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Author Topic: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.  (Read 52112 times)


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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #360 on: May 08, 2017, 10:24:44 pm »


"All that makes good sense. The box does seem to have an interest in my continued welfare...maybe it wants me to do something. Probably nothing to do with cake. I wonder if I'll ever really understand what...if the goal is truly incompatible with my limited mind, it might be like trying to sing a sea bass to fetch your tail-warmer. I suppose I can ask for some clarification..."

She made another whalemoji, one showing a cake, the other showing herself greatly confused.

Action: Sadish signs the images for cake and confusion to the holograms.

The majority of the holograms were still fighting a merry war using various expressions from Sadish's library of whale-mojis, including a few they appeared to have invented on the fly. The conflict of the moment seemed centered around a group of Sadish faces with brainfreeze trying to flee from a determined wolfpack of operatic Sadishes in sparkly red dresses. It was a scene that cast rather serious doubts on Aimasc's assertion that the creatures were operated by some higher intelligence.

Sadish's rig, however, was a bit less silly. Words appeared on her viewscreen, their positions seemingly random. First a few, then dozens, then hundreds. They overlapped and crossed over, becoming an unreadable mess within the space of seconds. Thankfully, the words eventually began to recede, culling down to just a dozen arrayed across her screen without particular order.



Wrack my brain about what to do given the other sample. I know it's important for several reasons.

This was the kind of situation that Scarlet typically handed over to Sadish ASAP. She'd love it, and it would mean that Scarlet would be free to think about how best to shoot the people responsible for this, rather than how to cure a life-threatening illness.

Still, there was nothing like the sudden imminence of death to jostle the brain into activity. Clearly, Ka had been after the panther to get at whatever was in its blood. That meant the panther had what, an upgrade, a new model, an antidote? The latter was almost certainly wishful thinking. Regardless, Ka's interest in the panther's blood did explain why his first move had NOT been to simply give everyone with hyper infectious death-plague. He probably hadn't wanted to risking hitting the panther in the process and somehow damaging whatever was inside it.

Charged saline from Cass paired with moment of realization hit Scarlet with a sudden jolt. Ka didn't know where the panther was anymore. Ka needed the panther alive. Thus, Ka couldn't blow anything up until he could verify that there wasn't a panther inside.

The panther, as long as it was alive, was safety for whoever was around it. The panther, as long as it was hidden, was safety for everyone.


Khate perked up a bit at hearing she had an admirer. "Glad to hear you're a fan! You'll probably enjoy seeing footage of yourself blowing up the fin. It was very impressive!

That's Kesari. She's rather odd, so she fits in well! Also good at getting our ship to do things. She's responsible for the disruptive noises."

She let out a groan on hearing Cass, however.

"That's what I was afraid of. He delivered a bit of a villainous monologue to Scarlet about new beginnings and so on. He probably wants the panther to help remake Claws or something equally dramatic and insane. If or why he needed this panther in particular I have no idea, Sadish could probably tell us. She's our real biologist and doctor.

She uh, seems to have vanished, so I might need to take a quick trip to find her..."

A Canid wanting to remake Felids. It made Khate rather ashamed to share a gene pool with the rainbow bugger. Unfortunately, if this were a show, he didn't seem like the kind of bugger that would be permanently removed until the end of the season. That was the problem with good and bad- heroes died mid-season to up the ante, but villains only went out during finales. It was  cruel irony, but that was just how the world worked.

At least, that's how the world of deepshows worked, and that was close enough to the real world to count, right?

"Well, I'm opening the bore. If Radish can help my girl, I'd advise finding her quickly." Varkonius looked Khate in the eye as the ship's bore drive began humming steadily. "Not that I'm not a fan, and it won't be personal, but I will take all means necessary to get back at Rainbows if she dies. That includes ramming your home into him."

As Vark's ship lurched through the Bore and reality flickered for a moment, Khate pondered the course of actions that was leading to bringing the serial saboteur they'd been assigned to steal from/kill back on board the Reunion. It had been a boring morning, a fun afternoon, and it was shaping up to be an exciting evening.



She wondered if they still had cup holders there, as a humorous aside, before turning back to defending the Reunion and testing the shield mitigation of the attacking ships--especially with an eye on Ka-T's presumed cloaking ship.

She had at least a quarter hour to figure this out.

Kesari felt a jolt as her tail touched the metallic floor. She was forgetting something!
Activate all Sadish scanners/personal locators, or work with her drone to broadcast her signal on all possibilities it was capable of.

Before anything else, Kesari activated the locators attached to Sadish. Unsurprisingly, they gave null information. Hopefully one would pick up a ping soon...

The wishful though was interrupted by a response from the more controlled shuttle. "Thank you for the information, control, but this shuttle is not equipped with its own bore drive. Helm is locked in on acceptable course, assuming no interference." After detailing his flight situation, Tagget continued on to the second, odder, request without skipping a beat. "As for my consumer tendencies, I have an affection for MetaGel Tailsocks, a guilty love of kibble, and am currently enjoying a deepshow about the construction of the Demiurge Super Dreadnought. At a spa, I would enjoy having my skin exfoliated, watching some form of live arena combat, and a massage to one of my old plasma scars that's been giving me trouble. I will forward the question to my passengers and rotate them through the comms. Stand by."

As promised, very confused displaced station workers began hesitantly recounting their experiences with capitalism, expensive things they liked, and what they wanted out of a spa. Kari piped it directly to the computer, which seemed considerably soothed by the familiar data.

The second shuttle, however, promised to undo all of that soothing, both for Kari and the computer.  "SAS... SAS... Ess Ay Esss..." Muffled crying could be heard in the background, and Kesari could practically see the 'pilot' hunting for the button on the console while playing with the word.  "Oh, Got it! But there's this sticky note attached with all these funny lines and circles on it... It looks like one of the little tactical diagrams they put up in deathball games, is it important?"

Oh. Right. No one flew with the SAS on in the sled because none of the Reunion crew needed it, and while Boris had insisted he'd 'repaired' the system ages ago, that could mean a lot of things. It could mean that the button worked just fine. It could also mean that the button would deploy fire control form into every orifice at high pressure if pressed without doing a special jig and tapping on the exact right spot on the console three times. Boris' repairs were funny like that.

Shelfing that thought momentarily, Kesari turned her attention to the incoming combat vessel. The Nosoi had combat shields active, more than enough to stop bombs when combined with forward PD, which actually put up an interesting question. The Nosoi had a demonstrably powerful energy weapon, good interdiction, good point defense, a first rate signal jammer as evidenced earlier, and very good engines. If those shields were as serious as everything else, then the Nosoi's reactor was either unbelievably good, or operating at a finely tuned redline.

More lights went red on Kesari's console, in addition to the steadily pulsing ones that told her the Nosoi had a target lock. The Nosoi was attempting open a bore to a point in space very close to the Reunion, and coincidentally directly between the Reunion and the inbound shuttles. The Reunion had interdiction, but it was basically a large version of Aubrey's personal design. It wasn't milspec, and while it was slowing the Nosoi's bore, it wasn't stopping it.

Judging by the aperture bloom the sensors were picking up, fifteen minutes was a naively optimistic estimation of the time Kesari had before the Nosoi was within knife fighting range.

A second bore aperture opening suddenly, very close to the Reunion, made Kesari jump slightly. Thankfully, it was just Varkonius taking her up on the solution she'd precalculated for him. Probably meant he'd want to be docking imminently, which meant she would have to arrange that in addition to worrying about the hole the Nosoi was boring through space and the Sled being piloted by an amateur who, on her present trajectory, would likely end up 'landing' several meters into an irradiated staff lounge.

Not for the first time, Kesari considered her need for a personal assistant, or an extra three arms for her suit.



Aubrey deftly touched into the local field network, and found it rather polarized. The ship they were currently in was, as expected, minimalistic. Its power flows made perfect sense and were divided cleanly into various subgroups according to their purpose. Above her, however, she could feel the massive power signature of the parasitic vessel, and it was anything but well ordered. Most combat vessels engaged in some form of energy crypsis in order to disguise their actions and reduce their susceptibility to the ship-scale versions of Aubrey's implants that were the teeth of EW systems. Reading the freighter's fields was like reading a restaurant menu,  the tiny bit of the Nosoi's that Aubrey could sense felt like she was trying to ask a flaming tornado what it's favorite color was, using semaphore, from inside the tornado.

Thankfully, Aubrey only needed to talk to the freighter at the moment, and that was easy. The cargo room had a pair of cameras with good coverage, but they'd both already been tampered with. Both were active, but they weren't transferring data to memory any more. They saw, but didn't remember, which was fine by Aubrey.

There were three people in Cargo, a Fin, A Claw, and a Pinkie. The Claw was sitting in the center of the room, wearing a ascetic jumpsuit and a surprising number ear bangles. His tail lashed back and forth, and he seemed fixated on a point in the middle of nowhere. Probably a screen on his eye. The human was short and clad in the steeply angled armor common to the soldiers encountered before, but without a helmet. She was in the middle of posing a body as though it had been shot from behind cover. The Fin was clearly cybernetic, and had some form of anti-gravity gear integrated into its body. He floated up at about 75% of room height, carefully placing a box shaped explosive charge on the bulkhead.

Aubrey felt the rising churn of the ship's bore drive coming online just before she cloaked. The Nosoi was opening an aperture, and taking its sweet time doing it. That meant it was probably trying to bore through interdiction, and the Reunion was the only ship Aubrey could think of that would be trying to push the Nosoi away. She and Boris needed to work fast.

Silent and invisible Aubrey slipped through the door Boris had cracked open, skirting the edge of the upper walkway and dropping down directly behind the human. Aubrey's injured wing spasmed slightly on the glide down, and she made just enough noise to alert the human. The 'initiate' turned, curious at the flutter of damaged feathers. It looked for a moment as though she'd simply go back to rearranging the bodies, then she looked down at the floor directly beneath Aubrey. A few bright drops of blood from Aubrey's damaged wing had fallen there, followed immediately by another damning droplet.

For a human, the soldier was fast. Aubrey was faster. The soldier had her mouth open and her hand to her sidearm when Aubrey's good wing brushed across the helmet-less human's throat, severing the arteries in both sides of the neck and delivering a stunning shock from the charged mono-filament with the same blow. Aubrey tried to catch the human's body, but couldn't quite absorb enough of the weight in order to prevent it from making a wet smack on the floor. Humans were too damn big and top heavy.

The claw in the center of the cargo hold made an expression of disgust and unfocused from its private screen. "Initiate, if you drop that body again I wi-" The claw cut off sharply when she saw the bloody initiate twitching on the ground, no obvious source to her injuries.

Aubrey cut the lights and sliced across anything resembling a comms frequency, signalling Boris to bring come down and join the show.


'Three,' Boris grunted. Three people who did not want what they were doing to be shown to the world. AL-Loy might pay nicely for that footage, even if that was the extent of what they uncovered. He smiled darkly and looked back at Aubrey. 'Hehheh. I hope you're recording this.'

He moved the door open another inch. 'We'll take them out and disarm,' he said. 'I can't move very quietly. Can you go in and take a better look? See how many of them are there, how dangerous they look. A surprise attack will work best. I'll be right behind you when we strike.'

Stealthy approach is go. If Aubrey is spotted or chooses to attack, jump down and get smashing! Try to incapacitate rather than kill whoever seems to be Medenov. Try not to die horribly.

The cargo hold went dark, which signified it was time for Boris to go in smashing.

Aubrey had entered like a ghost. Boris was less subtle. He slammed the doors to the cargo hold open and changed to the same light filters he'd used to fight Mickaw's men, charging forwards like a gorilla made of scrap metal and grit. He targeted the first thing he saw: a flying neo-dolphin with a demo-charge. With a primal roar and a scream of tortured servos, the King of Strenger jumped off the catwalk.

He missed grabbing a hold of the fin, slamming instead into a large shipping crate. Boris was fine. The crate was not. Plastic figures of Canes dressed in floral harnesses with large, wobbling heads exploded into the cargo hold.

"Sarraki, what is going on?!" The claw on the ground, just a few meters away from Boris, was staring wildly in the direction of the sudden crash. His voice was shrill and panicked, but undeniably a match to the one Boris had heard identified as Medenov.

Good night vision or not, the sudden light change probably made Boris little more than a shadowy blur to the Felid. Boris stood slowly and approached Medenov, expecting some form of hidden weapon or surprise attack. None came. Medenov backed up rapidly as Boris approach, managing to scramble up a shipping crate before Boris grabbed him by a back leg and slammed him into the floor, pinning him to the ground by his furred throat. The Felid mewled pathetically, back legs scrabbling against Boris' carapace.

Blue light made Boris look back over shoulder. Dozens of tiny hovering lights were surrounding the hovering Fin, like fireflies the color of starlight. They provided fair illumination, and appeared to be growing in number by the moment. "Oookay. Okay. Uh. Would you be willing to talk, maybe? You're not AL-Loy security, which probably makes you one of the mercenaries the testament is so very intent on killing. I, however, bear you absolutely no ill will, and I would really like to continue breathing. A lot."  The Fin, nestled somewhere inside the glowing cocoon of lights, sounded tense, but considerably more in control than Medenov had.
I have a degree in Computer Seance, that means I'm officially qualified to tell you that the problem with your system is that it's possessed by Satan.
Q: "Do you have any idea what you're doing?"
A: "No, not particularly."


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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #361 on: May 08, 2017, 11:03:04 pm »

((This is all on you, DH. :P))

Before anything, Kesari dedicated a bit of her time to nudge Aubrey, assuming things haven't happened on her part already. As she put a few seconds to typing these messages (and thanking her teaching education for preparing her mindset in segmentation work for dedicated output), her paw hovered over the command area that meant either 'try to delay targeting mechanisms of enemy ship' or 'full power to shields and interdiction protocols'.

Things were hard when an enemy ship was boring into range. She could counter-bore, but the fact had Boris and Aubrey IN the attacking/boring ship was a rather apparent one. One that changed everything.

Quote from: Kes :D | Boris' things
About the Sled...
Could you tell me what a diagram of lines and circles on it on a sticky note was for?
@Boris; please forward.

Trying to get the pilot directing it homewardbound in an 'okay' way and not make her cry.
This is the most important and emotionally pulling thing at me now.
Please answer with priority.

I can hear her crying. :(
Oh and rather, where's the stabilization button and how it looks like.

P.S. Getting bore equation into our inner perimeter. Wasp-deathship is probably planning to bore in and ram that freighter into us or something.
At least that's what I think when I think 'brick like ship'. Can't concentrate clearly. Busy being affected.

P.P.S. Try to make havoc with power systems there. Even turning the lights on maybe? Just assuming here.
Because I'm suspecting- wait here, I'll upload computer data in tandem with my translations.

Download Attachment: Death Engine + Power Output.exe?

Scanning for viruses. . .
Attachment clean

. . .
(!) Message has failed to send

"Well curse."
« Last Edit: May 09, 2017, 07:18:23 am by Tiruin »


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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #362 on: May 09, 2017, 01:28:10 pm »

"Looks like we're back to pointless hypothetical concepts. There's nothing they can actually tell DO. They can't divulge the context of what I am supposed to understand, which implies the task is beyond me-yet, they clearly imply I have to DO something. It's a paradox! If I didn't know any better, I would think they were just wasting my time, because I'm stuck in this stupid bed with nothing better to do...

Anyway, time for more shots into the black. Maybe they'll understand math! Surely, numbers are the universal constant of understanding."

Action: Sadish puts down the celestial coordinates for NGA 2021 (Planet Brode), with a question mark (where she found the puzzle box). She puts a whale-moji of herself swimming toward the coordinates, with another question mark.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #363 on: May 09, 2017, 03:22:38 pm »

Boris made sure his foot was steadily on Medenov before addressing the Fin. So far, so good, but he didn't trust the seemingly harmless appearance of this one. He wouldn't let his guard down.

'By all means, you can keep breathing - as long as you talk. I've already spared one person today I ought to have killed, so a few more won't hurt,' Boris said. 'Answer my questions. If you lie, I'll crush you skull in my hand. First, how many guards are aboard the ship? Second, is Ka in there? Third, uhm... why don't you describe the layout of the ship for me.'

He considered just crushing the one in his grip to simplify things, but killing unarmed and undeniably kinda pathetic-seeming foes had never sat well with him. Boris glanced down and said: 'You can talk too. Make it simple, make it quick. You don't want to waste our time. Who are you, anyway?'


Question time! Aubrey can contribute, too.

If they seem satisfactorily subdued, take a look at the demo charges. How many are there? Could they used, for example, to blow the shit out of a ship's engines/Bore drive/reactor/other fun bits?

If Kesari's transmission gets through, try to explain the system quickly... assuming I remember how it goes. (Please no puzzles.)
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #364 on: May 09, 2017, 09:18:30 pm »

"Believe me, we aren't exactly keen on the thing dying either." She did her best to resist the urge to shift about in her position. Not the best idea during any sort of medical treatment, though at this rate said "treatment" might end up being a slightly more inventive method of euthanasia. She debated with herself internally for a moment; Varkonius was about as trustworthy as the Reunion's ads for male enhancement (why those still occasionally wound up on her own personal electronics was a mystery for the ages), so sharing anything at all with him could end poorly. Still, they were aligned for now, and trying to somehow sneak messages out wasn't practical and would provoke untoward thoughts in Vark if discovered regardless.

"That Ka-whatever. If he's not dead, which he probably isn't with my luck, he wants that cat for some reason. And he wants it alive. Which means that he can't blow us into space dust while we've got it. Khate, get a message out if you can, let everyone else know."
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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #365 on: May 09, 2017, 09:33:28 pm »

Kesari took a moment to orient herself to organization. It was like being the head of a seminar once more--where you've to please both your boss, and everything higher up than you, except this time you weren't close with anyone and everyone depended on you even if they didn't know it.

She first sent a message to Khate, with the same vocalization features.
Quote from: Kes :D | Docking Protocol
"I've a lock on Varkonius' ship. I'll be maneuvering to adjust course to you can warp as near as you can into a c;ear trajectory for the hangar. We're under attack by the freighter and cloaked ship; it is trying to bore as near to us as possible. I suspect either boarding or ramming and explosives. Our interdiction is working but we have at most ten minutes until then. Just enough to finish your bore.

I've programmed a drone to meet you by the hangar. We've also allies within there too; allied mercenaries--part of our crew. Please do not harm them whatsoever. I'll upload a route to the medbay for your computer here."

She pondered on who else could be sent a message and kept her voice on guiding the shuttles while choosing to pilot the Reunion into a docking trajectory with Varkonius' bore pattern, keeping all weapons warm for the ensuing bore that would inevitably happen, since she could not send the boarding team any message at all.

Hopefully they got word to destabilize the power, but what then? She had to get them out or at least find a way to do so. Until it hit her--she could keep the power surges by attempting to bore-bomb from several differing angles. The Reunion's bore drive was not operational at the moment (in at least its carrier partition wasn't), and given the time, it would occupy the WaspTM's crew.

"Please be okay Sadish. I am not as diplomatic as you. Or your vocabulary. I miss you. Please take care," she whispered to nobody, missing the feeling of Sadish's gentle form towering above her. She sort of felt safer with her around, even if she wasn't the fighting type in contrast to herself.

Do some test bore bombing (or whichever other ammunition we can spare that won't hurt us that much, that can be bored, like missiles with bores right above their firing cylinders) at several areas onto the wasp--aiming for the sides or rear.

She had assumed that shield mitigation and harmonics may spend more power if the counter forces would be applied to weaker angles in its shape around the ship. She would be repowering the Reunion's shields a while later just to be sure about that, keeping a 'silent' profile at the moment. Perhaps the enemy ship may detect weapons warming up, but a sense of complacency does wonders on the her past was wont to tell her, even a minute or several seconds of feeling confident changes the course of battle. However at this moment--between multitasking and otherwise, she was uncertain if she was making a good feint, or being inappropriately forgetful of something she's missing.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2017, 11:17:27 pm by Tiruin »


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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #366 on: May 09, 2017, 11:55:27 pm »

Khate winced at Varkonius' statement, but the grimace turned a little grin-like at the end. Could you blame her? The Reunion crashing in slow-motion into the Nosoi and/or Flounder would look awesome set to opera music.

"Will do!" She was allowed to be enthusiastic about Scarlet's detective work, however. Yes, clearly she was happy at Scarlet figuring out they weren't all going to die, and not that this was the best Deepshow on right now.

Quote from: Khate to Everyone Else
Good news! So long as we have Varkonius' panther, the bad guys can't murder us! Because that might murder the panther. Which would be bad! Liquefied by their horrible master bad.

Applies only to ship combat, bad guys will still savagely murder anyone found in personal combat without sufficient enthusiasm for the sport.

On that note, does anyone have any clues as to where Sadish went? We need her to live.

Quote from: Khate to Kes
Most likely boarding, but they may cripple systems first. Might also attempt to interdict shuttles, or may prefer them collecting likely panther locations in one place.

I desperately need to find Sadish, but I'll send Varkonius to help handle things in my absence. Trust him, he's a professional! Not a professional with our longterm health and wellbeing in mind, but I'll try to convince him to behave.

"I'm going Radish hunting as soon as we dock. There's a hostile ship inbound and everyone else has vanished. Vark, you can take Scarlet and Kitty to Sadish's lab or leave them here until we find her, but I need you to handle any boarding parties and possibly assisting Kesari with ship combat while I'm gone. You think you can handle that on your leg?"
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #367 on: May 10, 2017, 12:22:01 am »

Good news! So long as we have Varkonius' panther, the bad guys can't murder us! Because that might murder the panther. Which would be bad! Liquefied by their horrible master bad.

Applies only to ship combat, bad guys will still savagely murder anyone found in personal combat without sufficient enthusiasm for the sport.

On that note, does anyone have any clues as to where Sadish went? We need her to live.

Most likely boarding, but they may cripple systems first. Might also attempt to interdict shuttles, or may prefer them collecting likely panther locations in one place.

I desperately need to find Sadish, but I'll send Varkonius to help handle things in my absence. Trust him, he's a professional! Not a professional with our longterm health and wellbeing in mind, but I'll try to convince him to behave.
Kesari was glad for one thing in her own customized C&C room: The monitors she had refurbished or bought herself with a bit of tinkering did wonders for displaying messages and touchscreen organization or holomanipulation. It was like the only reason why she went to the remade movie theater for briefings was the popcorn and other nice snacks, as the same quality could be seen here.

She highlighted several words in Khate's message with her paws, as her tech harness was busy partitioning her orders based on what was most prominent in mind at the time. She had several thoughts foremost:
> Varkonius' arrival and Medbay prep (at least via drone communication signal and internal signaling to ready the machinery)
> Interdiction and weapon boring
> Taking care of Mickaw's crew (and why hadn't they seemingly left yet? She had no notice)
> Shuttle healthcare

In the least, she was happy that in trying to daunt the enemy ships' scanners, everything was settled and in place. She was glad she took a nap earlier long before this, and that reminded her of one important note.

Quote from: Kes :D | Khate! Here's Sadish's last whereabouts
Hey Khate, here's the last place Boris got of where Sadish was found. I'm assuming there was somehow a way to smuggle out a fin her size, so I'm assuming that this place has trapdoors, or better yet, she somehow got through a ventilation shaft that isn't charted in this ship's schematics.

...I know, I partly downloaded what I could scrounge up (okay, Aubrey and Scarlet did that, and I did the programming to not get it marketed or advertised), and I can't get anything about her here. No pings, no signal. I'm guessing it's in someplace that...somehow can't be reached despite our computers signal strength. I'll try diverting the drone to the scene of the crime

Can't believe I just realized that now.

Also good news; thanks for the good news. Now I don't have to worry about any shuttle blowing up or whatever. Just boarders.
Will ramp up scanning inhibitors. And thinking about what else they can improvise to scan for lifeforms like the panther. I don't want another supersecret bomb-shuttle surprise happening on ship.

On that note, when Vark's ship lands--there may be another crew in another shuttle here. Do not antagonize them. That shuttle can blow a hole in our Toriad carrier hull. Its engine is a repurposed bomb.

Of course, Boris took the other shuttle. The one that won't explode that is now being crewed by the people we rescued. The sled is in safe hands too.

Get manual control of Sadish's drone and shove it into the scene where Boris got Sadish's last whereabouts and using that all-comms signal, go shove it there, or try to scan the ventilation areas or otherwise; try not to scratch paint again


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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #368 on: May 10, 2017, 10:39:10 am »

"Looks like we're back to pointless hypothetical concepts. There's nothing they can actually tell DO. They can't divulge the context of what I am supposed to understand, which implies the task is beyond me-yet, they clearly imply I have to DO something. It's a paradox! If I didn't know any better, I would think they were just wasting my time, because I'm stuck in this stupid bed with nothing better to do...

Anyway, time for more shots into the black. Maybe they'll understand math! Surely, numbers are the universal constant of understanding."

Action: Sadish puts down the celestial coordinates for NGA 2021 (Planet Brode), with a question mark (where she found the puzzle box). She puts a whale-moji of herself swimming toward the coordinates, with another question mark.

The screen flashes immediately, and a second coordinate line streaks out from planet Brode, settling on a point in deep space. There's no star there, and according to the (albeit limited) records available to the systems databanks, no station or other artificial installation. It was a point, comparatively near the galactic core, and yet still in the middle of nowhere.

It was, however, a hard point. Not a concept, not a vague nudge or a bunch of sadishes swimming around a cake. It was a location.

A green light began flashing on the corner of the screen.


Boris made sure his foot was steadily on Medenov before addressing the Fin. So far, so good, but he didn't trust the seemingly harmless appearance of this one. He wouldn't let his guard down.

'By all means, you can keep breathing - as long as you talk. I've already spared one person today I ought to have killed, so a few more won't hurt,' Boris said. 'Answer my questions. If you lie, I'll crush you skull in my hand. First, how many guards are aboard the ship? Second, is Ka in there? Third, uhm... why don't you describe the layout of the ship for me.'

He considered just crushing the one in his grip to simplify things, but killing unarmed and undeniably kinda pathetic-seeming foes had never sat well with him. Boris glanced down and said: 'You can talk too. Make it simple, make it quick. You don't want to waste our time. Who are you, anyway?'

The cat mewled in terror-pain, scratching at the floor in panic. His eyes were nearly all whites, and he was frothing slightly at the mouth. Mentally, he was gone. Probably not coming back soon either.

"I mean, I'm over here, and you're down there, so it'd be a bit impressive if you could crush my skull. Not that I'm asking for an example," the Fin added quickly, hovering a little higher, "but, uh, anyway... First answer. There's probably a half dozen actual troopers left on board, plus as many initiates. Then there's the officers, and the... unconventional units. So, maybe like fifteen, seventeen sapient creatures and three or four more dangerous but less sapient critters?  Too many for you, and it'll be just as bad if they decide to start sending people down here rather than you coming up."

The swarm of blue fireflies now almost entirely shrouded the Fin, rendering him little more than a silhouette. "Second, no. The Testament is currently floating in space. By this point he's probably most of the towards growing a reaction thruster, but he gave the order to pursue without him, so, no, he's not there. Which is nice."

"Third, it's... a ship. I mean, it's not really my thing. I pretty much stay in a pod until I'm needed. I'm not even allowed outside the mess, briefing room, and crew pods- my clearance doesn't go that high. "

While processing the Fin's response, Boris took a moment to silently key back a very simple set of abbreviated instruction on how to operate the shuttle's SAS system. It was rather irritating to have to break pace in an interrogation to explain things that should be patently obvious.

"I'm going Radish hunting as soon as we dock. There's a hostile ship inbound and everyone else has vanished. Vark, you can take Scarlet and Kitty to Sadish's lab or leave them here until we find her, but I need you to handle any boarding parties and possibly assisting Kesari with ship combat while I'm gone. You think you can handle that on your leg?"

"The leg is nothing. Assuming your Scarlet doesn't melt into a pile of goo before she can give me directions, I'll be fine. Good hunting."

Vark winced as the docking locks made a sickening grinding sound. The Reunion didn't have the nicest docking mechanisms for shuttlecraft. Larger vessels, such as Vark's, could fit in the hangar, but that didn't mean the station liked it particularly well. The Caracal would probably have a few scratches to buff out later.

Varkonius slipped his arms around the unconscious panther, holding her as gently as it was possible to hold a several hundred pound feline, and turned to Scarlet."So, Red, can you walk and talk, or am I carrying you too?"


Get manual control of Sadish's drone and shove it into the scene where Boris got Sadish's last whereabouts and using that all-comms signal, go shove it there, or try to scan the ventilation areas or otherwise; try not to scratch paint again

Taking manual control will require finding and using Sadish's hot-pink and incredibly ungainly control module, and will distract you from basically everything else. Do you wish to continue? [Y/N]
I have a degree in Computer Seance, that means I'm officially qualified to tell you that the problem with your system is that it's possessed by Satan.
Q: "Do you have any idea what you're doing?"
A: "No, not particularly."


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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #369 on: May 10, 2017, 12:51:55 pm »

"Don't know until I try. My arms are fucked, I dunno about my legs. It's not like I'm tough to carry around either way." She idly wondered how many pounds lighter she'd come out of this. She wasn't massive to start and her muscle mass was shot, doubly so in her arms.

Side-eying the maid momentarily after realizing the particular expletive she had chosen might have unintended implications for it. Deciding that there wasn't any real way to interpret the phrase as an instruction, Scarlet started the process of attempting to lever herself upward.

After ensuring that it won't disrupt the saline treatment in any catastrophic manner, Scarlet attempts to stand up and direct the party toward Sadish's lab. Failing the standing bit, get Khate or Vark for leaning and/or carrrying.
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.


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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #370 on: May 10, 2017, 02:50:22 pm »

Khate was out the airlock as soon as it opened, barreling through the ship to Kesari's coordinates. How Boris had lost the loopy fin in the middle of a hallway she couldn't say, but thinking was usually other peoples' jobs. They got nervous when she did it.

To the scene of the crime! Begin tracking down that fin, we need her to live!
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #371 on: May 10, 2017, 08:14:01 pm »

Taking manual control will require finding and using Sadish's hot-pink and incredibly ungainly control module, and will distract you from basically everything else. Do you wish to continue? [Y/N]
Kesari had the hot-pink and glaringly colorful module in her peripheral sight, wishing that there were more inclusive control systems than relying on the tech harness for inclusive manual control (as she loved her paws for multiple reasons compared to fins, but loved them in the same anyway). She took a deep breath as she ensured everything (or mostly everything) was in gear--it was just like one of the RTS simulations she was familiarized with (or teaching situations, either/or); every second mattered, but linearly, there was the importance of attention and priority fluctuating over time. Each 'spike' of importance on a fluctuating line was always situational.

She had little remedy for it in its current state but to install a sound system that beeped everytime something of high priority was had. She took another deep breath in being reminded that her initial idea went off without a hitch. . .until she had realized it was a marketing computer, and a very advanced and powerfully eccentric one at that, that she had interfaced the 'notification' system with.

In hindsight, this was probably the reason she had asked for capitalism ventures from people, now that the thought hit her. She was weird like that, she recalled in her mental voice as she framed the idea from Sadish's best friend voice.

"Please tell me pink was a lucky color and then you owe me twenty," Kesari said, comfy in the loneliness to be silly by herself and mimicking Scarlet's voice, or at least one of the more 'fortunate' fellows she had in mind from their many ventures in the past. Pink being a lucky color in spacefaring lore was something she had read in a book before, somehow written by humans in their second millenia of recorded work. Perhaps this may be of use to Khate since she was all camera-toting fun as she took on Ka-T.

Yes, let's do this. Also get this on camera for Khate.

As she moved over to where she wondered Sadish would put her stuff (as the C&C room wasn't of compact rectangular design like most control areas for ease of vision), a sudden beep got her--Boris' instructions!

"...I wouldn't have thought about it that way but okay. Hope the folks in the sled know what to do with that," she said, as something hit her. All this was happening as Varky's ship entered the hangar and some familiar dots in the 'crew UI' appeared on ship. Hooray for not being alone, was a thought. Another thought was 'they should really need this information now!'.

She looked at her personalized timer in the background. Less than ten minutes or so, give or take her lack of precision in starting it upon learning of Scarlet's condition. That was enough time to deliver a long speech and demonstration of a surgical process nowadays. Good time, unless the students were tardy.

She hoped Scarlet, or her instructor, Sadish, wasn't.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2017, 08:20:27 pm by Tiruin »


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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #372 on: May 11, 2017, 01:22:58 am »

((Because making two posts is ridiculous and I feel ridiculous ;~;))

As Kesari lifted herself off the space she occupied for the past hour, she felt a premonition overtake her.

If they (the enemies) were taking and searching for a panther, anyone with a protocol or droid or specialist would tune their scanners into seeking for lifeforms--the interdiction currently supplied by the Reunion would probably be quicker to get around on specified and narrowed scanning frequencies, especially if the harmonics it was tuned into was of a completely different, albeit similar, frequency altogether--she had pushed aside any more worrying assumptions (like Ka-T returning on ship or whatever) and pondered if she was a henchman (at least Alpha level or "Insane" difficulty as the many simulations used to call them), what would she do.

If the ship boring in had any ultimatum, it had already searched the shuttles--scanning frequencies and related ranges were farther than many weapons ranges, and yet it didn't aim for them; that would be because the Reunion was precisely the only unaligned (or neutrally aligned) ship in the system that anyone participating in the Battle for Panther would've returned to.

Although there was the notice of Varkonius' ship. If they knew the Panther was injured (probably by Ka-T's systems or otherwise, as it would be strange to assume it was injured in the first place), why were they aiming for a wholly unaligned ship instead of the wholly unconfirmed 'Varkonius' ship', the latter being obviously very much nearer to the site of the situation than...where she was?

What were they thinking, exactly? While the Reunion's many Hotel, Restaurant & Resort specifications was widely known, the modifications were confidential in a way that only docking stations had the information--and even then, King Boris eccentric creator and leader of his realm. There were many things that Kesari didn't know about the ship itself despite making her own calibrations to its own sensor suite. (including trying internal scans, which revealed a labyrinth of areas and passages that was on the to-do list of "doing" and cleaning; while manpower was an issue, it was purely an issue as the whole superstructure required these areas--if not, it would've been easily welded away to provide for a better ship)

Were they instructed to attack us? was Kesari's thoughts as she saw Khate vividly in Sadish-cam. If Khate was alive, that meant Varkonius was--so why weren't they a target? Maybe they didn't need to fine-tune their scanners.

Maybe they just needed the data of the Panther as the parameters itself, as bioscanners were notoriously sensitive to being annoyed on a general scan in comparison to all other devices at hand. Maybe that was why they were boring near. What else had happened again?

Quickscan hangars.
Review Al-Loy ship attack.

Quote from: Kes D: | Varkonius!
"Varkonius, this is Kesari Aless. Was your ship shielded or otherwise jamming any incoming transmissions, scanners, or otherwise? I may be under the impression that all they need is to lock onto the biodata of the Panther to know where to strike."
« Last Edit: May 11, 2017, 01:38:26 am by Tiruin »


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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #373 on: May 11, 2017, 06:42:19 am »

Aubrey would like to identify what the pretty blue lights are! Can she mindhack or similar to interfere and identify their purpose? And if so, stop them from doing anything!



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Re: Small Mercies (IC) | Death is knocking, and he wants to buy a goat.
« Reply #374 on: May 11, 2017, 08:23:22 am »

Sadish committed the numbers of her infallible memory and decided she was going to be compelled to follow this particular squid back to it's grotto. She was going to these coordinates, one day...with or without her crew. There was a mystery here, one she had been searching her whole life for a trace of...and she was slowly beginning to realize she wasn't really cut out to be a mercenary, anyway.

The flashing light caught her attention, of course.

Action: Sadish investigates the green light! Yes. Is it some sort of notification or something...?
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."
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