I shall not believe.
My main issue is with the idea that it can actually do what it claims to do, remote transmission of games using the console's hardware. Efforts have been made before, and they've essentially all failed. If they prove it, I'll believe.
I skipped out on the current console generation, including the WiiU, to ascend to the PC Master Race. I have yet to see a reason beyond the devil's bargain of exclusives to return. I barely played my Wii (ehheheheheh), and while I never got a PS3 (599 US Dollars) I bet I would have played that way more had I gotten one.
On the other hand, if there is a way for consoles to survive Nintendo may have just found it. Xbone and PS4 are having issues because they both want to emulate the advantages of PC without actually providing the advantages of PC. The legal and professional issues abound, like with the modding support for Fallout 4. WiiU did alright with its usual Average Housewife Trying To Distract Children market, I guess.
I'm no fan of the .5 console plans that all three big dogs have apparently decided to employ, but of them Nintendo's is almost certainly going to be the only one with a chance. My reasoning for this is that Microsoft and Sony will continue to massively struggle with PC or to not PC, while Nintendo is doing the whole radical design shift thing again in a way that emphasizes the big benefit of consoles: specialization and convenience.
So in other words, a capital-M Maybe until I see more. It's probably more rope than I'll give the Sony or Microsoft projects unless they really pull out all the stops.