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Author Topic: Roll to create a supersoldier! Bloody air resistance  (Read 139011 times)


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Re: Roll to create a supersoldier!
« Reply #15 on: August 14, 2016, 09:34:35 am »

Dr. Strauss reporting for duty.

research intelligence increasing treatments
Don't eat ghosts, that's how we got into this mess to begin with.

Dustan Hache

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Re: Roll to create a supersoldier!
« Reply #16 on: August 14, 2016, 09:48:19 am »

As long as my brain in a jar is returned to a semi human head after he is done messing around, I should be fine.
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Roll to create a supersoldier!
« Reply #17 on: August 14, 2016, 09:51:00 am »

Research technology: induced friendship (in pill form, probably - something like biological imprinting)!

Also, place test subjects in a dojo, have them train together in a variety of streamlined martial arts to prepare them for Phase 2.


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Re: Roll to create a supersoldier!
« Reply #18 on: August 14, 2016, 11:45:30 am »

As long as my brain in a jar is returned to a semi human head after he is done messing around, I should be fine.
I plan on attaching your entire neural net to various systems. It will be much easier if we pull the neural net out of your body first. I suppose i could waste some time on -spoilers- for you though. Enough to satisfy your concern up there.


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Re: Roll to create a supersoldier!
« Reply #19 on: August 14, 2016, 12:29:54 pm »

Is there still room?
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


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Re: Roll to create a supersoldier!
« Reply #20 on: August 14, 2016, 12:43:09 pm »


Doctor OCEAN shall begin researching compound eye replacement.
Get a bunch of tiny, low-quality cameras, mount them on a dome, and hook it all up to a test subject's ocular nerve.
Observe if they die, go mad, or if their neuroplasticity allows them to use it as a compound eye.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2016, 12:51:15 pm by Egan_BW »

Zanzetkuken The Great

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Re: Roll to create a supersoldier!
« Reply #21 on: August 14, 2016, 12:46:43 pm »

Reporting in if spots still available

Quote from: Eric Blank
It's Zanzetkuken The Great. He's a goddamn wizard-dragon. He will make it so, and it will forever be.
Quote from: 2016 Election IRC
<DozebomLolumzalis> you filthy god-damn ninja wizard dragon


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Re: Roll to create a supersoldier!
« Reply #22 on: August 14, 2016, 12:59:14 pm »


Spoiler: Top Seekrit (click to show/hide)
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


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Re: Roll to create a supersoldier!
« Reply #23 on: August 14, 2016, 01:36:18 pm »

Definite PTW, hesitant about joining because I'm not sure I trust myself to remain active after wild mages. Looks really fun, though.


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Re: Roll to create a supersoldier!
« Reply #24 on: August 14, 2016, 09:35:32 pm »

ill join if theres still room.

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Clearly running multiple missions at the same time is a terrible idea.  The epic battle to see which team can cock it up worse has escalated again.

And Larry kinda gets blueballed in all this; just left with a raging bone spear and no where to put it.


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Re: Roll to create a supersoldier!
« Reply #25 on: August 14, 2016, 10:31:59 pm »

Voluntere as supersoldier seeing as I do not beleive there are any more spots for scientists, and besides what better way to come up with ways to improve a design then testing them in the field
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Ravioli Ravioli, the old broad died so now I play a Demon Loli.


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Re: Roll to create a supersoldier!
« Reply #26 on: August 15, 2016, 08:52:24 am »

Frankly I didn't expect this many scientists with questionable work ethics. So I'll limit it to eight, that many I can still probably handle when it comes to final testing. And while The Company is rich and capable, eight expensive scientists will be testing its limit to provide rapidly materials, test subjects and other arcane stuff.

So our scientists will be
  • Demonic Spoon
  • Harry Baldman
  • HugeNerdAndProudOfIt
  • NAV
  • NRDL
  • Ozarck
  • penguinofhonor
  • Sean Mirrsen

There's no telling what happens within next one and half month. People might... disappear, accidents might happen. In case of such unxpected events other geniuses may want to stay in contact with The Company.

I know I said we'll be on softer side of scifi hardness, but most likely we end up swinging between medium and hard, depending on various things. I also believe that hiding rolls is better for games. And for GM. That means I don't have to explain anything.  :)

SECRET TECHNOLOGIES spoilers list your current and lined up research as well as discovered/perfected TECHNOLOGIES. + sign indicates what you are currently doing, and * indicates what is planned or thought up in order of priority. I probably change those around, but for now that's how they are marked. I always assume you want to pour all your focus on single research, but if you want to distribute accross multiple projects, please say so. It slows down individual processes but has small change to make things go faster in overall.

Day 1

Scientist Meshanblov reporting for duty

Begin creating advanced cybernetics that replace entire parts of the subjects body

Advanced cybernetics, huh? Fullbody prosthesis sounds like something fun. Certainly something withing your capacity. Basic layout what is needed for such thing is easily broken down into few basic categories:

First, support structure including joints. There's a plenty of research done on that field. Material studies provide wide array of possible materials for that purpose. Super soldier needs strong bones, so instead of using endoskeleton you may want to focus solely on exoskeleton. Insects for example have made science on the matter for last few millions years, so there's many things you can get inspiration for. It also solves major problem of protection on the same time. Joints are still problematic, but some ballistic materials is probably needed. Or a flexible scale based design? Hmm. This shouldn't take too long. Two or three days perhaps. Self repair systems need to be considered.

Second issue is mobility. Organic muscles are too weak, at least human muscles are. Some apes as you recall, have more dense muscles, but even those will probably be too weak for final product. Hydraulic systems are one option, capable of great strength. Problems with those are leaking and fluid refills. Of course, with basic systems it won't be a problem at all if you do it right. Alternatively pneumatic systems won't have problem with refills, air is readily available basically anywhere on the planet. All it needs is perfected filtering systems and way to make it silent. Fourth path you can take is entirely artificial muscles, simulating their organic counterparts. There's a reason why basically all bigger creatures have muscle based mobility. All you need to do is to take nature's work and make it better. Perfect it. Oh possibilities! So many of them. Anyway, you feel inspiration here. A great idea is waiting to be discovered.

Third is powering it all. A lot depends on what path you take, but electricity is pretty much required. Battery or generator? Or both? Both sounds good. Rely primarily on generator, draw power from batteries when great deal of power is required, and reload batteries during less stressed times. Yes, that sounds good. Power generation is great interest of lesser scientists, so you presume you can quickly study their papers and improve upon their discoveries.

Fourth is life support. Only really important part of volunteering soldier is their brain. It needs oxygen sypply, carbon dioxide and other waste must be filtered, nutrients feed, stable temperature, trauma protection, hormone balance must be carefully monitored and manipulated, perhaps even willingly manipulated by the brain. Control of cybernetic bodyparts must be slaved to the brain, so you also need to interface all systems to the brain, which requires mapping nerve connections. Luckily you have test subjects. Many will expire on this study. This may be the hardest part, you think.

That's it, you think. With basic path lit you can start... Oh but what about modularity?! Swapping parts on fly? That would make your design superiour because it could be easily customized for wide range of purposes and enviroments. With properly sealed connection ports you can produce the All Terrain Super Soldier! Perfect adaptibility! Simply switch best parts for enviroment and your creation will trump all enviroments with ease!

Well, now that you have categorisedy our ideas you start working on armored exoskeleton. You push rest of your ideas in backburner until you know what direction to take with them. Work with exoskeleton start slowly. You read up all work with those done with so far. Not very helpful, because they take a bit different approach than your goal is here. Many blueprints are drawn and archived in the process.

Research technology: induced friendship (in pill form, probably - something like biological imprinting)!

Also, place test subjects in a dojo, have them train together in a variety of streamlined martial arts to prepare them for Phase 2.

Hmm. Induced friendship... Easiest way to go would be simply make them friendly to everyone which is easily archieved by proper hormone cocktail. But isn't that a bot too easy? Directed friendship would be better, but harder to archieve. Perhaps isolate subject from others than the intented friendliness target? No, it simply puts subject under stress and even when properly cheated into position they may already suspect something which will scew results. Hmm, this is a complex matter...

No, you need to study what friendship is, how brain works when it detects someone it considers a friend. Then carefully replicate the reaction to anything you desire and figure out how to make it work on very specific targets. Studying actual imprinting known from animals is a bit problematic, mating season has passed long time ago and youngs are already reaching adulthood. Besides humans are always better to study. Oh well...

Your current stock of test subjects do not have any friends among them, it turns out. And asking The Company to provide their personal information results that they do not have any, but they will provide it as soon as they get it. It already feels like you will end up twirling your thumbs for rest of the day, which simply will not do. Boredom is death of progress! So you decide study how fear works, specific fears in fact. It is much easier to do and you don't need to wait anything. And who knows, it might provide insights on how brain works. After all fear is not too different from friendly feelings!

Now, you get some test subjects, figure out their fears, obtain matching photos and augmented reality props, cut their skull open, jam sensors in and start working. It is quite fantastic to watch what fear does to their brains, you know. Few subjects expire mental trauma too strong and expire in the process. You don't even regret it, their sacrifice is well worth of it. This data is simply fantastic!

As for martial arts training, you realize you are overestimating their ability to learn. While you certainly can learn everything martial arts can teach within two days (even though your body cannot keep up with it), these lesser humans may be able to learn perhaps three moves per day if they spend entire day training. Well, perhaps something good might come out of it. Who knows. Anyway, The Company starts finding trustworthy martial artist to teach your subjects. Kidnapping one will certainly gather attention, so proper employment contract may be better. More of this tomorrow.

When days work is done and you are about to go sleep, you finally receive data about test subjects The Company representative promised. Maybe you work on it tomorrow. Or maybe after you have figured better ways to do brain analysis.

Dr. Strauss reporting for duty.

research intelligence increasing treatments
You can already tell this will be a challenge. What is intelligence in the first place? Well, you can tell answer for that by yourself. Ability to connect points of data rapidly, creativity, logic and fast learning. And how to increase those? A difficult task. And frankly, your test subjects aren't probably the smartest bunch around here. Your lab hands are most likely smarter than them (by small measurable margin), but The Company kinda asked to not make them expire. And using yourself as a test subject is not a good idea, the world might lose something great if you screw up.

Well, non-invasive brain study is probably required for starters and for that you can use all your human resources, including yourself. Bigger batch is better so basically everyone participates. A very simple test methology is created so even those stupid lesser humans can provide something. Everyone is planted on a brain scanner, and you plant yourself into one while devising and solving theoretical problems.

By end of the day you haven't made much of progress. You blame it on your test subjects, because they are so stupid. They can't even begin to compare your massively superious intellect. A massive dissappointment. Maybe you have better ideas tomorrow.


Spoiler: Top Seekrit (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Top Seekrit (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: SECRET TECHNOLOGIES (click to show/hide)

Science Dude In!

((not entirely sure how our actions should be formatted but here goes))

Start experimenting with polymer plastics that are pliable enough to be shaped and moved, and yet resistant to kinetic damage both concentrated and spread out.

Don't worry, we'll figure out best format over time.

Armor worthy plastics? When two armor with equal kinetic protection is lined up, the lighter one will be always chosen. Well, almost always. So there's certainly valuable research to be done. To be able to test wide range of plastics for study you need to produce said plastics in first place. A device that can quickly produce desired polymers is required. Then, you think, a round of raw testing with randomized plastics, followed by analysis of results which will lead to basic understanding of best forms, and work up from there. It might be much of random shooting until pattern starts to emerge. Can't help it, sometimes science is about shooting into the dark and hoping bullet will hit something good.

So, starting with the machine. You spend the day drawing multiple plans for electronics, mechanisms, feeding systems and programs, twenty alternatives of each and finally pick one before settling down for night. Satisfying work, really. Planning is nice. You assume that if everything goes perfectly it will be fully assembled tomorrow. Usually nothing goes perfectly so two days is most reasonable prediction. In worst case three. Either way, its time to rest your brain and gather your strength for next day.

Spoiler: SECRET TECHNOLOGIES (click to show/hide)

Reporting In. I begin my research on total neural interface systems. That is, systems that can connect to and be controlled by the entire neural net of a living being. The intention is primarily on direct interface, without all that nasty meat around the neurons, but an indirect interface would be fine as an intermediate / secondary goal.

Am I doing it right?

Right enough for me.

So a brain in a jar system. Classic. There's nothing wrong with classics, and you make sure your helpers know it. They should listen Bach sometimes. That man was a genius, even if sadly limited to music only. You can of course do better, and in every possible field. First step is to map all nerves in spinal column, separate sensory nerves from control ones, identify individual differences and unify the system. Next developing mechanic and electronic components to connect nerves directly hijacking signals completely, and lastly sustaining the neural system long enough to make if participate a war. Preferrably longer. Simple stuff.

So, first task is mapping nerves. Test subject after another is tied on operation table, stripped, their spinal column carefully exposed, nerves measured and monitored. They complain very loudly about your work ethics, lack of anesthetics, and make false claims about your mother. They are so loud that you need double ear protection with noise cancelling headphones. This of course slows process down considerably, cooperation is important when doing science after all, and their lack of cooperation requires you to rely on secondary observation methods. You manage to figure out lower body for most part, although good number of subjects expire on the operation table. Perhaps using anesthetics should be considered tomorrow, even if it interferes with mapping out sensory nerves. Another day like this and you will most likely fall behind of your competitors.

Spoiler: SECRET TECHNOLOGIES (click to show/hide)

Dr. Ivana Rosecrans reporting in.

I begin researching limb modification, specifically getting people to grow more arms. More legs are tolerable, though.

That's an ambitious project to say. Humans are hardwired for four limbs, and growing extra means major modifications on skeletal, nervous and muscular system. Not to mention humans are notoriously slow to grow. Even if you had right now perfect method for growing new limbs, no one will have anything by time you need to be ready. One and half months is a bitch of limit for slow process of growing biological structures. Therefore you need to massively accelerate growth process. After that is solved you need to figure out means of so called "inline" genetic modification to alter natural default state of human being, then forcible activate your special genes to start limb growth with their associated muscles, nerves, bones and veins. Frankly, you suspect it's better if you harvest limbs from other sources and mechanically implant them on your subjects. Even in that case new nerves and structural changes must be made, but those are surgigal operations and not a much of problem. Bigger problem is to ensure the body adapts to its new state. Rapid healing appears to be prerequisite in any case, so you start with that while pondering if you'll go the hard way or the easy way.

Fastest growing cells in human body are cancer cells so those are good place to start. One of your test subjects happens to have benign cancer by some miracle, so you harvest him for your study. His cancer variant is almost useless for you. It's slow to grow, slow to spread. You get some work done, but so much is still left undone. Like pushing growth rate to unseen heights, have it directed, limited, triggered, and killed on your whim. The Company promises you subjects with very aggressive cancers by tomorrow. You can only hope it helps your work.

I guess I'm going to try and do my own weird thing then. In as... well, myself, I suppose.

Start research on myomers, that is synthetic fibers of great tensile strength that contract significantly under applied electric current.

Spoiler: Note to DM (click to show/hide)

Quite straightforward goal. You don't only need large tensile tolerances, but also preferrably low voltage and current requirements so you won't have problems with shielding and not worry about being detected by an opponent hundred miles away. Nothing less than perfect is enough! This work is largely trial and error based, but it doesn't mean your mighty brain cannot make it easier. It will take a week in worst case, you presume. Hopefully not.

First day doesn't produce anything you desire. At best you can safely outrule certain materials and forms.

Spoiler: Note to player (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: SECRET TECHNOLOGIES (click to show/hide)

Voluntere as supersoldier seeing as I do not beleive there are any more spots for scientists, and besides what better way to come up with ways to improve a design then testing them in the field

Welcome, soldier! We greatly value your sacrifice for the greater good! You are assigned to scientist Meshanblov, who goes by code name Demonic Spoon.

Huh, that took longer than I predicted. Eight players is certainly the maximum I can handle in terms of time it takes.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2016, 09:07:57 am by AoshimaMichio »
I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
Old sigs.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Roll to create a supersoldier!
« Reply #27 on: August 15, 2016, 09:23:01 am »

"The fight-or-flight-or-freeze response is the core of our animal selves, the purest expression of mammalian simplicity. It is here that we begin our exploration of the subtleties of the mind. Our work had many promising results right from its inception. We sought out and found the triple point of response, and from there elaborated the delicate kinetics of neurochemicals that produce each discrete state. The approach was blunt and simple. We were to play chemists, and the brain was to be our reactor of endless violence..."

Head Researcher Curious George, Knuckle Deep In The Mind, A Memoir

The idea here is to create a suggestible state, much like the formative period animal younglings experience, where they find themselves inexorably and instinctively attached to what are ostensibly their mothers.

Look into the possibilities of induced neuroplasticity to help with this - fluoxetine and valproic acid, both of them widely available psychiatric medications, have been shown to renew critical periods. Can the superscience skills and dubious ethics of Curious George help turn this into something more?

If possible, follow up with studying the fear response. Obtain equipment to assay the chemical balance of a soldier's brain under a variety of stimuli.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2016, 09:24:39 am by Harry Baldman »


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Re: Roll to create a supersoldier!
« Reply #28 on: August 15, 2016, 09:24:22 am »

Volunteer as a solider test subject under Sean Mirrsen
My Sig
Fluttershy jumps onto TCM, giving him a hug. "~Yay~"*Player TCM has left the server. Reason: HHHHNNNNNGGGG-

We Madmen are very ingenious.  Sometimes it just takes just a little less sanity to pull off something completely awesome.

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Roll to create a supersoldier!
« Reply #29 on: August 15, 2016, 09:35:49 am »

If I can direct my search, look into artificial (or natural, that will be interesting) spidersilk as source of tensile strength, and any potential shape-memory metals as source of the contracting action.

As my presumably mighty brain continues the battle against physics for the perfect myomer fibers, I assign some of my assistant personnel to more tedious-rather-than-difficult matters.

In particular, sources of specific materials must be secured, in order for later mass-production to be successful. Repeating the Captain America problem, after all, would be a very stupid mistake. A single soldier is not an army.

The required materials are metals and alloys of extreme hardness that would make up the "skeleton" of the soldier, strong flexible materials akin to super-kevlar or "dragonskin" for the basic outer layer, and any existing non-Newtonian materials (i.e. soft but hardening on impact) that any of the world's militaries may have researched for the purposes of advanced body armor, that would be built into the soldier.

If the perfect material for a given purpose cannot be obtained in bulk, if it's classified, not exported to.. whatever country we're working for here, or available only in small quantities because it's experimental, my assistants are to obtain the production process for it by any means, and they have enough lab space to try and recreate it here, so that the project is not limited by supply.

((Really there's just not much else to do if I'm limited to one thing at a time, because almost anything specific to the project would require my personal attention.))
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India
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