drew some goblin woodcutters.

Kastrol and Tofu, very nice work!
As always, this is a pretty image and technically extremely good.
But there is a rather significant flaw I notice.
Nobody ever stands like that while chopping wood. Neither the foreground nor background figures. You don't swing sideways on a flat plane, because you can't get any force that way. You don't swing straight vertically, because you're trying to chop a tree down, not split it in half. And also your head's a bit in the way for a proper swing. You also don't have your hands in the same place on the axe's haft, because you get neither power nor control like that, and you don't hand the head behind your back because then you just have to lift the head up again on each swing, and work that much harder for no reason.
The correct and normal way to swing an axe is to have it over your right shoulder (assuming right handed) with your left hand far down on the haft and the right hand like, maybe halfway up. Then you swing down diagonally at the target, with your upper hand sliding down to meet your left hand during the swing.
The pose shown by the foreground goblin is sometimes portrayed in axe users in combat. In that situation, it's intended as a follow through motion, which obviously wouldn't apply to wood cutting. I don't think it actually applies to fighting in that manner either, since flesh is fairly tough stuff, but any illustration where people are using an axe as a weapon is usually pretty inaccurate anyway.
The background goblin, I don't even know. It's just a silly pose that there's no reason for a person to ever be in. I think I've seen it in Erfworld, where it at least fits since everything is cartoonish and silly, but even then it doesn't make much sense.