, 12:04:12 am »

Dorf me as Reyn the miner, Or as Urist McReyn the miner... But don't tell the elves.

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I am currently trying to comprehend what sick, mad, dwarven mind came up with the fortress name "Lancefondled", because it wasn't me.
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