The exact opposite of this is why I like Age of Fantasy. I want my dominos. I want to plan out, with unerring accuracy, exactly what I intend to accomplish each turn. Research bonuses vs units, hit and fades, even deleting (disbanding) units so another can strike from that square, all become actual parts of your strategy.
Hit and hope is fine, and it has its place in some games, but it makes for an "uber unit or bust" thing quite a bit of the time. Very heroic, but not particularly good for things like multiplayer. A deterministic ruleset is great for this, because it's actually your fault if you cock it up, not the RNG's.
Then again, AoF still has percentage chances for some spells and catapult hits (vs faster units is worse), so it really is just a wargaming thing.
Recovering from bad rolls has a part to play in determining your strategy too, I guess. I just don't like it when it's used for every damn attack. Too much RNG is a bad thing in strategy games, IMO.
Chess is a "better" TBS boardgame than Warhammer, for instance. And half of Wahammer involves working out how to even/average out your dice rolls in a given situation. Then they introduced random charge distances, destroying strategic integrity, and horde mechanics for infantry to sell figurines. You can't learn how to get good at Warhammer, because strategic movement got dice rolls added to them, so you can't plan squat. Then the game died. Chess is still going fine. Figures do their thing and you can plan a strategy around them.
Strangely enough, I'm fine with the original Xcom's RNG, but not so much the remake's. It probably depends on how much you can "smooth" out the bumps, how much death/single-map-defeat/RNG-sucking is an obstacle in a campaign, and how many rocket launchers they give you from day 1
So yeah.
GOOD strategy shouldn't rely on a dice roll. Or it should give enough bonuses that it's never a complete epic fail, and nothing happened. Because it's not really strategy if that's a feature of your game, especially if a few epic fails can determine the outcome of a game. Annoying SP, but it makes it pointless playing MP.