The fighters outnumbered you about 10 to 1, but you had a plan to even the numbers. You call out to some nearby civilians, "Protect the USSS Lexington. Make sure none of the boarding ships land." You then speak to your janitors, "make a wall of cleaning solution, at high speeds, they act just like bullets." Everybody squirts liquid in front of them, creating a barrier. The liquid slowly merges and starts to form a sphere, but it did it's job. Bullets from the enemy strike the liquid, shattering in the high surface tension, and causing a small eruption on the surface of the cleaning solution, which quickly regenerates. The enemy fighters did not see the wall until it was too late, some of them tried to evade, but all of them crashed into it, ripping their ships to shreds, and creating a debris cloud that ships further back ran into. The civilian ships you called arrived and began harrassing the remaining boarding ships. Now it was the enemy that was outnumbered, fighters became disabled after a private transport rammed into them, boarding ships blew up after running into empty cargo crates, it seemed that the small scale battle was won. But on the larger scale, things did not look good. The Borislav had destroyed all orbital defense platforms, and the Lexington was the only thing standing in its way. Fortunately, several of the smaller turrets had been disassembled by your mechanic friends in their repair ships. However, the massive cannons were taking their toll on the Lexington, and whole sections of the ship were starting to fall off. It would not last much longer. Other than the surface turrets, the Borislav was largely intact. It seemed that nothing left could stop it...