Battle 2: Round 10 part AClarification:This has been asked a few times.
You do not lose your rank and new classes when your higher tier character dies. You can play a new character of same rank, from your pool of already opened classes. Anyone who is on unit#006 or higher can be a corporal, and have two privates to work with. You can select from fellow players, or receive npcs if there are not enough players to go around.
Platoon 6((CW004 needs a CP "Let's call it a draw".))
Platoon 6 GUNBANE
Squad FISH
Designation: OcE004
Unit type: Shooter
Health: Maimed (right arm missing)
Status: Bleeding (2/3)
[Emergency! User death imminent. Seek medical attention]Inventory: precision laser, helmet, one unit of armor, pink gum flavored chewing resin, tripod mount for laser, standard backpack
Achievements: Mission complete: Antibrick takedown
Classes unlocked: grunt, heavy grunt, soldier, grenadier, point man, shooter, assault gunner
Character points: Honor
Character traits: Band of Bros
Life kills: 5
Total kills: 5
Total deaths: 3
K/D ratio: 1.66
Rank: Private
"Between a rock and a hard place. Maybe...
Fish. zii. 006. 004. 007. I won't forget those designations."
OcE004 Keeps running, this time toward the battle, where the platoon can see him. As he runs, he overloads a power pack.
Facing towards the front line, from behind enemy lines, OcE004 brings the overloading battery up to his forehead; a salute.
((I think I mentioned in the OP that if someone was in this condition and managed to do harm to literally anyone but themselves, they'd get that CP. On the other hand, the Black Knight never did do any harm to his enemy, so, I think I
will go ahead and award it. That, or the CP "One." Nd if you get that reference, I'll give you a reward.))
(4) You run out, and are seen by some of those who were pursuing you. A couple hasty shots are fired your way, and a shout rings out, lost in the noise of battle. You run toward the quad, around one building, and alongside another. You step out into the open just as your battery's warning hum goes high pitched. You salute in the old fashioned Grunt manner - suicidally. The explosion blows out all the windows in the compound, the eardrums of all of The Other Guys
TM who are in or near the quad, and your brains.
Hmm, it's not quite the same as Fish's act, so A different CP is in order. "Death's Door?" "From Matilda?" From Matilda. Also, what class should I unlock for you? Aaaaaahhhhhhh, I know. Pyro.
latoon 6
Unit type: Soldier
Health: Healthy
Inventory: Gun. Helmet. Armor. Backpack. Gum.
Character Points: "Honor", "Follows Orders"
Character Traits: None
Rank: Private
Hold their attention, and generally be a nuisance. Focus on any that are now out of cover.
(6) Well, it's hard to keep there attention, what with all the explosions and jeeps and madness. People keep looking elsewhere. "Hey, shitdog pissheadfrog lickers! Pay attention to me!" You shout as you shot yet another enemy in the head, stomping sourly out into the quad. You gain the CP "in the shadow of the giants."
Unit Type: Grunt Demoman.
Unit number: Tigr003 - Platoon 6 - No Firing Squad.
Health: Serious Wound.
Status: None o' that.
Inventory: Gun. Backpack. Gum. Helmet. Demoman shite.
Character Points: Honor; Band of Brothers; Explosive Temper; Opportunity Knocks.
Shape my gum to look like a cigar and chomp on it. Then shoot any enemy between me and the command post.
(5) aww. I was hoping for a 1 here. Ah well, You join Zr006 in his grouchy march to the Command Center, shooting the wounded, killing the deaf, and in general causing a bloodbath, tiny little cigar shaped wad of artificial gum flavored chewing resin substitute dangling from your lip.
Team Wall ClimbersPlatoon:6
Designation: Yo006
Unit type: Assault Gunner
Health: Maimed (Leg)
Inventory:gun, helmet, backpack, gum
Character points: Mission: Anti-Brick weapon
Rank: Private
Stop moving and start spraying.
I'm going to give you style points for that reference. Well done.
(2) you break a bunch of shit, like office furniture and file cabinets and sandbags and a radio, but otherwise are outclassed by pretty much everyone this round. At least the Other Guy's
TM logistical network is now in shambles.
Zii006, platoon 6 "Gunbane"
Unit Type: Soldier
Inventory: gun, helmet, military backpack, body armor, military headset, cigar.
Status: Minor wound
Character Trait: None
Achievements: Friendly Fire: Victim
Give Yo006 cover fire.
(2) there is none behind him to shoot, and in front of him is a dangerous place to be, so yo ujust finish your cigar and stub it out on your rifle. Gonna keep the butt?
squad Jeep FishPlatoon: 6, gunbane
Designation: Fish008 Head
Unit type: Heavy grunt
Health: Serious wound- ribs
status: Bleeding (0/3), suffocating(0/3), burned (0/3) internal bleeding(1/3)
inventory: Gum, backpack, gun, helmet, massive executioner axe
Rank: corporal
Character points: Gun 'Em Down, everything is a weapon, symbol of bravery, heroic sacrifice
Fish008 drives the jeep into the metal door of the command bunker, jumping out at the last minute. Hat007 is drafted into his squad. No orders given to him this round, as the best course of action for him is fairly obvious (hopefully).
(2) a tire blows out before you get to the door, and the jeep veers hard into the wall. (2) you fail to jump out in time (1) and your broken ribs are shoved into your internal organs, killing you.
Platoon: 6
Designation: Hat007 (Squad Fish)
Unit type: Heavy Grunt
status: -
inventory: helmet, backpack, gum, heavy shotgun and massive maul
character points: The ten yard stare
character traits: -
achievements: Mission complete: Antibrick takedown.
rank: private
Bail out, then run for the command bunker after the jeeps crash into it.
(5) you tuck and roll, but the jeep fails to make it to the doors. nevertheless, you run forward, leap climb up the Jeep, and haul ass through a second story window. there are a few guys in here, on the floor, holding their ears in pain from that very recent explosion.
squad Jeep tooNew people will arrive in a combat jeep with an assault gun mounted on top. Pick a driver, a gunner and a "shotgunner."
Unit Number: ynk005 (platoon 6)
Inv: gun, pocket lint, gum, flask of scotch, nail file
Status: alive
Character Points: "chaplain of the damned" "kung fu priest" "ten yard stare" "Don't get in my way?"
Class: Driver
Drive the friggin' jeep right at the door of the friggin' command bunker! Whilst sitting back, filing my nails and using my feet to drive.
((Do I go back to playing grunts now that my more advanced character is dead?
ynk004 Corporal Yavoviv, you will be sorely missed. The most successful of my characters so far (although kung fu chaplain gets style points) and yet no-one seems to have mourned his passing.
...Was it that friendly grenade that killed him, out of curiousity?))
(I believe it was an enemy grenade. I'd have mentioned a friendly fire thing, I think.)
(6) Okay, how am I going to interpret this? You drive the jeep like the most sterreotyped self absorbed, annoying valley Girl ever. just as you approach the door, you jerk forward and up, bracing for impact. the jeep smashes into the door, crumpling both it and the door, and you get flung through into the main hall, down which you roll like a comical ball of derpy death, standing at the end of your roll and whipping it out in all it's manly glory, ready to spray the Other Guy
TM down like the naughty boys they are. the room spins, and you are dizzy as fuck right now. So get a status of Dizzy. I'll tell you when it clears, if I remember. Also, take a serious wound from that totally badass stunt.
((Newbie here. Going to jump right into combat as a member of Platoon 6!))
Platoon: 6
Designation: CAH001
Unit type: Grunt
Health: Healthy
Status: New to combat!
Inventory: Gun, helmet, backpack, gum.
Rank: Private
Arrive at the open quad in a combat jeep, as the Gunner. Provide covering fire against the guards at the Western artillery unit, as my driver drives parallel to it, with our shotgunner watching out for explosives.
((Feel free to give me advice on what to do!))
Sergeant Oz007 bitchslaps you for thinking you can order your shotgunner to do anything. it stings. you cry a little. how'd he even get up into the jeep, anyway?
(4) you fire into the artillery zone, killing some of the Other Guys
TM stationed there, and delaying their next launch. You don't hit the unit itself though, unfortunately.
(5) fortunately, you look forward in time to see the Command Post's Doors coming up at speed, and bail out before you get too close. the roll is pretty rough, and you take a serious wound from it, but hey, better than crashing head on into those metal doors, right? look below for death rolls, and further instructions
((don't die)) 6 death rollsMourn the passing of Oce004, who detonated his laser's battery pack on his forehead from behind enemy lines. How he got back there is a story for another day.
Likewise, Fish008 Follows his line's tradition of putting himself in harms way for the benefit of all, though sadly, less usefully this time.
Someone finally notices Zr006 and maims him, shooting from one of the artillery positions, lopping off one of his limbs.
Tigr004 dies to the same attack fro the artillery position
It takes a little more to kill a heavy gunner, but an artillery strike, awkwardly launched into their own compound finishes of Yo006 and gives ziioo6 a serious wound
Instructions for next roundEveryone: It's gonna be a few minutes for the next part of the turn. please be patient
Platoon 6: You have two artillery units to destroy (3 grenade hits will do), and a Command Bunker to secure. Artillery are enclosed in barbed wire cages, and the command bunker has an open quad (a flat, clear area) in front of it, and
a heavy door to bust through. Well, I mean, there is a jeep in the way, but the doors are mangled and pushed inward. you can get through, though one at a time.There are two jeeps already in the compound with their top guns sitting there unused, too. The Quad is cleared by a combination of madness, suicide, and insanity. Well done, Grunts!
Newbies Enter on a jeep, as before. Driver, Gunner, and shotgun. This round took quite a while to write.