Hey guys,
Since I have been far from diligent at posting proper credits for the open-source or free-to-use creative commons sprites I've used in the set, and I don't want this to reflect negatively on Toady One, I've decided to take this tileset down. I had a blast making it and I hope you had some fun playing with it, but considering that it will be replaced by the much better Steam release anyway, I don't feel like it's worth to disentangle and identify exactly where I got which sprite from and by which author. It's been 5 years and over 10.000 variations of sprites.
I've sourced the sprites from websites like
https://opengameart.org/ or
https://www.spriters-resource.com/ , using sprites for non-commercial use; or asked artists on deviantart and other sites directly, while the initial idea of this tileset was to give life to abandoned sprites by Obsidian Soul and Dibujor. Both started, then stopped working on, a 24x to 32x tileset.
I talked with Dibujor via email about it and I won't quote a private conversation, but he was more than happy to see the sprites being used by players. Obsidian Soul had this to say:
Very late to the party, but Meph, I just want to say this is gorgeous. THANK YOU for using my abandoned tiles and adapting them to a complete set. It's exactly like what I would have wanted them to be. ^^
My only complaint at the moment is your base grass tile. The leaves are too long and coily and makes the exteriors noisy. More like overgrown vines rather than grasslands. Though they'd do well as wormy tendrils or even pigtails. Switching tree leaves and grass might also work. Other than that, I love everything in this. <3
Anyhow... hope you are all doing well;
so long,