I can understand how I caused some bad feelings, I'm sorry for that. Clearly we had some missunderstandings along the way.
I don't consider myself victor, as I really can't do much at this point, assuming the game would go on, I can just sit there and wait for C'tis to make a move, slapping around with more and more horror marks on my Pretender as we go (thankfully the void-gate makes some amazing bodyguards).
Speaking of caelum, uh, sorry XD
Dear god Caelum was the most unlucky of all of you, he got his entire population taken by my wish - twice - as the smallest nation. The chances for that are minimal...
You have big astral mages, but apperently you don't talk to each other to put together a disspell attempt (?)
I made an attempt to unite the land powers after your wishes, but Shinuyama was still fighting with Eiru, and C'tis with me. It's pretty dumb to drop a winning war to fight someone who's said that they're "a non-competitive force." We (Edit: Most of us) pretty much gave up after you swarmed Shinuyama.
Admitly I spent many many messages on ensuring every land nation was fighting another nation and there where no big teamups, both to "balance" power and to get more offers for spells. It worked a little to well and ended up creating a land-lock.
On the other hand as you say yourself, you really did allow your enemies to recover, only for them to attack you again later.
The Army Size graph shows how brutality effective your Communions where.
This was a fun game- I did the best I've ever done in Dom4, and I got to cast a late game spell. Sure, everyone had quit the turn I cast it, and there was no way I was going to win, but it was still neat to see it do stuff.
Just for curiousitys sake, how many gems did you put into that global?
All my globals where cast with minimal gems, except for mother oak which I put everyhing oceania gave me into.