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Author Topic: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 3  (Read 26655 times)

Atian the Elephantman God

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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #75 on: September 12, 2016, 10:06:16 pm »

"I have come from the Monstrous Kingdom of Zethe sent by King Rathes himself, I have come with the mission of subjagating Orotar. I do not wish to be your enemies but instead seek your help in the subjugation of Orotar if you and your great herd were to join me I will tell the King of your great deeds you will be rewarded greatly if you pledge yourself to the Kingdom of Zethe."
Say this to the Storm Lion Herd


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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #76 on: September 13, 2016, 12:13:17 am »

Turn 2.5 : Year 0 of the Zethean Calendar ~Second Trimester~

Azarian the Throughtbeast
(where'd the other 28 come from?)
"I am Azarian, and I wish to speak peacefully and make a request. Your kin were not receptive to me and attacked before I could speak. I merely restrained them from harming me."
Have the brainwashed turtles move to join their kin, and then release my hold on them as a gesture of goodwill, Before attempting to convince Quar to align his people with Zethe.
On a side note, Chastise the devourer for making their food suffer after the meeting is over. It's bad enough that the troops are unwilling, but we don't need to give them a reason to desert or or rebel against us!

A Diplomatic Move : [5]
The fred turtles were guided in the center of the formation, being cared by their kin.

The old turtle followed their movements, and turned back to face you when they disappeared in the group.
(You are wiser than I expected. Speak, we will listen to you.)

You spoke of Zethe, of its ideals, of its growing strength and need of trusted allies. A dream of conflict, a dream of creating something greater altogether.

When you were done, Quar stood silent for a moment. A long moment. He just asked you to wait for a hour or so, which you did, not before ensuring the Watchers detected no abnormal movements. Two hours passed.
(Excuse us for the long wait, an emergency council was formed to assess the situation. We made a decision.
We the Mentaloise, also known as Mind Turtles, have decided to lend our forces to your kingdom.

Some of our kin will accompany you, and our decision will be final when you lead them to the Tartarus and they report back to us.

We have high hopes that what you said is true.)

Mentaloise, aka Mind Turtles have expressed interest in rallying to Zethe's cause

Bloops the Entropic Slime
Bloops orders his troops to make camp, and take it easy for a few days; hopefully this will improve morale. Then, he gets directions from the giants, and heads directly towards the destination.

Anything in his path gets annihilated with a bloopy blast.

Long Term Actions :
-Heads to the Fjalltun Mountain and meet the Giants

  • I - Rest : [3]

Before leaving for the Mountain of Fjalltun, you ordered the troops to set up a camp so that everyone may recover their forces. Resting for a few days after weeks of forced march would be beneficial to the mental and physical state of your forces.

But the stormy winds of the mountains disturbed their deserved rest, reducing its overall effectiveness.

Morale is now Good
Troops have been recently rested

Spoiler: Bloops Troops (click to show/hide)

  • II - Onward to the Fjalltun Mountain :

The Obeliths gave you directions to reach the plateau where the leader of Giants lived, far above the clouds.

The treacherous Mountain of Fjalltun.
With raging winds preventing all but the strongest creatures to roam the sky.
With its steep cliffs and unstable rocks that threw the unfortunate into bottomless ravines.
Avalanche were so common it seemed the mountain constantly shed its snow.
And for the unadapted, the bitting cold turned your blood and skin to ice.

Rare were the creatures living so high.


The First Days [Str0]: [6+0]
The first day, you attempted to destroy a boulder blocking your passage with an orb of destruction. What ensued was a terrible avalanche that nearly cost you your life, as if the mountain roared in anger at your lack of respect. You never tried that again in this place.

You didn't rest. You felt that if you stopped to sleep, your body would freeze and you would never wake up anymore. Advancing further, you made quite the progress.

The Following Days [Str0]: [1+0]
You realized something during the ascent.

Cold was scary. So scary. A state of pure immobilism, a state of silent and distant harmony.
In a way, cold was a form of silent order, and it terrified you. This order was everywhere. Everywhere.

Your entropy began to diminish, making you feel so slow, calm and... orderly.
It felt like your powers began to wane as your body grew smaller and colder.

You didn't realize it at the moment, but you couldn't use your powers anymore. And you felt so weak, so weak...
Power sealed by the intense cold

The Last Day [Str0]: [2+0]
Somehow, you managed to finally reach your destination.
A plateau above the clouds, in a place where the winds seemed to stop blowing.

There lived the leader of the Giants, in a temple carved in the mountain by the Giants.
Your body was now pitifully small. You had no force left, your powers were gone and everything seemed so calm around.

Body extremely weak

You hauled yourself until you entered the cold temple. A powerful voice echoed in the stone temple, roaring like a mountain collapsing.
"It has been a while since a non-Giant reached this place. I am Esvart, chief of the Fjalltun. You are not by accident, why did you come see me ?"

Rin/Devourer the Crin
((I'm gonna assume they can hear Rin's voice))
...Huh I've been encountering things that can actually hear me....this is suprisingly comforting...

Devourer remains silent and just stares at the turtles uncaring picking out some of the delicious tortured crab flesh in my mouth and flicking it in their mouth.
Rin is disgusted....
Devourer continues to stand there being his intimidating self.Rin talks/thinks to herself quietly unless something actually trys to talk to them.

While Azarian seemed to communicate with the turtles, you stood there keeping to your twisted devices.

You/Rin suddenly heard a voice, that you/Devourer couldn't hear.
(Who or what are you, being hidden in this foul monster's mind ?)

It came from one of the turtles in the group.

Ogg Goreth Junger the Oogr -Magi-
I shrug, then look at our captives, if they are awake I Say...
Join us Or Die, You Choice.
Otherwise I Say we should wake them then ask the above.

The imprisoned Ogres shouted :

[+1 Adult Green Ogre / +1 Juvenile Green Ogre] [Morale: Bad] [Loyalty: Feeble]

Spoiler: Ogg's Troops (click to show/hide)

Eversor the Death Lord -Animated Armor-
"The Monstrous King is called Radeus. The nation he created, Zethe, has only begun to exist. His goal is to unite all monsters under a single banner, so that they may live in harmony and safe from any attacks that might come from the other races. Even if you have no interest in fighting for his cause, there is still place for you in Zethe."

Converse with the spirits.

"Oh... this is very, very interesting..."

The rustling and rattling intensified, now coming from the whole graveyard.
"Some of us are considering to see if the utopia you are speaking of could be true... Let me explain.
We undead of the Monster Graveyard of Wenat are servant of death, with the mission to lead those who seek her and help them make peace with their lives. Some of us were tormented before, and those know there is nothing more saddening than a being who can't make peace with his past life.
Many remember, how their regret and hate was born from the injustice of the world, from the lack of a cohesive force among all. Life divided us, but Death united us.


Yet if Zethe, the kingdom you speak of, and his king Radeus were truly able to achieve their goal... Then we may be able to be united even in Life.

The noises of bone fell silent. Your double made of bone crumbled, and a tall amorphous creature made of deep blue ectoplasmic substance rose in its place. It had ivory eyes, and was just a head standing on dozen of tentacles.

"We will see for ourselves if this peace can be achieved. Lead us to your Kingdom, and if we deem your words were the truth, all the Undead of the Graveyard will rally to your cause, and we will take care of the Bartoros in a way to limit casualties. With that, the whole plains would become yours."

[+3 Greater Osteoplasms joined as emissaries]
Bartoros Morale now Decent and Loyalty now Good

Spoiler: Eversor's Troops (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Escorted Units (click to show/hide)

Rakar the Lryka
"I have come from the Monstrous Kingdom of Zethe sent by King Rathes himself, I have come with the mission of subjagating Orotar. I do not wish to be your enemies but instead seek your help in the subjugation of Orotar if you and your great herd were to join me I will tell the King of your great deeds you will be rewarded greatly if you pledge yourself to the Kingdom of Zethe."
Say this to the Storm Lion Herd
(Radeus, not Rathes)

He roared in a mix of outrage and mockery.
"Subjugating Orotar ?! Madness, none could oppose the Giants of Fjalltun and the Dragons of Ikazu Shiryu ! You saw your groups ?! Outcasts, loners ! You stand no chance !

And even if all monsters of Orotar joined against their alliance, we couldn't beat them ! Do you have a deathwish monster ?! Or will you tell me you can vanquish the Giants and Dragons ?!

All your troops, who heard this turned toward you. There was a rampant murmur of doubt rising. They asked :
"Rakar, are you crazy ? Your true goal is to subjugate the Orotar mountains by force ?!"

You had to do something about this, everyone began to feel very doubtful.

World Status

Spoiler: King's Current Order (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: State of Zethe (click to show/hide)



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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #77 on: September 13, 2016, 12:37:49 am »

Rin seems to perk up or they would feel the mind grow more exited and warmly
Uh I'm Rin and well I'm the original occupant of this body became that...Foul thing...
((I just facepalmed so hard I have a concussion))
Rip Abigail South Death by Drop pod my avatar is now morbid.


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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #78 on: September 13, 2016, 12:46:38 am »

(I am Hyur. What is this twisted mockery of nature ? It's mind is foul and disgusting.)


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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #79 on: September 13, 2016, 05:30:40 am »

Bloops slowly and painfully forms his body into the words he wishes to speak.

"I am a representative of the Kingdom of Zethe. The king of all monsters would like to speak to your Greatness. All monsters should unite, and live in glorious unity."


"Cold. Heat needed."
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #80 on: September 13, 2016, 05:51:48 am »

...That thing is what is called a Crin and it's... well this used to be my body and....I was a human....It mangled and transformed my body after taking it over after a ritual of some kind was performed......
((I just facepalmed so hard I have a concussion))
Rip Abigail South Death by Drop pod my avatar is now morbid.

Dustan Hache

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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #81 on: September 13, 2016, 06:42:36 am »

"I am glad to hear this, though my task does not end here. I must continue to gather and unite the peoples of the coast in the name of our king Radeus, and see to it that any who will not join do not cause trouble. If you wish to send your kin to aid us I will not object, but I will not be returning to Zethe for a while. You could select emmisaries to judge Zethe, and I will probably return to collect them and bring them to Zethe later in this year."
Let them pick if they want to keep their kin to themselves for now or have them join our party with all the risks entailed. Willing recruits are always better than forced ones.

Talk to Berache about the sage he spoke of. We will go to find him next.
Don't forget to chastise the devourer in front of the troops for their disturbing actions. If disruptions from it continue, I will use my powers to halt their actions.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2016, 08:04:23 am by Dustan Hache »
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #82 on: September 13, 2016, 08:07:22 am »

"I shall escort you to the King of Zethe safely."

Return back to Tartarus and seek an audience with King Radeus.

Avoid combat with any Bartoros herds. Unless they are smaller than my group.

((Why do I have the feeling that if any other player entered the graveyard, they'd have a bad time?))
Perplexicon: A New Arena - Abandoned, but feel free to give it a read.


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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #83 on: September 13, 2016, 12:52:07 pm »

Wait a Few days Then Head out looking for Wolves, Bears, Other things of that nature.
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.

Atian the Elephantman God

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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #84 on: September 13, 2016, 10:11:20 pm »

"What is wrong with outcasts? If we stand together there is nothing that can stop us, not even the Giants nor Dragons! Worry not the Giants and Dragons will bow to our might, but first you King of the Storm Lions join me! Your strength would immensely help with the subjagation of Orotar or do you wish to live under fear of the Giants and Dragons forever?"
Say this loud enough for all of the monsters present to hear


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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #85 on: September 15, 2016, 02:49:21 am »

Turn 2.6 : Year 0 of the Zethean Calendar ~Second Trimester End~

Bloops the Entropic Slime
Bloops slowly and painfully forms his body into the words he wishes to speak.

"I am a representative of the Kingdom of Zethe. The king of all monsters would like to speak to your Greatness. All monsters should unite, and live in glorious unity."


"Cold. Heat needed."

"Zethe ? Never heard of it. But I agree with this unity, this mountain is soon going to be united. After all, the Fjalltun Giants already joined forces with the Ikazu Shiryu Dragons. I would be pleased to meet your King, he seems to understand the notion of a brighter future... Not like some monsters of Orotar, who resist the unification despite our diplomatic approach."

Interested by what you said, and surprised you managed to reach him, Esvart deemed Zethe to be a valuable ally. Fjalltun Giants will send emissaries to Tartarus

A merciful flame : [2]
"There is no fire here. We Giants adapted to the harshest conditions of Orotar, and as such we need no fire.

I'm sorry, but you may be going to die. It's already a miracle that you managed to reach this place with such a frail and weak body. I commend you for that, but the mountain is heartless."

Unexpected event ? A chief's mercy : [3]
"But I'm not the Mountain. I will call for a Giant to carry you back to... where should it carry you ? He won't go further than the mountain though.

If you can survive until you reach down there, I guess you will live. Fine by you ?"

Rin/Devourer the Crin
...That thing is what is called a Crin and it's... well this used to be my body and....I was a human....It mangled and transformed my body after taking it over after a ritual of some kind was performed......

(A disgusting creature. What is a human ? We know not of humans. So magic was involved in... this. We hope this thing will disappear from the surface of the earth. Our kin revile creatures who kill for pleasure rather than to sustain themselves.)

Afterward you got chastised by Azarian in front of the whole troops.

Azarian the Throughtbeast
"I am glad to hear this, though my task does not end here. I must continue to gather and unite the peoples of the coast in the name of our king Radeus, and see to it that any who will not join do not cause trouble. If you wish to send your kin to aid us I will not object, but I will not be returning to Zethe for a while. You could select emmisaries to judge Zethe, and I will probably return to collect them and bring them to Zethe later in this year."
Let them pick if they want to keep their kin to themselves for now or have them join our party with all the risks entailed. Willing recruits are always better than forced ones.

Talk to Berache about the sage he spoke of. We will go to find him next.
Don't forget to chastise the devourer in front of the troops for their disturbing actions. If disruptions from it continue, I will use my powers to halt their actions.

(We can not lend you any of our kin as long as your King's intentions and veracity have not been confirmed. Thank you for your comprehension.)

Guess you will have to pick the emissaries later.

Then you spoke to Berache, asking for the Hermit Sage's location. After having obtained the location, you chastised the Devourer.

Public chastise [Lea0]: [1+0]
Chastising the Devourer had the inverse effect you expected. In the sense that instead of enforcing rules and self-control among the troops, it made everyone realize the latent insanity of the Devourer, and they felt that you didn't have a true grasp over it in a way.

They weren't wrong, but they didn't have to know.

Loyalty down to Feeble. Unrest toward Devourer is growing... [Except Watchers]

Spoiler: Azarian's Troops (click to show/hide)

Long Term Actions :
-Meet the Hermit Sage
-Unite the Coast

  • I - Meet the Hermit Sage : [1]

Berache led you to the Hermit Sage's home. On the way he explained to you the Hermit was wise and highly feared and respected among the monsters of the shore. As such, he could prove crucial to your goal.

He described it to you in the meantime. A very old Pagurus Warlord, his carapace turned chalk-white from his age and he was basically blind. He had acquired wiseness and powers through the age to compensate his waning strength.
Some kind of philosopher, he was respected for his strength and for being one of the monsters who enforced the respect of the coast's "law of the hunt". That no one had to kill needlessly.

Eventually you reached it : a cave connected to the sea via the underground. But the Hermit Sage was nowhere to be found, and the Watchers didn't find any monster fitting its description.
"This is not normal. The old Segas only leaves its lair during the night..."

Investigation : [4]
Nothing seemed off in the lair of the Sage.

Then a Watcher, Geluminbel, reported an interesting sight to you.
"Lord Azarian. I may have found a clue linked to our target disappearance. Far into the south, at the limit of my sight, I detected an unusually large track of blood of the same color as the crustaceans. Furthermore, birds seems to be gathering in the sky above a certain point. I hypothesize something harmful may have happened to the Hermit Sage, and that it couldn't return to its lair."

Eversor the Death Lord -Animated Armor-
"I shall escort you to the King of Zethe safely."

Return back to Tartarus and seek an audience with King Radeus.

Avoid combat with any Bartoros herds. Unless they are smaller than my group.

((Why do I have the feeling that if any other player entered the graveyard, they'd have a bad time?))

"We will put our integrity into your hands then."

Having said that, the three Osteoplasms gathered an impressive quantity of bones, covering their true bodies and forming some sort of chimeric Bartoros.

The Bartoros in your group, in a mix of spiritual awe and respect, changed their views on you.
"The spirits of the land are blessing him, maybe we were wrong to fight them..."

[Bartoros Morale and Loyalty now Good]

  • I - Back to Tartarus : [3]
The journey back to Tartarus began smoothly. Using a secret exit of the Graveyard, you managed to avoid the huge Bartoros herd on your tracks.

You didn't meet any hostile group of monsters along the way, but it took some time to reach your destination. Your escort were incredibly slow, probably because of all the bones they took with them.

Soon, the mountain and its fortress appeared in the horizon. You were surprised to see the surrounding lands of Tartarus changed a lot since you left.
There were many more habitations and structures, it seems Zetheans didn't lax during your absence.

Ogg Goreth Junger the Oogr -Magi-
Wait a Few days Then Head out looking for Wolves, Bears, Other things of that nature.

Rest : [1]
You decided to wait a few day at the Green Ogre camp before heading out to look for creatures. You realized it later, but it was a terrible idea.

The second night after the battle, you felt an hostile presence in the darkness... And suddenly, an ambush !

Skirmish Initiated !
Skirmish -Round 1- :

Ambushed !

Unknown Assaillants : (4d6) [15] + (CR) 20 + (Morale) 10 + (Situation) 20 — 65
From the shadow invisible claws stroke your troops ! All Green Ogres were wiped out, and their corpses dragged into the dark woods.

You heard only chiseling sound and movements of brushes and leaves... There were enemies everywhere.
From what you could glimpse, those were arachnid creatures wearing skulls and bones... Or maybe were they some kind of undead spiders ?

The Red Troll jumped close to you, and you were back to back, frenetically looking in the shadows.

You had some cuts and light slashing wounds across the body, he was the same.
"Bad, situation very bad !"

Morale down to Feeble

Spoiler: Ogg's Troops (click to show/hide)

Rakar the Lryka
"What is wrong with outcasts? If we stand together there is nothing that can stop us, not even the Giants nor Dragons! Worry not the Giants and Dragons will bow to our might, but first you King of the Storm Lions join me! Your strength would immensely help with the subjagation of Orotar or do you wish to live under fear of the Giants and Dragons forever?"
Say this loud enough for all of the monsters present to hear

Casus Belli : [5]
"There is a reason outcasts are exiled from their clans ! And don't you think Storm Lions aren't united and attempted to resist the Giants or the Dragons ? Never could we dent their mights when they were divided, but now that they are allied what you are claiming you can do is pure folly ! Never, never will the Storm Lions help yo..."

Suddenly a gigantic Storm Lion, battle-scarred and twice large than the other stood on the rock. With a roar even more powerful than the other, he said :
"You are foolish Massaef ! This monster is right, too long have the mighty Storm Lions cowered like pups under the Giants and the Dragons ! What if they are allied ?! We will rip their feet and tear their necks ! We will gouge their eyes and devour their hearts !

This is the time for the great Storm Lions to retake what should be theirs ! Orotar will be ours !"

Turning toward you, he roared :
"The Storm Lions will be your allies ! Giants and Dragons will fell under our alliance !"

[Storm Lions have allied with Zethe to subjugate Orotar by force]

World Status

Spoiler: King's Current Order (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: State of Zethe (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: September 15, 2016, 03:04:49 am by Nakéen »


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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #86 on: September 15, 2016, 05:13:12 am »

Bloops relays the location of his army camp, and allows himself to be carried.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."

Dustan Hache

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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #87 on: September 15, 2016, 06:28:49 am »

"Then let us make haste. It won't do to have a fount of knowledge lost to hunters!"
Have the troops rest here for now, while I go with the devourer to save the sage if we can.
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #88 on: September 15, 2016, 07:48:26 am »

Go devourer go go devourer go go devourer go!!!
((I just facepalmed so hard I have a concussion))
Rip Abigail South Death by Drop pod my avatar is now morbid.


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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #89 on: September 15, 2016, 09:22:51 am »

To the King!
Perplexicon: A New Arena - Abandoned, but feel free to give it a read.
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