Everyone who posted an action saying they are eating the ice cream flavored frozen yogurt substitute succeeds in doing so. similarly, congratulations and sulking happen as intended.
I'm not sure if I want to start another mission right now or not, as I will be taking about a week off next week for travel. I think I might do another one where everyone is in the same area, so people can slide between platoons again. not sure. what do you think?
Platoon 6 GUNBANE
Designation: OcE006
Unit type: point man
Health: Healthy
Status: None
Inventory: Lascarbine, Fancy shmancy pointman sensor helmet, Scout knife, backpack full of arbitrary shit
Achievements: Mission complete: Antibrick takedown
Classes unlocked: grunt, heavy grunt, soldier, grenadier, point man, shooter, assault gunner, pyro,
Character points: Honor, From Matilda, I MEANT TO DO THAT
Character traits: None
Life kills: 0
Total kills: 16
Total deaths: 5
K/D ratio: 3.2
Rank: Corporal
OcE006's helmet beeps to notify him of a comrade's death. He screams.
He runs up the stairs to floor4, ignoring the battle's end, and stabs the guy who killed MG001 repeatedly.
(3) you got a couple good blows in, but failed to kill the guy before you are restrained. ah well. At least he bled. Missing a few fingers too.
Get on the functional topgun on the functional jeep, and launch suppressive fire on Floor Four through the open side (where a wall used to be).
gonna need someone to drive it out of the first floor first.
Current Life:
Designation: CAH004
Unit type: Grunt
Health: Healthy
Status: New to combat!
Inventory: Gun, helmet, backpack, gum.
Rank: Private
Overall Stats:
Kills: 5
Deaths: 3
Kill/Death Ratio: 1.67
"Oh, it's over? Sweet, I didn't do anything, but I live!"
Pick up a variety of guns at the shooting range at base and attempt to shoot accurately with them.
(3) you fail to shoot yourself in the foot or the eye. A few targets get singed.
Platoon: 8
Designation: AIG001
Unit type: Grunt
Health: Maimed in the TORSO!
Sunburned (Minor Wound?)
Stung by wasped till maimed
2/6 chance seizure, triggers 1/6 chance death.
inventory: gun, helmet, backpack, gum.
character points:
takes a beating, and gives it right back.
13 support bug kills
teamed up to kill +6 bugs
character traits:
Aigre, you get a pacemaker. Note that on your guy. He still has a 1 in 6 chance of seizure per round.
While receiving pacemaker, loot infirmaryfor anti-seizure meds. Smile sweetly at anyone who tries to stop me.
Yeah, no. The quartermasters are a real bitch. They'll bite your head off. You are stuck with that seizure as long as this guy lives. Maimed in the torso, indeed. You're quite lucky to have gotten it down from a 50% seizure chance to what it is now.
Platoon: No bloody idea
Unit number: MG002
Unit type: Grunt
Inventory: Chewed Gum. Military backpack. Gum. Helmet. Broken Gun?
Health: Still in one piece.
Status: Tetanus shots still good.
Character Points: Respect.
K/D ratio: Won't be causing divide by zero errors.
Curse the quartermaster.
Use chewed gum to fix the broken gun. Nab some duct tape and reinforce it. Test the gun, and fix it if it falls apart again.
Grab a combat knife. Shine up the boots.
Ask an officer what is my platoon.
Heh. a Sergeant gently removes the broken gun from your possession, chewed gum and all. "Duct tape is for engineers, Grunt. You ain't that fancy." He also refuses to let you ask an officer stupid questions. there might be a platoon reorganization coming up soon anyway. We'll assign you one at start of next mission, m'kay?
Platoon 8
Designation: Sn002
Unit type: Grunt
Health: Serious wound[treated], Serious wound[treated], Deaf
Status: Alive!
Inventory: Gun, Gum, Helmet, Military backpack, Goggles
Character points: (not) Darwin's finest; Just along for the Drag
Rank: Private
Inspire my allies with a rousing victory speech.
(3) "Hey guys! It's Ice Cream flavored!"
Unit number: Jag005 [platoon 8] 'K'
Name: Shut up you sod. No one asked. No one cares.
Inventory: gun, military backpack, Gum, 2 sidearms, big knife (stuck in worm right now)
All limbs have been replaced with prosthetics. Not as badass as CWs though
Character point:
endurance: suffocation
character class: tunnel rat.
rank private
Smoldering poncho
Ask for a replacement for my big ass knife. Since my other one is stuck in some worm.
CAH004. Your request fr a name is DENIED. However, we are willing to continue to test certain battlefield serums on your line. The ZOM serum was marginally effectual. At your line's request we will test additional serums, one per clone. No, you may not dictate the serum. That's for the eggheads to decide. No, their heads aren't literally eggs. It's a figure of speech.
"Yes sir! Sign me up for the next one!"
"Well done, soldier! That's the spirit. Or the drugs. Jury's still out on whether you lot have souls or not." next mission, make sure t oalert me to the fact that you are the subject of an experimental serum. could be good, could be bad. We'll let RNGesus decide.
Zii008, platoon 6 "Gunbane"
Unit Type: Soldier
Inventory: gun, helmet, military backpack, military headset, grenade, Body armor.
Status: alive
Character Trait: None
Achievements: Friendly Fire: Victim
Eat the Ice Cream Flavored Artificial Non-Dairy Frozen Yogurt Substitute!, also ask permission to become a lab rat for these serums like CAH004
Platoon: No bloody idea
Unit number: MG002
Unit type: Grunt
Inventory: Military backpack. Gum. Helmet.Standard issue Grunt Gun. Duct tape look at mr fancy pants here, thinking he can use Duct tape for guns. la ti ta!. Combat knife.
Health: Still in one piece.
Status: Tetanus shots still good.
Character Points: Respect.
K/D ratio: Won't be causing divide by zero errors.
Eat the Ice Cream Flavored Artificial Non-Dairy Frozen Yogurt Substitute!, also ask permission to become a lab rat for these serums like CAH004.
Ask for more chewing gum. Can't risk running out of chewing gum.
You two also get your names signed up for the experiments. let me know at start of mission, and I'll roll for them, either all together, or individually. Personally, I think all together will be funnier, especially if the effect is less desirable for you guys. MG002 will not be getting a third piece of imitation gum flavored chewing resin. He'll just have to loot the corpses of his fellow Grunts for it, like it says in the handbook. Which, by the way, is written on 100% recyclable toilet paper, for convenience and care for the environment.
Designation: HC005
Unit type: Grunt
Health: Cyborg Arm
Status: I'm fine.
Inventory: gun (bayoneted), helmet, backpack, gum
Rank: Grunt
Cp: Exterminator patch.
I took my maiming in the arm, so I get a cool cyborg replacement for it. Can I call my flyswatter Cp patch an... exterminator patch?
Also, devour my icecream.
you get a prosthetic arm. it's not as cool as a cyborg arm. it only has basic functionality, none of the fancy upgrades ol' Legless the Undying over there got.
As for the patch, like kh says, it's not a flamethrower patch, which is what I somehow ended up giving the guys with the exterminator CP. You can call it bugzapper, or something like that.