Despite the cold climate the world maintains a population of spiders preying upon the smaller fauna. While generally smaller than those of most worlds, they appear large due to projecting hairs that serve to insulate them. Web-spinning variants are quite rare, only succeeding in densely-wooded regions where there are abundant hollows in which to seek protection from the elements. As far as venoms go, they are typically very potent, though seldom considered a threat as the various species are universally cautious and reserved. An interesting note is that all spiders construct pockets in which to rest. These "spider houses" are often harvested as, while difficult to work with, the material is quite sturdy and smooth, although harvesting is generally a poor profession, as the quantities are never sufficient and a concerted effort will quickly depopulate the region if nests are harvested before they are abandoned and the nests are generally quite well hidden which adds a level of tedium and delay to the work...
Spider-folk, on the other hand, are not actually spiders, being more akin to a marsupial as they are conventionally warm-blooded and generally over two metres long when fully grown. Their seemingly-smooth exoskeleton is actually just a dense layer of overlapping scales which can be quite apparent if it becomes damaged and they do actually possess an internal skeleton. Their anatomy is a bit odd however, with their heart being central in their bulbous body with their brain just in front of it and their lungs beneath, fed by a blow-hole on their belly(they are notoriously apprehensive about flooding) with their head being mostly bones and muscle with a dedicated nerve cable for their sensory input. This leaves them being somewhat slow to react to stimuli but that suits their sedentary lifestyle. All that considered, that they even consider themselves to be related to spiders is no surprise considering their eight long-pointed legs, the ability to produce fibres(though they are not adhesive, then again, spider-folk know of many methods by which to manufacture adhesives...), bulbous bodies(though notably absent of hairs), large, venomous fang-mandibles, and numerous eyes. Their only means of fine manipulation is a dense cluster of mandibles around the mouth, which lends them a poor reputation amongst other civilised species as they excrete waste from their mouths in the form of compacted pellets(their digestive tract is a circuit that loops back to the mouth) which, while generally(disease can have an effect upon digestive efficiency...) clean, suggests to other races that they defecate upon their hands...
Due to their tendency to use dangerous traps extensively for hunting, a poor reputation that is largely undeserved, a fondness for small, compact communities of only a few dozen individuals, and a talent for building communities in small, naturally defensive sites(such as caves or dense groves of overlapping and twisted branches) they rarely interact with others beyond an occasion visit from familiar traders or the like. It is not unheard of to see them taken as slaves for their fibre-production and great climbing ability, though most will be traumatised merely from the inappropriate population density and either lack of familiarity with their surroundings or constant exposure to the outside world, and thus they rarely survive long in captivity. Though a few rare individuals either have a natural inclination for the outside world or learn to overcome their isolationist nature for some reason or another and can be found wandering the world for whatever reason. Quite often a few such individuals will be trained as such and sent with traders, as having spider-folk with them helps to navigate safely to the spider-folk colonies and helps the spider-folk to trust the traders, though the practice is sometimes regarded as cruel...
Spiders AND spider-folk, sorry about breaking the rules already, but the whole thing was on my mind and I couldn't just sit on it...