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Author Topic: Better Red than Dead IC: The Barbellate Beginning - Party Congress Results  (Read 2954 times)


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In 1946, George VI supported the notion of turning British held dominions into sovereign states and members of the Commonwealth. The Parliament supported the notion, and withing the year decided to grant the Federation of Nigeria partial independence. The newly created country was poorly administered by governors backed with colonial troops, however, causing great resentment among the native populace. The precarious stability couldn't hold and in 1947 a native uprising led to a civil war. The British decided not to interfere due to Labour's Clement Attlee trying to pursue a non-interventionist policy in the Commonwealth.

In 1947 India and Pakistan were granted independence. In South Africa, Jan Smuts gets reelected, defeating Daniel Francois Malan and curbs hardline Afrikaneers proposing this system of segregation they called "Apartheid".

The war in Nigeria gained much international attention, and after a few months of fighting, three nations emerged out of the fire.

The smallest and weakest of the three was the Damagaram Republic, poised in the northeastmost territories of the former Federation of Nigeria (from now on abbreviated as FoN), claiming legitimacy as the successors to the Damagaram Sultanate of pre-colonial Africa. It's population largely Kanuri or Margi, it is a largely successful state, with a democratic (gasp!) government backed by the UN. It is the only country with significant foreign recognition.

The centrally placed country is the country of Sokoto. Dominated by a clique of Edo and Ijaw nationalists, it is a loosely held federation, tearing at the edges from oppression of it's non-accepted citizenry (about anyone who isn't Edo or Ijaw). It has a strong military, but it is by far the least stable of the Nigerian countries. A nudge here and there could destroy this federation and tear into smaller countries.

And then there are you. The yet-unnamed country (formerly known as Trust Territories of Kano and Lagos). With the unofficial capital of the state being Lagos, you claim to be the one and only successor state to FoN and you have month upon months of heavy fighting with Sokoto to show for it. With recognition only from South Africa, Pakistani and the Soviet Union, you are poised to fight for every inch of soil if you mean to free the proletariate from their bourgeiosie oppressors.

Are you ready to lead Nigeria towards a better future? Can you truly achieve the communist dream? Can you create a civilization that will weather the test of time?

A = Damagaram Republic.
B = Sokoto.
C = (former) Territory of Lagos and Kano.

The OOC Thread.

Spoiler: Character Sheet (click to show/hide)


The players (playing secretaries, ministers, Party officials) play the game by proposing solutions and reacting to various crises. At the beginning of the game, the players can (and should elect) the First Secretary of the Communist Party of *Nation Name*. The First (or General, same thing) Secretary is the moderator of the debates and discussions and has the tie-breaking vote. He is also the person who is presented with various problems by me (mostly nation-wide stuff), and presents them to the Party officials at the annual Congress. Other players will be given ministries to control, relating to more specialized needs of the nation, such as foreign relations, agriculture, industry, et cetera.

If there is not enough players to fill all the ministries, NPCs will be introduced to control them until someone else relieves them of the position. If there are not enough ministries for all players, some of them will form various comissions. Comissions are a subacategory of a ministry relating to a specific problem or part. For an instance, there is the Ministry of Defence, and the Comission of Military Draft. The First Secretary can be voted out of office and replaced with a different player by a vote, in which there needs to be at least 50% + 1 support in favour of replacement in order to remove him from office.

The goal of the game is to see your country prosper, maintain Party power via various means and making your country a world power in the future.


Spoiler: Alester Akala - Knave (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 05:57:22 pm by SaberToothTiger »
I gaze into its milky depths, searching the wheat and sugar for the meanings I can never find.
It's like tea leaf divination, but with cartoon leprechauns.
There are only two sure things in life: death and taxes and lists and poor arithmetic and overlong jokes and poor memory and probably a few more things.


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Re: Better Red than Dead IC: Preparation and Prologue
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2016, 08:17:06 am »

((Sheet posted in OOC, PTW post))
As always, life is brief and transient, your posting history lasts forever, so always prioritise forum games.

Glory to United Forenia!


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Re: Better Red than Dead IC: Preparation and Prologue
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2016, 10:37:52 am »

Name: Englebert Thompson

Nationality: British

Short Backstory: A skilled architect from England, he was invited to build lavish palaces for the privileged. He decided to settle in the unnamed communist nation.

Specialty: Construction


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Re: Better Red than Dead IC: Preparation and Prologue
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2016, 05:20:50 pm »

14 of March 1948, Ibadan. The Ibadan Recreational Club.
The First Congress of the Communist Party of the Trust Territories of Lagos and Kano

A tall man steps onto the makeshift rostrum, and coughs loudly to get the attention of the audience, uncomfortably seated on various implements, allowing you to recognize the standing of every present man and woman. The pariahs are standing, the unimportant sit on crates, the mildy interesting ones sit on plastic stools, and the actually wortwhile ones sit on actual wooden chairs. The poorest off eye the more influencial Party members with envy, clearly seeing this as a gross miscarriage of justice to distribute seats in such an unequipable manner. You? You are sitting in one of eight present comfy armchairs, placed your legs of the soft footrest, into which your legs sink, allowing you to relax and listen to whatever your old comrade, Nwaboudike Morgan wants to present the gathered crowd. He coughs again, and finally catches the attention of most parties present. He talks at long about the great achievments that the revolutions brought to the cities, the proletariate body finally recognized and cared for.

The next subject is much mroe interesting to you, than some mere praise for the Party, though.

Morgan raises his voice and changes his tone to make sure everybody is listening

"Comrades! What we achieved for the working classes is great, but we must not grow complacent! The merry spark of revolution lit the gunpowder of Nigeria, but the flame is only about to reach the gunpowder, for the war with the fascist dog of the east and the bourgeoisie oppressors in Damagaram is only beginning!

The filithy imperialist dog Jan Smuts of South Africa is already regretting his decision to publically admit the deficiencies of the disgusting capitalist system and recognize the glory of the revolution, but even the Anglo colonialists cannot hide from the merry fire of revolution! And to this goal, we gather here, to choose the Party leadeship for the next years to lead us towards glory and socialism! In this time of crisis, I ask of my comrades to help the common man free himself of his shackles!"

You stand up and move towards the rosrtum and take position next to probably the greatest revolutionary of the continent (except you, of course) and give the revolutionary salute to the excited audience. They enthusiastically salute back and yell slogans of support to you.

"Those are the people who I call the przhodovniks of the revolution! Look at them well, for their faces might just be the visage on the statues our children shall raise in honor of the global revolution! Let me introdue them to you, my brethren, my comrades!

You are among the ten people in the room worth remembering. Everyone in the hall already knows you, or soon shall.

"This is Ahjihad Molrami! The man responisble for the relief for our sons and daughters, toiling endlessly without fatigue to support the war effort, he has given them rest, he has given them time, to gather strength for the final strike against the fascist!"

Here stands Jackson O' Neill, one of the few Anglos to see the flame of the revolution, he is the leader that we shall need in times of war with the imperialists: a man who knows every trick up their sleeve!

This is Argyle Thomason, who before was the only industrialist in the entire state who justly treated his workers with respect they deserved! Though once part of the piglike bourgeoisie, he saw the error of his ways and set his spirit on fire with the merry spark of the revolution!

But how can we defeat the imperialists, if their spies shall sabotage our revolution!? This man, this here man shall defend us! This is Alester Akala, the wily face of the common man outwitting the slow thinking top hat wearing bourgeoisie hogs! With his help, our revolution shall not falter and will instead burn with the radiant red light of socialism!

We are not the first to revolt against the crowned jackals of Europe, though. Among us is an expert, who has helped achieved socialism in the Soviet Union, that is comrade Silayev Gerasim Rodionovich. His military experience repelling the blackshirt jackboot of the North shall be necessary to defeat the oppressor fascist of the South!

To further the goals of the revolution, we need to progress, and the sharp mind of the proletariate shall be put to good use! This is Eoin Collinst, the brightest mind of the enlightened red half of Cambridge! He was not content with the opium shoved forcefully down his throat by the spitting dwarves of reaction, no, he took up arms with us to liberate us from our chains!

And, finally, this is Robert Reginald II, the embodiment of the proletariate. No filthy Anglo scum could extinguish the socialist flame burning through this man, and when the insurrection was called, he immediately redirected the production from the Oyo steel mills from the Yankee weapon factories supplying tools of oppression to the eastern fascist to the revolutionary forces!

These men shall lead us to glory. All workers must unite in this time of crisis! Salute the red star for the first time this day and know that this is the beginning of a new era, the age of the proletariate!

You salute the crowd, and go through a side entrance to a makeshift conference room, where the seven of you assemble. Soon, Nwaboudike Morgan joins you, and signals you to speak.
I gaze into its milky depths, searching the wheat and sugar for the meanings I can never find.
It's like tea leaf divination, but with cartoon leprechauns.
There are only two sure things in life: death and taxes and lists and poor arithmetic and overlong jokes and poor memory and probably a few more things.


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Re: Better Red than Dead IC: Preparation and Prologue
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2016, 06:50:16 pm »

After making his way into the meeting room Collins took to his seat and and faced comrade Morgan as he spoke "That was a most brilliant of speech comrade Morgan." Collins then gazed around the room at his fellow revolutionaries knowing each man was someone of great calibre.

"My fellow brothers might I just say this is truly a great day, not only have we freed our country from the capitalistic dogs we also taken our first steps down road of great changes. As each of us come from many walks of life it's truly a honour to share the room with each of you, my days in Cambridge have thought me great many of things which I look forward studying upon more in due time."

Collins then takes a deep breath before continuing "As we all know there are many things to discuss here and great changes to which need to be implemented if we are to improve the our countrymen." Collins then takes a sip from his glass before quieting down.


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Re: Better Red than Dead IC: Preparation and Prologue
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2016, 07:23:32 pm »

Nodding at Collins O'Neil looks around and says "While there are many Issues plaguing this nation, we need to secure our farmland and our industries, and take care of the tensions between the different cultures that make up our nation many of them refuse to fellow officers of different groups and I'm only respected and followed because of enough of the veterans are still around to keep order. and with that O'neil leans back into his chair gulping water down in his canteen.
Long Live Arst- United Forenia!
"Wanna be a better liberal? Go get shot in the fuckin' face."
Contemplate why we have a sociopathic necrophiliac RAPIST sadomasochist bipolar monster in our ranks, also find some cheese.


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Re: Better Red than Dead IC: Preparation and Prologue
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2016, 07:40:24 pm »

OOC: I wrote this up before stabbymcstabstab posted, so this is slightly out of order - sorry!

Alester Akala had been careful to register the faces of those in the room whom looked less than content. He knew most of their names already, and would learn the rest in short order. It was always prudent to know who thought their lot in life was too small.

With the speech finished, Alester headed back to the conference room with the others, a small, yet content smile resting on his lips. He listened to Collins intently before speaking.

"Yes, Comrade Collins is absolutely correct! Your talent for fiery speech craft is second to none, Comrade Morgan."

"We have accomplished much, but our position is still tenuous. Our nation is recognised by a yet a handful of nations. We must seek to rectify this of course." Motioning to a wall-mounted map he gestured to area surrounding Lagos, "The Damagaram Republic has UN backing, but is weak. We must make efforts to show the world community that it is our nation that should have their recognition. Discrediting their leadership and seeking out comrades sympathetic to the worker's plight in Damagaram may be a good first step in reuniting our torn lands."

Alester paused a moment before jabbing forcefully at the southern portion, "Sokoto. By all means a powerful force, but my agents report their grip on power is slippery at best. Even more so than Damagaram, we should seek to find the right people to... empower." He let the implication sink in a brief second before resuming, "A fractured Sakoto will be much easier to bring into the fold of Socialist enlightenment, do you not agree?"

He offered an easy smile to the others gathered before finishing "I am sure I am getting ahead of myself as I'm sure Comrade Morgan has many other things he would like to cover on the agenda. But the news that some are refusing to follow orders of officers. We should investigate this further. If this is the cause of agitators rest assured I will discover more about who these men are. We might consider a full reorganisation of the forces, along more culturally homogenous lines, but they must realize we are all brothers now, in a fight against the bourgeoisie."

Finished, Comrade Akala took a breath and found his seat, interested to hear grand ideas and thoughts his peers.


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Re: Better Red than Dead IC: Preparation and Prologue
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2016, 08:03:42 pm »

Ajhihad listens respectfully to his peers then rises to speak

Greetings comrades. We have a long road ahead of us, and each of us will have our piece to say in the hours to come.

Mine is that, before we start attacking our enemies, we must gather our allies. While we have won our autonomy, we must make sure that we do not overextend ourselves and lose it. We must shore up, gather strength, and solidify the support of the few friends we have.

We must also look to new friends, make new alliances. And, in cases where no friends can be found. . . we must make our own friends.
He motions to Jackson and Alester. There are ways with which we can turn enemies into friends, and I'm sure our comrades here can detail those ways.

Thank you.

Ajhihad takes a seat and listens to the next speaker.
As always, life is brief and transient, your posting history lasts forever, so always prioritise forum games.

Glory to United Forenia!


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Re: Better Red than Dead IC: Preparation and Prologue
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2016, 09:30:11 pm »

Silayev looks at the others for but a moment and stands, clearing his throat before he speaks. "Now as you already know comrades, the capitalist pig dogs and the deplorable fascist scum near our borders will prove to be...problematic, however I know that they will be unable to snuff out the flame that is our glorious revolution no mater how hard they try, and with time and hard work we will be able to make the fires of the revolution spread like wildfire! Now, as you all know I'm skilled in the ways of war, and with these skills I plan to make great progress in making our military properly equipped and organized to make any greedy capitalist or fascist dog that dares to even think of attacking us think twice, and any stupid enough to try to quickly realize their mistake. Lastly I have but one wish, that is that our nations revolution spread to all of Africa and I will try my damnedest to make that wish true. Thank you for your time, comrades." Silayev then sits back down and patently waits for the next speaker to speak.
Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.


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Re: Better Red than Dead IC: Preparation and Prologue
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2016, 08:54:35 am »

Argyle was not, surprisingly, sitting in 'his' seat, opting instead to remain standing with the least of the least.  He received a note midway through the presentations.

He seems suffused by a spindly sort of energy.

"Thank you Comrade Morgan, and our other devoted friends.

I am not one for speeches, so I will keep this brief.

As Comrade O'Neil has said, we must secure our means of production, and further the equality of distribution.

I intend to, with your support and my acumen, focus upon this issue.

I would suggest we start with producing enough chairs such that each member of this government has somewhere to sit in this meeting, except that I have already acquired such.

Alas, their shipment was delayed due to a preponderance of traffic.  I received word that they have arrived.

Jeremy, if you would?"

The man in the seat that would have been Argyle's steps over to open the door, revealing that Argyle has, in fact, gotten enough chairs together for everybody.  They're folding chairs, but nonetheless, chairs.

"Please, everyone, take a seat.  I truly regret not being able to supply these in as timely a manner as I'd have preferred.

With this issue resolved, I would like to speak a moment as regards our plans for agriculture and industry.

While I wish it was a simple matter to transition from one economic model to another, the fact remains that there is inevitably an urge in most to accumulate status.  We must provide an outlet for this that does not jeopardize our great work.

To that end, I am devising a system to speed forth the Great Work and ensure that the abilities of the people are put to their best use.

I would like to make one further statement.  I have not, do not, and will not take bribes.  Actions for the good should speak for themselves, and actions that will harm it should not be taken.

I work for the good of all, as we all should be.


I will hold a separate meeting later this evening to open my economic plan for comments.

That is all.

Thank you."

Argyle takes a seat in one of the folding chairs he brought in.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2016, 09:00:10 am by TheBiggerFish »

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


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Re: Better Red than Dead IC: The Barbellate Beginning - Party Congress
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2016, 06:27:32 pm »

"Gentlemen. Before we go on, first things must come first. We must decide on the course for our nation, then select the First Secretary. He should volunteer for the postion and tell us what his are his plans on the position, then we shall move on to less urgent matters.

I propose the following issues for this meeting:

- *Naming our country and claiming territory* - We must select an appropriate titre for this country, as without it we will never be respected diplomatically. We could name our country with a completely new name relating to the territories we have now, we choose a name claiming to be the successor to the Federation of Nigeria and claim all of it's former territories. We could also claim the bordering territories, like Togo, Dahomey, Niger, Chad, perhaps even Ashanti, in addition to the former Federation. The frog-lovers will never accept that, though, unless we try and get Thorez and his clique to argue for us. If we feel insufferably crazy or brave enough, we could go ahead and claim even more territory, but we risk becoming pariahs on the world stage and losing even the meagre amount of support we have.

- *Creating Ministries* - We must decide what, if any, secretariates do we want to create. The less we create, the stronger the First Secretary becomes, and more centralized the state is. We should strive to centralize as much power as possible before other movements arise. On the other hand, few ministries shall flood the First Secretary with an unbelievable workload, which will undoubtedly allow him less and less time to think about each matter separately.

- Foreign Policy - We must decide what course should we pursue when arranging diplomatic meeting with other nations. Should we accept foreign aid, if it was offered? How should we act when facing Damagarami or Sokot representatives? How shall we seek international recognition and convince nations against supporting the nationalists or the muslims in the north?

- Internal Policy - How shall we act towards our citizens? Who even will be considered a citizen in our nation? What shall be the official language? Will we, and if we do, how shall we aid our sick, tired and starving people? We also need to start emitting a sort of currency, choose whether to back our currency with some resource and such. We desperately need to get support of the lower classes with propaganda, generous social policies, or sheer crushing of dissent.

- Economic Matters - We have around sixteen thousand british pounds and that is effectively our only money. We are on the edge of bankruptcy and we need to find a way to bring in money. We could start large, state owned plantations and start exporting crops like coffee, cocoa, tobacco, sugar cane, cotton or other crops, though through that we risk hunger. We recently discovered iron ore near Ibadan, so there might be profit in steelworks in there. We earn around seven hundred pounds per day, and we spend around six hundred. Open conflict would reduce our income to around two thirds capacity and would double our expenditure.

- Foreign revolutions - We have a skilled group of revolutionaries in our nation, and letting them sit around would do us no good, even potentially harm our cause, for if they join the dissenters, we might face open rebellion. A proposed resolution to these men would be to send them abroad and aid others in guerilla combat. They would do no good in an organized army, but they are exceptional at raids, plundering and such. There is war in China, and if sent there, we might secure an ally in Asia, but if the chinese revolutionaries lose to fascists we will lose all hope of cooperation with them for a long time. We could also direct them to Vietnam, where the oppressed vietnamese fight against the french frog-eating imperialist colonial forces. I worry North Vietnam might not be able to defeat the Europeans, but with Yankee and Soviet support for Ho Chi Minh, we would potentially not only gain ground in securing better relations with the USSR and the USA, but also gain an ally in Indochina. If Vietnam wins, we might just find more countries to liberate from the french. The downside of this is that the French will resent us for this. We could try and start a strong socialist movement in the Americas, maybe, or perhaps even in South Africa. Or, perhaps, we could just use our revolutionaries to train our army, but I believe that would be wasting their skills.

- *Ideological Matters* - We need to determine our path to communism. Shall we allow private enterprise, and how much if any? How about religion? This and more is important to decide on and codify. This subject needs a lot of care so that we might unify our country under the glorious red banner.

- *The Matter of Nigeria* - We have currently an unstable ceasefire with Sokoto and the Damagaram Republic. We need to decide how to prepare for the inevitable war. Our army is noticeably weaker than the fascist one, but we are stronger than the muslim democrats.

- Military Matters - We lack any navy or airforce, and our army is a ragtag militia armed with any weapon imaginable. I have checked our equipment and have seen everything from muzzle-loaded rifles, through Mosin-Nagants, to submachine guns of various sizes and calibres. We lack artillery, regular infantry, we rely on draft. We need to decide what to arm our men with. We don't have a real organisational structure as well. Additionally, if possible, we should create some specialised divisions to fight on the open savannah or even procure armored cars, hell, even tanks for our men. Even a weak navy could be used to absolutely devastate the Sokotan trade and potentially exhaust their supplies.

- *Deimperialisation* - In our borders we have around fifty thousand Britishmen. They are the almost sole upper class of the nation, and own most of the land and all of our industry. It is imperative to find a way to deal with them. We could use them to vent public anger and reduce dissent, though that would enrage the Anglos. We could seize their property, and nationalise the industry from both the residents and foreign owners. This would cause a diplomatic uproar, but I think we have to do this to strengthen ourselves. Leaving the Anglos as they are is an option, but we would face immediate rage from the lower and middle classess. We could even have a rebellion on our hands.

- More issues - This is only the very top of the mountain of tasks before us, gentlemen. If you think of anything else that needs to be determined right now, just say it."

Nwaboudike Morgan ends his presentation with a cough. You quickly realize that he is not well, and sickness is overtaking him quickly. Clearly, he doesn't have long for this world, unless he can be cured by competent doctors.

On the other hand, the man is a rival and would be a great symbol for the nation, a revolutionary hero. Hanging him on a banner and using him for propaganda could bring you great profit...
I gaze into its milky depths, searching the wheat and sugar for the meanings I can never find.
It's like tea leaf divination, but with cartoon leprechauns.
There are only two sure things in life: death and taxes and lists and poor arithmetic and overlong jokes and poor memory and probably a few more things.


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Re: Better Red than Dead IC: The Barbellate Beginning - Party Congress
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2016, 11:50:51 am »

"Comrade Morgan?  If I may?  Is the First Secretary not to be first among equals?

Should we not establish a council amongst the Ministries, with the First Secretary truly responsible to the will of the people?

I have a plan for the economy, and for management in general, that I began formulating when the revolution was assured.

I believe I have a plan for the remaining colonials as well.  Allow them to leave with what they can pack into, say, a cubic meter per person, or be organized into the structure of the nation, in which they will have just as much say as anyone else of their ability would have.  We should not discriminate based on color or creed, comrades, for that breeds division and strife.  From each according to their ability, not according to their ancestors."
« Last Edit: October 08, 2016, 12:18:10 pm by TheBiggerFish »

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


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Re: Better Red than Dead IC: The Barbellate Beginning - Party Congress
« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2016, 12:27:22 pm »

"We must tell the world about our glory with even just our name.
Let us be The People's Independent Democratic Communist Republic of Free Nigeria!
With that we tell the world of our freedom, our democracy and our aims.

As for the issue of our currency, for too long have we seen lies on paper create and destroy money
we should return to the Manilla as our primary currency."

Agree, plus that's about the LAST thing *I* want to see from this kind of game - author spending valuable development time on useless graphics.

Unofficial slogan of Bay 12 Games.  

Death to the false emperor a warhammer40k SG


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Re: Better Red than Dead IC: The Barbellate Beginning - Party Congress
« Reply #13 on: October 08, 2016, 01:02:37 pm »

"Excuse me, are you truly saying we should return to an easily forged, aha, monetary standard simply to frustrate investment bankers?  I do not think that wise.  We will be a laughingstock of nations and nothing will be gained that we could not achieve by other, safer means.

As for a name, I suggest the Peoples' Federation of Nigeria.

A claim, and yet we are marked distinct from our predecessors."

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


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Re: Better Red than Dead IC: The Barbellate Beginning - Party Congress
« Reply #14 on: October 08, 2016, 03:22:32 pm »

I agree with Mr.Thomason's suggestion
The PFN would be much more... Rememberable, then the PIDCRFN would be. And on the issue of currency we call it the Nigerian Pound? Short, simple, less paper work for me...
Long Live Arst- United Forenia!
"Wanna be a better liberal? Go get shot in the fuckin' face."
Contemplate why we have a sociopathic necrophiliac RAPIST sadomasochist bipolar monster in our ranks, also find some cheese.
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