Battle 2: Round 7 part AReminder, especially for our new player: don't post until I've gotten the second part of the turn up, please
Platoon 6Unit Type: Grunt Demoman.
Unit number: Tigr003 - Platoon 6 - No Firing Squad.
Health: Healthy.
Status: None o' that.
Inventory: Gun. Backpack. Gum. Helmet. Demoman shite.
Character Points: Honor; Band of Brothers; Explosive Temper; Opportunity Knocks.
Sprint to the third mortar and dramatically trip behind cover to avoid def.
(5) you run right through the danger zone, where the enemy is usually firing, except they are not - or the ones that are are not aiming, or what have you. Twenty yards, ten, five, there! A pile of rocks, and you stumble comically ... I mean dramatically over a loose stone and tumble heroically into a sheltered spot behind the pile. Action movie firefight dodge scene stuff, right there.
Platoon: 6 "Gunbane"
Designation: Rak002-2
Unit type: Soldier
Health: Healthy
Status: Okay
Inventory: Gun, Helmet, Armor, Backpack, Gum.
Rank: Private
CP: "Honor", "Band of Brothers"
Support assault gunners while they reposition themselves!
(3) I believe you are still back away from the wall. not really sure, so that's where I am putting you. You fire at the top of the wall and see a helmet disappear roughly where you were aiming. Someone ducked, at least.
Zii006, platoon 6
Unit Type: Soldier
Inventory: gun, helmet, military backpack, body armor, military headset.
Status: Healthy
Character Trait: None
Achievements: Friendly Fire: Victim
just regroup with the rest of the platoon or at least a part of it.
(6) You arrive just as one of the big Assault gunners comes rolling down the slope of destruction. He bowls you over and lands on top of you. at least the gun didn't land on you, that would have hurt much worse. You are on your sixth guy, so you can unlock another class, or rank up to corporal.
Squad YoinkUnit Number: ynk004 Corporal Yavoviv (platoon 6)
Inv: heavy-ass gun, pack, gum, helmet, stuff
Status: alive
Character Points: "chaplain of the damned" "kung fu priest" "ten yard stare"
Class: Assault gunner
((What, no CP for "friendly fire: perpetrator"?
Grimly reload and accompany my de-facto squadmates into the breach.
Assess the durability of my heavy-ass gun. If it seems likely to withstand such treatment, remember to use it as a melee weapon in situations where the gun is either unloaded or the risk of friendly fire is too great to just shoot everywhere.
((sure, you and Yowa, if you want
But that sounds almost intentional. Something like: Don't Get In My Way, maybe?))
that heavy ass gun could probably be rammed through a jeep without noticing much. If you can swing it, you can club The Other Guy
TM with it to your black heart's content.
(1) but for now, you go rolling down the rubble slope, back out to where you were. And your gun tumbles off to the side, slightly buried under the falling scree. At least something soft cushioned your fall. "what the? Oh, hello soldier." You say to zii005, or what of him you can see.
Designation: Yo005
Unit type: Assault Gunner
Health: Healthy
Inventory:gun, helmet, backpack, gum
Character points: Mission: Anti-Brick weapon
Rank: Private
Status: Blown my load
Reload and stay with ynk004.
(1) He heads up the scree while you start to reload. He comes down, with what seems like half the mountain, forcing you to stop reloading as you dodge the small avalanche. Man, what a let-down this turn is for the heavies.
Platoon: 6
Designation: Hat006
Unit type: Heavy Grunt
Health: Serious Wound [Cracked rib, severe bruising]
status: -
inventory: gun, helmet, backpack, gum, shotgun.
character points: The ten yard stare
character traits: -
achievements: Mission complete: Antibrick takedown.
rank: private
Get among the scattering enemy, start chucking them out through the breach. It's Heavy Grunt time.
((I'll unlock Communications, then.))
((comms it is then.))(4) you climb through the breach and come out swinging. You pitch a couple guys out for your teammates who haven't gotten in yet to take care of. it's like a western, without the swinging doors or glass windows for them to crash through. Whooooooooo!
squad FishPlatoon: 6, gunbane
Designation: Fish007 Burn
Unit type: Grenadier
Health: Maimed- arm charred beyond recognition
status: Bleeding (0/3), suffocating(0/3), burned (2/3) Gun cooldown (3/3)
inventory: backpack, gum, body armor, incendiary grenade, emp grenade, 4 frag grenades
Rank: corporal
Character points: Gun 'Em Down, everything is a weapon, symbol of bravery, heroic sacrifice
Play dead, hoping the enemies will think my serious wounds killed me.
(2) "Better shoot them to make sure!" Damn ...
Platoon 6 GUNBANE
Squad FISH
Designation: OcE004
Unit type: Shooter
Health: Maimed (right arm missing)
Status: None
Inventory: precision laser, helmet, one unit of armor, pink gum flavored chewing resin, tripod mount for laser, standard backpack
Kills: 1
Achievements: Mission complete: Antibrick takedown
Classes unlocked: grunt, heavy grunt, soldier, grenadier, point man, shooter, assault gunner
Character points: Honor
Character traits: Band of Bros
Rank: Private
Ack, I iz dead. Try to think of a way to take out as many of them as possible if they check the bodies. Maybe shoot Fish's grenades? Do the powerpacks for these guns explode nicely?
(6) you get shot, taking a serious wound and bleeding: 0/3. Your acting, in combination with this, is enough to convince them that you are down for the count. As for shooting grenades - one of the first thing they taught you in Basic Training's Grenade Day is 'don't do that.' The power packs, on the other hand, yes, yes you could rig one to go. Gonna have to be reeeeaaaal sneaky though, or very quick.
Platoon 6 death rollsTigr003 gets a cracked rib (serious wound) from his fall into a pile of rocks and rubble.
Zi006 gets what would have been a serious wound from being crushed by a heavy - but his armor absorbs some of the effect. Minor wound instead.
Yo005 takes a sharp blow to the head from falling debris. his helmet and heavy build turn what could have been a maiming blow into a serious wound: concussion. Take an 0/3 counter for potential complications.
Fish007 takes a serious wound from laser fire, while he plays dead. tune in next turn to see if he reacts, or if he can prove he is really dead, so the meanies will leave him the fuck alone already.
Instructions for next roundEveryone: It's gonna be a few minutes for the next part of the turn. please be patient
Platoon 6:Oh heavies ... get up the slope. Oh, you guys who are still outside the wall, someone is chucking enemies at you. may as well tidy up a bit while you're at it.