(So sorry for the delay!)
And so, in the annals of history, the cove would become known as
Wizard's Landing, though not until much later, for their arrival had occurred in total secrecy.
The cove is surrounded on three sides by cliffs, open to the sea on the
west side. The coast itself runs as far as the eye can see both
north and
"Ominous. Excellent! Time to go."
Time to exit the cove! Check ships hold for transport, animals or otherwise.
The ship holds a cart and two mules of humble appearance yet blessed nature. However, it might be difficult to get them up the cliffs, should you seek to head inland (
east) directly, though undoubtedly there's a shallower ascent somewhere along the coast.
"Arhax, I'm going to have ask you to lead the way, can't keep up the pretence of being a poor blind man if I'm the one setting the pace."
Follow Arhax, trying to see if any people's lie in the direction we're going.
Casting your gaze ahead, you see that there will be farmland relatively soon on any overland path taken from this point.
Familiarize myself with the soul-crew to be able to contact them if needed. Mayhap quickly teach them our language and then get one of them to act as an entourage or spotter for each of our groups.
Then get along with Garalagrulon if he's ok with it.
"We should go where they do not. Chart our way progressively."
Unfortunately, the souls must sail back. Their restored life is only temporary, and the ship must be removed from sight, to preserve the secrecy of your arrival.
Prenastous ((Didn't post at the weekend because I don't have Internet at home. Have some music, for compensation.))
I have to agree with your idea, Garalagrulon. I also hope we do minimal fighting on the travels.
Follow the leader, leader, leader. Of the group I belong. Also keep a keen eye for anything useful: equipment, materials, or any landmark.
You spot a skinny trail of smoke rising in the distance to the
"A scan of the area revealed a few streams and one rather large river not too far away. Where there is water life usually isn't far off. I am fine with traveling in a general direction, but if this proves fruitless perhaps we could consider following one of these?"
Make a quick scan of the deck for an empty bucket I can carry. Then make sure to keep up with Derm and Prenastous.
The finest bucket that was ever crafted of wood by mortal hands is yours.