Or just:
0123: ... something_to_always_do_before_test
0124: ... something_else_to_always_do_before_test
0125: CMP test_one_thing against_another_thing
0126: JNE 013A
0127: ... something_to_do_if_test_was_equal
0128: ... something_else_to_do_if_test_was_equal
0129: JMP 013C
013A: ... something_to_do_if_test_wasn't_equal
013B: ... something_else_to_do_if_test_wasn't_equal
013C: ... something_to_always_do_after_test
If there's a processor lookahead, maybe it likely speculates that, after 0125's question, the 0126 decision means that 0128 and 0129's hard-coded* jump to 013C will happen most of the time, rather than 013A, 013B and 'out' and onward through 013C.
OTOH, there might actually be a pre-processor preference for the Jump Non-Equal, and the compiler likes to make use of that. By missing the straight Jump in this particular example, one less instruction needs processing, which is as good a reason as any for an assembler-writer or machine compiler to take the
assumed preference of the higher-level coder as dictated to by "if(test) then {likely things} else {unlikely things}" and reverse it (use Jump Equal instead of Jump Non-Equal, if necessary).
Certainly, without any assumption of forward-looking, I'd have written it to prefer the "assembly else" branch. Especially if it was a "one thing or nothing". Write it instead as "nothing or one thing", i. e. "if (not_bother) { /* nothing */ } else { do_bother }; continuation_stuff.." in high-level (wasteful and confusing!) but the directly related low-level would be something like "CMP foo bar; JNE CONTINUATION; do_bother; CONTINUATION: continuation_stuff"... You
always have to do the JNE (or JE, or functionally equivalent JNZ/JZs, according to need and preference) and you save yourself a JE followed by a JMP followed by the Equal code that the Notequal routing version misses out if you just do JNE to where the JMP would have gone followed by the equal code... IYSWIM.
* Assuming you don't rewrite the JMP parameter, elsewhere, as part of a more nebulous code-flow that probably trips up
any pre-processor
ETA: ...erm. But that's a bit old-school. I don't do so much assembler myself, these days, and it probably means nothing to most people. (Or else they
wish it means nothing!)