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Author Topic: Rashgurineth-A fortress split.  (Read 1353 times)


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Rashgurineth-A fortress split.
« on: October 08, 2016, 04:58:57 am »

A group of 7 dwarves have been sent to secure the one passageway that allowes other creatures to get to the other half of the island without going through the badlands or mountains. On the way they realise that the two main leaders have VERY different ideas about how the fortress should be run.

Atir was watching Iden feed the animals, as he always did when they had to set up camp. She didn't understand the point of feeding them, when they were going to be eaten anyway.''Hey Iden,''She asked,''What's the point of feeding the animals when i'm going to kill them for food eventually anyway?'' It was probabaly the worst thing she could of possibly said, as Iden immediatly  walked over and slapped her in the face.''YOUR NOT GOING TO KILL SOMETHING THAT COULD BE OUR DEFENSES!'' He roared. They stared at each other for a while, before Atir said ''I am the leader, you do what I tell you to do.'' in a dangerously calm voice. Iden looked at the other two dwarves feeding the animals, and then looked back at Atir, with a big grin on his face. ''You will find that is not the case, miss Mechanrect Bullshit.'' Iden said, still grinning. As if he had just said a signal, the two dwarves got up and stood next to Iden, only to be confronted with Atir's two loyal bodygaurds. Both sides stared at each other, waiting for the other to hit first. Luckily, that never happened, because Ingish stood between the two groups.''Every single day this happens, and I have to deal with it,'' She said, in a loud, commanding voice ''Today I offically make you both your own leaders of your own bloody groups, and each of you will have on half of the fortress, happy?'' The other dwarves stared at her in awe, untill Atir broke the silence. ''Very well.''

Many days later, and it's 3rd Opal. Both groups had drawn plans of what there fortress halves were going to look like. They apparantly also had very different designs the Wildeoso group ironically having a better design choice. They also decided that the entrance should be designed like the mechanrect hallways, but decorated with Wildeoso designs, so that new migrants could see both sides in one.

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“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.


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Re: Rashgurineth-A fortress split.
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2016, 11:49:31 am »

Sounds interesting.
Boundworlds: A Multiverse Creation and Exploration Action RPG
Good if you can't focus on a single project long enough to make a full game. Or for making an entire large game, if you feel like it.


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Re: Rashgurineth-A fortress split.
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2016, 01:34:07 pm »

Wildeoso Leader Journal:
7th Opal
We have just finished digging out the migrant waiting area, where migrants will wait to come to my side OBVIOUSLY. Who would ever want to have to deal with that bitch Atir?

15th Obsidian
We're being attacked by a hord of capybaras, they're everywhere! They have attacked both the Mechanract leader, (good) and a Wildeoso Planter, (bad) so we have decided that our millitary should be made up of both Wildeoso, and Mechanract. Infact, maybe they should have their own millitary section, to make everything easier. We have also decided to make a small council of three, me, Atir, and Ingish. Ingish is the head of the council, and me and, Atir are secondary heads. Atir suggested that he be the secondary head, and I be a normal council member, but even I wouldn't ask that of him, we need to atleast be a tiny bit united. And that tiny bit includes not pissing me off.

20th Obsidian
I must say, mining is more fun than I remember it being. I am the only Wildeoso who is good with a pick, mostly because I enjoy it so much. When I told Atir thought, she just smirked, saying I do to much work. She is so un-dwarvenly, I can't stand her. I really don't care that she's from another civilization, she's the only dwarf I have ever known to hate mining so much!

1st Granite
Ah, good old spring. When the flowers blossom, and the animals come back from the cold, cold winter... it's perfect time for catching some animals. When I expressed my feelings about Spring at a council meeting, Atir laughed so hard I wouldn't of been surprised if her bloody fake beard fell off. Seriously though, why does she wear a fake beard, it makes her look absoloutly ridiculous. I never thought I would hate a dwarf as much as I hate her, and her obsession with mechanical shit, it's enough to make a dwarf sick the way she carreses cogs. As a matter of fact I wouldn't be surprised if she married a cog, she's insane!

5th Slate
The council has decided we have to say the progress of both forts combined, so here is what they have. They have multiple storage rooms, a room for their mechanic testing, and a long row of bedrooms that will never be used by anyone who isn't insane, like me. We have a room for testing animal stratagies, animal training, cage storage, and kennel. We also have my bedroom, with the bedrooms of the other two sane people next to the entrance, for security purposes. We also have multiple storage rooms and have easier access to Ingish's office if needed. Also, the 'center stage' effect will go to us, because the first thing migrants will see is our side of the fortress. Unfortuantly we will also be the first thing sieges, thieves and other possible threats.

14th Slate
Armok, I hate it when I have no choice. Today we had a meeting to try and decide what we should use to defend the entrance, and unfortuantly, it takes much more time taming and training animals than it does to make cage traps. Yes, we also decided on cage traps, for now. Eventually the plan is to have multiple rooms leading into the fortress, full of deadly traps, and animals, and all sorts of things. But for now, all we have is some Armokdamn cage traps. Although, now I think about it, it is actually helping us more than them, because we get the animals... Ok, they can make ALL the traps they want, I might even ask for more cage traps. Using someone's favourite thing against them is so sweet, a bit like minor a revenge, or wine. Hmmmmm, wine...
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.


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Re: Rashgurineth-A fortress split.
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2016, 01:41:30 pm »

And yes, intresting is one way to describe it, let me tell you all the others.
Hard(1 miner for each fortress at the moment, very slow mining)
Annoying(I had to make entire burrows for each group, which took me around 2 hours)
Fun( It's going to be intresting story, that's for sure)
Funny( One dwarf is insane in the story, and the other one would litterally marry a cog)
And, like you said, intresting(Which side will enemies attack first, will they go into each other's burrows, what will my story telling skils and exaggerations make?)
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.


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Re: Rashgurineth-A fortress split.
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2016, 01:43:19 pm »

Looking forward to it continuing!
Boundworlds: A Multiverse Creation and Exploration Action RPG
Good if you can't focus on a single project long enough to make a full game. Or for making an entire large game, if you feel like it.


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Re: Rashgurineth-A fortress split.
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2016, 01:59:59 am »


That hippy elfish thing, of a dwarf, Iden, is unfortuantly still alive. And good news, Ingish told us at the 'Council' that we are going to use mechanics to defend our fort before animals, what a wonderful day. The news was even enough to let me put up with Iden's rage! Although, the next day he seemed very happy about something, and asked me how long the cage traps would take to set up, and I told him it would take around a day. The mass harvesting of all the harvastable plants nearbye is underway, and if my calculations are correct, we will have around 100 units of food when it is all over, although that is not taking in how much we might eat while it is still being harvested.

The harvest is going to be much greater than expected, we have already got 50 units and we have barely made a scratch, ajusting end amount of units calculation to 400. In other news, We and the Wildeoso group have both finished our sides of the fort, and are ready to get going, once the harvest is over of course. Ugh, I just got the news that Ingish has decided to cancel the harvesting of all the plants, saying we already have much more than we need, which I certainly can agree with. Ajusting end of harvest calculation to 200. Multiple dogs gave birth to alot of puppies on the excact same day that a cat gave birth to a kitten, and they are getting along surprisingly well, as cat and dog relationships usually envolve alot of injuries.

I am worried, it is taking much longer than expceted to get the mechanics workshop ready than I originally expected, and it is very lucky that the Wildeoso group doesn't have any leashes or chains to put the dogs on to gaurd the entrance, otherwise I would never of lived it down. While I am not one to admire nature, even I must admit that is is very pretty this month, and even as I am writing this now, Iden is prancing around the place like an idiot, humming like a bloody ELF! I am beggining to think he is insane, and that his insanity has made him forget he is a dwarf! I think it's time to write a letter!
To Mechanrectus
This dwarf I have been sent with is insane, prancing around the fields of flowers humming, feeding his animals humming, he is always humming! Please send some of you to help me build up my side of the fortress, because a wodwarf called Ingish has made us both have seperate parts of the fortress, but I want ALL OF IT. I will need atleast 3 more dwarves to take over his side of the fortress, please send HELP

EDIT: Sorry I couldn't post yestarday, real life got in the way.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2016, 02:01:56 am by TankKit »
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.


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Re: Rashgurineth-A fortress split.
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2016, 06:31:13 am »

Happens. Also, go Iden!
Boundworlds: A Multiverse Creation and Exploration Action RPG
Good if you can't focus on a single project long enough to make a full game. Or for making an entire large game, if you feel like it.


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Re: Rashgurineth-A fortress split.
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2016, 10:41:00 am »

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Wildeoso Leader's journal
14th Malachite
Plans are being drawn to build some more bedrooms when migrants arrive, but it is probabaly going to be a while before we get migrants yet. Also, Atir, the Mechanrect leader, has been acting very strange of late. Ever since he started his log for this month, he has had a gigantic grin on his face, which is worrying me alot. I think it's the first time I have ever seen her grin, so it MUST be bad.

Events of 18th Malachite
Iden yawned as he picked up his pen, and was about to start writing about the migrant wave when he heard something behind him. He turned around as quick as a hydra, and was met with the sight of two dwarves in long black cloaks, that looked like they uused to have symbols on them. ''What are you doing here?'' He asked, ''Where are my bodygaurds?'' One of the dwarves chuckled, and Iden saw a glimpse of metal underneath the cloak, and his fear was immediatly realised. He walked behind his desk, and silently opened a small drawer with a pick in it, while asking ''What are you doing here?'' again. One of the dwarves closed the door, and he heard the sound of it locking. ''We are here to sign a funeral.'' Said one of them, and they immediatly took two picks out of their cloaks, and advanced on Iden, who quickly blocked an swing from one of them before immediatly smashing the other's skull with his own pick. The one who had swung at him stepped back in surprise, he had clearly not expected Iden to fight back. Iden advanced on him, first smashing the legs, then the arms of the intruder. Iden knelt down next to him, smiling ''Not that easy to get rid of am I?'' he said, ''You little bugger!'' before hitting the poor dwarf's head so hard it popped off! He quickly looked at the symbol on the cloak of the intruder, but it looked as if someone had poured cement on it, because it was almost completely obscured. Except for one bit, the corner of a mechanical gear, which was the symbol of two things. The Mechanrect, and the Cavern Dwellers. He looked at it carefully, looking for either the spikes of the Cavern Dwellers, or the miniture gears of the Mechanrect, but it was to blurry to make out. After alot of thought, he decided it had to be the Cavern Dwellers, Atir didn't have the balls to fight him, did he?

19th Malachite
I was attacked yesterday by the Cavern Dwellers, they must of come with the migrant wave they got yesterday. It could of been the Mechanrect, but Atir wouldn't dare fight me, he doesn't have the balls to. Although, he did look kind of shocked when he saw me this morning, but it was probabaly nothing.

22nd Malachite
Ingish appointed herself as the manager today, probabaly a good idea, because if Atir was the manager... I shiver with horrer at the idea. Obviously I would of prefered it if she apointed ME as the manager, so I could order Atir's execution, but life isn't fair is it now is it? As I am writing this I have just received word that she wants us to share a furniture stockpile at the entrance, but I guess it is acceptable? In other news there have been ALOT of births recently, we may have to start culling the animal population a little bit.

26nd Malachite

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“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.


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Re: Rashgurineth-A fortress split.
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2016, 05:59:55 pm »

Well, that might cause Iden a bit of trouble. Being berserk might be an issue. Also, someone poured cement on a cloak? Wouldn't that make it hard to wear?
Side note: Go Iden! Down with Atir!
Boundworlds: A Multiverse Creation and Exploration Action RPG
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Re: Rashgurineth-A fortress split.
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2016, 01:18:13 am »

but it looked as if someone had poured cement on it,
It doesn't say someon did, it just sais it looked like someone did.
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.

Fleeting Frames

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Re: Rashgurineth-A fortress split.
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2016, 02:23:37 am »

Gratz on managing to drive a dwarf insane before first migrant wave - it's pretty hard to accomplish currently, let alone with a time limit.


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Re: Rashgurineth-A fortress split.
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2016, 05:32:38 am »

Actually it happened right after I got a migrant wave, as it sais in the last post.
Iden yawned as he picked up his pen, and was about to start writing about the migrant wave
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.


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Re: Rashgurineth-A fortress split.
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2016, 06:13:50 am »

Oh, okay.
Boundworlds: A Multiverse Creation and Exploration Action RPG
Good if you can't focus on a single project long enough to make a full game. Or for making an entire large game, if you feel like it.


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Re: Rashgurineth-A fortress split.
« Reply #13 on: October 15, 2016, 04:11:14 am »

I'm going on holiday for a while.
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.