The human, subjective viewpoint wants to have someone or something to blame for perceived misfortunes.
That is to say, acknowledging that humans are predominantly deterministic, and that free will is an illusion, (when viewed from sufficiently expanded vantages), leads to the conclusion that people are not responsible for their decisions-- the inputs provided are responsible for creating the framework on which the decisions are made. That means things like the criminal justice system are punishing the wrong thing for undesirable human behavior-- the humans that are misbehaving are predominantly misbehaving due to the programming they received, or the hardware they were born with. Both things they did not choose. This is a VERY unpopular position to take in modern culture, which wants to see "bad things happen to bad people, so they stop being bad." (you know, things like capital punishment, or solitary confinement, or life in prison.)
Thus, the subjective view will favor having these people removed from the major population, to satisfy that desire. This is a kind of local optima, as the removal of such people from the major population will reduce their deterministic tendency to program other humans through social interraction, and thus results in a more harmonious society-- but does so by throwing away humans who did not choose to be they way they are.
The objective/global solution observes that the instinctual desire is the result of biological programming that produces this local optima, and that using the local optima means not reaching for the global optima-- the one where the misbehaving humans are identified, diagnosed, treated, and when they behave properly, re-integrated without stigma.