I have stumbled upon Fig recently with Wasteland 3 crowd funding campaign they are running there and what caught my attention was the option to actually invest and maybe see a return.
The minimum fee is $1000 and the maximum is $2,250,000 invested money.
So, at first, the numbers Fig shown was that the "investors" get 31% of the game sales revenue, which means the money the game makes after steam's cut of 30% and after a certain Fig fee, until the amount the investors received reaches x1.36 of the invested money, or 3,060,000 and afterwords the "investors" only get 10% and up until that money goes below 10K for 3 months, or basically, until the game sells less than $150K a month for 3 months.
Well, it sounds a pretty good investment, i mean, they show a graph on their website that as soon as Wasteland 3 sell 380K copies, you break even and when it tops 500K you reach that x1.36 threshold. if it sells like Wasteland 2 did (~600K units), it could net you slightly more than 400$ for a 1K investment and if it does exceptionally well and sells 1 million copies, you can get a $800 return.
https://www.fig.co/campaigns/wasteland-3/investPretty sweet. high risk, yes, since the game can flop or never get released, but hey, i have trust in InExile to at least achieve what they already achieved in the past.
But, and that's an interesting but, what they don't tell on that fancy webpage, is that the "Investors" are only actually Fig themselves, the actual investors that put their money down will only get a possibly, probably, maybe, if Fig chooses to since they totally aren't obliged to, only a dividend of 30% of the money Fig took. and that, well, that changes everything.
Long official offering filing pageThis basically means that if you want to only break even, Wasteland 3 will have to sell around 3 million copies. Again, Wasteland 2 sold ~600K units, was cheaper and was met with good response, but not overwhelmingly great one. there is a low chance Wasteland 3 will surpass Wasteland 2, there is a very very low chance Wasteland 3 will sell more than 1 million copies. there is no chance in hell Wasteland 3 will sell 3 million copies.
So, did i totally read this document wrong? did i get the math wrong? or does Fig (Basically DoubleFine) are pulling an extremely unfair investment model?