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Author Topic: Deathgame - A Very Insignificant Fort - LNP 42.06  (Read 71547 times)

Fleeting Frames

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Re: Deathgame - A Dying Succession Fort With a Twist - LNP 42.06
« Reply #150 on: September 03, 2016, 04:36:38 am »

Alright, I suppose my rage is mostly gone. (Still, losing to crashes is so not fun.) Bit difficult to do; this would be much easier if Sanctume was likely to be angry or overbearing.)

Oh yeah, since I set the surface on fire, I closed the entrance maze bridge with bridge deconstruction toggle on the òverseer right south of it, lest migrants walk straight into fire. Might want to construct-toggle the south bridge of the west twin-loop system when it is safe to enter.


As a rule, repeating task uses workflow (expect, say, crowns on repeat - might want to stop that) (needs to be enabled) (Here's the quick image)

Few inscrutable notes particular:

Kitchen has 2 Prepare Lavish Meal R

1 is any solid + 3 dwarven syrups

2 is solid glob, egg, and meat.

Mill is set to mill dye and flour on two separate jobs.

Winter 502

"Eh, got enough furniture anyway", says Onciblu, looks curiously at the minecart with stones going up, and goes to pray to Ral the Gem of Treasure.

Milling about the crowds, he runs into Sanctume.

"Hey, manager. Not much to do?"

"Honestly, no. With thousands of drinks around and piecemeal production, there is little that I can do or control. Growing restless, to be honest. You done with all the chairs and tables? "

"Hm? No, I just ran out of stones." shakes Onciblu her head. "Don't like having to have to produce them anyway. Though that is a curious shape of the track they've laid"

"Now, now, friend. You know we need at least 20 of each. How about you produce some more?"

"Honestly, friend, I do dislike the way you pester everyone to make stuff in your manager role when there isn't stuff. Brings tears to my eyes" says the broker with puppy dog eyes.

"Aye" says Sanctume, and laughs.

"But what if I pestered only when you could actually produce those things?"

"That sounds better. Hm, doesn't Minkot or Rovod have agreement like that with Morul?"

"Yeah, they do. I got to say, while I do like carrying my own drinks, having to replace clothes leaves me bereft of jewellery like you bear."

"Aw. Us nobles got to wear purple, though. I'll get Monom to ask Zasit to go produce some. She can deal with him better. "

"What? Can't you see I'm busy ensuring your safety?" asks he tersely.

"That is important. Do that first! " enthusiastically agrees Monom Pagedduty and sits down watching.

"Hold on, did you actually have anything for me to do when I'm done?"

"Yeah. After this, can you please create some purple crowns for nobility? So that everyone knows they're nobles?"

"I suppose I could indeed. But that won't get you out of this uniform!" shakes Zasit his hand, ⛭mail shirt⛭ in hand.

"I love this uniform!" grabs Monom it and hugs Zasit. "Hold on, let me put it on right here."

Zasit stares, then interrupts. "Anyway, if I've got to make crowns, I want to be free to wear one. "

Monom pauses unbuckling her clasp and looks at Zasit with raised eyebrow.
"Thought you care particularly for art."

"No, but I want to be free to make the decision." says Zasit, crossing his arms.

"Oh, Zasit! Well, I'll do my best to keep you free of uniform restrictions." expresses Monom.

"Hah, with my mining skill-"

"And out of mining, as well. No going far away to Dangerous terrain for our armorer, after what happened to my squadmate Erith. "

Zasit actually looks surprised at that. "...Thanks. How many crowns you want?"

"Just two masterpieces." says Monom.

"I'll produce that. And then keep producing them forever!" threatens Zasit with a grin.

"Produce however many you want, you silly" sticks Monom her tongue out and walks away, putting on the ⛭adamantine mail shirt⛭.

"Zasit agreed!" reports Monom to Sanctume.

"Nice mail shirt." eyes she appreciatively. "Kinda want it myself.
Now just to get someone to encrust them. Hm, Morul does have some experience in that...."


"I'm working!" yells Morul Flashsilvers, closing the door on carpentry.

"Okay, but how much are you working?" asks Sanctume

"Until we have 100 best beds for everyone!" yells Morul.

"You won't have time to make that, Morul."

"I have enough logs! All mine, forbidden from any use, hauled with carts I made myself!"

(Oops. Well, she went on a prayer, so the QSP filled some wood anyway, but might want to dbc the wood pile next to carpentry)

"I won't give up. Unless it is carpentry, go ask someone else."

"Well, it'd be great if you kept around ten cages in stock or so. "


Sanctume walks away, and Onciblu goes to ask. "So, Morul still stubborn?"

"Yeah. Though, she reminded me of something."

"Hm, who else works with gems...Medtob Érithurist? Going to ask him?"

"Yeah, but I got to visit Asmel first. Walk with me." gestures Sanctume.

"With magma forges online, what use could she possibly have?"

"Steel still requires coal, but this isn't about forges." says Sanctume, walking over to the archery range. "Hey, Ral L! Paintedchanted!"

Rovod notices, keeps shooting till quiver is empty, then turns to Sanctume. "He's not here. You probably don't know, but he's got his own little humble place deep south in earth for processing."

"Should I know that?" asks Sanctume.

"Eh, I trust you." smiles Rovod. "Though, you should work a bit more."


(Ral didn't get in the picture)

Onciblu runs after, catches on, catches up to Sanctume...

"Yes? I'm practising clothesmaking to defend this fortress." says Ral L.

"Going to cleanse yourself physically and mentally afterwards, right?" ...and runs on ahead.

"Indeed. Your point being? " raises Ral L his eyebrow.

"That probably uses up soap. Can you make some?" asks Onciblu without pause.

At that, Sanctume frowns, and pushes him aside: "Stop helping". Ral L watches, and mentions "I don't think you traded soap away, Onciblu, and I think Rovod outranks you. "

Sanctume interjects: "You don't need to make anything right now. But if any soap is used up, can you to bring our stocks back up to their current state? Asking as a manager, of course."

At that, Ral L shrugs: "Yeah, I hope that won't be necessary, but always willing to help. Of course, I'll need lye and tallow."

"I'll ask Asmel to ensure those, going to visit him anyway. Anything you want here?" questions Sanctume.

"I miss my friends and family. It's a long enough walk back up that I got my own hovel, here. "

"Well, we can ask them, but can't promise they'll come." says Sanctume.

"I'd love to craft a masterpiece, then. I'm great at soaping, good at extraction, decent shot...If you can provide something for me, I'm sure I'll find a way to repay you." offers Ral L.

"Hm, like what?" says Onciblu.

"Sanctume, you are a brewer, and we're in temperate climate. Can you make me some persimmon wine?" asks Ral L.

"I'd love to." says Sanctume mournfully.


"But I've never seen any persimmons trees here."

Ral L sighs, and goes back to extracting.

Sanctume goes back up, confident with clear goal in mind.


And she finds Asmel drinking river spirits with tears in her eyes. Being good enough to recognize signs,

"Bad day?" she asks.

"More like a bad past two seasons. Look, I don't care for art, obligations or goods, but I've hardly done anything ever since the forges got up. Built a bridge, tanned a turkey, crafted a gauntlet. That's it."

"I've been idle myself, with our drink stock being like it is. Growing antsy, actually" says Sanctume.

"I don't need your advice. Got anything to manage, oh manager?" says Asmel, throwing her arms wide open.

"Actually, yeah. Can you keep some coal up? About ten or so?"

"We have hundreds of coal! That's not a task!"

"In that case, can you apply your skills to produce ash and lye just as much? And potash? And pearlash?"

"Why do you need....nevermind. Yes, I can, or know people who can. " shakes Asmel her head and goes back to the barrel.

'Where's her baby son? and husband?' thinks Sanctume, but walks away.

"Got to take care of my xclothesx first."


Logem Winddaubed, Mosus Mirrorseal and Dishmab Diamondtwig are each offered a ⛭gold goblet⛭ by Sanctume and a plea.

"So, guys, as I'm not going to be in military, I'm going to need some clothes to wear." she says, fingering her xtrousersx.

"Oh? Finally someone wants me to practice my clothesmaking? Got to say, I'm growing rusty here." says Logem. "Came here to go from great to a legend, since I heard fledgling outposts export clothes by the binful. But all I've even heard done was some ropes, and those were done before my arrival. "

"We, however, are somewhat overburdened." confesses Mirrorseal. "Leather armor, leather boots, leather waterskins. This responsibility is somewhat stressful, and I hoped to raise a family in peace, not to become military provider."

"Well there are two of you. " points Logem.

"It is hard work, Logem." says Dishmab. "To be honest, this is not exactly what I dream of doing either. Surely, something you create would be better? Can you help us?" soothes the marksdwarf.

"Well, I suppose I can, " smiles Logem. "Hm, Sanctume? What did you need again?"

"I'll need something on foot, on body, and on legs. Hey, how about each of you take one?"

"Sure. Either of you wants to produce socks, Dishmab? Mosus?"

"Actually..." starts Dishmab.

"Leather is too hard to make socks out of. You're the only one who can." says Mosus.

"More practice for me," shrugs Logem. "Though, Sanctume? Unlike those two, I can work with somewhat more refined goods. Care to set up some colors?"

"Yeah, I'll organize something. "

"And can you get someone to make some thread if we run out?"

"Hah, fat chance of that. "


Edem Rigothudist looks up from praying, bit nerveous "So what, Onciblu ran off again? Need a mason for something?"

Find Edem Rigothudist in this picture. Deathgame loves masonry.

"Actually, it's more about your other skill."

"Plant processing? Been a while since I've got to practice that. Lolor says no sweet pods grow in winter."

"Yeah. When they grow again, can you ensure we have some? Like 15-20."

"Sure, sounds practical. Anything else?"

"If our thread stocks thin low, can you process about as much into thread as well...I don't know, rye?"

"Pig tails or rope reed, don't have either right now though. Are we running out? " looks Edem worried.

"No, no, it is just in case. Asked Logem to make some socks." points Sanctume at her feet.

"Dibs on first ⛭sock⛭, then."

"Damn. Haha, okay." laughs Sanctume. "Okay, this gave me a thought."


"Hey, Onciblu."

"What's it, Sanctume? Pushed me away earlier."

"My turf. But about your turf....What was traded away last autumn?"

"Mostly dwarven syrup roasts, why?"

"Going to asks Lolor to make those specifically."

Lolor lightly taps Sanctume on the shoulder from behind, saying: "Hold on! I must have some liquid dwarven syrup!"

"...I know our squad hasn't gotten any military practice, but be a little more still in dining hall?" says Onciblu. "Also, isn't that more like a paste?"

"I have little time for those who waste my time when I could be creating perfect roasts."

"Don't test my control like that" frowns Sanctume. "But yeah, you can't do that. But we do have eggs and tallow that need to be gotten rid of. Malakor butchered almost all our dogs, saying something about 'let only the strong survive.' Make some roasts with those and meat?"

"Deal. But in exchange, get someone make me some flour for my craft." demands Lolor.

"I was already planning to." asserts Sanctume.



"Can you put it better?"

"Hear my plea, Zuglar! This bearer of the noble crown has come to you for promises made. I need you to produce some flour and dye! Not for me, but for Lolor and Logem!"

"I never made any promises. Is it not your problem, not mine?"

"It may be....but I need your help. Are you not a great miller?"

"I am...And I'll keep a bagful of each in stock. But tell me, how this happened?"


*hours later*

A while before

Onciblu walks alone, with her wounded pride and clear goal in mind.

"Hey, Medtob Labordaggers and Zasit Tonguelanced" she greets the Gem Cutter and Armorer/Metalcrafter.

"Hey, architect Onciblu." says Medtob.

"Hmph. Got some great image in mind again, do you?" scoffs Zasit.

"Thank you, Medtob. I hear you're becoming really great with gems? And yeah, I do." comments Onciblu.

"Alright, what's it? I already made some crowns earlier...I'm in a metalcrafting mood, now, I'll indulge you." offers Zasit, not willing to stand up from the metalcrafting bench.

"Yeah, do tell us."

"Well, our squad of adamantine-wielding warriors bear no decorations or symbols. They should show that they're citizens of The Faint Ring, that they're members of The Doors of evening, that they have worked in fortress of Deathgame!" declares Onciblu, shouting at the end.

"Feh, ok" "Impossible" say Zasit and Medtob at the same time.

"...How is it impossible?" asks Zasit Medtob.

Medtob explains: "Well, you can only decorate crafts or furniture, or perhaps ammo. Gems won't take on anything else."

"Gems, maybe not, but I work with metal" argues Zasit.

"Hey, you two, how about a competition" grins Onciblu.

"Medtob will encrust this crown here with every gem we have, and Zasit will beautify the weapons of our military."

Medtob goes white in face. "If I do that on that crown, it is going to suck! Nobody will like my decorations, I have no skill!"

"Do you not work in gems? " asks Onciblu.

"Well, yes-" "Then get to it. Zasit already is."

"Is...Oh, damn!"

"I can't get any finished goods crown!" yells Medtob.

"I can't get any bars!" sees an opportunity and yells Zasit.

"...What are you two doing?" hears Sanctume and comes to look.
"I know for a fact we have lot of bars." she mutters

"You guys, it is right there. "

"Sure" agrees Zasit.

"But we only take from here, and from resource piles below."

"...I don't care what you're doing, or why. These workplaces? "

"Take from all this general area."

"And from below."

"Actually, I'm going to need some gold as well." says Medtob.

"Yeah, and that smelter is going to need ores." says  Zasit

"Fine. Ores also included. " sighs Sanctume.

"And, Zasit? I know you forge armors as well, so same rules apply to military creations. "

"What about iron?" asks Zasit.

"Fine, iron also included.

"Uh, you might want to remove that civilian smelter from this, or should it also take "

Sanctume walks off.

Some time later

"Ha, I finished first." yells Zasit.

"Ugh, fine. All I even managed was a superior quality anyway." throws Medtob the *<⛭crown⛭>* on ground in disgust


"Hand that here, I'll show you how it's done!" says Zasit, picks it up, and gets to work...

"Congratulations, Zasit!" acknowledges Onciblu. "Got anything I want?"

"Maybe to wear that crown." smiles Zasit, and Onciblu's face darkens. "Or got anything else to offer, you peacock?" he grins.

"I'll think of something. This is better than some artifacts, though."

« Last Edit: September 03, 2016, 05:27:53 am by Fleeting Frames »

Fleeting Frames

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Re: Deathgame - A Dying Succession Fort With a Twist - LNP 42.06
« Reply #151 on: September 04, 2016, 07:28:24 am »

Hm, was looking through my Deathgame.txt, and some little things should be mentioned.

Malakor Shovedcrystals looks up from and yells from library: "Hey, I've been reading! We should get rid of most of our dogs! The new generation is based on old one!"

"But we need those dogs for defence." protests Olon Sensetreaties.

"You're the defence! Now go, butcher that dog!"


"Butcher you, your ass, I'll see vengeance on you" mutters Olon, as she leads a dog away from the fortress.

"Wait, where are you going?" stops Stinthad her.

"Leading a dog to the slaughter."

"Now, stop this nonsense and come back. Our active butchery is in the fortress, forget about that old one."

Commander Rovod takes up the rooms of fortress with subordinate and mayor's husband Iteb Inkedpaged.

"Hey, it looks beautiful and I understand that it may take time, but are we going to get our fortress strong and mighty?" she questions him.

"Huh, what? Strong and mighty?" ...answers Iteb, having forgotten why she was being questioned.

"You know, the sleep training system you oversaw the development of." prods Rovod.

"Hm, did you get dwarves to stop littering and loitering yet?"

"...I tried to get everyone to not litter and not have personal possessions." confesses Rovod. "However, it only made it worse. And some claimed favours or that they were already bearing a weapon."

Iteb looks uncomfortable. "It will have to be ditched, then. I ran off with it before looking again, and abstractly - on paper - it does work! And perfectly rational dwarves do make it work, but.."

He shrugs his shoulders.

Rovod shakes her head and sighs. "In that case, there's not much reason to not have beds in barracks. Look, I'll tell everyone to train by their lonesome rather than all at once so you can keep doing what is necessary, but try to work on that? And maybe small dining hall with symbols of our squad. "

"Yeah, I'll see about it" answers Iteb.


"Hey, Asen!" calls out Iteb to the temples. "Thinking about metals?"

"I am. Why do you disturb me?" answers Asen gruffly.

"Hm...oh, forgot it, let me recall..." searches Iteb his memory. "Oh, right. Can you make cool statues? Of keas dying? And things Rovod likes?"

"Forget it. Get someone else."

"But next best is merely a novice!"

"I'm not interested in cooperating with your flights of fancy."


"So, Geshud Treatypresent. Can you make some...Uh...." tries Iteb to describe stuff, only to have Geshud hide away.

*some time later*

"Well, it is simple-"

Geshud draws into himself, thinking of how he's going to make even worse one of Iteb getting eaten by werebeasts and why doesn't he go away already -

"- but effective. Thank you."

- is suddenly glad to have helped and ashamed of his vengeful nature.


"So, what do you think?" asks Iteb from Rovod.

"I knew you could be trusted" smiles she. "I especially like that other statue of shields, sweet pods, bogeymen and rabbits. Though, bit chaotic?"

"Eh, I knew you liked them - wait, where are you going?" asks Iteb as Rovod walks away.

"Off to get the newest bolts hot from forges!" yells Rovod at him from afar.

"Ooh, nice, new bolts for me." takes Asmel E after her.

"But there are fine bolts right under you!" protests Iteb

yeah, the ammo making outstrips hauling speed. Should put up a large ammo feeder for the QSP into the marksdwarf box so they don't walk back down for every quiverful, or double quiverful.

Seriously, that quiver is thrice as heavy as the gold flasks they carry, which is heavier than the entire gear of Lightning Pick close combatant put together, for a total burden of nearly half the melee squad.

Iteb passes over a bucket left in the doorway.

"Hey, didn't the dodging training have floors removed for this express purpose? Hey, can you remove that floor?" He asks Asen (who is still praying), and runs off to surface.

"...Alright, with this entryway planned, there's no risk of anybody jamming things into doors. They'll just bypass it to ramps beneath without ever opening!"

Works like hatches, expect you don't have to wait for close, and can do minecart cyclotron traps that only hits buildingdestroyers while letting citizens safely pass. No idea how thieves interact with them, though.

"Hm, wasn't there some other door that also had floor to remove...Eh, I forgot." rubs Iteb his head.

*bucket remains jammed*

Rovod goes to see Onciblu. "With Iteb's project stalled, there isn't enough rooms for everyone. Can you see about some nice furnishings?"

"Eh, I'll manage. Ooh, I'll put some neat bridges for everyone!"

with gold mechanisms

"Oh right, Rovod asked me to make something below too."

"Eh, I'm not a design..Ah, too lazy. Slums for slow-asses who didn't claim a room until now!" says he, tosses some beds in

and goes to sleep in mason's home.

Okay, so I mostly addressed my mistakes and minor changes here. If you're not going to risk the sleep-drowner, you could probably rip up the pressure plates, since you get minor FPS hit each time a dwarf walks over one - and with so many dwarves, that's lot of hits for no reason.

Iteb was meant initially for a far larger role. Forgetful he is, but thinks abstractly, is Stinthad's husband (giving him authority) and has the best damn spatial sense in the fort (currently 4099/4934, and it will keep going up).

But I think this is all. Overall, I took over 400 pictures, spent over five dozen hours and posted 91 pages of updates since claiming my turn at 11th August - 3 weeks and 4 days ago.

Damn I'm slow >_> To be fair, lot of it was time-consuming things I now know not to do again. And it was my first time taking a turn at succession fortress, and working on so long story (the others go at most ten pages, tops). Quite a few other firsts for an actual fortress, not merely testing:

- First minecart elevator.

- First segregated danger room.

- First legendary military squad with masterworks (well, last two are only most of the way there, needing gauntlets and more mining experience. But still.)

- First setting surface on fire.

- First minecart crusher.

- First minecart BD plate.

- First leaving artifacts in workshops (there's actually another artifact figurine in old central level, too).

- First overseer-triggered levers.

- First mural design (so much kimberlite, yay). Bit ruined by the first irrigation project.

- First minecart quarry.

- First decorating for anything other than trade, making use of images.

- Learned to use workflow and job-manager.

- Haven't used nearly this much water before. New mister design of ^^X^ creates much more mist!

Fortress design...It's not the one I'd have picked at start, without bedroom requirements, though I absolutely like the overall magneta-cyan-gold ensemble in clothing and meat processing area (speaking of which, I think Nomal Toolbowls won't accept fishes through those grates there, or maybe it is because of all those L-tubes and diagonal pressure reducers - might need to set small hut up on surface, with magma underneath to keep it active year-round. Still, that only needs to be 5x3 with 1 tile of magma under and raw fish stockpile on top - let the dozen cleaners carry it back.

Overall, it reaffirmed my conviction for ramped hanging workshops, mostly even over any pathing to central area (Trade goods and food/drink hauling being the main exceptions). Even if for each workshops you give 3 dwarves job at it and only that job, you're still going to have dozens of idlers, and the dwarf at shop saves over 90% of hauling time from how far away they have to walk to get next material, not how far away their bed or dining hall is. (Still, no reason why everyone can't carry their own alcohol.)

Stacking this sort of thing can do incredibly compact and low-tile travel rampways, but the stone pillar necessary beneath the center of shops for them to be usable for the dwarf in workshop dictates that such designs probably must use diagonal walking to travel - either to ramp, or through ramp.

Btw, other than the terrible time taken, any other critique for improving my updates?
« Last Edit: September 04, 2016, 07:47:07 am by Fleeting Frames »


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Re: Deathgame - A Dying Succession Fort With a Twist - LNP 42.06
« Reply #152 on: September 11, 2016, 10:44:14 am »

Hm, was looking through my Deathgame.txt, and some little things should be mentioned.

Malakor Shovedcrystals looks up from and yells from library: "Hey, I've been reading! We should get rid of most of our dogs! The new generation is based on old one!"

"But we need those dogs for defence." protests Olon Sensetreaties.

"You're the defence! Now go, butcher that dog!"


"Butcher you, your ass, I'll see vengeance on you" mutters Olon, as she leads a dog away from the fortress.

"Wait, where are you going?" stops Stinthad her.

"Leading a dog to the slaughter."

"Now, stop this nonsense and come back. Our active butchery is in the fortress, forget about that old one."

Commander Rovod takes up the rooms of fortress with subordinate and mayor's husband Iteb Inkedpaged.

"Hey, it looks beautiful and I understand that it may take time, but are we going to get our fortress strong and mighty?" she questions him.

"Huh, what? Strong and mighty?" ...answers Iteb, having forgotten why she was being questioned.

"You know, the sleep training system you oversaw the development of." prods Rovod.

"Hm, did you get dwarves to stop littering and loitering yet?"

"...I tried to get everyone to not litter and not have personal possessions." confesses Rovod. "However, it only made it worse. And some claimed favours or that they were already bearing a weapon."

Iteb looks uncomfortable. "It will have to be ditched, then. I ran off with it before looking again, and abstractly - on paper - it does work! And perfectly rational dwarves do make it work, but.."

He shrugs his shoulders.

Rovod shakes her head and sighs. "In that case, there's not much reason to not have beds in barracks. Look, I'll tell everyone to train by their lonesome rather than all at once so you can keep doing what is necessary, but try to work on that? And maybe small dining hall with symbols of our squad. "

"Yeah, I'll see about it" answers Iteb.


"Hey, Asen!" calls out Iteb to the temples. "Thinking about metals?"

"I am. Why do you disturb me?" answers Asen gruffly.

"Hm...oh, forgot it, let me recall..." searches Iteb his memory. "Oh, right. Can you make cool statues? Of keas dying? And things Rovod likes?"

"Forget it. Get someone else."

"But next best is merely a novice!"

"I'm not interested in cooperating with your flights of fancy."


"So, Geshud Treatypresent. Can you make some...Uh...." tries Iteb to describe stuff, only to have Geshud hide away.

*some time later*

"Well, it is simple-"

Geshud draws into himself, thinking of how he's going to make even worse one of Iteb getting eaten by werebeasts and why doesn't he go away already -

"- but effective. Thank you."

- is suddenly glad to have helped and ashamed of his vengeful nature.


"So, what do you think?" asks Iteb from Rovod.

"I knew you could be trusted" smiles she. "I especially like that other statue of shields, sweet pods, bogeymen and rabbits. Though, bit chaotic?"

"Eh, I knew you liked them - wait, where are you going?" asks Iteb as Rovod walks away.

"Off to get the newest bolts hot from forges!" yells Rovod at him from afar.

"Ooh, nice, new bolts for me." takes Asmel E after her.

"But there are fine bolts right under you!" protests Iteb

yeah, the ammo making outstrips hauling speed. Should put up a large ammo feeder for the QSP into the marksdwarf box so they don't walk back down for every quiverful, or double quiverful.

Seriously, that quiver is thrice as heavy as the gold flasks they carry, which is heavier than the entire gear of Lightning Pick close combatant put together, for a total burden of nearly half the melee squad.

Iteb passes over a bucket left in the doorway.

"Hey, didn't the dodging training have floors removed for this express purpose? Hey, can you remove that floor?" He asks Asen (who is still praying), and runs off to surface.

"...Alright, with this entryway planned, there's no risk of anybody jamming things into doors. They'll just bypass it to ramps beneath without ever opening!"

Works like hatches, expect you don't have to wait for close, and can do minecart cyclotron traps that only hits buildingdestroyers while letting citizens safely pass. No idea how thieves interact with them, though.

"Hm, wasn't there some other door that also had floor to remove...Eh, I forgot." rubs Iteb his head.

*bucket remains jammed*

Rovod goes to see Onciblu. "With Iteb's project stalled, there isn't enough rooms for everyone. Can you see about some nice furnishings?"

"Eh, I'll manage. Ooh, I'll put some neat bridges for everyone!"

with gold mechanisms

"Oh right, Rovod asked me to make something below too."

"Eh, I'm not a design..Ah, too lazy. Slums for slow-asses who didn't claim a room until now!" says he, tosses some beds in

and goes to sleep in mason's home.

Okay, so I mostly addressed my mistakes and minor changes here. If you're not going to risk the sleep-drowner, you could probably rip up the pressure plates, since you get minor FPS hit each time a dwarf walks over one - and with so many dwarves, that's lot of hits for no reason.

Iteb was meant initially for a far larger role. Forgetful he is, but thinks abstractly, is Stinthad's husband (giving him authority) and has the best damn spatial sense in the fort (currently 4099/4934, and it will keep going up).

But I think this is all. Overall, I took over 400 pictures, spent over five dozen hours and posted 91 pages of updates since claiming my turn at 11th August - 3 weeks and 4 days ago.

Damn I'm slow >_> To be fair, lot of it was time-consuming things I now know not to do again. And it was my first time taking a turn at succession fortress, and working on so long story (the others go at most ten pages, tops). Quite a few other firsts for an actual fortress, not merely testing:

- First minecart elevator.

- First segregated danger room.

- First legendary military squad with masterworks (well, last two are only most of the way there, needing gauntlets and more mining experience. But still.)

- First setting surface on fire.

- First minecart crusher.

- First minecart BD plate.

- First leaving artifacts in workshops (there's actually another artifact figurine in old central level, too).

- First overseer-triggered levers.

- First mural design (so much kimberlite, yay). Bit ruined by the first irrigation project.

- First minecart quarry.

- First decorating for anything other than trade, making use of images.

- Learned to use workflow and job-manager.

- Haven't used nearly this much water before. New mister design of ^^X^ creates much more mist!

Fortress design...It's not the one I'd have picked at start, without bedroom requirements, though I absolutely like the overall magneta-cyan-gold ensemble in clothing and meat processing area (speaking of which, I think Nomal Toolbowls won't accept fishes through those grates there, or maybe it is because of all those L-tubes and diagonal pressure reducers - might need to set small hut up on surface, with magma underneath to keep it active year-round. Still, that only needs to be 5x3 with 1 tile of magma under and raw fish stockpile on top - let the dozen cleaners carry it back.

Overall, it reaffirmed my conviction for ramped hanging workshops, mostly even over any pathing to central area (Trade goods and food/drink hauling being the main exceptions). Even if for each workshops you give 3 dwarves job at it and only that job, you're still going to have dozens of idlers, and the dwarf at shop saves over 90% of hauling time from how far away they have to walk to get next material, not how far away their bed or dining hall is. (Still, no reason why everyone can't carry their own alcohol.)

Stacking this sort of thing can do incredibly compact and low-tile travel rampways, but the stone pillar necessary beneath the center of shops for them to be usable for the dwarf in workshop dictates that such designs probably must use diagonal walking to travel - either to ramp, or through ramp.

Btw, other than the terrible time taken, any other critique for improving my updates?

what an amazing fortres! i wish i could make a fortress as great as this one.


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Re: Deathgame - A Dying Succession Fort With a Twist - LNP 42.06
« Reply #153 on: September 11, 2016, 11:07:48 am »

Well, are you interested in being an overseer?
The giant louse is on the loose and some loser dwarf has blood to lose.

Fleeting Frames

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Re: Deathgame - A Dying Succession Fort With a Twist - LNP 42.06
« Reply #154 on: September 11, 2016, 01:49:27 pm »

Heh, thank you :) Good to know I can inspire people.

I repeat question HMetal asked to HMetal (but I already guess not - it is pretty time-consuming.).

Though a somewhat more complete overview of the fortress is in the dmfa map (seriously, that deserves to be in first post).
« Last Edit: September 11, 2016, 01:52:50 pm by Fleeting Frames »


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Re: Deathgame - A Dying Succession Fort With a Twist - LNP 42.06
« Reply #155 on: September 11, 2016, 01:57:35 pm »

I repeat question HMetal asked to HMetal (but I already guess not - it is pretty time-consuming.).

The giant louse is on the loose and some loser dwarf has blood to lose.

Fleeting Frames

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Re: Deathgame - A Dying Succession Fort With a Twist - LNP 42.06
« Reply #156 on: September 11, 2016, 02:45:11 pm »

Well, are you interested in being an overseer, HMetal?


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Re: Deathgame - A Dying Succession Fort With a Twist - LNP 42.06
« Reply #157 on: September 11, 2016, 03:30:58 pm »

I'm a nooby noob. So,

You are now my advisor. If I don't know what to do, I'll PM you for help. Deal?

Everyone else, bear witness to this.

On the plus side, my dwarf is on some fast track to promotion.

Journal of HMetal Silverystopped, OVERSEER!? WHAT!?
1 Granite, 503

Brilliant. Just after I get out to pray to Lim, Rovod and Blahsadfeguie, still not married by the way, come up to me, and ask me to take over running this fortress! What?

I'm just a militia captain. I was going fine and dandy with my post as a miner, and BAM! I'm the militia captain! Now overseer? why did i accept? why did i agree to be the expedition leader of Deathgame? Nevermind. Also, the mayor, who has been going by Fleeting Frames for some time, has appointed herself as my advisor now?

Anyway, away from the absurdity and on to business. We have this to worry about. A vaguely deer-like creature made of brown zircon? It's dandruff also kills? I thought I was getting away from absurdity. Crap.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
It seems to be biding its time in the middle of 2 spore trees, for now that is. Citizen units 1 through 5 are entirely marksdwarves, with unit 6 having 4, alongside the 10 professionals in the Tongs of Appearing under Commander Rovod. The Tongs (oh my, my insides feel, uh, tingly) have copper bolts assigned to them. The civvies don't have any ammo. I really hope copper can pierce brown zircon.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Also, whose idea was it to use copper bolts for training?? Now wooden bolts will be used for training.

Of course, it'll have to be validated by Sanctume. I'm for redundancy and all, but sometimes managers are too finicky. Speaking of which, how's Sanctume you ask? Well...
Spoiler (click to show/hide)


OOC: Well, here I am, doing it. Rate the writing from 1 to 10.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2016, 05:10:35 pm by HMetal2001 »
The giant louse is on the loose and some loser dwarf has blood to lose.

Fleeting Frames

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Re: Deathgame - A Dying Succession Fort With a Twist - LNP 42.06
« Reply #158 on: September 12, 2016, 10:39:49 am »

Yay, activity! Updates!

And some of the most entertaining turns of Deathgate were done by complete newbies - performing worse for dwarven lives than if they had just left the year run out while they went out to eat.

Why agree, indeed? Why does any of us run a fortress, play dwarf fortress? Or little less meta, why do dwarves found hillocks and outpost, and put forts in other places than plains and mountains when going crazy?

And it seems like Stinthad has the popular vote. Aw.

Zum isn't very deadly dusty, at least short term I think. Just kicks people in half.

And, heh, it got stuck? Hehehe.

Copper versus gemstone....I think copper wins slightly. Though I don't really trust marksdwarves against things that aren't fleshy, can't give in to pain or explode (i.e. coral, steam, flame, etc. fragile FB), but I'm generally distrustful, pessimistic of danger and greatly surprised when ex. a hauler beats a Jabberer unconscious with her bare hands. This is in large part why I made buildingdestroyer traps, even if steel and adamantine-clad dwarves should be able to handle most threats easily.

The reason why Sanctume and me used copper bolts for training and combat both: We have tons of copper, and it trains weaponsmiths instead of woodcrafters. I even saw high levels of CLT in a smelter I set on repeat.

Though, it does weight them down. I set up a wooden bolt QSP just in case, though it's missing cart. This + lack of legendary bowyer is why citizen squads carry no ammo or crossbow. I rely lot on moods.

Also, note about using the manager for orders: it assigns to all workshops. Most workshops only have 1 of or others forbidden (hopefully I got them all), but there's multiple craftsdwarves (1 in stone, 1 in wood/bone as those are light), multiple forges, multiple smelters.

Hence the workflow-centric update I made earlier to outfit military :P

But when it comes to story here....Oho!

Commander Rovod orders HMetal, who orders Sanctume, who orders Rovod. What a coup!

Ooh, did you look into the library? It's where learning happens. She probably read a codex or something, check her dabbling skills.

I rate it "tentatively stepping in cold waters of running a fortress". Doesn't feel that you detach the you-as-overseer from the-dwarf-you-nicknamed-HMetal, much like Sanctume. Things' happening is interesting enough; much harder in writing is writing interpersonal interactions imho (while still keeping up pacing and tension).

I'm pretty bad at that, though, tending to feel wooden/distant/ad-libbed over events, but it is not like I have written much at all. Would need to write for at least 2 years to get decent, I think.


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Re: Deathgame - A Dying Succession Fort With a Twist - LNP 42.06
« Reply #159 on: September 12, 2016, 11:18:53 am »

I even saw high levels of CLT in a smelter I set on repeat.
What's CLT? Where's the library?
Also, DS9's scriptwriting is great, as far as inter-personal writing goes.
The giant louse is on the loose and some loser dwarf has blood to lose.

Fleeting Frames

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Re: Deathgame - A Dying Succession Fort With a Twist - LNP 42.06
« Reply #160 on: September 12, 2016, 11:37:35 am »

Never seen any Trek.

DF2014:Clutter - Dwarf Fortress Wiki

Library's is right underneath the tavern/temple/mural. You'll recognize it by bookcases, tables and chairs, plus few piles in center(some food, drink, sheets, codices). There's a wheelbarrow stockpile to transport a heavy minecart there too; used it to move the hundreds of blocks for the mural into it.


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Re: Deathgame - A Dying Succession Fort With a Twist - LNP 42.06
« Reply #161 on: September 12, 2016, 12:01:53 pm »

I can't roleplay unless it's a dwarf cleric who is a pimp with willing h-babes (halfling) in a halfling town . 

It takes a certain strange mood to transition from overseer pov and into a dorf and back.

Fleeting Frames

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Re: Deathgame - A Dying Succession Fort With a Twist - LNP 42.06
« Reply #162 on: September 12, 2016, 12:11:40 pm »

I tried to use dwarf personalities for my updates with DT and relationship charts, but I rarely RP in practice. Some forts are more RP-focused; I sure won't be doing that when my turn rolls around in Bloodyhells though (in winter, I guess?) + dorfing in general seems slightly weird and disrespectful to both the dwarves and dorfee (hey, you pile of ones and zeroes and you pile of electrons and protons and neutrons are now totally the same thing, regardless of your preexisiting personalities, histories, families, age, surroundings, languages, etc.), albeit some stories have been quite entertaining with possession (Andreus XIII, anyone?)

Hence, third person PoV for my updates.

EDIT: So, I was looking over the update links (neat! Though still needs map link) and had an interesting thought for combating Zom.

"Deadly dust" at least used to be like cave-in dust, right?

And that is stopped by diagonals.

If military fought Zum inside a checkerboard of walls, would they have a chance of combating it without getting thrown like ragdolls? (Of course, if they stand on the same tile rather than next to to hurt it, brrr....)

EDIT the EDITING: Come to think of it, didn't you use some taffer's tileset in first post?
« Last Edit: September 12, 2016, 04:38:07 pm by Fleeting Frames »


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Re: Deathgame - A Dying Succession Fort With a Twist - LNP 42.06
« Reply #163 on: September 14, 2016, 10:59:32 am »

Journal of HMetal Silverystopped, Overseer
2 Granite, 503

The insect-antlered deer is still by the spore tree. I've designated an archery range to be dug out, alongside two different weapons stockpiles.

I had to pull in some favors, because everybody was in some form of deployment. I had to free a random dwarf just to get the stockpile rooms freed up. A weaver was on a drive-by dig job, because he (or she, Dwarven names are unisex after all) just dug out one tiny speck of the archery range. I'm serious.

Anyway, back to meditation.
The giant louse is on the loose and some loser dwarf has blood to lose.

Fleeting Frames

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Re: Deathgame - A Dying Succession Fort With a Twist - LNP 42.06
« Reply #164 on: September 14, 2016, 12:32:03 pm »

Hm, where are you digging? Is the idea for archers to shoot at FB? Or are you setting up another archer squad, with the weapon's stockpiles?

I'm confident the citizen uniforms doesn't affect their non-mining/hunting/woodcutting jobs, btw, as I didn't designate any barracks, though. There should be like dozen miners wearing picks and ready to dig, iirc.

Silly weaver.
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