Okay, kicking it off with what's basically a double-post. I'm a rebel like that:
Ancient Akkadians:Made in 72 hours, by
Solifuge, and
NaaliBased on the Theme: Ancient Technology
Play it here!
http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-36/?action=preview&uid=21983Tools Used (Free):
Sublime Text,
AudacitySource Files:
GitHubBuild Timeline:
via GitHub
Overview / Post-Mortem:This is a short, finished game project I worked on for a 72-Hour Game Jam called
Ludum Dare 36. The idea behind the Ludum Dare is to take a theme or idea, build a playable game based on it in less than 3 days, and then submit it to the public for feedback and critique. The theme was Ancient Technology. Our team went with a hybrid of sorts between Tower Defense and City Builder games. You gather basic resources, plant crops, and build production and defensive structures, all the while keeping your crops safe from deer, and your workers safe from wolves. It's definitely an idea I'd like to iterate on in the future!
The game is playable right on the
Ludum Dare project page. You can opt to play the 72-hour Competition Version, but I'd suggest playing the improved downloadable version we just finished this afternoon, which includes descriptive tooltips, game balance fixes, music, and sound effects that were locally-sourced inside My and Naali's faces.
The project was developed in Unity, and coded in C# using Sublime Text, primarily by Hitchhiker with some help from me and Naali. The sprites were all modelled by me using Blender, and animated in code. Sound effects were created by Naali and I, using vocal / foley techniques and the doodads on my desk, and editied in Audacity. Music loops were written by me in FruityLoops. The Unity project, all the source files, and the messy and hastily written code are available to download and look at
via Github.
Since the theme is announced at the start of the 72 hours, and since that falls really late in the team's time zone, we spent the first night brainstorming, developing ideas into a concept with a basic gameplay outline, discussing the pros and cons, and voting on our favorites and least favorites. (P.S. Even though the team vetoed it, I still really want to make that "VR Hunter-Gatherer Iron Chef" Game some day.)
Time constraints had me thinking of simple graphics styles I could pull off. Decided to go with something that looked like wooden boardgame pieces (I was thinking Carcassonne or Agricola). One neat trick I learned was how to use smooth and sharp edge-normals to make it look hand-carved, even though the pieces were untextured and low-poly. Trivia Time: The tree bark was modeled after the look of a carrot I'd recently peeled.
Sample Music Loops on SoundcloudPretty simple stuff, but I was having trouble finding inspiration and a group of instruments to use. I went with Vaguely Persian, which was my best guess at something that would feel Mesopotamian. The different loops play based on the current phase of the game; I was thinking of old Rareware games, and how the original Banjo-Kazooie played different versions of the same motiff as you wandered around to different parts of the level.