I'll wager you're quite passionate about many other things as well.
Why preach to the choir? Why are you doing this?
Have you ever considered a televangelist's career?
Are you some kind of a cypherpunk crypto-anarchist? Do you want to "stick it to The Man/NWO/ZOG/whatever" with real stronk computah magicks? Have you ever used Tor or gpg? Do you think that using Ubuntu is really a meaningful subversive act against our corporate overlords?
PS I'm almost certain you're a troll, and I appreciate the effort you're putting into this little performance, but frankly, your routine is way too cliched to be actually funny.
You are quite right, I am passionate about many things. I am sorry if that is a negative, in your eyes.
Is sincerity so passé as to be frowned upon? Or do you "wager" because you seek some form of gain(-saying)?
Is being right so important as to discount the feelings of others? Or is it that feelings are not as good as logic?
"You have a choice, use it
You have a voice, don't lose it
If you care prove it, and don't abuse it"Preaching to the choir?Okay. Without trying to second guess anyone's intentions, I could say that this thread celebrates Open Source.
In another way, I could say this thread is an expression of my feelings, and whatever people respond with, is purely up to them.
In no way was I trying to elicit a specific response. I very much enjoy Open Source, in theory and practice.
Kudos to Open Source!
Long live the free!
Career as a televangelist? How cold. And also presumptuous.
If you knew how cruel you were being, you wouldn't say such things.
For a start, most televangelists are highly paid and sponsored. In many ways, they are "the enemy"
Now, soapbox preacher, that's more my style.
Crazy guy with a sign, that's right up my street.
(once I was blind, but now I see, was lost once, but now am free)
I thrive in preaching the gospel to whoever will listen, not to be heard for fame or profit.
From sharing what is good, what do we lose? I am glad if people find the truth!
Especially if the truth helps them.
If they benefit, so much the better!And the Truth also benefits from being shared, known, celebrated.
Those with the most to gain are the needy, and those with most to lose are vampires.
Those who give, benefit from being known and supported. They also die from neglect and abandoment.
Why should we abandon our helper, and embrace our sworn enemy?
Am I a cypherpunk crypto-anarchist? Not really. I just say my mind, if anything.
Some people think this is an indication of radical/militant left/right-wingism.
"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
What has truth to do with labels?
Whether I call myself one way or another, still it does not do the Truth justice.
I don't like to call myself in any specific way. Technology is only a part, a facet, of human existence, albeit a major one.
Why should I make myself
less by serving the cause of machines?
Rather, machines should serve the cause of people.
Have I used Tor? Yes, briefly, and I know (a little) about how to use such things. I don't have much to hide however.
Is it really necessary? Or did you just want to see if I knew some basic stuff?
Do I think using Ubuntu is a meaningful subversive act against our corporate overlords?You and I have different ideas of "Victory"
Let me put it like this, if you don't mind.
If a person eats fast food, such as McDonalds, grows tired of it, sick of it, and says:
"I will no longer eat McDonalds, because it causes suffering to animals, and illness to my body and mind"
In what way is that a "subversive act"? Rather, it benefits that person (and animals).
And if they say
"I will eat at local eateries, to stimulate my mind and body (with variety) and the economy (by not giving money to huge corporations)"
Is that subversive?
Will they crush the evil McDonalds? Probably not.
Will they benefit? Certainly!
Will small businesses and local economy benefit? Sure, if, and as long as they choose it as an alternative.
PS You are certain I am a trollYou judge a thing before knowing it.
Since when has guessing been the mark of knowledge?
And who are you trying to prove it to?
Did I come here to troll you, or did you come here to troll me?
I would sincerely like to think that it is an issue between gentlemen/gentlewomen and not a cause to spread to disrepute, slander anyone, see anyone fail etc.
Rather, those who know, don't need to ask, and don't need to guess.
"Those who know, don't say.
Those who say, don't know"
And it may be the case that many you call "trolls" are misunderstood, and those you consider "misunderstood" are actually trolls.
Perhaps you didn't mean it to be offensive, but to call the voice of my heart a "performance" or "routine" is to do me injustice.
When a person weeps, do you say "Oh! Great show! But everyone knows you aren't really sad! Now knock it off, it's annoying!"
In a similar way, you've made out that my speech is a show, and not the genuine feelings of my heart.
If you really want to know, test me, and I won't mind (I promise).
But the spontaneous, intuitive, is always more and deeper than a superficial "act".
Where a mere practised or rehearsed "act" gets tired, the real, spontaneous, spark of zen, grows and adapts, offers forth continuously without ceasing, does not grow tired from being, does not get worn out etc.