Bows vs Guns: Bows have Weapon Triangle Advantage (+15 Hit, +1 Damage) over Guns, and Guns suffer Weapon Triangle Disadvantage (-15 Hit, -1 Damage) against Bows.
Pistols (Pstl): smaller range and lesser impact, but higher Hit rates, moderate QL
Muskets (Mskt): extreme range and higher damage, but impaired Hit rate, low QL
Name Type () RNG MT WT CR Hit QL
Flintlock Pstl (E)1-3 11 7 0 75 32 [Ignores user's STR. Halves enemy DEF for damage calculations]
Handgonne Pstl (E)1-3 9 6 5 75 24 [Ignores user's STR. Halves enemy DEF for damage calculations]
Duelist Pstl (D)1-3 11 10 10 75 16 [Ignores user's STR. Halves enemy DEF for damage calculations. +2 to AS, but not Evasion]
Snaplock Pstl (D)1-3 14 9 0 70 20 [Ignores user's STR. Halves enemy DEF for damage calculations]
Silver Bullet Pstl (C)1-3 13 10 5 65 16 [Ignores user's STR. Halves enemy DEF for damage calculations. 2x damage vs Monsters]
Heartkiller Pstl (C)1-3 14 13 30 60 12 [Ignores user's STR. Halves enemy DEF for damage calculations]
Poisonshot Pstl (B)1-3 13 12 0 60 16 [Ignores user's STR. Halves enemy DEF for damage calculations. Poison on Hit]
Honour Pstl (B)1-3 14 11 10 65 16 [Ignores user's STR. Halves enemy DEF for damage calculations. +2 to AS, but not Evasion]
Goldenshot Pstl (A)1-3 16 11 5 60 12 [Ignores user's STR. Halves enemy DEF for damage calculations. 2x damage vs Undead]
Gandarme Pstl (A)1-3 17 14 0 55 12 [Ignores user's STR. Halves enemy DEF for damage calculations]
Null Bullet Pstl (S)1-3 16 13 5 60 8 [Ignores user's STR. Halves enemy DEF for damage calculations. 2x damage vs Levitation]
Prestige Pstl (S)1-3 17 12 10 60 12 [Ignores user's STR. Halves enemy DEF for damage calculations. +2 to AS, but not Evasion]
Name Type () RNG MT WT CR Hit QL
Firelance Mskt (E)2-4 13 9 0 65 28 [Ignores user's STR. Halves enemy DEF for damage calculations]
Arquebus Mskt (E)2-4 16 12 0 60 20 [Ignores user's STR. Halves enemy DEF for damage calculations]
Drake Mskt (D)2-4 18 13 0 55 20 [Ignores user's STR. Halves enemy DEF for damage calculations]
Longarm Mskt (D)2-5 15 15 5 65 12 [Ignores user's STR. Halves enemy DEF for damage calculations]
Musket Mskt (C)2-4 19 14 0 55 16 [Ignores user's STR. Halves enemy DEF for damage calculations]
Jennisseri Mskt (C)2-4 16 16 10 55 12 [Ignores user's STR. Halves enemy DEF for damage calculations]
Thunderblast Mskt (B)2-4 17 18 0 50 16 [Ignores user's STR. Halves enemy DEF for damage calculations. 2x damage vs Horseback]
Dragon Mskt (B)2-4 20 15 0 50 12 [Ignores user's STR. Halves enemy DEF for damage calculations]
Scattershot Mskt (A)2-4 18 18 0 45 12 [Ignores user's STR. Halves enemy DEF for damage calculations. 2x damage vs Fliers]
Sniper Mskt (A)2-5 19 16 5 55 8 [Ignores user's STR. Halves enemy DEF for damage calculations]
Le Roy Mskt (S)2-4 23 17 0 45 8 [Ignores user's STR. Halves enemy DEF for damage calculations]
Imperiale Mskt (S)2-4 25 20 0 40 8 [Ignores user's STR. Halves enemy DEF for damage calculations]
Cannons (Cann): why did I even make these things?? honestly though just skip these, these are absurd
Name Type () RNG MT WT CR Hit QL
Falconet Cann (C)5-15 26 20 0 45 5 [Ignores user's STR. Halves enemy DEF for damage calculations. Autohits adjacent on miss. 10 splash damage. Can move 1 tile per Turn]
Culverin Cann (B)5-15 34 24 0 40 5 [Ignores user's STR. Halves enemy DEF for damage calculations. Autohits adjacent on miss. 15 splash damage. Can move 1 tile per Turn]
Basilisk Cann (A)5-15 42 28 0 35 5 [Ignores user's STR. Halves enemy DEF for damage calculations. Autohits adjacent on miss. 20 splash damage. Can move 1 tile per Turn]
gun classes:
trainee: Gunner Trainee (E guns)
foot gunner line: arquebusier (C guns) -> musketeer (A guns+swords) & sharpshooter (S guns).
gun cavalry line: pistoleteer (C guns+swords) -> cuirassier (A guns+swords) & dragoon (B guns+swords+axes).
Gunner Trainee
These young hotshots (no pun intended) make the first steps into becoming firearm users. Firearms are heavy and inaccurate, not unlike axes, therefore the youngsters are choosen for the training based on their constitution and good eyesight. Only after years of training, one becomes a true gunner, and by then they preference for firearm of choice will show; either for small and elegant Pistols, or the powerful but heavy Muskets.
Weapon Skill: Guns (E)
Starting Weapon: Handgonne OR Firelance
Preferred Stats: HP, SKL
Promotes to: Arquebusier, Pistoleer
Base stats:
HP 20 STR 2 MAG 0 SKL 5 CON 6 AID 5
The most common choice for the young Gunners is to become Arquebusiers; foot soldiers who specialize in firearms, providing supporting fire while their more melee-oriented comrades engage the enemies in front of them.
Weapon Skill: 1 Gun Subcategory (C), Guns (D)
Starting Weapon: Arquebus
Preferred Stats: HP, SKL
Passive Effect
Thanks to all of the heavy-lifting of their cumbersome firearms, Arquebusiers suffer Attack Speed and Evasion penalties from weapon's Weight only if the penalty reaches -3 or greater.
Promotes From: Gunner Trainee
Promotes To: Musketeer, Sharpshooter
Item Required: Gunner's Pin
Base stats:
HP 23 STR 2 MAG 0 SKL 8 CON 9 AID 8
Promotion bonuses:
HP +3 STR +0 MAG +0 SKL +3 CON +3 AID +3
LCK +0 DEF +0 RES +0 SPD +1 MOV 5
Sometimes the young Gunner does not suit the exact profile of a tough-as-nails, heavy-set Arquebusier. However, their accuracy with the gun is still noted, and their smaller frame points a preference for not only pistols but other lighter weapons, like swords, and in general, swiftness over endurance. Given a horse, these Pistoleteers can easily employ skirmishing tactics, running up to enemy line to wreak havoc and then quickly retreating.
Weapon Skill: 1 Gun Subcategory (C), 1 Sword Subcategory (C), Guns (D), Swords (D)
Starting Weapon: Flintlock or Iron Sword
Preferred Stats: SKL, SPD
Special: Horseback, Dismount
Passive Effect
If the Pistoleteer is wielding a Sword and is attacked with a Lance weapon (thus suffering Weapon Triangle Disadvantage), they can quickly switch to their gun and counter with it instead. This works only with Pistol subcategory of Guns, however.
Promotes From: Gunner Trainee
Promotes To: Cuirassier, Dragoon
Item Required: Gunner's Pin
Base stats:
HP 21 STR 3 MAG 0 SKL 8 CON 8 AID 7
Promotion bonuses:
HP +1 STR +1 MAG +0 SKL +3 CON +2 AID +2
LCK +0 DEF +0 RES +0 SPD +3 MOV 5
Often rank-and-file soldiers, Musketeers have learned that versality on the battlefield is a must, and therefore have widened their training regime to include fighting with swords.
Weapon Skill: 1 Gun Subcategory (A), 1 Sword Subcategory (A), Guns (C), Swords (C)
Preferred Stats: STR, SKL
Passive Effect
Musketeers receive Hit bonus for their Guns equal to their STR.
Promotes From: Arquebusier
Item Required: Gunner's Pin
Promotion bonuses:
HP +2 STR +3 MAG +0 SKL +3 CON +4 AID +4
LCK +0 DEF +1 RES +0 SPD +1 MOV 6
Sharpshooters are masters of gun use. They're often sent to take a deeply hidden position from which they will pick off their enemies, who often will not be able to even notice the sharpshooter till after several shots. Not only Sharpshooters are firearm masters, but they are able to shoot at greater distances than other gun users. Their only apparent weakness is their fragility, as they often trade loud, metallic armor for tight-fitting clothes, and rely on their agility and surroundings to provide them protection from attacks.
Weapon Skill: 1 Gun Subcategory (S), Guns (B)
Preferred Stats: SKL, LCK
Special: Critical Eye
The Gun Phantom:
Passive Effect
Sharpshooter that ends his/her move on a Forest, Thick Forest or a Hill becomes invisible (is hidden on the map and thus untargetable for ranged weapons) until an enemy unit moves adjacent to them. The direction from which Sharpshooter attacks will be indicated to the enemies. Also, when on Forest, Thick Forest or Hill Terrain, Sharpshooters gain +1 to their maximum Range.
Promotes From: Arquebusier
Item Required: Gunner's Pin
Promotion bonuses:
HP +1 STR +0 MAG +0 SKL +4 CON +3 AID +3
LCK +4 DEF +0 RES +0 SPD +2 MOV 6
The romantic and honorable cavalier, using both guns and swords and light armor, charging into the fray to break enemy lines; this description pops in the people's minds when asked what a Cuirassier is. And the Cuirassiers are often doing just that, performing deadly charges into enemy ranks to send them flying. Thanks to these charges, the Cuirassiers can forego the usual dedication to accuracy and instead concentrate on other useful attributes, like strength and speed.
Weapon Skill: 1 Gun Subcategory (A), 1 Sword Subcategory (A), Guns (C), Swords (C)
Preferred Stats: STR, SPD
Special: Horseback, Dismount
Cavalry Charge:
Passive Effect
+2 Hit and Crit for 1 Tile traversed before attacking. This bonus resets after the attack. Furthermore, after the attack, Cuirassiers gain +2 MOV till the end of their Turn.
Promotes From: Pistoleer
Item Required: Gunner's Pin
Promotion bonuses:
HP +2 STR +2 MAG +0 SKL +1 CON +3 AID +3
LCK +0 DEF +2 RES +1 SPD +3 MOV 6
Dragoons are often imagined as lowly, do-it-all soldiers on slow horses, but to think so would be a mistake. They trade specialization for versatility; their horses are slower but sturdier and more used to navigate on difficult terrain, and use of guns, swords and axes allows the Dragoon to quickly adapt and gain advantage against many types of foes that they might encounter on battlefield.
Weapon Skill: 1 Gun Subcategory (B), 1 Sword Subcategory (B), 1 Axe Subcategory (B), Guns (C), Swords (C), Axes (C)
Preferred Stats: HP, STR
Special: Horseback, Dismount
Sturdy Little Pony:
Passive Effect
Dragoons gain only +1 MOV from Horseback, but they also use Movement Costs of non-Horseback units (so a Dragoon wishing to enter a Forest uses only 2 MOV instead of 3). This means that they can also enter Thick Forests while on Horseback.
Promotes From: Pistoleteer
Item Required: Gunner's Pin
Promotion bonuses:
HP +3 STR +3 MAG +0 SKL +1 CON +4 AID +4
LCK +0 DEF +2 RES +0 SPD +1 MOV 6
A large coastal republic, bordering the Warm Waters to the east. It is a wealthy (with fishing and metal industries providing most of wealth) and strong nation (albeit it relies on western mercenaries more often than its own armies). Its only neighbours are the Kingdom of Alzace to the north-west and city-state of Cavalien to the south-west. It is also the second and last of the nations where the worship of the Sea King has stronger roots than the Thunderlord.
A long-lasting Kingdom that saw the fall of the Lomaian Empire five hundred years ago. It has two important cities; the seat of the Royal Family, the Capital of Berion, and the Holy City of Perieux, where The Cult of the Thunderlord has its headquarters. The Kingdom's northernly location and its size means it has numerous neighbours, with whom it often warred in the past: The Republic of Doria (southeast), Grand Duchy of Corrada (south), as well as the City-States of Nisea, Turion and Valeria (south, south-west, west-south-west, respectively).
The Grand Duchy was once a part of the Kingdom of Alzace, but the Nine Years' War saw the southern lands secede under the skillful leadership of Duke Alfred and his wife-general, Lady Amalia, known better as 'The Queen of the Battlefield'; it was also the first war in which the firearms and cannons played a pivotal role. Grand Duchy relies as much on the firearms as on its elite cavalry, which itself stems from the long tradition of Knightly Orders that kept Alzace's, and then Corrada's, unruly neighbours at bay.
The City-States were once provincial capitals of the Lomaion Empire, before the internal strife and the empowerement of the local Dukes torn apart the once mighty empire. The City-States then went in different ways, but kept the governing systems and the population adheres to the Elementalist Way. Some City-states, between the Fall of Lomaion and current times were absorbed by their neighbours. The ones that currently remain are:
Cavalien: the only City-State on the shores of the Warm Waters, Cavalien has a large percentage of Sea King's worshippers. It is also one of the largest suppliers of military-grade steel in the region.
Nisea: It was the alchemists of City-State of Nisea who first discovered the explosive properties of the black powder. It took them thirty more years before they developed the first cannons, and another twenty to develop hand-held firearms. Everyone thought of these inventions as cumbersome and without future, but it took only a generation and the tactical victories of the founders of Grand Duchy of Corrada to prove everyone that firearms are indeed fearsome weapons with a future.
Turion: the decrepit centre of the Elementalist Way, the religious order of Anima mages that once formed an important part of Lomaion culture. The power of the Elementalists waned as the Thunderlord's cult gained strength, and their theological debates further pushed the '3+1' magic balance into obscurity. Elementalists of Turion are the only ones who call themselves that; all others firmly use 'Anima' as name for their school of magic.
Valeria: a powerful city-state that adopted firearm usage right after the Corrada, and in just span of thirty years managed to gobble up two other city-states and even take over parts of the Alzace's south-western borders.
You start as First Classes, which are then leveled up to Level 10, and then Promoted. I need to check all 4 Promoted Gun Classes, and then there are extra 4 slot for other units.
You also get 2 Weapons, one rank E, the other anything from rank E to rank C. Your characters will also start with a full Vulnerary.
Plot: This is testgame so no plot per se; you will be escorting a princess thru valley full of baddies to a fort full of allies.