I'm loving that tundra titan. Pretty nice.
That dwarf doodle, Lee72, is also damn nice. Full of personality
The video with my painting and the music was..not expected. Loved it though. I actually found out
about it through tumblr, rather than here. Love that song...weird that I haven't heard of it before....
I've been thinking for a while about doing something. I don't have a job for the moment being, and
I've never donated to toady before. I promised, years ago, that I'd give the entirety of my first paycheck
to make up for it. A little unrealistic, but I'll get to that at some point. Seriously, I'll at least give as
much as I can from my first paycheck.
For the moment being though, I don't have a job, and was thinking about maybe putting up some sort
of commission, donation...thing, where every other dollar would be donated to the great toad and his
brother or something. Would that even be feasible?
I don't know, really. Never done anything like this before.
Or, maybe this sounds like me being very money hungry, hahahaha.EDIT: After a couple of minutes of thinking; forget it. It doesn't feel right.
It feels more like advertising than anything else.
Either way that's recieved, I'll try to have a weekly submission here.
just a sketch for now...I'm going to create something with a little more substance for next time.