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Author Topic: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon  (Read 72601 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon
« Reply #345 on: December 10, 2016, 01:48:14 am »

Oh, so the king came

I guess the mountainhomes REALLY liked the cat I offered them then. Cool.
Seems I need to begin the mass order and slaughter of cats.
I never thought genocide would look so cute. . .
No reason someone can be dorfed only once. An entire army of Carefulrogue! All in one coffin, it seems.
"Guys if you say 'oops sorry' afterwards it's not a war crime, right?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon
« Reply #346 on: December 14, 2016, 06:26:26 am »

Sanctume you are still playing, right?
Ô_ quack


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon
« Reply #347 on: December 14, 2016, 03:26:09 pm »

I loaded the game last Friday. 

Pop is now up to 182 and learning to "not care" about the details.  Quite stressing actually or being anxious if some FB might come and I have little info on how good the military is.

So I played up to Galena so far; and always hoping to get through the month without attacks.  Someone has a fey mood.

I'm spending time deconstruction floors and constructing walls to make bedrooms in that "jagged cavern" area that I floors and walls last time.

I will try to finished my turn by Friday/Saturday or Sunday at the latest.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon
« Reply #348 on: December 26, 2016, 06:14:05 am »

You didn't forget us again, did you?

Also, feliz navidad everyone
Ô_ quack


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon
« Reply #349 on: December 26, 2016, 11:23:31 am »

You didn't forget us again, did you?

Also, feliz navidad everyone
Merry Christmas!
I never thought genocide would look so cute. . .
No reason someone can be dorfed only once. An entire army of Carefulrogue! All in one coffin, it seems.
"Guys if you say 'oops sorry' afterwards it's not a war crime, right?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon
« Reply #350 on: December 26, 2016, 03:18:43 pm »

Oh yeah, I forgot again.  I just got up from an almost sleepless travel.  But I have vacation the next 3 days.  I'll fire up Sneaktunnels later today just to play out what I had, and post


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon
« Reply #351 on: December 26, 2016, 11:31:15 pm »

Sneaktunnels Year 256

1 Granite, 256

The metropolis Sneaktunnels has a population of 141.

A guest list of scholars and spookies.
Spoiler: guest list (click to show/hide)

Finish some flooring, construct some walls, make some more blocks to use up the stones.

Sanctumea says, “Art is life” while doing some individual drills.
It’s a new year and we are going inactive from training for a few moments and address personal needs.

She is frustrated from lack of abstract thinking, from practicing crafts, and feels lonely from being away from friends.

A magma forge is set aside for Mea to create a new set of iron armor and an iron shield.

Northwinds says, “I taught misc object.  That was very satisfying!”
He feels lonely from being away from family and friends for too long.  He is uneasy after a lack of introspection.  He is bored being unable to be creative.  And he is badly distracted after being unable to practice a craft.  He dreams of seeing the great natural places of the world.

Since he likes silver, a magma forge is set aside for him craft from 5 silver war hammers and 5 silver maces.

Snow also recently learned about misc object.
She is bored being unable to be creative, and is badly distracted after being unable to practice a craft.
A third magma forge is set aside for Snow to make 10 stacks of copper bolts.
She still dreams of creating a great work of art someday.

Speciesunkn0wn says, “We will be successful!”
He dreams of crafting a masterwork someday and is badly distracted after being unable to practice a craft.  And also badly distracted after unable to acquire something?

He likes copper, so the fourth magma forge is set aside for him to make 10 stacks of copper bolts also.

I order some more slabs, and slabs to be engraved.  I also ordered more blocks.

3 Granite
Snow is taken by a fey mood, and claims a Mason’s workshop.
She must have “rock, rough gems, plant cloth, yarn cloth, bones, rough gems, bones, rough gems”

24 Granite
Snow finished creating a native gold grate.

Spoiler: gold grate (click to show/hide)

10 Slate 246

King tosid arrives with some migrants despite the danger.
He like microcline, black bronze, short sword, large serrated discs, and grates to name a few thing obtainable.

Spoiler: mountainhome (click to show/hide)

22 Slate
Recruited a War Worker to do all glass making, he is now called Glass Kadol with his own Magma Glass Furnace.

4 Felsite
Mason Nish has his own mason shop to produce microcline furnitures for the king.

15 Felsite
Vutok Gorgebiths, Chemist has been approved for her petitions to be a citizen of Sneaktunnels.
She is currently discussing Alkali and Acids!

King Tosid has a bedroom now, and working on his dinning room next.

1 Hematite
Summer comes, and we are still working on the water reactor to power the mist generator.

3 Hematite
A band of humans are ambushing Sneaktunnels. 

To impress King Tosid, every squad is sent above ground. 

Spoiler: ambush (click to show/hide)

The ambush is dispatched quickly, but there is a second ambush group.

5 Hematite
The party is over by the 2nd day.  Plenty of vomit now smear the surface due to the sun.  I don’t want to think of about dogs licking those bile.

Spoiler: ambush 2 (click to show/hide)

11 Hematite
Kosoth Pastimekey, Scholar has been approved in her petitions to be a citizen and study in  Sneaktunnels.

16 Hematite
Happy 12th birthday Ast Stopfence, you are now a peasant.  He is mighty, so he will now join The Big Silvers.

King Tosid is place in The Sneak Hand and will wield Rersirkalur, the artifact steel short sword.

22 Hematite
More burial receptacles are lain including several memorialize slabs.

1 Malachite
The mist generator is completed, and the library is expanded.

Spoiler: mist (click to show/hide)

Ordered 10 sets of iron armor, 30 silver bolts

Some migrants arrived, despite the danger.

Mountainhome Sneaktunnels population rises to 182.

Activate training on all squads.

19 Malachite
Removed constructed floors and build walls to make more bedrooms.

1 Galena
Amost is in a fey mood, claims a Mason’s workshop.

14 Galena
Still working on constructing bedrooms and possible temple areas.

Spoiler: bedrooms (click to show/hide)

Temple List
No Specific
Doren, deity of Earth, Mountains, Caverns. 29 worshippers
Nonub, deity of Fortresses and War. 28 worshippers
Stettad, deity of Wealth and Jewels. 26 worshippers
Medtob, deity of Discipline, Order, Law, and Justice. 19 worshippers
Onshen, deity of Dance and Music. 14 worshippers
The Library of Knowing, deity of Inspiration. 12 worshippers
Stigil, deity of Chaos. 12 worshippers
Osman Beardedrain, deity of Animals, Caverns, Metals, Minerals, and Mountains. 8 worshippers
Abe, deity of Animals, Nature, Plants, and River. 4 worshippers
Fawara, deity of Fire and Wealth. 2 worshippers
Tusnung, deity of Fire and Wealth also. 2 worshippers
Zealmost, deity of The Sky, The Wind, and Hunting. 1 worshipper
Umstos, deity of The Sky, The Wind, and Hunting. 1 worshipper

Orders smelting of gold as priority, and 16 gold chest for the temples.

A temple for 12 worshippers, The Abbey of Poems is established for The Library of Knowing, deity of Inspiration.

Spoiler: The Abbey of Poems (click to show/hide)

The Church of Steel for Nonub, deity of Fortresses and War is made for 28 worshippers near the magma forges.

Spoiler: The Church of Steel (click to show/hide)

The Blue Chapel is established for the 26 worshippers of Stettad, deity of Wealth and Jewels.

Spoiler: The Blue Chapel (click to show/hide)

The Mountainous Cathedral is assigned the the 29 worshippers of Doren, deity of Earth, Mountains, Caverns.

The Monastery of Hearts is made for worshippers of Osman, deity of Animals, Caverns, Metals, Minerals, and Mountains.

The Confining Convent, is for the 19 worshippers of Medtob, deity of Discipline, Order, Law, and Justice.

Spoiler: The Confining Convent (click to show/hide)

The Sanctuary of Carnage is made for the 4 worshippers of Abe, deity of Animals, Nature, Plants, and River.

The Molten Sanctume is set aside for the 2 worshippers of Fawara, deity of Fire and Wealth.

And The Shrine of Flame is set aside for the 2 worshippers of Tusnung, deity of Fire and Wealth also.

The Solitary Chapel is made for the one worshipper of Zealmost, deity of The Sky, The Wind, and Hunting.

The Temple of Advendtures is made for the one worshipper of Umstos, deity of The Sky, The Wind, and Hunting.

The Sanctuary of Dancing is opened for the 14 worshippers of Onshen, deity of Dance and Music.

Spoiler: Sanctuary of Dancing (click to show/hide)

The Sanctuary of Dancing is opened for the 14 worshippers of Onshen, deity of Dance and Music.

The Red Monastery is setup for the 12 worshippers of Stigil, deity of Chaos.
Spoiler: Red Monastery (click to show/hide)

Order silver statues and gold chest for the temples.

Autumn has come.

Oh, Amost the mason has been muttering about bones and yard cloth, and ended up making a native silver table.

Spoiler: native silver table (click to show/hide)

Outpost liaison Unib’s quarters, office, and dining room is complete and furnished.

13 Limestone, 256
A caravan from Thikut Shigos has arrived.

We work on moving all the tattered clothes, and some prepared food pots.  And apparently, someone previously wanted to import more cats.

Spoiler: cat trade (click to show/hide)

19 Sandstone, 256
Some migrants arrived despite the danger. Moutainhome Sneaktunnels’ population increases to 193.

Fleeting Frames

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon
« Reply #352 on: December 27, 2016, 02:43:57 am »

° Sanctumea might make okay librarian with that abstract needs. Though it is annoying that the guests are predominantly dwarven; unless they have great ability in hard to train skill it's a waste to accept one.

Crafting needs...Probably setting up workshops for that is the best way. Dfhack's autolabor can work, but ultimately profiling will work better. Cluttering and ineffient, maybe, but...Well, if it is only used once-twice a year, it is fine.

Oh yeah, and JSYK: 1 job is enough to bring the need from red to bright green.

Acquiring....Crafted items, if the uniforms permit, or even putting on new clothes I think.

° Nice grate to guard entrance with....

Hm, the dungeon has to be open. Thankfully, grates can be linked to levers.

° Huh.

King Tosid with full entourage? Should be nice few fighters. Shorts swords, discs and grates....Could be a pain for future players, but at least spamming the grates and discs everywhere to give happy thoughts is not too useless. Maybe the discs can be traded away one day.

That said, it is not like the fortress could be mountainhome at all if a previous player hadn't offered goods to caravan.

Also,22th slate:  War Worker → Wax Worker?

° JSYK, for just power generator, a minecart-based water reactor (portable drain , but instead of dumping into wall dumping sideways to generate infinite waves) would be slightly more compact.

I'm also fond of using minecarts eternally looping into water for mist with 4x1 footprint+safety for the whole mister.
Not sure about how exactly happy thoughts work for the mist, however.

Not that it matters now, though. I take it you're going to carve  some fortifications into library walls next?

° And to think a library acquired enough worship to become a god...Well, it's Shinto-like I guess?

Lots of temples, though. Well, this is good for better learning your dwarves, I suppose.

° Ambush...Curse them? Well, goblins don't ambush, and elves have "curse all friends of nature"....So yeah. Humans are at war with Sneaktunnels.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2016, 02:45:28 am by Fleeting Frames »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon
« Reply #353 on: December 27, 2016, 04:54:04 pm »

Sneaktunnels Year End 256

19 Timber
A dwarven child, Id is taken by a fey mood and claims a craftsdwarf shop.

Spoiler: puzzlebox (click to show/hide)

8 Opal
The Cyclops One Sposlarurso has come, and was caught in a cage trap.

Spoiler: cyclops (click to show/hide)

11 Obsidian
The rest of the month ends peacefully.  Some babies are born, are the population is up to 193.

Save Snealtunnels year 257

Fleeting Frames

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon
« Reply #354 on: December 28, 2016, 10:49:12 am »

Lots of traps. How's the FPS?

I imagine the next overseer may make some smoothies, using the finest and freshest dwarves.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon
« Reply #355 on: December 28, 2016, 01:03:13 pm »

Carefulrogue is still alive right? I did PM him
Ô_ quack


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon
« Reply #356 on: December 28, 2016, 11:03:56 pm »

Am alive.  Hoping I can say the same for my FPS.  Will take a look on the weekend (hopefully.)
I never thought genocide would look so cute. . .
No reason someone can be dorfed only once. An entire army of Carefulrogue! All in one coffin, it seems.
"Guys if you say 'oops sorry' afterwards it's not a war crime, right?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon
« Reply #357 on: December 30, 2016, 10:59:30 pm »

My FPS is terrible was able to get this stuff though. 

1st Granite, 257
Well, all things considered, I should be glad with what I have.  Personal palace, ensured control that power will cycle back into my hands (okay, only partly,) and I’ve had plenty of time to practice swordsmanship. 

It’s just, it feels like the storm is on the horizon.  Some hell, some terror, is weighting to break.  And I’m in command now.  Not a great feeling, especially when my name will be put on the record of history if I slip ever so slightly. 

3rd Granite, 257
I really wish my gut wasn’t so right.  Ambush.  Four trolls, but who knows what else might be waiting for us.
New count, another group was found sneaking around.  I’d love to know how trolls can sneak.  They’re massive.
New count: Fuck.  Greenskins, everywhere.  We’re pulling back.  We’ll lead them into the traps, and hopefully thin their numbers some. 
Plans have changed three or four times in the last five minutes.  We’re sallying.  Given quite a bit of the force is on the surface, that is where we’ll go to fight the enemy.

4th Granite, 257

Anyone with skill is being drafted.  We don’t have time to contend with personal wishes.

Reports are telling me of a lot of enemies.

Events from the 4th Granite, 257
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Snow stood in a field of destruction.  The Goblin archers, ranged in on the skilled dwarves, carving a bloody arch through the trolls and goblins that dared to engage them.  Two dwarves, in a puddle of their own, and that of many others, lay on the ground. 

Snow glanced up from the death blow he had just struck, wondering where the rest of the military was, as they were not coming from what she could tell.  It had felt like hours had passed.  She knew it was a much shorter span of time, but the exhaustion would sink in, and in they didn’t get help, the lead would kill her, as sure as the beak dog she had killed would have.

From above her, on the rise, she heard a yell, and turned her head in time to see Reynblade charge over the slope and into combat.  She turned her head back in time to carve into a goblin’s head. 

“What took you so long?!” she yelled, while striking at yet another goblin. 

“Northwinds was indecisive!  He thought there was a lot less of the army above ground!”
He cut into a goblin carrying a pike, causing it to howl in pain.

“Well at least he’s coming, right?!” yelled Speciesunknown, blocking a shot with his shield.  He could do little but shield others from injury.

“He better, or I’m gonna kill him myself!” yelled Mea Sanctumea.  She swung her pick and the head of another flew off at a shallow angle with a sickening pop.

Another ally went down, more blood flowing than should normally ever be seen.  An axe-wielding goblin stepped over the corpse, careless about the blood flowing out of his victim's mangled head.

Arcvasti came screaming over the hilltop a minute later, sword swinging, a cat leaping off his shoulder as his feet left the ground as he topped the rise.  He landed, and without stopping drove into the enemy, sword swinging.  “What’d I miss?” he shouted.

To answer his question, the last screams of a scholar died out, from near the watchtower, where a number of goblins had killed him.  Snow could see the goblin extracting the bloody weapon, and had a flashback to the scholar revolt.  She recovered when his pick connected with a goblin’s leg, and drove home as much force as she could muster.

Another dwarf went down, out of her field of vision, and Snow couldn’t turn her head to look this time.  The maceman she was fighting with was more persistent than the others.  It was soon killed, and she moved onto a lasher. 

Many minutes later, the last of the goblins were chased down and killed by the eager militia.  Snow let her shoulders slump, and let out a sigh.  She heard a scream mid way through. 

Like lightning, she turned, and saw-- She saw Sanctume fighting with a handful of other members of the militia.  Her body was covered in her own gore, bloody spilling out of every injury.  And then the hammerdwarf, gave a mighty swing and her head folded in, like the papers the scholars obsessed over.  The Hammerdwarf shakily stood up.

Silence filled the field.  “My gods,” someone said.  The dwarf, the Rakust Ledlenod, for his part only gasped for air.  It was the gasps of someone exhausted, not regretful of action.  Snow was filled with the rage at the death of her ally. 

“Explain yourself!  You just murdered an ally!”

“That,” he gulped down another breath.  “That was no ally.  She had killed one of the macedwarfs.  Why is beyond me, but she lunged at me, next.  Kosoth, you saw.”

The referenced dwarf, uneasily shifted her crossbow around, to what Snow thought was supposed to be a less threatening position.  “Yeah, but I wasn’t paying all that much attention.  I was just trying to hit my targets and not the militia…” She trailed off, uneasily looking at Snow. 

“I brand you Murderer.  Northwinds will hear of this.  Now where in Armok’s name is he!”

5th Granite, 257
Heard today of the death of Sanctume.  The majority of the military was spread from the killing fields to Armok know’s where.  I’ll look into centralizing training more. 

Speciesunknown is handling the death alright, from what I’ve seen of him, but Snow was storming around angry.  The dwarf that killed Sanctume, has been branded Murderer, and that’s all anyone will call him.  Eerie, but not much I can do about it.  I’m not sure what could have been done to stop her, if she had been attacking other dwarves, than the dwarf is in the right.  Nothing I can do about that. 

One hell of a week.

Someone explain images to me.  And yes, this all kicked off right about as soon as I unpaused.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2016, 11:17:21 am by Carefulrogue »
I never thought genocide would look so cute. . .
No reason someone can be dorfed only once. An entire army of Carefulrogue! All in one coffin, it seems.
"Guys if you say 'oops sorry' afterwards it's not a war crime, right?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon
« Reply #358 on: December 31, 2016, 10:53:30 am »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Someone explain images to me.  And yes, this all kicked off right about as soon as I unpaused.

You need to add the file extension to the link. Like

edit: well, there goes sanctume.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2016, 10:57:56 am by onciblu »
Ô_ quack


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sneaktunnels, a CATastrophic dungeon
« Reply #359 on: December 31, 2016, 11:18:05 am »

And everything is fixed.  Thank you Onciblu. 
I never thought genocide would look so cute. . .
No reason someone can be dorfed only once. An entire army of Carefulrogue! All in one coffin, it seems.
"Guys if you say 'oops sorry' afterwards it's not a war crime, right?"
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