Squad Innocent lays down a smokescreen.
Cupcake Squad and Squad Biggus Dickus follow them East towards the nearest crossing.
Raven Squad raises their lift with their spotter on top. He sensibly hides behind the gun mantlet while observing the enemy.
0.50 Cal rounds start flying at the elevated platform. [60 skill, -30 difficulty for extreme range, -10 for burst fire]
[11] The enemy machine gunner manages to hit Gabriel Lucas the Spotter with 8 rounds.
69 Left Arm
50 Chest
63 Left Arm
58 Chest
2 Head
12 Head
78 Right Arm
27 Chest
6 0.50 Cal rounds hit a 20mm Gun Mantlet. (AC 100)
They Penetrate, reducing the Mantlet to AC 88 and reducing their own energy to 100.
2 rounds hit Gabriel Lucas in the Head.
They pass through his helmet and deal 66 raw damage to his head.
19 29 49 99 40
62 14 49 3 97
A major artery is broken. Blood gushes from Gabriel Lucas' Neck. (60 dmg/s)
2 rounds hit Gabriel Lucas in the Left Arm for 66 Damage
His left Arm Snaps in Half (-20 str)
He is bleeding from 2 gaping holes in the arm. (-24/s)
1 round hits Gabriel Lucas in the right arm for 33 damage
His Right arm Snaps in Half (-20 str)
A major Artery is ruptured (-30/s)
He is bleeding from a gaping hole in the right arm (-12/s)
3 rounds hit Gabriel Lucas in the chest, passing through his armour and dealing 48 damage.
72 36 12 17 11 1 44 19
9 61 26 49 79 56 16 88
37 51 54 68 46 45 7 27
His Sternum Shatters.
A Major Artery is ruptured (-30/s)
He has a sucking chest wound (-20/s)
His Right Lung is Pulverised
He is bleeding from the inside in at least 3 (more) distinct places. (-36/s)
Total Damage taken: 213+212=425
Artery in Neck is Gushing Blood
Left Arm is snapped
Right arm is snapped
Artery in Right Arm is Gushing
Sternum Shattered
Artery in Chest is bleeding
Chest Cavity Decompressed
Right Lung Pulverised
Bleeding from the inside.
Gabriel Lucas Turns into Chunky Salsa.
Meanwhile the other 3 squads move towards the crossing. The enemy rushes forward to take up positions around the bridge.