Tick 8.0: Poing poing!Sadiq has taken the nameless god of Fear's name, Its body having vanished. The name has been mounted in Sadiq's ziggurat (?). In light of the troubles affecting telepaths, Sadiq has banned mind-expanding spices in Jannah, fining and imprisoning a substantial population of brainfaith hippies. Sadiq investigates the effects of Corpus' death and finds a minor increase in the fearsomeness of necromancers perhaps connected to their recent expansion of influence.
Sadiq encourages technology in races that serve Sadiq. Landria does likewise.
An Anansi engineer walks around on wheels containing long blades.
Sadiq has offered to take the mag-ferrets from Grattaca. Mani has offered designs for a mag-ferret-eating-monster suit to the Grattacan evacuees, but Sadiq knocks off the designs. With Gandtrael's permission, Sadiq has teleported the mag-ferrets into an essentially bottomless pit near Jannah which the Sharim begin to incinerate and which will be continuously bombarded by artillery. In protest. Mani has teleported trash into the Djinnmarket, painted the incineration pit setup to resemble the anti-ferrous ferret eaters, and tosses gold into the pit, sending a large pile of confused, burning ferrets to the Djinnmarket. In retaliation, Sadiq takes the blasphemous Anansi magician and his closest companions to Jannah to serve as his butler and as sewer workers respectively for at least 50 years. Landria manages to rescue some of them. Gandtrael encourages mag-ferret hunting among the Gandtraelites and the Fritzies, but the Fritzies are reluctant to attack their own kin, and the hunting overall lacks the high-throughputness of Sadiq's burning pit. Most of the Gandtraelites and Fritzies have turned to beginning work on building cities outside infested Grattacan. Suggesting pest control tactics improves little.
The price of non-ferret meat has risen sharply in Jannah, as has the price of wood and construction crews.
((Legendary Marksdorf: It's not entirely clear what you're trying to create. Arani are Advanced-tier, so improvements without disadvantages would make Arani agents at least the next tier up, Elite. Also, sphere discounts are calculated by percentage and not by whole number Essence sums. Mind clearing this up a bit?))
A massive stonehart wood ship has been built for the bored Arani for the purpose of pirate-hunting. (Frami: -1E)
Zenrach has attempted to create an expy and failed. Fortunately, no Essence usage happened this time around, but who knows what will happen in the future?
Landria oversees PRC's activities.
The train between Jannah and low Terminae lands has been completed. The final design is mostly mundane but for a Sharim in charge of heating and igniting fuel to boil water, all of which is probably also mostly mundane still. The outer layer has been treated to be antiantimagic nonetheless.
Some of the Anansi have begun migrating down, interested in the goings-on of the other races. The Shimmerhands are currently working on ways to grow bronze baobabs more quickly. The Scorim have integrated with the Greater Jannah peoples quite well, although a sizable proportion still live in a Scorim enclave. The Terminae, having had extensive contact with the people of Jannah, have begun spending more and more time outside the deep caverns.
The Terminae have learned more about underground agriculture and learned about emberglass and embersteel.
The Hastani have been taught about steel and steel plows, the Sharim about carbo medicine, and the Maissi about textiles. The wandering Maissi have recently begun making and selling ornate rugs, made with thread dyed using insects native to the wilds.
LIGHT has created more Hastani, this time adapted to cooler, wetter climes. (LIGHT: -4E)
The following god is in danger of being marked as inactive on T9: Ovorr
Landria (Ruling, Technology) 10E
Katzerie (Luxury, Comfort) 13E
Mumuski (Music, Culture) 36E
Captain Praven (Piracy, Sailing?) 37E
Wstfgl (Dreams, Sleep?) 21E
Ovorr (Desolation, Destruction) 40E
Sadiq (Friendship, Engineering) 9E
Mani (Machine) 8E
Xislo (Magic) 8E
Zenrach (Death, Chaos) 13E
LIGHT (Light, Truth) 13E
Gandtrael (Brains) 8E
Fortuna (Luck) 34E
Death (Death) 16E
Frami (Life, Evolution) 15E
Nameless god of Fear (Fear) 0E
Landria 8
Katzerie 8
Mumuski 2
Captain Praven 6
Wstfgl 6
Ovorr 3
Sadiq 7
Mani 2
Xislo 5
Zenrach 6
Gandtrael 10
Fortuna 4
Death 9
Frami 9
Nameless god of Fear 0
Sphere suggestions this Tick are Festivals and Rain.