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Author Topic: Omega Legion: The Road Goes Ever On  (Read 69907 times)


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Re: Omega Legion: The Road Goes Ever On
« Reply #375 on: September 15, 2016, 04:45:13 pm »

"No, more someone trying to track down a rogue creation of a tinkeror. Think you kindly let me go and such? I am scouting up ahead for my group. We're called the omega legion, heard of 'em?
Kindly correct him, if he doesn't start kicking and yell for help.
"Omega ... Omega ... Omega. Sounds familiar. isn't that where they put all the undesirables?

 So ... that still doesn't mean you're not a bandit.

Kinda a sorry sort for a bandit though, but then what do I know?

You hang tight here, fella. JIm! Jim! What's all that commotion over there? more bandits?"

On receiving his answer, you are led over to the other two.

I ask ye thrice and done. I. Land. At. Destruction. Start/End. Points. And. Look. Around. For. A. Trigger.
((somehow that part of my action the past two turns has been skipped each time.))
The information about the two destructobots being different mattered a lot and changed not only my current turn's action but last turn's as well. I need the same destruction pattern information about the smaller one, acquired from the scouting of two turns ago, and my action of both last and this turn needs to be to beeline for the machinist's camp. whilst overflying the destruction backtrail of the bots, splitting the difference between them to keep them both in sight, but if they stray too far from the trail to the machinist's, then I'll not worry about it and just go there, letting the trails leave my field of view.
If I find a true origin point for the bots destruction while I backtrail them, that IS worth stopping to investigate. most other things, like extra bot destruction trails, I'll just note as I pass without further investigation at this time.
At this point I also should have gotten sufficient data to guess about the trigger or lack of one, and wouldn't be landing at destruction start/end points.

Upon reaching the machinist's camp I circle it, making general observations, and specifically noting botdestruction origin points, any living activity, any active bots on site, level of destruction the place has incurred upon itself, and ESPECIALLY any machines assembling other machines.

((current working theory: smart AI development gone wrong. the bots are just products of it experimenting and learning how to make bots. it has gone out of control and the machinists dont know how to stop it or are unwilling to comprimise the experiment by influencing its learning pattern, thinking the loosed destructobots are an acceptable, neigh-inevitable, side effect of letting the AI learn.))
Perhaps I was unclear, but I did respond each time to your "land at the start and stop points." First time, you said to find out if it was 'continuous or intermittent."  I declared it "intermittent, but ongoing," by which I meant that, you know, it starts and stops, but picks up after a while every time.

Second time, you asked if the intervals were uniform, as if it might be a timed destruction, or if there were any noticable triggers - this was my response to that specifically:
Let's see. there is no noticeable pattern, in terms of length between start and stop points of the destruction. The thing just seems to start breaking stuff every now and then.

The smaller of the two - the one that passed through the village - is the one that starts and stops destroying. The destruction appears to start and stop randomly, though clearings and changes in terrain seem to have start and stop points more often than not. I can't give much more information than that, as I did roll for it both rounds. You couldn't even find something that could be called footprints for the smaller one. As for destruction type - slashing and bludgeoning, as well as broken branches and leaves and stuff, as if a relatively large, otherwise normal, animal passed through. The smaller one is probably no larger than a small bear.

The larger one has the continuous trail of destruction - the long sinuous tracks. It looks like it basically smashes through shit to get to wherever it is going, and burns shit in it's way. I did roll for how much you discovered as you went.

This round - thrice you ask? I am obligated then. You find no trigger, except that things are in the way of where these things are going. Where is it they are going? They look to have no planned direction - taking the easiest route available to them, unless something unusual happens, like when they passed through the village - there, evasion and escape maneuvers are more readily apparent, whereas otherwise, they seem to simply be going, directionless wanderers who mean no harm but cause much. They are clearly mechanical in nature (we knew this already), and seem to operate under their own power. How, or if, they refuel, is not evident from their paths. Let's see ... They are also to targeting humans or other sapients. In fact, at one point, the larger one rolls alongside a stone wall for a time, before crossing it at a gap, carefully skirting around a farmhouse, and trundling off down a broad valley, where it plows a bridge across a shallow stream before moving on, skirting a tree full of fairies and Awakened Squirrels.

It is done. that's all you learn before reaching the Mechanists' Colony.

Okay, this turn, you will make a discovery that you stop for, but will not be able to do the circle of the Mechanists' Colony til next urn. Distances and all.
You discover what appears to be a start point for the destruction. there could be more beyond, but this point is different than the others. There is a small canyon with signs of civilization in it. One end of the canyon - the further end (toward the Machinist's colony) is filled with a slope of rubble, from the southern cliff which overlooks the ravine. You circle this ravine from on high for a time before swooping in closer, on the lookout for some marksman who dislikes birds. None are evident - no sapient being is evident. But as you approach the ravine from just above the cliffs, you notice signs of logging, signs of transportation of materials, and signs of construction.  Some odd structures have been partially built and abandoned. various wheel marks, tread marks, and regular holes in the ground (as from something walking on stilts) criss-cross the area. upon approaching the rockslide, you notice what looks to be a scrapyard - ruined bits of machinery and mechanicals lay in heaps.

If I've missed anything, I'll post a miniturn tonight for you.

The Eye starts to scry to the Baron's camp, homing in on Dar's commstone.
You find Dar, Fifteen other Sapients, and half a dozen horses. Ofhte sapients, eight of them are servant typse, one is the aforementioned vaselike creature, and the one in dark green is the Baron. He is balding, but he wears it well, and has a nice mustache and goatee that accentuates his long, pointed nose and sharp chin.

((Oh goody, you're already on that. :D  I suppose I might as well do the RP anyway.))

"Eye?  This one requires assistance.  It does not know Baron.  Twolegs all have same look."

Request assistance from the Eye.  If it assists, attempt to stealthily eavesdrop on whoever it says is the Baron.  If the Eye does not assist, or fails or something, just eavesdrop on whichever one of those three is most convenient to eavesdrop on.
The Baron, so identified, is talking with a count Vochu about their planned hunt for the next day. seems they are deciding whether stag, pheasant, or a more dangerous prey are best for the day. He does not once while you are listening this round mention the Mechanists, the destruction, or the army he has built.

Noir smells herself casually and and.....perhaps See's if she feel her dad's presence right now.
Maybe she feels a little something ... anger,? arrogant hostility? Cool indifference? A thirst for the lifeblood of all living beings? She can almost put her finger on it, but not quite.

"Well, my mates. We don't decide for ourselves when we are called inta action. We have ta listen to a higher chain of commands, ya see. If ya have any complaints about timing and whatnot, ya can always send a formal letter of complaint to our higher ups. Now, either we help ya or ya decide ya don't want our help and we continue our epic quest to robotic kick-assery solo... well not solo but at least without your help. There is absolutely no reason for violence. No reason for hate, fear or any other negative emotions that might be racing through ya head. Now please lower the pointy things."

Try to calm them down by saying the above.
I am flabbergasted at how reasonable you lot have been for three solid turns in a row. And, as luck would have it, the collective coolness of our intrepid heroes overcomes their natural tendency toward inciting of mobs. Farming implements are lowered, spiderdogs are checked, and redtoothed chickens are shooed away.

"Look, we don't want no trouble. Y'all caught us by surprise, wandering in like that. We don't get too many visitors out this way, see? And yer not exactly ... ahem ... not from around these parts, I should say."

"they're ugly, poppa"

"Hush, you! get out of here you brat! Let the grown ups talk! "
"Ah, where was I? Oh, you wanted information. see ,thing is, we did have something come through here bout three days ago - you see the mess it made. Like a big metal spider, or a crab or something. It dug a trench right throug hthe alfalfa - won't get no produce outta that lot. then it made for the houses, and we had a hell of a time chasining it out. thankfully no one was hurt. it went off yonder, then, see?" He points in the direction the destruction goes into the woods acoss the road.

"think we got it a bit. Broke one of it's legs or something. Yo ucan see it spilled some blood. Green blood. or whatever that is."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion: The Road Goes Ever On
« Reply #376 on: September 15, 2016, 05:04:47 pm »

Noir....upon feeling quite a few conflicting emotions.... her ears droop and her tail goes limp and her wings twitch.....a frown coming to her face and in a....guilty sounding tone.
"....Eye...I think my dad is not very happy....I feel bad."
((I just facepalmed so hard I have a concussion))
Rip Abigail South Death by Drop pod my avatar is now morbid.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion: The Road Goes Ever On
« Reply #377 on: September 15, 2016, 05:20:57 pm »

Continue to hide within listening range of the Baron, making sure the commstone is listening in (if that's even a thing Dar can control).

I guess Dar'll be continuing to do this until something happens.  A cat can lazily lay and watch for many hours.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion: The Road Goes Ever On
« Reply #378 on: September 15, 2016, 06:22:56 pm »

Our miscommunication was you were combining separate questions. I was looking for triggers AND comparing lengths, not looking for triggers LIKE lengths. then I got frustrated when only one question was answered, and you still hadn't answered if there were triggers based on the environment or other new input. Your last response finally answered that though.

Action: to the machinist colony, no miniturn required. I am curious about this location but think ive learned all I will easilly learn from it. Best to talk to the machinists now.
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion: The Road Goes Ever On
« Reply #379 on: September 15, 2016, 08:04:13 pm »

"Less so bad people, more misfits and things best hidden away. B'sides I joined voluntarily, do a bit of good, better then banditry and theiving. Got me a nice place, a good bed, food in m'stomache and drinks to keep me going. Now see any mechanical creatures anywhere near here? Important really. And please don't kill me, I got loved ones to to go back to."
say above
« Last Edit: September 17, 2016, 09:53:47 am by spazyak »
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Ravioli Ravioli, the old broad died so now I play a Demon Loli.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion: The Road Goes Ever On
« Reply #380 on: September 16, 2016, 03:26:53 pm »

((Well actually, Samuel has been very reasonable this entire game, I think.))
I ask to see the "blood" and leg, I inspect it, try to learn from it and show it at Terrance.
"Ha, Terrance. You are a smart land octopus. What do ya think of this?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion: The Road Goes Ever On
« Reply #381 on: September 16, 2016, 07:10:30 pm »


Terrance will examine the severed leg, using its farseeing abilities to gain a better mental image of our adversary. It will then say the following to the villagers:



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion: The Road Goes Ever On
« Reply #382 on: September 17, 2016, 12:55:32 am »

"I meant what do ya think of the leg."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion: The Road Goes Ever On
« Reply #383 on: September 17, 2016, 09:51:06 am »

The Eye seems to be idling.
It's focusing on listening to and seeing the Baron.

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


  • Bay Watcher
  • DiceBane
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Re: Omega Legion: The Road Goes Ever On
« Reply #384 on: September 18, 2016, 01:08:22 pm »

Continue to hide within listening range of the Baron, making sure the commstone is listening in (if that's even a thing Dar can control).

I guess Dar'll be continuing to do this until something happens.  A cat can lazily lay and watch for many hours.

The Eye seems to be idling.
It's focusing on listening to and seeing the Baron.

After a time, someone does mention the mechanoids. They are referred to as a "growing threat,' and "troubling." One of the nobles laughs them off as a small problem for the villagers, but the baron declares, "my duty is to my people. I cannot let this go. One suffers, we all suffer." he says it without heat, and the reaction of the others is one of studied patience, though one or two nod in apparent agreement.

"Less so bad people, more misfits and things best hidden away. B'sides I joined voluntarily, do a bit of good, better then banditry and theiving. Got me a nice place, a good bed, food in m'stomache and drinks to keep me going. Now see any mechanical creatures anywhere near here? Important really. And please don't kill me, I got loved ones to to go back to."
say above
They've placed you with the others, and pointed out the path of destruction. At this they start telling you in detail what happened. Seems the mechanoid is all brass and tubes and glass lenses, with white smoke piping out of a chimney tube on top at irregular intervals. it has six jointed legs with pinchers at the ends, and it is the size of a large deer. it has a jointed body with four segments, several gripping appendages in addition to the six legs, and some lights of various colors. It seems able to climb vertically with little difficulty, but has trouble navigating around obstacles, as if it can't really see them sometimes.

((Well actually, Samuel has been very reasonable this entire game, I think.))
I ask to see the "blood" and leg, I inspect it, try to learn from it and show it at Terrance.
"Ha, Terrance. You are a smart land octopus. What do ya think of this?"
the blood is a viscous brown, with a strange mix of light green. the two seem to not mix, but nor do they separate like oil and water would. The leg is about four feet in total, though it bends back on itself and you can't ever seem to get it to straighten out completely. it is brass, with tubes and pipes running along it, and rubber flanges at the joints. There is evidence of the blood inside the leg. Curiously, it is not in the tubes or pipes, but inside the exoskeletal brass casing. It's purpose eludes you.


Terrance will examine the severed leg, using its farseeing abilities to gain a better mental image of our adversary. It will then say the following to the villagers:

The end of the leg looks mangled, like it was twisted and smashed off.

a sort of cross between these:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

((man i love googling steampunk. On a related note, "clockwork centipede" yields results from two different, and rather disturbing, traditions: clockwork orange and the human centipede. Much less steampunk and much less mechanical. much more dystopian and insane. A study in dark human psychology.))

"Well, we was all hitting it with whatever we had, weren't we? Hoes, shovels, scythes. blunted a few right good, you know? course, hitting metal with farming implements isn't the smartest thing, but ya gotta do, ya feel?"

Our miscommunication was you were combining separate questions. I was looking for triggers AND comparing lengths, not looking for triggers LIKE lengths. then I got frustrated when only one question was answered, and you still hadn't answered if there were triggers based on the environment or other new input. Your last response finally answered that though.

Action: to the machinist colony, no miniturn required. I am curious about this location but think ive learned all I will easilly learn from it. Best to talk to the machinists now.

the macinists' colony is a sprawling complex, centered on what appears to be a factory embedded in a large strip mine. there is a three story, whitewashed building not far from the massive factory complex, with a strip of clear land all around and double doors in three of it's sides, the fourth facing an enclosed courtyard full of greenery. The whole complex is inside a rocky, hilly region. Steep slopes cut off sight from one section of the colony and another. a broad valley is used, as such thing s are usually used, as a farm. Brass pipes and colorful tubing run along neat rows and stilted machines, like daddy long legs, walk above the rows, occasionally lowering their small bodies to a plant for a time before moving on. smoke and steam come out of various chimneys, both in what looks like a couple of residential valleys, and what looks like the industrial complex. Watch towers are placed on strategic hills.

The complex is practically bustling with activity, whether the machines mentioned before, or various gnomes, trolls, crystallines, and winged sapients moving about, or small furry things like tribbles, darting from place to place in large groups. the tribblelike things move like horizontal avalanches, bubbling up over themselves and crashing down in whatever direction they are going, with the occasional straggler falling behind until the mass slows to a near stop before moving along again. They seem to ignore paths, structures, and other obstacles and go where they will. Most sapients seem to ignore them, wading through the tide as if it were light fog, though some of the smaller ones stand still, or climb up on something until the flow passes. Some of the smaller sapients seem to avoid the issue by riding on what look like flatbed trucks with legs instead of wheels.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion: The Road Goes Ever On
« Reply #385 on: September 18, 2016, 02:33:45 pm »

That's a lot of people...
daunted, I pause for a moment, trying to decide what to do. I'm intimidated by the place. I had expected a small colony of 20-50 people, not several hundred. This is a bit much, and I'm trying to think of a way to properly handle this that doesnt involve exposing myself to all these people.
But I have to speak to someone in a position of authority to make sure they arent making more of those things. To do that, I need to establish my own authority, and to do that, I need to publicly announce that I'm here for Omega.
Is... Is there another way?
I mean, maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. The goal was to get one, not all, and the machinist colony is supposed to be a group stop. maybe I messed up by even coming here?
Yeah... yeah, thats totally a legitimate excuse! Im not running from the crowd, I'm just... oh darn it all, thats a half-truth at best.
okay, okay, my goal in coming here was to check if they were still here and had their infastructure intact. they are and do. in this case, I was going to speak with them and ask them to rein in their bots. so... thats what I need to do.
So DO IT already!

I... I land outside the entrance, I shift into my normal form, and... I.. I take a few deep breaths, tell myself to stop dawdling, and open my eyes, intentionally sparking a little anger in myself to control my nervousness, and Step, On, Inside.
"Hey! Sir! I need to talk to whoever is responsible for the bots wrecking the nearby landscape! They're causing enough damage the locals are considering forming a small army just to attack this place and stop it! Lead me either to the person responsible or someone in authority around here because this shit needs to stop here and now!"
I'm so out of my depth right now! So many people, so much unfamiliar machinery. Nobody to come save me if they get mad at me. This could go so very badly...
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion: The Road Goes Ever On
« Reply #386 on: September 18, 2016, 03:42:28 pm »

"HMMM. YES, I... 'FEEL'.


Try to convince those listening to join us in hunting the spider. Use my empathic magic to gauge the emotions of the crowd, and push the whole "your children will die" angle if they aren't sufficiently scared.


  • Bay Watcher
  • DiceBane
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Re: Omega Legion: The Road Goes Ever On
« Reply #387 on: September 18, 2016, 04:44:04 pm »

((psst. Lenglon. is Aylia landing outside the entrance to the compound? I forget, what equipment does she carry while in raven form?))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion: The Road Goes Ever On
« Reply #388 on: September 18, 2016, 04:57:28 pm »

"...Eye?  Does Baron speak enough?  Halfdragon talk now, or listen longer?"

Ask the Eye the above.  If he says Noir should talk: attempt to stealthily drop the commstone somewhere near the baron, so that Noir can shout through it.  If there's no visible way to drop the stone stealthily, cast a strong leg buff and (if it succeeds) brazenly march out in front of the Baron to drop the stone.

If the Eye says to listen more, or return to it and Noir, do so.

If the Eye says nothing, make an int check to figure out what to do.


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Re: Omega Legion: The Road Goes Ever On
« Reply #389 on: September 18, 2016, 06:21:59 pm »

"So, how the hell do we disable this thing?"
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Ravioli Ravioli, the old broad died so now I play a Demon Loli.
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