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Author Topic: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 3  (Read 26669 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #60 on: September 10, 2016, 09:18:09 am »

Bloops once again confers with his slimy friends via use of electromagnetic signals. They once again begin to form letters with their bodies; this time, far slower and more dejected.

"We are of Zethe. We come to unite all monsters. Join us for power and glory".
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #61 on: September 11, 2016, 04:16:50 am »

Turn 2.3 : Year 0 of the Zethean Calendar ~Second Trimester~

Eversor the Death Lord -Animated Armor-
"Desert from Zethe, and you shall face a fate worse than death."

Remind the Bartoros in my ranks that they were beaten. Their lives are in my hands. And it'd be a shame to just throw them away.

Gauge the approximate number of Bartoros in the enemy herd. If it's larger than the previous one, try to pull back and retreat. Head to the monster graveyard.

If the herd is similar or smaller in size (or larger, but still of a smaller overall combat rating than my group) to the previous one, pull back and prepare an ambush.

All your lives are belong to me [Lea1] : [6+1] [7]

Your words were clear and concise. And to your surprise, this single sentence had a lasting effect on all your troops, Bartoros and Armors included.  Seeing your strong dedication to Zethe, their loyalty for you increased.
But for the Bartoros, hearing of a fate worse than death coming form an undead armor lowered their morale even further.

Observing the herd, you could guess it was considerably larger than the other herd. More than a hundred, but their closeness made it hard to estimate their exact numbers. And according to your rough estimations of the Bartoros you fought, if those were of equal strength and skill, you were in a very bad matchup as the ratio would be 1:5 at best for you.

As such, you began retreating for the monster graveyard...

  • I - The Monster Graveyard : [5]

Located in a ravine marking the plains like a scar was a monster graveyard. Some mystic place where dying or wounded monsters of all kind came to die. Why ? There was a belief in the plains that dying in this place insured your soul would be reborn if you died here.

You noticed that the Bartoros stopped pursuing you when they realized you went for the graveyard. Furthermore despite the Bartoros among you remaining silent, something in their attitude seemed changed.

Descending the slope leading to the bottom of the ravine, you had a better view of the whole place. Skeletons, bones of various sizes and eras, belonging to monsters of many species. This place made you feel invigorated, as if you were in your natural environment...

You heard rustling, and voices came echoing from everywhere.
"You are not here to die, undead. Those are sacred grounds you are fooling, a place of rest for the departed. Your presence trouble the peace of death, leave if you have no business here."

The rustling sound increased, and a huge pile of bones rose in front of you. From it emerged a being made of the bones and skeletons of many monsters. It shifted shape until mirroring you, making anoter you made of bones.

Spoiler: Eversor's Troops (click to show/hide)

Azarian the Throughtbeast and Rin/Devourer the Crin
"Their minds are guarded now that they know we are here. If only they would listen to reason instead of being so hostile to good intent."
politely remind our unwilling troops that we offered them a chance to join of their own will, and they refused making it their own fault that they are now drafted. Either this will crush their morale to a pulp and make them rebellious (in which case, I'll just brainwash them too) or it will make them remorseful for being so hostile to us, increasing their loyalty.

After having dealt with morale issues, investigate the turtle gathering. This could be either a large threat or a great opportunity.

(So all 69 turtles that i have not recruited are gathering together? Well now.)

(I won't lie, it's mainly an overlook of mine :/
But I can slip my way out of this mistake by saying these turtle-monsters gather when they feel one of their kin is threatened.)

Polite retort to troops : [5]
Surprisingly, you had an utmost gentlemanly conversation with your own troops after speaking politely to them.
"I don't know how was the place that birthed you, but in there might makes right. Our actions were rational considering the situation and our upbringing. A monster living by and fearing strength would never willingly join a weak monster, and hunters don't pause to listen to their preys. Had you had a stronger body, we would have been willing to listen to you."

Looking at the Devourer, the Crustacean-type added :
"You should have let this one engage the first contact. Even if he had no way with words, we would have listened to him. Our instincts warn us of his strength, while looking at you only fill us with pity for your physical weakness."

The very talkative Crustacean-type was a species of monstrous crab with a very large shield-like pincer and a very sharp blade like pincer. Called Berache, he was an Espachyur, a species of giant crabs using their specialized pincers like shield and sword.

Impartial and honest, he served as an intermediary between you and the non-brainwashed troops.

Morale and Loyalty now to Rather Good

Investigate : [2] + [Already Possessed Knowledge]
From the informations you already had, these turtle like monsters gathered in large groups when they felt threatened. They had a strong sense of kinship, despite living scattered daily.

The watchers kept an eye on them, and they clearly seemed to move toward your location. According to your troops from the shores, these monsters were rarely messed with as they held strong grudges. Apart from this, they were peaceful and didn't disturb other creatures.

Spoiler: Azarian's Troops (click to show/hide)

Karc the Chained Wolffolk Alpha
((FUCK the RNG hates me. I didnt expect a physical god to settle for being a king in a forest))

Painfully and slowly Krac drags himself to his feet. Might as well die well

I die fighting to create a better world, a world where monsters have a chance to be more then warriors if they so chooseBreathing heavily Krac swayed dizzy from blood loss A world where humans can't kill who they please without having to answer to justice. What do you live for?

"Maybe you do. But you will never know."

As he pressed his foot on you, you uttered your last words. His voice was that of disappointment.
"Blinded by bias, your life is but a lie.
Humans kill, monsters kill. Monsters avoid your so called justice as much as humans do.
The truth is, you only lived for your vengeance against humans. A pitiful cause, that only led you to your demise.
Had you realized that earlier, maybe you could have lived differently.

Living as I do.
Living for the sake of my people, living for the survival of my race."

He crushed you one last time, and with that, your last spark of life.

Karc is dead.

Rakar the Lryka
Learn my beasts names

"All of you were born on this mountain werent you?"
Rakar looks at each of them then points to the Griffin
"Tell me about yourselves and where you were born on this mountain

Use "Mysterious Eye" on each of them and listen closely to the details to find out where the Griffins, Storm Lions, and maybe where the snakes reside as well as any other thing of importance

The Griffin's name was Laghnasi, the Storm Lion's was Maloan and the Thousandblades Snake's was Erunjogg. They confirmed you once more that they came from the mountains of Orotar.

Specifically speaking to Laghnasi, you asked where he was born.
"In the Splitting Peaks, deep in the mountains. What about you Rakar ?"

Mysterious Eyes : [2]
Your Mysterious Eyes had no effect on them, they never felt "love", and such had no loved ones. [I don't get what you tried to gain by using your powers on your followers ?...]

Informations : [4]
You asked them for where to find their own kin and more if possible.

Griffins were found individually or in small groups at no localized place in the mountains. They made their nests everywhere, and were solitary in nature.
Storm Lions lived in small herds, but constantly roamed the mountains. As such, knowing where to find them exactly was rather hard. And Maloan had left his own group long ago, preferring to hunt alone.
Thousandblades Snakes also lived solitary lives. They only gathered during mating season, at a place known as the Dusandbrandr.

Then you also learnt where the harpies made their nests, and where the Roc-like birds made theirs. They knew the low to mid range of the mountains very well, but didn't venture in the high reaches due to the scarcity of preys and presence of Dragons and Giants.

Bloops the Entropic Slime
Bloops once again confers with his slimy friends via use of electromagnetic signals. They once again begin to form letters with their bodies; this time, far slower and more dejected.

"We are of Zethe. We come to unite all monsters. Join us for power and glory".

"We know nothing of your so called Zethe. What do you mean by uniting monsters ? What do you mean by power and glory ? Your terms are unclear.
But if you seek to turn us to a cause, know that we are allies of the Giants clan of Fjalltun."

They didn't seem openly hostile, but were wary of you.

World Status

Spoiler: King's Current Order (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: State of Zethe (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: September 11, 2016, 06:32:25 pm by Nakéen »

Dustan Hache

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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #62 on: September 11, 2016, 06:51:26 am »

"I am aware of the law of the strong, Berache. However, there is more to it than just mere physical strength, and that is where my power comes from. I am a intellectual, Knowledge is my power. I do not fear those who can overpower my body, because I can defeat their minds."
Short term: Place Berache in command of the crustacean forces and the giant crabs (After getting them to join properly without the use of brainwashing.)
Approach the turtles, bringing the ones that I brainwashed along with the devourer to meet them. have my watchers keep aware of ambushes, and have a exit strategy open.
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #63 on: September 11, 2016, 09:19:00 am »

"I do have business, fellow undead. If there are any in this graveyard that do not yet fully wish to rest forever, I have a proposition for them. For a Monstrous King has risen, and he has need for a strong army to unify and protect his lands. If there are none, out of respect to those who still have a chance at passing away, I shall leave you in peace."

See if there are any who still want to experience unlife's many charms. If there are no takers, leave the graveyard, taking a path out that would let us evade the Bartoros that were on our trail earlier.
Perplexicon: A New Arena - Abandoned, but feel free to give it a read.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #64 on: September 11, 2016, 09:25:01 am »

Bloops quickly, with the help of the other slimes, explains the basic concept of the Monstrous kingdom of Zethe, and their king.

"Please, take us to the great leader of the Giants Clan of Fjalltun."
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


  • Bay Watcher
  • I'm still alive, how fortunate!
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #65 on: September 11, 2016, 10:07:38 am »

Follow along look for something to eat casually like a rabbit or something.
((I just facepalmed so hard I have a concussion))
Rip Abigail South Death by Drop pod my avatar is now morbid.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #66 on: September 11, 2016, 01:12:25 pm »

Me Has Great Magic, Me can make the Dead Walk, So Dead Doesn't mean Not under our Control...
My Reply to The Green Ogre.
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.

Atian the Elephantman God

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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #67 on: September 11, 2016, 04:41:51 pm »

"If were gonna take on the harpies we will need allies."

Search for any Griffin Nests, Storm Lion Herds, Snakes or any other monster group to make contact with.

Recruit any lone monsters for our cause and with promises of glory and many battles to come.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #68 on: September 11, 2016, 07:59:23 pm »

Turn 2.4 : Year 0 of the Zethean Calendar ~Second Trimester~

Azarian the Throughtbeast
"I am aware of the law of the strong, Berache. However, there is more to it than just mere physical strength, and that is where my power comes from. I am a intellectual, Knowledge is my power. I do not fear those who can overpower my body, because I can defeat their minds."
Short term: Place Berache in command of the crustacean forces and the giant crabs (After getting them to join properly without the use of brainwashing.)
Approach the turtles, bringing the ones that I brainwashed along with the devourer to meet them. have my watchers keep aware of ambushes, and have a exit strategy open.

Berache thought a moment, then said something very interesting to you :
"... "Knowledge and strength are but different faces of power". I would like to introduce you the monster who said that, he could prove critical for your King's goal. Every monsters of the shore know him as the Hermit Sage."

  • I - Reorganizing the chain of command :

Brainwash removal and recruitment : [4]
You removed the brainwash of the Giant Crabs, thus making them come back to their senses. Before they could react aggressively, the Devourer and the now loyal to Zethe's cause monsters made it clear they were outnumbered.

With hostilities voided, you convinced them through Berache. They accepted to join your troops, but still felt some resentment toward you.

Berache was appointed leader of the Crustacean-type monsters force
Un-brainwashed Crabs Morale set to Feeble

Spoiler: Azarian's Troops (click to show/hide)

  • II - Approaching Turtles : [3]

You decided to approach the large group of Turtle-subtype monsters. It kept growing every day, and now they were more than a hundred.

The Watchers stayed behind, carefully scrutinizing the surroundings. You also prepared an escape route, just in case something would go wrong.
Escape route planned / Surroundings watched

With the Devourer and the brainwashed turtles, you came meet a handful of them that separated from the main group to come to you.
They looked exactly like land turtles. The main visual difference was the spires sticking out from their shells with rough angles.
Without moving its mouth, an old individual spoke to you through the mind :
(I am Quar. You who shut silent the minds of our brothers, what do you want here ? We demand that you give us back our brothers, or you will suffer from our wrath.)

Eversor the Death Lord -Animated Armor-
"I do have business, fellow undead. If there are any in this graveyard that do not yet fully wish to rest forever, I have a proposition for them. For a Monstrous King has risen, and he has need for a strong army to unify and protect his lands. If there are none, out of respect to those who still have a chance at passing away, I shall leave you in peace."

See if there are any who still want to experience unlife's many charms. If there are no takers, leave the graveyard, taking a path out that would let us evade the Bartoros that were on our trail earlier.
The bones of your double rattled each other, as if to express disagreement :
"I am sorry Armor, but there is as much kin in undeath as their is kin in life.
The undead of this place are not of the like of you : you are an undead of conflict, we are undead of harmony. We made peace with life and unlife, and decided to stay here to guide the living and unliving alike.

Yet this is something new for us. A Monstrous King ?... Tell us more about him...

Bloops the Entropic Slime
Bloops quickly, with the help of the other slimes, explains the basic concept of the Monstrous kingdom of Zethe, and their king.

"Please, take us to the great leader of the Giants Clan of Fjalltun."

"An Utopia. Your King wishes to create an Utopia... Is he a fool, or a visionary ?"

An audience with the leader of the Fjalltun Clan : [3]
"There is a tradition in the Clan of Fjalltun. Those who can reach the leader can meet the leader. You will have to ascend the whole Fjalltun Mountain, the leader resides at one of its highest plateau.

I won't accompany you, the way is extremely dangerous even for us Obeliths."

Rin/Devourer the Crin
Follow along look for something to eat casually like a rabbit or something.

As you followed Azarian, you decided to wander of to feed on something.

Searching for food : [6]
You easily found some crabs, as those small ones thrived in the coast. Catching one, then two, then five.
With all of them, you took a sadistic pleasure removing their legs one by one, making sure they would savor the pain as long as possible. Then if some managed to survive with all their limbs removed, you proceeded to do the same with their shells.

Your victims horrible screams of pain only delighted your twisted mind. When they finally didn't make neither sound nor movement anymore, you ate them whole.

The troops saw your insane cruelty, a madness they never saw before. They were all predators who killed to feed, but they never created needless pain for their preys.

Distrust grew...

[Troops are disturbed...]

Ogg Goreth Junger the Oogr -Magi-
Me Has Great Magic, Me can make the Dead Walk, So Dead Doesn't mean Not under our Control...
My Reply to The Green Ogre.

He made a strange sound of disgust and said :

Rakar the Lryka
"If were gonna take on the harpies we will need allies."

Search for any Griffin Nests, Storm Lion Herds, Snakes or any other monster group to make contact with.

Recruit any lone monsters for our cause and with promises of glory and many battles to come.

Long Term Actions :
-Search for monster group
-Recruit lone monsters [Speech: Promise of glory and battles]

  • I - Recruitment : [4]

As you traveled the mountainous areas searching for community of monsters, you met a lot of lone monsters.

All of them predators, they knew the thrill of the hunt. Fighting and dominating their foes made their blood boil, and as such your dreams of battles was compatible with their nature.

But your promises were not what made them join you : these monsters were more interested in the benefits of traveling with a group of strong monsters, easier preys and lessened vulnerability. They searched protection, and saw an opportunity with you.

Peculiar Individuals : [1]
None of them were exceptional in any kind.

[+5 Beast-type / +2 Elemental type]

A growing question rose as your group became bigger. Your companions asked :
"Why are you gathering monsters ? Why would there be battles to come ?"

  • II - Search for Monster Group : [5]

In a great fit of luck, you managed to come across a very large Storm Lion herd. At first when they sensed you trespassing on their territory, they roared to warn you of their hostile intents.

Maloan roared back to ask for a meeting, and they accepted.

Standing on a high boulder, the leader of this herd roared from his rock to communicate with you :
"What do you want with us ?! Speak !"

World Status

Spoiler: King's Current Order (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: State of Zethe (click to show/hide)


Dustan Hache

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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #69 on: September 11, 2016, 08:13:40 pm »

Turn 2.4 : Year 0 of the Zethean Calendar ~Second Trimester~

Azarian the Throughtbeast
"I am aware of the law of the strong, Berache. However, there is more to it than just mere physical strength, and that is where my power comes from. I am a intellectual, Knowledge is my power. I do not fear those who can overpower my body, because I can defeat their minds."
Short term: Place Berache in command of the crustacean forces and the giant crabs (After getting them to join properly without the use of brainwashing.)
Approach the turtles, bringing the ones that I brainwashed along with the devourer to meet them. have my watchers keep aware of ambushes, and have a exit strategy open.

Berache thought a moment, then said something very interesting to you :
"... "Knowledge and strength are but different faces of power". I would like to introduce you the monster who said that, he could prove critical for your King's goal. Every monsters of the shore know him as the Hermit Sage."

  • I - Reorganizing the chain of command :

Brainwash removal and recruitment : [4]
You removed the brainwash of the Giant Crabs, thus making them come back to their senses. Before they could react aggressively, the Devourer and the now loyal to Zethe's cause monsters made it clear they were outnumbered.

With hostilities voided, you convinced them through Berache. They accepted to join your troops, but still felt some resentment toward you.

Berache was appointed leader of the Crustacean-type monsters force
Un-brainwashed Crabs Morale set to Feeble

Spoiler: Azarian's Troops (click to show/hide)

  • II - Approaching Turtles : [3]

You decided to approach the large group of Turtle-subtype monsters. It kept growing every day, and now they were more than a hundred.

The Watchers stayed behind, carefully scrutinizing the surroundings. You also prepared an escape route, just in case something would go wrong.
Escape route planned / Surroundings watched

With the Devourer and the brainwashed turtles, you came meet a handful of them that separated from the main group to come to you.
They looked exactly like land turtles. The main visual difference was the spires sticking out from their shells with rough angles.
Without moving its mouth, an old individual spoke to you through the mind :
(I am Quar. You who shut silent the minds of our brothers, what do you want here ? We demand that you give us back our brothers, or you will suffer from our wrath.)

(where'd the other 28 come from?)
"I am Azarian, and I wish to speak peacefully and make a request. Your kin were not receptive to me and attacked before I could speak. I merely restrained them from harming me."
Have the brainwashed turtles move to join their kin, and then release my hold on them as a gesture of goodwill, Before attempting to convince Quar to align his people with Zethe.
On a side note, Chastise the devourer for making their food suffer after the meeting is over. It's bad enough that the troops are unwilling, but we don't need to give them a reason to desert or or rebel against us!
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #70 on: September 11, 2016, 08:16:24 pm »

(where'd the other 28 come from?)
"I am Azarian, and I wish to speak peacefully and make a request. Your kin were not receptive to me and attacked before I could speak. I merely restrained them from harming me."
Have the brainwashed turtles move to join their kin, and then release my hold on them as a gesture of goodwill, Before attempting to convince Quar to align his people with Zethe.
On a side note, Chastise the devourer for making their food suffer after the meeting is over. It's bad enough that the troops are unwilling, but we don't need to give them a reason to desert or or rebel against us!

((From outside Watcher vision. It is assumed days passed between the last scouting report and the meeting.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #71 on: September 11, 2016, 08:47:57 pm »

Bloops orders his troops to make camp, and take it easy for a few days; hopefully this will improve morale. Then, he gets directions from the giants, and heads directly towards the destination.

Anything in his path gets annihilated with a bloopy blast.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


  • Bay Watcher
  • I'm still alive, how fortunate!
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #72 on: September 11, 2016, 09:15:58 pm »

((I'm gonna assume they can hear Rin's voice))
...Huh I've been encountering things that can actually hear me....this is suprisingly comforting...

Devourer remains silent and just stares at the turtles uncaring picking out some of the delicious tortured crab flesh in my mouth and flicking it in their mouth.
Rin is disgusted....
Devourer continues to stand there being his intimidating self.Rin talks/thinks to herself quietly unless something actually trys to talk to them.
((I just facepalmed so hard I have a concussion))
Rip Abigail South Death by Drop pod my avatar is now morbid.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #73 on: September 11, 2016, 09:38:40 pm »

I shrug, then look at our captives, if they are awake I Say...
Join us Or Die, You Choice.
Otherwise I Say we should wake them then ask the above.
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom (6/6) - IC - Year 0, Trimester 2
« Reply #74 on: September 12, 2016, 10:02:15 am »

"The Monstrous King is called Radeus. The nation he created, Zethe, has only begun to exist. His goal is to unite all monsters under a single banner, so that they may live in harmony and safe from any attacks that might come from the other races. Even if you have no interest in fighting for his cause, there is still place for you in Zethe."

Converse with the spirits.
Perplexicon: A New Arena - Abandoned, but feel free to give it a read.
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