As to be on par on my daily crusade to make people hate me, I shall expose myselfMY OPINION TO ALL OF YE.
Eh, I dont know really. I really do think gender and sex are two different things, and that gender (not sex, except under very special genetic circumstances) is a flexible thing, and that people can legitimaly identify as a gender that is different from what society ascribed to him-her, however, I am very, VERY skeptic overall of how much of a common occurrence modern media seems to make it seem, and how often it gets conflated with sexual orientation, which is a whole 'nother can of worms. Anyway, I believe that gender dysphoria is a very serious thing that people should take a fair bit more seriously, and that just being OMGAH SUPAH POSITIVE about it with little to not regard as to its actual existence in one person or another is actualy a really dangerous trend that can and often hurts a lot of people. Again, I dont think anybody can deny that gender reassignment patients, after they undergo the procedure, regret about doing it, and thats not a rare occurence either.
Considering its still quite a path of no return, I think people should take such things a lot more seriously. One thing is people who are confused, another is people with gender dysphoria, and while I can't say much for myself (since I'm about as cisgender as a person can be WITH MUH MIGHTY beardless and body hair impaired MASCULINITY ARRRGH), I do know two people that actualy have gender dysphoria and are currently undergoing hormone treatment, and they all find this almost fetishistic aproach general media tends to have in regards to gender dysphoria as absolutely sketchy and very dangerous. This is NOT a meal ticket to jump on the special snowflake bandwagon, its a very real thing that has dire effects on the lives of many people.