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Author Topic: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon  (Read 72540 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon
« Reply #360 on: December 31, 2016, 11:36:37 am »

And everything is fixed.  Thank you Onciblu.

You are welcome. Can you dorf me? I don't think I was.
Ô_ quack


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon
« Reply #361 on: December 31, 2016, 11:40:13 am »

And everything is fixed.  Thank you Onciblu.

You are welcome. Can you dorf me? I don't think I was.
Speaking of which, who needs dwarfing, and do you have preferences? 

Also, anyone know of a LNP pack compatible with the version we're using?
I never thought genocide would look so cute. . .
No reason someone can be dorfed only once. An entire army of Carefulrogue! All in one coffin, it seems.
"Guys if you say 'oops sorry' afterwards it's not a war crime, right?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon
« Reply #362 on: December 31, 2016, 03:18:37 pm »

So hey I initially planned on being part of this thread but then life got in the way and I forgot. Recently though I have gotten back into DF and I realized that I had a character in this thread by the name of Greatjon Umber!!!!! So I read through it and saw that my guy killed a beast and even named his weapon but he died. Any chance I can get re-dwarfed? Also, how did he die?
From the forests of Elves, To the shores of Humans, To the Towers of Goblins, We fight our own battles, On land and on Sea, We fight for glory, We fight for gold, We are proud to call ourselves
A Dwarven Viking


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon
« Reply #363 on: December 31, 2016, 06:45:46 pm »

Wasn't in the kill count from the first five days of my turn.  Dunno.
I never thought genocide would look so cute. . .
No reason someone can be dorfed only once. An entire army of Carefulrogue! All in one coffin, it seems.
"Guys if you say 'oops sorry' afterwards it's not a war crime, right?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon
« Reply #364 on: December 31, 2016, 09:35:14 pm »

You died fighting the fire forgotten beast in my turn. You died a warrior death. You didn't hit anything but died fighting anyway.

My only preference is a fresh miggrant
Ô_ quack

Fleeting Frames

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Re: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon
« Reply #365 on: January 01, 2017, 07:05:18 am »

o If you slip majorly, then there will be nobody to record that you did it, I suppose.

o Also grayskins. Goblin skin can also be gray.

Good for sneaking, I suppose.

Though, if you're really at the stage of "drafting anyone with skill", you're at the stage of "throw a minecart bouncer at the entrance and damn the shutoff mechanism or visitor/cat safety"

And Hm. Would you really kill a soldier for sleeping?

Well, a moot point. Lost in rage, that's new.

o Regarding pictures, recently wrote a bit on autmating it in linux (just scroll down to the last ⁓).

As for the LNP, this is 43.05 iirc, which means the best you can do is downloading dfhack-alpha04 and jiggering DT on your own - windows has 32 bit layout out, linux has experimental 64bit (read = crashed me to reboot trying to compile, but success grants you one usable provided you only use it when game is paused iirc).


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon
« Reply #366 on: January 01, 2017, 01:17:02 pm »

Couple of things

It wasn't truly desperate, or not as bad as I imagined, but the progression is very slow on my end, and I'm unfamiliar with ASCII, so I couldn't judge how many were actually moving about.  Add to that, my character had appeared frozen in the booze stockpile...
Anyways, I noticed empty ranks, and started to fill them with free dwarves, anyone with skill.  And I found no less that two legendary level skilled dwarves.  Almost accidentally put them into the blind spears, but I really was concerned about the island of named dwarfs dying.  And one did.

Quote from: Fleeting Frames
And Hm. Would you really kill a soldier for sleeping?
I don't know what you're referring to.

Damn, no updated version.  Well, I'm not gonna mess with my files.   
I never thought genocide would look so cute. . .
No reason someone can be dorfed only once. An entire army of Carefulrogue! All in one coffin, it seems.
"Guys if you say 'oops sorry' afterwards it's not a war crime, right?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon
« Reply #367 on: January 02, 2017, 12:28:17 am »

This is it for my turn.  Who's next?

6th Granite, 257
A duel has broken out between Murderer, and a Sworder, over the killing of Sanctume.  Just let it end!

7th Granite, 257
The killer of Sanctume is dead.  I need some really strong drinks.

15th Granite, 257
Can’t get any peace around here.  Forgotten beast in the caverns. 

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From what I’ve heard in the reports, Arcvasti II is fighting them.  Hmm, maybe I can cull the rest of the cats now…

As for the side effects… we’ll deal with them as they pop up.

20th Granite, 257
One of our  hallways is filled with smoke.  Can’t determine why through the smoke.  We’ll let it clear.

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22nd Granite, 257
I’d like to have a word with the fellow that though trying to train all of these pesky cruddles was  a good idea.  Meat’s on the menu, beside elk bird, and cave crawler.  Cat too.

7th Slate, 257
Migrants.  Hopefully some military recruits have found their way into our ranks. 

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Seems like a troop of rangers decided to turn in from the wild.  Couple of doctors, and general craftsmen as well.  We’ll find a bed for them to rest their heads.

10th Slate, 257
Work continues on the rooms being carved out in the bedrock.  Should make it a bit easier to figure out where the heck everything is.

3rd Felsite, 257
New squad of marksdwarves created.  The playful racks. I really don’t give a damn about what they call themselves.  So long as the recruits can hit their targets, fine.

11th Felsite, 257
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Fella started referring to his sword with a name.  I’ve given up on rationalizing people’s decisions.

Not three hours later, and a child starts prancing around with an idea.  Armok save me.

23rd Felsite, 257
The kid has started his construction.  What’d I’d love to know, is how long we’ve had raw adamantine.  The kid is using some, and I’ve no idea where it’s being stored.  Damnit.

27th Felsite, 257
The kid created a ring.  A “raw adamantine” ring, but a ring to less.  Pretty damn valuable, but still a ring. 

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Called Depthskewered the Palms of Silk.

16th Malachite, 257

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This shouldn’t be an issue.

24th Malachite, 257
Judged it a bit too soon.  We’ve made no progress.  It’s trapped, and while normally I’d leave it, it’d be good practice for the others. 

26th Malachite, 257
It’s dead.

27th Malachite, 257
One of the marksdwarves gave his crossbow a name.  I don’t even know why I bother.

1st Galena, 257
Migrants.  Someone named Jrrocks1 showed up.  Had some skill as a hammer dwarf, so I set him up as leader of the hammer squad.  The rest were pretty typical.  Some doctors, some military, some useless.  Why a gelder is needed here, I have no idea.

21st Galena, 257
I hadn’t thought this would be relevant, but apparently it is now.  I had the miners dig out a hillside, to make an out-of-the-way refuse stockpile, but it filled up quickly, and the piles of rotting goblin corpses is still high.  Turns out, there is lots of bones everywhere.  Bones, shells, horns, hair, etc.  I’ve placed some orders, to make bone bolts, totems, decorations, and thread.  That should burn down the pile of useful stuff.  And anyways, I only what humanoid corpses in their. 

22nd Galena, 257
Oh for armok’s sake…
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5th Limestone, 257
Tunnel is being dug from the refuse pile in the hillside, to the main fort.  It’ll expose a weakness, until it’s fully finished.  There should be time.  As well, the near-surface training areas are being floored over.  Looks much better, as well as removes the pesky cave growths.  Can’t do much about what’s sticking out of the walls, but maybe at a later date.

8th Limestone, 257
The kid from two weeks ago finished.  Dull, uninteresting earring. 

18th Limestone, 257
Merchants are here.  We had already begun to stock the trading post in preparation.

23rd Limestone, 257
Finally got to trading.  Regretted it almost immediately.  Damn  traders, and their damn profit margins.  Makes it difficult to acquire all we need.
Still, all the bars, most of the armor, and quite a bit of cheese is now in our possession.  Let’s hope the haulers don’t kill me for pulling the lever.

11th Sandstone, 257
Damnit.  The gate to the refuse piles didn’t work as intended.  Well, I’ll carve out a new area for levers, for my own purposes, of attempting to get this gate to work. 

14th Sandstone, 257
Thieves made off with some livestock.  Not sure how.
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15th Sandstone, 257
A dwarf was found dead in one of the rooms.  Cause of death unknown.
16th Sandstone, 257 several mandates of equipment have never been built.  I suspect material is lacking.  Also, the manager hasn’t shown up for work in a while.  His desk has a dozen forms of orders to distribute orders of. 

17th Sandstone, 257
The manager was replaced by a dwarf outside of the military.  Seems training is too intense, for much work on the side.  Which reminds me, few of us have had a break for the past year.

18th Sandstone, 257
I found the issue.  When we were organizing the army, we forgot to assign furlough months.  All squads now have one off month, different than the others.  During winter all are on duty.  During Fall, my squad, the Skinning Blades, has the entire season off, so there are extra hands to help with trading.  This should help us immensely. 

9th Timber, 257
I know my term’s coming to an end, and there are a few projects left unbound.  A room off one level of the flawed bedrooms, just north of the rooms, was left empty.  I had planned it to go towards a new dining room, a bit larger, and grander, but it’s not worth it at this point.  Instead, a statue garden, and temple, will be carved out.  It’s long past the time when we should have honored our gods. 
This should not be mistaken for any favored respect to the gods, but it’s best to cover the bases. 

4th Moonstone, 257
A newer manager has been assigned, since the previously assigned fellow, even when a new office was provided, didn’t get to work immediately. 

6th Moonstone, 257
The wagon access tunnel is finally being dug.  It’ll remain walled off, for a time, but eventually I’ll return to finish it, or perhaps even my successor.  We’ll see.  It overlooks the cliff, so one would have to be a helluva climber to get in.

13th Moonstone, 257
The refuse gate is operational.  Might take two dwarves to seal the fort now, but what the hell.  It works, and that’s all I need.

17th Moonstone, 257
Below the crypts, and the bedrooms, and the hopefully soon to be temple, I’ve designated another region to be dug.  This time, for storage.  A lot of stuff is sitting in the trade depot, and I don’t find that acceptable.  We’ll carve some space for it, and begin moving the goods. 

22nd Opal, 257
Not again…
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7th Obsidian, 257
Kid finally began his construction.

11th Obsidian, 257
The piece is finished.  It’s a ring, again.  Some art on it, some relating to what the first child of my tenure had made.  Other than that, and it’s exorbitant value, it’s not too interesting.

29th Obsidian, 257
Been a quiet month, which I like.  Sparring, training, dueling, and whipping the military into shape have occupied my full attention.  Tomorrow evening, I’ll be ready to hand over the reins of the fortress to the next in line.  Then, I can truly commit myself to the art of war.

Well it was so boring there for the last two, three hours months, I started reading a book. 

And, for those tempted to move my character back to the sneaked hand, there's an issue there.  My character will sit in a lower corner of the fortress doing nothing.  Was doing that at the start, and it persisted until I started fiddling about with the squads.  That was around autumn.  Bugs me, because I even went so far as to remove some floors to jog the computer that "HEY THIS UNIT IS SUPPOSED TO MOVE!" No luck there. 

But, that's what remains of the fortress from my turn.  Good luck, and hope you don't get an invasion!

I never thought genocide would look so cute. . .
No reason someone can be dorfed only once. An entire army of Carefulrogue! All in one coffin, it seems.
"Guys if you say 'oops sorry' afterwards it's not a war crime, right?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon
« Reply #368 on: January 02, 2017, 06:31:18 am »

You make Forggoten beasts look easy. Nice (and fast) turn.

Next in line is Pikachu17 I think

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But I don't think he was ever dwarfed,
Ô_ quack

Fleeting Frames

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon
« Reply #369 on: January 02, 2017, 10:05:41 am »

Ω A loyalty cascade, making the waves.

It was inevitable.

How many dwarves died ultimately, during you reign? How many in the hallway of smoke?

Ω At least the attached/named gear will work better, going by recent FotF reply.

Though I imagine the bonus is lesser to proper quality.

Ω As for adamantine, previous overseers went over it - but you can always zoom to it by stocks menu.

Ω So, did you close up refuse tunnel?

As for cliffside caravan road, it's cool, but with refuse hauling stalled...A wagon might see a goblin tooth on the ground and explode.

Speaking about things needing to be finished, was the deadly blood of ǒggon Oceglöbor cleaned up or just left there?
I don't know what you're referring to.
“Well at least he’s coming, right?!” yelled Speciesunknown, blocking a shot with his shield.  He could do little but shield others from injury.

“He better, or I’m gonna kill him myself!” yelled Mea Sanctumea. 


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon
« Reply #370 on: January 02, 2017, 11:20:46 am »

I'm not even sure what's up with that hallway.  Did some kid make a charcoal bracelet?

The refuse tunnel has a pair of iron bars attached to a lever.  It's on the same level as the defense lever.  The defense lever is supposedly hooked up to those two, but it hadn't worked as I intended, so new lever.  The Wagon Access Tunnel Bridge is connected to the defense lever too. 

I don't see you're point with a the goblin tooth and explosions. 

Concerning deadly blood
Left there, I think.  I don't recall seeing any major effects, or die-offs.  It's possible it was cleaned up by a bored dwarf or three, or magically removed by the smoothing brigades, so I'm not sure.  The thing had plummeted to it's death over a cliff, with a war dog in tow.

You make Forggoten beasts look easy. Nice (and fast) turn.

Next in line is Pikachu17 I think

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

But I don't think he was ever dwarfed.
Forgot about him.  I hadn't looked back on the list until trying to figure out who's next.  And, concerning the FBs, I got lucky.  Once I had a mud titan that breathed fire.  Entire fortress and FPS reduced to 1/less-than-one.  Had to scum-save for FPS reasons.  And the ash FB, that was stuck behind a lot of cavern debris.  Annoying to get at, since I didn't know what was preventing me from going at it.  The goat FB... I forgot about that one, and didn't notice until I opened up reports accidentally.  I still didn't even know where everything was, so I ran with it. 
I never thought genocide would look so cute. . .
No reason someone can be dorfed only once. An entire army of Carefulrogue! All in one coffin, it seems.
"Guys if you say 'oops sorry' afterwards it's not a war crime, right?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon
« Reply #371 on: January 03, 2017, 10:42:16 am »

So, is it my turn, or not? please answer quickly.
dwarf 4tress from scratch
The Pikachu revolution!
Thank you NatureGirl19999 for the avatar switcher at

A warforged bard named Gender appears and says"Hello. I am a social construct."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon
« Reply #372 on: January 03, 2017, 04:50:17 pm »

So, is it my turn, or not? please answer quickly.

Yes, I think so.

Seven Players: "The Council"
1. Sanctume as "Sanctumea" (alive) Turn 9 done.
2. Carefulrogue as "Northwinds" (alive) Turn 10 done.
3. Pikachu17 to be dwarfed?, Next, Now.
4. Snowdwarf as "Snow" (alive).
5. speciesunkn0wn as "speciesunkn0wn"  (alive) - inactive since Oct - remove?
6. Arcvasti as "Arcvasti II"  (alive) - Turn 8 done.
7. Onciblu to be dwarfed?

1. Salmeuk (wait list - not yet) ?
2. Gwolfski waitlist, re-dwarf?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon
« Reply #373 on: January 03, 2017, 06:36:32 pm »

I am dwarfed already
Ô_ quack


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon
« Reply #374 on: January 04, 2017, 10:33:15 am »

So, is it my turn, or not? please answer quickly.
Yes, I think so.
Okay, then I will take my turn. Where can I get the latest save?
1. Salmeuk (wait list - not yet) ?
2. Gwolfski waitlist, re-dwarf?
What kind of dwarf did they want?
dwarf 4tress from scratch
The Pikachu revolution!
Thank you NatureGirl19999 for the avatar switcher at

A warforged bard named Gender appears and says"Hello. I am a social construct."
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