((*roll* Intimidate 1d20 + 12 (+14) vs DC 20 : 25, 22, 23, (19)))
The threat is effective, three of the goblins trembling in fear as they are menaced in turn by the barrel of the gun. The last barely holds to its courage, perhaps out of shame for fainting the night before.
Two of the four were involved in the attack on Sandpoint and managed to escape after the adventurers turned the tide. They never saw anyone beyond their own tribal chieftians, but their orders were simple - once inside the town, they were to kill everyone and burn it to the ground.
The third saw the longshanks and his squad at a distance. However, all he knows is that the longshanks was a short knife-ears and carried a bow. When one of the goblins got out of line, he felled it with one lightning-swift punch.
Belor quietly notes to Steven that by clothing and coloration, there are three tribes represented in the room, Birdcruncher, Mosswood and Thistletop.
The fourth goblin, of the Thistletop clan has been rocking back and forth in prayer as his fellows spilled their guts. Suddenly his eyes snap open, eyes rolled back to show yellowish whites as he stares blindly at Steven.
[Goblin]"We do the work of Grandmother Nightmare, longshanks! The tribes gather, the wardrums beat, and we are close to her chosen! When Malfeshnekor is freed from his prison, his endless hunger will swallow all of you!" He begins shrieking and clawing at his face, blood streaming down his features. "He hungers! He has been trapped for so long! His hunger consumes even him! All will perish, all must feed the champion of the Mother of Beasts!"